Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 278: The brain is flooded and you want to do whatever you want

Chapter 278: The brain is flooded and you want to do whatever you want

In the Taoshu Township Market, Yan Youwen was taking a few new customers to visit the place.

While walking, Yan Youwen introduced everyone from time to time: "The building over there is mainly for clothing, with men's clothing on the left and women's clothing on the right. People here call it a gender-neutral building."

A younger customer was more curious and asked: "Why are there different levels of floor space for men and women?"

"Didn't you see that there are far fewer men's clothing stores than women's clothing stores?" Yan Youwen said. "The women's clothing is divided into too many categories, including trousers and tops, winter and summer clothes, professional and casual wear, silk scarves, hats and accessories. Do you see that building over there? It specializes in selling women's underwear..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone understood and couldn't help laughing.

Although the phenomenon of favoring boys over girls is common these days, women's clothing is still countless times more than men's clothing. Looking at the layout of the market, we know that the area occupied by women's clothing is several times larger than that of men's clothing.

As Yan Youwen was talking, a young man came across from him. After saying hello, he asked in a low voice: "Brother Mosquito, why is it that the market has been so quiet these past two days? It's a bit abnormal!"

Yan Youwen glared at him: "What's wrong? Isn't this good?"

"It's an indescribable feeling." The young man touched his head. "Something feels wrong. Look at the big bosses over there. They usually shout and drink, but today they are much more polite. Also, I feel that the hygiene in the market has been better than usual these two days. Is there any big event going on? "

"Why don't I know about any activities?" Yan Youwen smiled. "Perhaps everyone recently wants to learn about spiritual civilization construction and establish a new look for the market..."

"Brother Mosquito." The young man was not happy to hear his nonsense. "You don't want to talk about pulling me down, so don't pull it off!"

"What did I do?" Yan Youwen asked back, and then whispered. "Didn't Mr. Chen send his wife to Xiangjiang? He is not at home, so we should all be more careful and not cause him any trouble. Mr. Chen is usually very nice, right? He is busy with a lot of things, but now he finally has a rest. …”

"Really?" The young man asked back, but he still felt that this was not a sufficient reason. "I always feel that's not the case."

Yan Youwen chuckled: "Mr. Chen is not at home. If something happens in the market now, you have to go to Mr. Yan. Don't you want to go find him? Why don't you go quickly now that he is back?"

The young man understood instantly: "I said you have changed, but I'm not talking about you. I heard that Mr. Yan is also quite a nice person. The factory also recruits disabled people. He used to help students, etc. Is this what you are doing?"

Yan Youwen didn't want to talk anymore and waved his hand: "You go ahead, I'm entertaining customers! Come here, you guys. This is the luggage area and the toy area, mainly children's toys..."


The young man didn't get the answer, so he turned around and grabbed the young man behind Yan Youwen: "Xiaowei, come and tell me, I'm going to stay a little longer this time. Did you see that car?" ? I’ll lend you a car for half a month.”

The person named Xiaowei is a child of Yan Youwen's second brother's family. He returned before completing his studies and is now learning business from his uncle.

When he heard that he was asked to drive, his eyes lit up, but then he shook his head: "Forget it, I told you what to do if my uncle wants to beat me."

Hearing this, the young man got excited and said, "It's just the two of us. You whisper and I listen quietly. Who knows what you said? I've paid for the gas for you for the past half month. You can just drive around." How about it?"

Then he promised a bunch of conditions. Anyway, he just wanted to coax this naughty kid who had just come back from school to "compete for his career" and do whatever he likes. That's right, others are graduating, but this kid is competing for his career, which is also called dropping out of school.

Xiaowei finally couldn't stand the temptation anymore. He looked around, mainly because he saw Yan Youwen walking away, and then whispered: "Mr. Yan has a bad temper. Don't talk about my brother-in-law and the others. The day before yesterday, he said that my father is crazy. It’s watery!”

"Is it that powerful?" The young man's eyes widened. "Isn't Mr. Yan like this according to the rumors? Why don't you respect the old and love the young?"

"Then don't mess with him." Xiaowei whispered. "Actually, he's pretty easy to talk to at ordinary times, but it's hard to talk to him if you mess with him. Fortunately, no one has messed with him in the past few years..."

"What will happen if you offend him?" The young man felt terrified. How could this be so scary?
"My brother-in-law and the others were all beaten by him." Xiaowei's voice was even lower. "It's a terrible beating. Don't talk nonsense. Whoever mentions this in the market now? Who are my uncle, my dad, and the others in a hurry with..."


Fang Baonian is about 1.7 meters tall and not handsome, but he can still be seen.

