Chapter 277 Jade Mine
Yan Changqing's wish to not have everything around him become a construction site was once again frustrated.

Construction has been going on every year, and he thought that the action would be smaller this year, but unexpectedly, the action was even bigger.

The unlucky mayor Yang Shengshi bared his teeth happily every day. He also got himself a new van and drove a group of people around every day. The helmets were almost never left behind. Anyway, there were construction sites everywhere he went.

Yan Changqing doesn't care about these things. He is thinking about cultivating himself into a six-fingered piano demon as soon as possible. Recently, his interest in guzheng has greatly increased.

In addition to doing his work in the winery, watching Lao Huang lead people to repair the earth, and sitting in the clinic, the rest is to study the guzheng.

Dr. Shen felt very unhappy that he had such medical skills but did not concentrate on being a doctor.

Every time he saw Yan Changqing riding a camel, sitting for a while and walking away, he would start scratching his head, and then he would grab the medical books when he was not busy, hoping that he would grow up and become a better doctor.

There was no comparison before, and he was quite satisfied with himself, but now... let's learn as we go!

Not only do I learn by myself, but I also take the students to learn with me. No one can do it without learning. The students all say that this is more difficult than when they were in school.

But no one dares not to learn. The treatment here is good. Dr. Shen said that Mr. Yan has high hopes for them. He will expect them to carry the banner and be the attending doctors in the future. People who don’t learn will fall behind. Come on, students!

Yan Changqing didn't even accept what he said. It's up to the individual to learn or not. There's no point in forcing him.

I have high hopes, but soon college students will no longer be assigned.

Just look at Lao Wan and you will know that the old man is in pain and happiness every day. What hurts is that he used to be an iron rice bowl. Now that the iron rice bowl is no longer iron, many people have lost their jobs. I feel really uncomfortable when I feel the same. .

The happy thing is that the professionals we wanted before were not willing to come.

But times have changed, and now he can pick and choose whoever comes to his door.


On the weekend, Erwa and Tiedan came back together, and like a bunch of second-rate men, they rushed into the winery to find Mr. Yan.

The second baby was as excited as a second fool: "Brother Qijin, I won the sports meeting prize, and I can get extra points in the high school entrance examination."

Tiedan is no different next to him, since he can't close his mouth anyway.

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Are you a fool? Are you going to a sports meeting with them?"

"What's wrong with me?" Erwa was puzzled.

Yan Changqing pointed out to him: "If you are afraid of not passing the exam, go to an art school and learn painting! Your current level is not to mention the high school entrance exam. The college entrance exam is easy. You don't need to take the exam after practicing for two more years. Wait until you go to art university. I’m recruiting you specially!”

This guy is really talented. He never had the opportunity to touch painting in his previous life. Now he relies solely on his own hobby and has already practiced it well.

It's just that his hobbies are a little bit biased, and he often draws weird and weird things, like those children peeing by the river...

Yan Changqing thought he was giving advice, but he didn't expect Erwa to have an idea this time. He shook his head: "Brother Qijin, you said, a hobby is a hobby. If you turn a hobby into a job, it is no longer a hobby... "

"When did I say that?" Yan Changqing was stunned.

"Anyway, you said it." Erwa said firmly. "Painting is a hobby. I just paint it for fun. I don't want to learn it. Anyway, I don't want to be a painter in the future."

You've grown a lot, Erba, you didn't have this knowledge in your last life, you've lived for most of your life!

Yan Changqing felt that he was right, mainly because time had changed. If he had discovered that he had this talent in his previous life, he would definitely have enrolled in an art school to give it a try without saying anything.

But now, his father, Yan Shuixing, has built a big business for his brothers and has sufficient conditions for him to take up his hobby as a hobby.


Tiedan was very envious beside him and brought up old things again: "Brother Qijin, is it too late for me to learn to paint?"

"Pull him down!" Yan Changqing was happy. "You don't have this talent. Think about all the stuff you drew before. Why don't you think about musical instruments? I can teach you all about them. Whoever wants to learn can just pick one and make it a hobby. "

In the past, Erwa painted a picture of Tiedan's bare buttocks. Tiedan was not happy with it. Even after complaining, he still tried to draw Erwa, but in the end, he couldn't even tell that it was a person...

