Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 273 Immortal Jump Regulations

Chapter 273 The Immortal Jumps Back
Yan Changqing took a rare nap. After waking up, he opened the window and lay lazily on the sofa again.

The room is well soundproofed and quiet. It's very comfortable to lie down and look at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

Apart from the blue sky and white clouds, there are only city scenes to see, because beyond the city limits, there is endless wilderness, which is especially suitable for filming some highway shots and some shots of digging holes and burying people.

Yan Changqing was lying down, always feeling that this scene seemed familiar. Then he thought about it again, oh, I used to watch it on TV, and I was very envious of the leisurely way of people lying on the sofa and watching the sunrise and sunset, so I stood next to the sand pile at the construction site, imagining that I was On the beach.

It’s not that I envy the scenery, I’ve traveled to many places while working, but I envy the leisurely state of mind, even though I know it’s a performance.

Now it's finally my turn, it feels so good to have nothing to do!

His fingers unconsciously tapped on the small glass table next to him, and the tinkling sound slowly became a musical note.

Just slowly looking at the east, it gradually turned into a red cloud, and then a red sun slowly poked its head out. It seemed that he hesitated for a long time, probably thinking about whether to go to work today. After a while, he thought about it, and then Resolutely, he jumped out from the horizon.

The city is also quiet at the moment, except for the sound of police sirens.

When I arrived last night, what impressed me most was not the people who were not afraid of the cold, but the police cars that could be seen everywhere.

After lying down for a while, I didn't want to go out. I simply called and asked for breakfast to be brought up downstairs.

Although he can eat a lot in one meal, he can also wait a long time before eating the next meal.

However, he always adhered to the habit of three meals a day. It didn't necessarily have to be three meals, but he had to eat.

Otherwise, it would be too inhuman, and it would easily make him feel abnormal.

The waiter soon pushed the dining cart in. He pointed to the small glass table next to the sofa by the window: "Put it up there!"

The service in this hotel is not good. The entertainment area is full of women with broad minds and long legs who are not afraid of the cold. The food delivery person is not. They should all be made special.

But eating is eating, and there is no need to make other messes. Places like topless restaurants are blasphemous to food and must be criticized...

bang... bang...

Yan Changqing turned around and saw the somewhat dull waiter and the broken glass table.

The waiter responded quickly and immediately nodded and apologized: "Sorry sir, there is a quality problem with this table. I'm sorry. Do you think you need to change rooms, or should we change you to a table right away?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Change the table! But if you put such unsafe things in your room, what if there are children?"

"Sorry, sorry..." The waiter could only apologize. "I will notify the manager immediately. This is our hotel's mistake and we will compensate you sir."


After making up for it, Yan Changqing remembered that he seemed to be 'playing' on the glass table just now.

Is it your own reason?
At that time, I just knocked unconsciously, and the glass table was so damaged that it broke when I put something on it?

He wanted to try again right away, but it didn't seem appropriate to change two tables one after another in one room.

Intuitively, he felt that it was related to him.

I took a closer look at my various musical skills, and it seemed like... I couldn't see any changes.

The main reason is that he usually doesn't pay attention all the time. Only at certain times, when he is ready to specifically upgrade a certain skill, will he remember the percentage progress clearly, in order to experience the pleasure of 'upgrading' and make this feeling greater for him. motivation.

After breakfast, Yan Changqing felt that the person next door hadn't gotten up yet. It seemed that it was really hard to travel all the way here...

So he walked out of the hotel by himself and walked around casually on the roadside.

Palm trees, sunshine, fountains, pools...

Probably because of the lack of water, people here especially like to build pools.

If you don’t look at the external environment, it’s hard to imagine that this is a place with the most arid precipitation, second only to the Sahara.


"Hi, are you from the East?"

Yan Changqing was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was being accosted?

He smiled and said to this girl who looked like she was a good-looking girl and was traveling as if she was a student with a bag on her back: "Yes, my name is Jiang Minghe, and I'm from China. Are you here to travel too?"

"Yes, nice to meet you. My name is Mai Rui." The girl stretched out her hand generously. Different from the popular wavy blonde hair, she wore a ponytail and looked full of youthfulness.