Mainly because he was tidied up, wearing a shirt, tie, and black leather shoes. He stood straight and looked like he had been a soldier and had been trained.

At this moment, he was standing at the door of Bubugao Winery, feeling a little scared.

He is the young man who is inquiring around in the market. He is from Qing Province. His father Fang Qingliang is also considered a powerful figure in the local area. He cooperated with Taoshu Township Market and not only opened a small market, but also mainly got the Good Life series. Wine production qualifications.

He used to be similar to that Xiaowei. He didn't complete his studies. His father saw that he was not a good person, so he sent him to the army to receive education.

Now that I'm back, my personality has changed a lot, but not much.

Just like this time, his father asked him to come to the winery, but when he came, Yan Changqing flew to the northeast, so he stayed in the market. In just a few days, he got together with a group of young people in the market. They became fair-weather friends who were close friends.

Yan Changqing has been back for a few days. He should have gone immediately, but he thought it would be better to inquire more and find what he wanted!

It would be bad if he offended Mr. Yan. Their winery now relies entirely on this place to supply koji.

He was afraid that he had not established a good rapport when he came and had offended someone. When he returned home, his father would grab him around the waist with a rope, hang him on the door frame, and then take out the belt and beat him.

Why it was so specific, of course...he imagined it.

The result was even more shocking when I inquired about it. It turned out that Mr. Yan, the rumored great artist and entrepreneur, was a man with a hot temper...

He hesitated for a while, then finally stepped forward and introduced himself to the door post, saying that he was going to see Mr. Yan.


Mr. Yan was talking to a few old men on the post, and there was someone beside him who was introducing the plan.

Fang Baonian didn't bother him when he arrived. He waited nearby and listened to what they were talking about.

After listening to a few words, I understood that this hilly area is being planned to be greened and turned into a large park.

He looked at the hills with a little envy.

Yes, I'm just a little envious. When the golden wheat everywhere is about to be harvested, and the wind blows the waves of wheat, why should it be turned into a park?
Qing Province is not full of people, or there are grain-producing areas everywhere in uninhabited areas.

However, the place where Fang Baonian's family lives is a bit worse. Anyway, the yield of that land is not as good as this hilly land.

As for the hills and valleys, it's better than them.

Otherwise, why would his father work so hard to do business with people in the market and start to do what they like? He would spend a lot of money to build a good relationship with them.

And the results are good. Now that their winery is in operation, I dare not say that everyone will become rich, at least most people will not be hungry.


Yan Changqing saw the person coming. He didn't recognize him but he knew that he had greeted him in advance before coming. He smiled at Fang Baonian and said, "Fang Baonian, right? Hello, wait a moment, I'll be right here."

Then he continued to listen to Lao Huang's introduction to several village chiefs.

After the introduction, he said: "Construction will start after the wheat harvest is over. When I promote safe production to everyone later, remember to say that construction is going to start here. There are probably many people looking for work. The village should pay attention to it..."

Wheat harvesting is all done mechanically. In the past, sickles were used to cut hands and feet, but now it is troublesome if something goes wrong, so we need to pay attention to production safety, fire prevention and theft prevention, etc.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw someone who didn't like it: "Master Xingwang, you have to be more careful with your cigarette pot. Don't blow the ash wherever you go. You don't know anything about fire prevention?"

Yan Xingwang chuckled: "Get used to it."

Next to him, Zeng Shuangxi gloated: "He's out of his mind. Changqing, what do you think he did?"

Yan Xingwang snorted, feeling very unhappy. He glanced at Yan Changqing and swallowed back the words he was about to refute.

He's really out of his mind.

He didn't know what he was thinking the day before yesterday. Before Yan Changqing arrived home, he blocked people at the entrance of the village and introduced with excitement: "Qijin, I have an idea. Look, all the big cities have... Build high-rise buildings. How about building high-rise buildings in our village? In our village, we can’t even live in one high-rise building. From now on, we will also live in high-rise buildings and take the elevator..."

Yan Changqing was standing at the entrance of the village, looking at the scattered small buildings in the village today, surrounded by green trees, fragrant flowers, and occasionally the sound of chickens crowing and dogs barking...

I couldn't help but become curious about Yan Xingwang's head. How did the old guy's brain grow to be able to come up with such an idea?
Without bragging, I would like to say that the house he designed, plus the fact that he does it himself, leads people to do it, directs people to do it, and does greening and other things every year, the current situation in the village, the villa area in Shanghai and the capital, come here to compare They all have to be inferior by three points.

That is to say, everyone only focuses on making money, business, etc. Even outsiders passing by here only see a row of trees on the roadside and fail to notice the changed appearance of the small village behind the trees.