Yan Changqing said something similar to teaching them music more than once.

But this thing really depends on talent. Some people can play it decently after buying an instrument and trying it out for a few days. Some people will just watch others play and shout 666...

Fortunately, a bunch of naughty kids are a bit older, like Xiaozhi and the others, and they are very conscious now. In Xiaozhi's words: "I want to sleep as soon as class starts. Our teachers have told me that I should go as early as possible." practice……"

Then this guy actually went for an internship, taking a few classmates with him to work with the winery workers.


Yan Changqing was having fun when he received a call from Mr. Xu.

Xu Yibo, who was on the other end of the phone, said proudly: "Mr. Yan, are you busy? What do you think I have to do with the call?"

Yan Changqing was speechless: "I can guess that he is a god... But if you say something wrong in the next sentence, I will give you a hundred boxes of good wine. If you say another word, there will only be ten boxes left..."

There was no movement on the other end of the phone. After a while, Mr. Xu's depressed voice was heard: "Do you want to buy a jade mine?"

Then he started to complain wildly: "Old Yan, you are not very authentic, you are so unauthentic, I don't even want to say anything about you, you are very boring, you talk like this, it will be difficult to find a girlfriend in the future... …”

Yan Changqing reminded him: "I am a big boss and a star artist. Are you sure I can't find a girlfriend?"

The phone fell silent again.

After a long time, Xiao Xu's feeble words came out: "Let's talk about the jade mine! Don't you want to buy a jade mine? You only plan to buy it for yourself. Now I finally have something to talk about..."

Mine is actually not difficult to buy. What is difficult is that you buy it and say you want it for your own use and not to mine or operate it.

Because they have mines, what they want is investment, what they want is for you to mine and sell them, and start working with great fanfare.

Do you need people to do the work?Do you need to eat, drink or have diarrhea here?
When you have a business, you have to pay taxes, right?It's not all income.

There is a mining company that can drive the surrounding economy.

You buy a mine, put it there, and transport the stones home to play with. To others, this land is yours. To the locals, it is just a one-time deal. Who is willing to sell it?
The main thing is that most people have never encountered this situation - there are also people who bought "cover mines", but no one said it clearly, and it was just delaying time, and eventually they had to mine and operate.

Moreover, where you have mines, there are various regulations and rules above when you want to sell the mines. You cannot just sell them to someone you want.

The two of them have been talking about the mine for a long time, starting from the time when Xuanwu was built. Mr. Xiao Xu has become interested and has been asking about it until now, but what are the basic conditions for others to sell mines? The mining part is also difficult for him.

Yan Changqing asked: "Did you really ask?"

"Yes!" Xu Yibo explained. "I originally said to buy it, but no one was willing to talk to me. Now aren't you very famous? I used your name to say what you wanted to buy, and now someone is willing to talk to me."

"I didn't tell you in advance because I was afraid of being unreliable. I wanted to give it a try from the beginning. If you don't want to buy it here, it's fine. I'll go and inquire elsewhere. Mainly because I was impatient. After asking for so long, I asked I attracted a lot of people. When they heard that I only planned to buy, they ignored me at all..."

Yan Changqing thought it was nothing: "It's okay, I bought it originally. Is there any reason?"

"A little bit." Mr. Xu said. "I've been told that you can buy it if you want, but you have to prove that the mine ended up in your hands. It's best if you come here."

"What about other aspects?" Yan Changqing said. "Mining aspect?"

"You can choose whatever you want," Mr. Xu said. "I have a general understanding. The current situation here is like this. There are many jade mines, but they are not valuable and cannot be sold at a high price."

"I said I bought it for fun, but no one answered me. I said I came to buy the mine for you. They discussed it and thought that after you buy it, tell them that you like their local mine to prove that their Xiuyu is not No one wants it, so we can attract investment..."

Yan Changqing felt that these people were quite discerning: "They just want to use my fame to promote it, right?"

"That's probably what it means." Mr. Xu said. "I haven't talked to them about the specifics. This matter depends on you. If you find it troublesome, then I will ask someone to continue asking in another place. Don't worry, the world is so big and we have money, but we are afraid that we can't buy mines..."