Yan Changqing shook his hand and said, "Nice to meet you too."

"Your English is very good, even better than the Chinese students in our class." Mai Rui's eyes narrowed when he smiled, which was a bit cute. "I rarely see such... laid-back Chinese people as you. I feel that my classmates are very busy. They are in a hurry every day, as if they are being chased..."

"Because I have to study!" Yan Changqing explained. "I probably want to learn more knowledge in school. You know, not everyone has the opportunity to study abroad."

"What about you?" Mai Rui asked curiously. "You don't look too old. Don't you go to school?"

"I graduated from college." Yan Changqing said shamelessly.

"That's amazing." Mai Rui's eyes widened. "I took Chinese as an elective. It was very difficult. I knew I wouldn't get the credits after the exam, so I came out to relax. Do you know Chinese?"

"Of course. The language you learn should be Mandarin, but our place is a big place and the dialects are different in different places. I can also speak many dialects!"

"Then... let's go play together? It's not safe here. I heard there was a robbery last night. It would be better if we go together." Mai Rui thought for a moment and then said. "Can we chat in Chinese? Help me practice Chinese. As a thank you, I'll treat you to dinner at noon."

"Catch." Yan Changqing laughed. "This Chinese character is from our local dialect, and it means good or okay."

"Medium?" Mai Rui said with a strange accent. "Does it mean OK?"



The chat was very pleasant. After all, it would be interesting to be a language teacher to a pretty girl. It would be interesting to see her shy expression from time to time because she is not good at learning.

And she wanted to treat her to dinner, even though it wasn't lunch time yet.

However, Yan Changqing didn't want her to spend more money: "Just go to a fast food restaurant to buy something to eat. I don't have much time here. I want to hang around for a while. Eating takes up too much time."

Mai Rui strongly invited: "The hotel I recommended is very good..."

"I'm not going." Yan Changqing had already walked towards the nearby fast food restaurant. "I have other plans in the afternoon and I want to visit other places."

"Then..." Mai Rui was stunned for a moment, then chased after him. "As promised, I'll treat you to a treat. Just fast food! Where are you going to play in the afternoon?"

"Casino!" Yan Changqing said. “Of course you have to visit here.”

"It's the kind of place you go to when you first arrive. The atmosphere of a big casino looks good, but it's actually designed to make people addicted and it's easy to lose a lot of money. Let me recommend you a small casino that only accepts young people. Man, some of our classmates came over to play. The bets were very small, and even if we lost, we wouldn’t lose much..."

"I have money and I'm not afraid of losing."

"Ah..." Mai Rui didn't know what to say, but she reacted quickly and smiled again instantly. "Then can I go with you?"

"Okay!" Yan Changqing smiled. "Pay the bill quickly, I promised you a treat!"

"Ah, okay!"


Eating a hamburger and drinking a Coke, Yan Changqing walked slowly and listened to Ma Rui's introduction to various places here.

She is very familiar with this place and her introduction is very detailed, like a qualified tour guide. Yan Changqing is very satisfied with this.

Although this is a liar.

Which student is so familiar with this place as if it were her own home? When we were chatting just now, she said that she came from out of town and was alone.

If a girl comes here to travel and chats up random people from other places, there is a high possibility that something will go wrong.

But Yan Changqing doesn't care, just treat it as a free tour guide!

Mai Rui was making introductions when he suddenly said: "Let's walk back from here. Aren't you going to the casino? You can get closer by walking here, and there are a lot of things to see on the opposite street from here."

"Okay!" Yan Changqing gave himself a bad review. He was really bad at judging people. He was probably not a liar. Did he lead him into an alley to rob him?


As it turns out, it really is.

When two big men appeared, they confidently asked Ma Rui what she called her sister and why he was hanging out with an outsider. Then they insisted that she had been defrauded of money and sex by an outsider...

Yan Changqing watched their performance quietly.

Until a golden retriever said coaxingly: "What are you waiting for? Come out with the money to compensate. You slept with my sister..."

Is this an exotic version of the Immortal Dance?
It’s not professional at all!

Besides, everything here is legal and you can spend money to find it. doesn't seem right. After all, who doesn't want to travel and have an affair?After all, this is more memorable than spending money.