Yan Changqing has been working slowly, trying to build the village better and better...

Why else would he support Yan Xingwang in setting up an engineering team to build small buildings like this?

He remembered what the village looked like in the past. Many of the houses were dilapidated and almost dilapidated. Some of the small buildings were empty and unpopular. There were only old men and women basking in the sun in front of the buildings, and occasionally smelling the air. The smell of pig manure makes me complain.

The village at that time is still there, but it is gone!

Although pigs were not allowed to be raised in the village at that time, a large pig farm was built nearby. In the summer, by the river that was the favorite place for bare-bottomed children, you could still see rotten and smelly dead piglets from time to time...

At that time, there were not many bare-bottomed babies in the village who liked going to the river...

So thinking about the village in his memory, and then looking at the village in front of him, he didn't care that there were many people beside the threshing field. He blurted out to Yan Xingwang: "You are out of your mind!"

You don't want to live in a villa. Do you want to live in a high-rise building?

From now on, when you run around upstairs and listen to music downstairs, you quarrel downstairs and you get irritated upstairs, and when you go out and walk out of the building, you still have to worry about some naughty child throwing down his toys?
Yan Changqing suggested that Yan Xingwang find a building in the city to live in for a few days to experience it.

The old man spent a day walking around in a new community in the city. When he came back, he sighed: "The people there live upstairs and downstairs, door to door, and they don't talk much when we meet!"

In any case, he didn't want to raise the stairs anyway.As for the rumor that he was in trouble, that's what he deserves. Without investigation, he has no right to speak. If he talks nonsense, he will be punished.


Yan Changqing met with several village chiefs and discussed the plan so that they all know what it will be like in the future. It is also best to talk to the people in the village when they go back, so that everyone will not think that they are messing around.

Many elderly people in the village have a land complex. In the past, only part of the land was returned to forests, but now it is basically all occupied.

Yan Changqing proposed that they, mainly from the two villages of Etouwan and Yatouwa, redistribute the land adjacent to the villages.

Each household is given a small share, which can be regarded as a thought for everyone.

Then there is the issue of wheat harvesting safety, which must be mentioned. People are still not used to the machinery just a few years ago, so there is no harm in mentioning it more.

After a few people finished talking, Fang Baonian said cautiously: "Hello, Mr. Yan, my dad asked me to come over. The family is busy and he can't leave..."

There's no need to explain. There's actually nothing wrong with him coming, he's just keeping in touch with her.

Yan Changqing is actually impatient with this, but he can't turn away people who bring gifts. He can only chat for a while, take him to visit the winery, etc.


Fang Baonian brought some Cordyceps as a gift, not much.

Mainly, he keeps sending gifts, shipping goods back and forth from both sides, and occasionally bringing over some specialties. Now Yan Changqing has no shortage of these things.

He is more interested in medicinal materials and can send them to the clinic for use.

The two of them were not familiar with each other and didn't talk much, so Yan Changqing simply showed him what he had been busy with recently.

After the jade mine was obtained, the jade was delivered soon. Yan Changqing was practicing in advance and asked someone to move a big stone and planned to make a statue.

Fang Baonian didn't expect Mr. Yan to have such a hobby. He was busy tinkering with the stones and was completely dumbfounded.

Yan Changqing laughed: "Then what do you think I should do on a daily basis?"

Fang Baonian smiled sheepishly: "I think you are usually either busy with business development or studying music..."

Yan Changqing continued to knock on the rocks: "You have to find something to do. Carving is also my hobby. I want to have some fun. I went to the Northeast a few days ago and bought a jade mine. I will dig stones and carve them later." "

Fang Baonian quickly made a mental note that Mr. Yan liked jade and even bought a jade mine.

There is no way, how many people in his hometown now rely on Mr. Yan for a living and do what he wants!


When the wheat is harvested, various schools begin to have wheat holidays again.

Erwa Tiedan and the others are on vacation, and Mai, who doesn't have to work, is busy with the vacation, which is really great.

After coming back from school, he threw his things at home and ran to the winery. Erwa was very excited: "Brother Qijin, it's a holiday. I'm so happy! Let's go and splash in the river."

Just go.

Fang Baonian watched helplessly as Mr. Yan left himself to the factory director to entertain him, and then followed a group of people to play in the river. He was dumbfounded again.

Dad told me to do what he likes.

He became cruel and chased Mr. Yan and asked, "Mr. Yan, what are you doing?"

"Let's go play in the river. It's so hot and it feels good to soak in the river. Do you want to go?" Yan Changqing invited smoothly.