Yan Changqing thought for a while and decided that it was no big deal. He bought the mine and put it there. If others said that the mine you bought was at their place, how could they not tell them?
Now that I have explained it first, I have made things clear.

Otherwise, you can wait until you buy it and then secretly promote it: Do you know?That famous Mr. Yan bought a jade mine here. The price of this thing may increase in the future... Seeing that he had no objection, Mr. Xu said: "I also asked Uncle Wang to find someone to inquire about it. If so, as long as the contract is signed, there won’t be any trouble..."


The general meaning is that there is no need to worry that if the person in charge of things now leaves, people in the future will not recognize this matter.

Because the mine is a special situation, the ownership is well aware of it, and management from one term to another is prone to problems - similar to the problems of many unfinished buildings, it probably involves many such problems, but it is a bit more complicated.

Xu Yibo first discussed his intention with the locals and then felt uneasy. He also consulted with Wang Dajiang, a local snake, and finally decided, and then called Yan Changqing.

So Yan Changqing guessed that something was wrong with him from the beginning, and directly promised to drink wine, which was really not free at all.

It is not easy to handle local affairs clearly.

Otherwise, why would Mayor Yang pay special attention to this reputation issue, and why would Taoshu Township attract so many people to open small factories?
To put it bluntly, it is an environmental issue.


The group of people who came to pick up Yan Changqing with Mr. Xu included people from the local city, and a large group following them came from more than one county.

There are jade mines in several nearby counties. They discussed it for a long time and probably reported it before giving Mr. Xu a reply.

Anyway, it's quite troublesome. After all, there are some strict rules, and it's troublesome to give the green light. Fortunately, they have already reached an agreement and are just waiting for Yan Changqing to come over and make a decision.

A leader named Ma Qiutai gave Yan Changqing an overview of the situation in the jade mine.

Yan Changqing actually didn't understand much, but he wanted to say it in advance: "Mr. Xiao Xu told you, right? I bought this mine with the intention of slowly mining it myself. It is estimated that it will last a little longer, mainly because of me. I like to make sculptures..."

Ma Qiutai said cheerfully: "As long as Mr. Yan has been here, take a look first. The mine must be good. The quality of Xiuyu is not good, but the mine here is definitely the best in Xiuyu, and the quality is guaranteed. You don't have to mine it. , we will watch it for you, no one will come, and we will ensure that not a single stone is lost in the mine..."

The more he talked, the better. Ma Qiutai explained: "Mr. Yan, since you are here, we will tell you the truth. Xiu jade is not valuable and cannot be sold at a high price. There are mines in several counties near us, both large and small. You pick one out..."

Yan Changqing already knew what they were thinking. He listened to him say it again, and then nodded: "I won't let people tell me what I have done, but you must also make it clear that I am just a personal hobby. Can you attract people to come?" invest……"

"Just your personal hobbies." Ma Qiutai and the others nodded. "In short, what we want is simple. We borrowed your reputation and said that you bought a jade mine from us. Whether we can attract people to invest is our business. Don't worry, we will definitely not give you any money in the future. trouble."


Ma Qiutai has even prepared a map, and the mines that have been detected so far and have not been sold are clearly marked.

However, Yan Changqing had just arrived and couldn't make up the time, so he had to go see it the next day.

As a result, Wang Dajiang also flew over the next day and said to Yan Changqing: "Just watch. If you don't worry about me, I will talk to them later. Yibo is still a little too young, and he can't talk well."

Xu Yibo's face turned dark at the side: "I've been running away for so long, why don't you just ask me to talk when you come?"

Wang Dajiang said cheerfully: "Your dad and we all know what you want to do. He won't let me help you. He wants to train you. You see, it's not good now. Haven't we started talking about it?"

Xu Yibo simply stopped talking.

Yan Changqing is still relieved about Wang Dajiang. Everyone is in the honeymoon period of cooperation now, and he has no plans to buy a big mine. It's just a matter of small money - he is a local snake, and it is easier to talk to these people.


The next day a large group of people drove around.