Yan Changqing complained in his heart, and said calmly: "You should have taken out your weapon and robbed directly. It's impossible for you to do this. Just because you are a big man, you have no deterrent effect."

Another man with black hair looked like a Mexican. He took out a dagger from his waist with a dark face and said, "Boy, we are just robbing. Take out all the money. Don't worry, we are reasonable and will leave you enough." To pay for the trip back.”

After saying this, Yan Changqing felt that they were being reasonable, so he also said, "If I don't give it, will you hit me?"

"Boy, don't be ungrateful. When you get beaten, you still have to pay!" Golden Retriever said.

Mai Rui, who was next to him, tried to pretend to cry just now, but now his face changed: "Okay, don't talk nonsense with him. You, take the money out quickly. Your money is going to be lost to the casino anyway, so why not Give it to us directly, and you will save time. You can travel elsewhere. Casinos are not a good place..."

It really makes sense.

Although I didn't have an affair, meeting such a robber was a relatively novel experience.

Yan Changqing reached out and grabbed the guy next to him who was wielding a knife. With a click and a twist, the guy screamed: "My hand, you broke my hand..."

Yan Changqing explained: "It's not broken, it's just misplaced..."

Before he finished speaking, another golden retriever immediately reached out and tried to save his companion, but Yan Changqing stretched out his hand and flicked his arm. He immediately hugged his arms and shouted: "Kongfu, this is Kongfu from China." , he knew nothing about the Chinese nation, and my hand was broken..."

Although his kung fu was in vain, Yan Changqing still had a good impression of the trio.

Nowadays, communication between the East and the West is not so smooth. Among the three of them, some can speak some simple Chinese and some know Kung Fu. It seems that they have worked hard to rob foreign tourists.

So Yan Changqing showed them a skill called Splitting Muscles and Crossing Bones.

As a master of medical skills, it is normal for him to be able to set bones. Now that he can do it, it is quite easy to set it crookedly.

Besides, as a master of medical skills, beating people to the point of breaking their bones and tendons and making them bloody would look very unprofessional.

So he just disassembled their limbs into strange shapes, and by the way, the spine was misaligned.

Several people saw real Chinese Kung Fu for the first time. They were very excited and screamed while lying down - it hurt when they lay still, and it hurt even more when they moved. It was very uncomfortable and painful.

Yan Changqing has no future, and he knows it himself, but he can't change his bad habit of being soft-hearted when meeting women, and there's nothing he can do about it.

So I was a little gentler on Mai Rui. Only the limbs were dislocated, not the spine.


Considering the professional ethics of the three of them, Yan Changqing kindly reminded: "You should ask a Chinese doctor for treatment, so that you don't need surgery. If you go to the hospital, it will be miserable. According to the methods of your hospital here, only Able to operate."

He had some regrets: "Mai Rui helped me introduce the history of Las Vegas and showed me the scenery. If she undergoes surgery to correct the bones, there will be scars. I really don't want her to have ugly scars."

Everyone is a reasonable person. They only rob, but only beat people, not kill them. He is not embarrassed to kill them.

He also introduced treatment methods. If someone could reach his level of medical skills, it would not be a big problem.

Then he left. As for how these people found someone to rescue them, they didn't know each other. He didn't know what friends these people had, so he couldn't help contact them.

Thinking about it, it seemed inappropriate to leave them there, so a good man did his best. He walked out of the alley, found a public phone on the street, and called an ambulance for them.


Continue to wander around, wait until after finishing the hamburger and drinking Coke, wander to the hotel, Cheng Shilong has just gotten up for a while.

Seeing Yan Changqing, she was a little embarrassed: "Where have you been? I thought you weren't asleep!"

Yan Changqing laughed: "Have fun! It's just that it's inconvenient to bring a group of people out, so you still have to go out and play by yourself. Today I met an enthusiastic person who helped me introduce a lot of the city's scenery. You still have energy. Really? Let’s go for a walk together later?”

"Okay." Cheng Shilong forced a smile, unable to hide his hollowed-out expression. "Have a rest before we go. I have to eat something first."

Then you have to find a specialty hotel.