"Go!" Fang Baonian had already thought about it when he caught up. He would follow him up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire, let alone go to the river.


Something even more outrageous happened to Fang Baonian.

A group of people were soaking in the river, and an old man came and stood on the bank to talk to Mr. Yan - of course, everyone had already put on swimming trunks, and they were not afraid of being seen.

The old man said: "Mr. Yan, look at it, these kids don't do anything when they have a holiday, so what kind of holiday do they have!"

Yan Changqing thought for a while and saw that Erwa and his gang were having fun. He felt something bad in his heart and asked, "Principal Shen, what do you mean?"

"I would like to propose that the holiday be cancelled." The old man revealed Yan Changqing's guess.

"Then tell Mayor Yang!" Yan Changqing said.

"Chief Yang has nothing to do with it," the old man explained. "This matter has to be educated and people have to make decisions. They have to go to the higher authorities to talk about it. I asked about it, and they said it is a tradition and they don't want to cancel it. What I mean is, if you mention it, there is also Qiu Busen You can cancel your vacation, I’m not busy now, so why take a vacation!”

Fang Baonian didn't know what to think at all. The old man was still a principal?
However, in your hometown, major issues involving hundreds and thousands of students are just discussed by the river?

Next to him, Yan Changqing was in a complicated mood. Could it be that the wheat and autumn holidays will be gone in the future?
This is a beautiful childhood memory for countless people!

Erwa and the others finally realized that something was wrong. Now they were not in charge of the old man. They immediately shouted: "Principal Shen, you can't do such a thing! Holidays are a matter of course. If you say cancel it, cancel it..."

Then everyone turned around and became anxious, talking nonsense: "Brother Qijin, don't listen to Principal Shen. We have a holiday every year. What if it's cancelled?"

"That's right. How can we come back to help the family after we cancel the farm work?"

"Yes, yes, we definitely can't cancel..."

Principal Shen was furious: "You students have the nerve to go swimming in the river during the holidays. How are you helping the family? If you don't go home to cause trouble during the holidays, you are just helping the family..."

"Who said that I would still be shucking corn at home in the fall?"

"Yes, I did it too, I broke sesame seeds!"

"I even shaved peanuts!"

"I did it too, I, I, I...I caught crickets. Crickets are pests, and I removed them from the farmland!"

"Then I'll do it too. I'll catch it, fry it, and eat it. It's so delicious!"


Yan Changqing looked at the guys who were cleaning the farmland and was speechless. With your reasons, it's hard not to cancel the vacation!

Rarely, he was a little confused.

To be honest, this holiday is really deep in my memory, no matter how busy and hard I was back then, including not wanting to get beaten while working...

It will be a wonderful memory from now on.

But now the busy farming life has indeed become less busy...

Could it be that I, Yan Changqing, am going to become the killer of the beautiful childhoods of the students in my hometown?Terminator?
Will some naughty kid draw circles and curse me in the future?

He was a little reluctant to support this matter, but he didn't want to nod his support easily.

There was nothing he could do. He nodded here, and the old man immediately ran to tell Mr. Yan's support. From now on, the students of Taoshu Township will say goodbye to Mai's autumn vacation forever.

Behind him, Erwa Tiedan and the others were all nervous, clenching their fists and looking at the two people talking.

It is no exaggeration to say that I almost broke into a cold sweat when I soaked in the water on a hot day.

That is Mai's busy autumn vacation. It has been there since school. It takes as many vacations as there are years of schooling. Are we now facing the risk of losing it?

These naughty kids know everything now. Of course they know how important Brother Qijin's attitude is, and they are afraid that he will nod and agree.

After thinking for a long time, Yan Changqing came up with a reason: "Principal Shen, I think it's okay to take a holiday. Although we will no longer rely on farmland for food in the future, we are all from rural areas and we must not forget our roots."

"You don't want them to just go to school and not be able to tell the difference between wheat seedlings and leeks, right?"

"Even if I don't work during the holidays, I can always learn something about the fields. I can't forget my identity as a farmer, right? It's just a ten-day holiday. Especially for primary school students, they have to have a childhood. There is no need to hold on so tightly. Bar?"

Principal Shen was not happy: "Our conditions are not good, and there are many young teachers. Of course we have to pay close attention, otherwise won't the gap with students in the city become wider and wider?"

Yan Changqing knew that he would not be convinced and did not want to argue with him: "Then let me think about it again, okay? It's already a holiday now..."

The old man is a bit stubborn, let’s take it one day at a time!

 Thanks to the book friend for the reward "from the back of the palm to the palm of the hand", thank you very much!
  Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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