The ones I looked at were all relatively high-quality mines, some were large and some were small.

Yan Changqing safely left it to Wang Dajiang to handle the matter. Neither he nor Xu Yibo would interfere, including which one to choose.

Both of them now know that when Xu Yibo comes here, Wang Dajiang and Mr. Xu are watching. They probably know more about the situation now than Xu Yibo learned after walking around here for a few times.

In this case, let these old foxes handle it.

Ma Qiutai is also very easy to talk to. You can choose any one. As long as you are sure, we will be responsible for enclosing the mountain later. From now on, it will be the 'sample mine' in several nearby counties. Celebrities bought it in this name. Raise the ore price to attract others!
As for other things, they are all easy to talk about.

You can give me some idea of ​​the price or something, or you can give me nothing. Just leave your name here.

It's what everyone needs!

Then Xu Yibo was very excited: "How about it? Is it fun to buy a mine? From now on, everything in this mountain will be yours. How about we build some other mines for fun?"

Yan Changqing guessed: "Do you have other ideas?"

"I don't want to be a coal mine anymore, I want to do something else." Xu Yibo looked ambitious. "Do you think we can get some iron ore, copper ore or something?"

"I really don't understand!" Yan Changqing said helplessly. "If you want to start a musical instrument factory, I can give you some pointers. If you want to set up a branch of a winery, it will be easy for both of us. When it comes to mining, I only know a little about jade, so I can do my own research."

Xu Yibo was not discouraged: "If you don't do anything now, when you have too much money and have nowhere to spend it, remember to tell me and invest in me, and we will buy a mine together."

Yan Changqing was too embarrassed to refuse him directly: "Let's talk about it later! Uncle Wang, thank you this time for letting you go."

Wang Dajiang said: "Mr. Yan, you are too outspoken. Why should we be so polite? By the way, how do you think I look now?"

"Very good!" Yan Changqing laughed. "You are in great shape now, and you taste delicious."

But you still have to exercise some restraint, you're a little weak.

But there is no need to say it out loud. Once you are weak and ruthless, you will naturally become honest, and you will take care of yourself when the time comes.

People are like this. As Wang Dajiang said before, if you don't let this go, why bother working hard? You can just go home and take care of yourself and wait for death.


Yan Changqing doesn't have to worry about mining matters.

Everyone unanimously agreed to leave it to Xu Yibo and let him practice his skills.

Yan Changqing doesn't require a high output, so he can just take his time.

Xu Yibo is still very excited, but he also has regrets: "Let me do it by myself. I have to stay here for a while. When you go back, remember to bring me some wine. It's best to come and see me often when you're fine..."

Wang Dajiang slapped him directly: "Drive your car well! It's such a big deal, as if you can't see anyone anymore."

Yan Changqing promised: "Whatever you want later, I'll carve the jade I carved out for you..."

"What I want is your words." Xu Yibo lost his resentment at that time. "I want... anything. Carve something nice for me. I'll put it in the living room. I'll introduce it to anyone who comes over in the future. This is what Yan Changqing carved for me. He carved it by himself. It's a priceless treasure! Hahahaha …”

"Okay!" Yan Changqing agreed, since he had to practice his skills anyway.

As for the priceless things, he is also planning to get some big statues to put in the winery as a landscape!
How can there be such a big celebrity baggage!
Seeing that Wang Dajiang was quite envious, Yan Changqing added an extra piece and went out: "What kind of sculpture does Uncle Wang like? Can I carve one for you later?"

"Me?" Wang Dajiang was stunned for a moment, and then thought for a long time. "Well, I want a portrait, but I have a photo. Can you carve one out?"

As soon as Yan Changqing saw his expression, he knew there was a story inside.

Seeing him take out his wallet and take out a small photo, I guessed pretty well.

Wang Dajiang explained: "My wife's, she left early. I have other photos at home, including full body photos..."

Yan Changqing looked at it and nodded: "No problem, but we have to wait for the stone to come out, and I promise to restore it as much as possible."

You must carve it well and put it back in your home. I will look at you every day and you will not be weak.

 Thanks to book friend "OLDBUDDY" for the reward, thank you very much!
  Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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