The specialty restaurant was quite good. After dinner, the two of them got in the car and started driving around. After a while, Cheng Shilong said, "It's not getting any better. Where else do you want to go?"

Yan Changqing wanted to wait until night before going there. It was more lively here at night.

But seeing that Cheng Sloan was listless, he said, "It doesn't matter whether you want to change jobs or not. It doesn't matter if you have a chance to change jobs in the future. What's the matter, do you want to go back to Los Angeles?"

"Well, I'm not worried about them..." Cheng Shilong gave a lot of reasons, saying that his brothers who came with him were still waiting in Los Angeles, and he was worried that something would happen to them if he didn't watch them.

"Then let's drive back. We can see the scenery during the day. You didn't see anything when you came up last night!"

"You drove so fast, of course you couldn't see it." Cheng Shilong said. "Wait for me to rest for a while. When I get back, I will drive, walk slowly, and watch slowly. After I come out, of course I have to see different scenery. There are many road movies here, and many people like to travel by car. Let's experience it... …”

Sure enough, after a man does that, he can easily become a philosopher.


After checking out, he learned that the glass table in Yan Changqing's room was broken and the hotel gave him a free room. Cheng Shilong regretted a little: "I knew I would give you a free room. It only costs one to open two rooms. We should Stay for one more day.”

Has he regained his strength?

Sure enough, young people are really powerful, and they recovered after taking a break.

This city is for people to come and spend money. The hotel they chose is a newly opened hotel, so the consumption is indeed high.

On the way back, Cheng Shilong drove, not that fast, playing music, and really enjoyed the scenery.

Of course, the scenery here can only be seen for a short time, and you will get tired of it after a long time.

But we did get to see some exciting road battles.

When the two of them drove for about an hour, a car passed them with a roar, and then a police car chased after them with a roar.

Jackie Chan was interested at that time: "They are driving very fast! This is a police car chase. We all rely on the use of lenses when making movies. In fact, no one dares to drive so fast."

After saying that, he turned around and said, "I forgot that you can be faster, right?"

"Yes." Yan Changqing nodded with a smile. "You can't go too fast at night, for fear of encountering small animals. You rarely encounter them during the day, so you can go faster."

Although it looks quite desolate here, wild animals are indispensable, and it is indeed easier to see them at night.

"Fortunately I didn't let you drive." Cheng Shilong was thankful. "Otherwise we will be the ones being chased."

"Then they must be able to catch up." Yan Changqing was very attracted.

Within a few words between the two of them, the two cars in front had disappeared.

But not long after, I saw a police car and a car leaning on the roadside in front, and it seemed that they were catching up.

The people in the police car have already handcuffed the person...

Cheng Shilong was a little regretful: "We should have gone a little faster so that we could see the 'precision stopping technology' featured here."

"The people in the police car were so happy. They caught the one in front of them, and there was another one in the back who surrendered." Yan Changqing said with a smile.

"That's right." Cheng Shilong suddenly no longer regretted it. If he really followed him, he would definitely be speeding.

On the way, the two of them enjoyed the sunset in the desert, and Yan Changqing was interested in taking a few photos.

Of course, it was very late when we arrived in Los Angeles. The two of them found a place to have dinner. Jackie drank a glass of wine and yawned and said, "You know? When I'm with you, sometimes it feels like there's no age difference between us at all. You really That kind of... very precocious..."

Do you want to remind me to stop talking nonsense when I go out to play?

Yan Changqing laughed: "You don't need to praise me, we will go play together next time!"

"Okay!" Cheng Shilong nodded. "When I finish filming this movie, I'll go flying with you on the helicopter..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard two bangs from outside.

Fortunately, now that he had experience, Yan Changqing immediately recognized what the sound was.

Cheng Shilong also heard it: "It's very close! What happened?"

Yan Changqing reminded him: "Eat quickly, and then go watch the fun after eating..."

Before he finished speaking, there were two more sounds. Is this a fight?
Jackie Chan said sensibly: "Is there a fight? Then eat slowly. You won't be able to leave after eating anyway."

This is a fast food chain, and most people in the restaurant were like this. Some people called the waiters inside and asked if they wanted to close the door.

They all seemed quite calm.

It is indeed a country where gun battles happen every day.

 Although late, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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