Chapter 285 Ordinary Day Statue
Yan Changqing invited Wang Dajiang to have a drink first.

He must have learned a lot recently, and he can act as an audience and listen to the stories of the past.

Since you have to do it, you have to do it seriously, otherwise how can you improve your skills?

If you want to create a character, you need to know at least a few things.

Wang Dajiang started to miss it after just a few drinks.

A commoner from Jiangben farmed in Wangjiatun, and his dream spread among the princes. A woman did not let her poverty lead her to commit herself to marriage, and used her dowry to support her, so that she could prosper in the market...

This is a very cliche story.

In Wang Dajiang's narration, this woman has been silently supporting him behind the scenes and shouldering the family responsibilities independently, until his business grew bigger and bigger, but he died prematurely due to overwork.

Yan Changqing looked at the photo and saw that she was a very ordinary housewife, but in Wang Dajiang's heart, she was virtuous, kind, gentle, beautiful, diligent and thrifty and managed the household...

In short, any kind of beautiful words that can be thought of about women can't be used too much on her.

When Wang Dajiang told the story, he only regretted that he didn't study well back then and couldn't think of more words to remember and praise his late wife.

Yan Changqing roughly understood that Wang Dajiang's wife was his motivation, his spiritual support, his virtuous wife, and his guiding light...


When Wang Dajiang got drunk and said he was tired, he fell asleep on his stomach while pulling his tie, wiping his nose and tears, Yan Changqing found a bed and threw him on it, and then went to the river to soak for a while.

The brewer is also annoyed by the smell of drunk people, not to mention that he is a person with different senses than ordinary people.

However, he already had an idea on how to do the carving. After thinking about it for two days, he would probably be able to start.

When Wang Dajiang woke up, his face was full of shame. He didn't even say a few polite words, and left in a hurry, citing the reason that he was busy with business.

After Yan Changqing had someone take him to the airport, he also went to the town to have a look.

First, I went to see my aunt and my little cousin. There were too many people in the market. Now the mother and son are recuperating at home. They didn’t even have a full-moon party, they just celebrated as a family - Mr. Chen thought it was better to keep a low profile, anyway, the children I have it all, whether I can do it or not, it doesn’t matter if I have a precious son.

The second is to go to school for a walk. Needless to say, although you can study on your own, you should also pay attention to the progress of the school.

The third is to go to the restaurant of my old cousin Li Quanlang.


Quanlang Fast Food is quite prosperous. Anyway, in the beginning, making money is secondary. The most important thing is to build a reputation.

Yan Changqing only went to the kitchen to take a look and felt relieved - Li Quanlang was very attentive in cooking, and the kitchen was very hygienic. It was an open kitchen, and anyone could come in and have a look. It was truly open to the public. transparent.

If you can do this, your business will be good.

Not many people pay attention to this now. In many small restaurants, it is normal for flies to fly around when the weather is hot.

The cookstoves in some restaurants have been used for many years and are covered with thick greasy dirt. It seems... maybe people nowadays can accept it!

Li Quanlang promotes cleanliness and adequate portions, and he has achieved these two points.

What he makes here can be regarded as a big pot of rice. The taste is very average, but the food is not bad. Whether it is vegetables, tofu or various meats, they are guaranteed to be fresh, with clear sources, and people can watch them being made. kind.

It sounds pretty simple, right?

How many can actually do this?

Even in those famous stores in the future, there will be very few places where people can visit the kitchen and inspect the ingredients.

Not to mention future takeaways, who knows how that stuff is made.


Yan Changqing was very supportive of his cousin and even stayed for a meal. He also praised the chefs and helpers in the store and asked them to do a good job.

Li Quanlang is very touched now: "Old man, I'm so tired! I'm so tired that I want to die! I have to get up at four or five in the morning and take people to the vegetable market to choose vegetables. After I came back and cleaned up my things, it was around [-] or [-] o'clock. I felt like I fell asleep while lying on the bed, and I had to get up again before I fell asleep..."

Yan Changqing suggested: "You can consider finding a vegetable vendor to cooperate and let him be responsible for delivering the vegetables you need every day. You can't make enough money, and you can't make it all by yourself, right?"

"I'm not worried!" Li Quanlang was worried. "Nowadays, some people spray pesticides on vegetables. It's good to see that there are no insects. But what if they come to sell them right after they spray pesticides?"

"So you need to find someone you can trust. As long as you pay enough, there will be someone who can guarantee to deliver you goods of good quality and quantity. It depends on how you do it!"

"Then I'll think about it again and give it to someone else. What if he cheats me out of my money?"

"Think carefully!" Yan Changqing only gave suggestions. When he was too tired to get out of bed, he would naturally make a choice.

Li Quanlang was full of energy in the restaurant, but when he came to his old cousin's place, he was no longer nervous and his eyes were dull: "You said you are also the boss. How can you go around in such a big factory every day? I still thought about making money. We went back to talk, but in the end we didn’t have time to go back at all…”

Yan Changqing was amused. He had made some money and was eager to go back and show off, right?
It's a pity. If this kid insists on doing everything by himself, he will never expect to go back. The restaurant doesn't care about the time. There are people eating every day, 360 days and five days a year.

However, considering that he was just starting out, Yan Changqing still wanted to encourage him: "When I first started running the winery, you were in school and had no idea how hard we worked. The house your dads live in now was built little by little by us. Get up."

Little by little, I looked at what others had built. I already had a little money when I opened the winery, so it wouldn't be so miserable.

Of course, it’s just to comfort people when I say it’s a bit sad!

Anyway, Li Quanlang believed it: "Yes, everything is difficult at the beginning. I have to keep working hard. When the hotel becomes bigger, I will also hire a hotel manager to work for me. I can do whatever I want..."

It's a good thing to have confidence. Yan Changqing smiled and gave him another idea: "Why don't you buy the next day's vegetables in the afternoon? It's not stale the next day, right?"

"Don't I want the freshest?" Li Quanlang muttered.

Yan Changqing chuckled: "There are many small stalls in the morning, can you buy something cheap?"

Boss Li is very tired every day now and is not in the mood to argue with his old cousin.

After being silent for a while, his eyes lit up: "Yes, it's really painful in the morning. It's so cheap that I can't sleep a little longer, otherwise I won't be able to do it anymore!"


Then the two of them went to the vegetable market.

Yan Changqing felt that he could not be separated from the masses and had to constantly observe changes in his surroundings.

Boss Li considered checking the situation first while he was not busy at the moment.

The vegetable market in Taoshu Township is also one of Mayor Yang's initiatives. This thing is easy. Just set up a shed in an open space and build a platform with bricks and cement, and it is a vegetable market.

There was no need for more publicity, he just announced that there was no charge for selling vegetables here - don't forget that when Yan Changqing led people to do business, the various fees charged for setting up stalls at that time were not just stall fees.

Suddenly there are not enough stalls in the market!
Then there are the management staff's rules that you are not allowed to occupy the stall for a long time just by putting something on the table. The market is cleaned every night, and you can occupy the stall again the next day.

This is a measure worthy of being scolded, and I don’t know if the person who came up with this idea would wake up early in the morning those days.

Anyway, not long after, a vegetable vendor took the initiative to ask me to pay some stall fees and let me occupy it for a long time!

That’s no problem, and then it’s a matter of course to charge in the market.

In fact, the fees are not expensive. Mayor Yang does not rely on this money to support the market, and he has no intention of relying on this to make a profit. The main reason is that everyone who pays must be registered to facilitate management.

This is a great thing. Many old men and women in the village have learned to sell vegetables with baskets, and there is no charge outside the market.

It is also great for the people in the town. If you come here early in the morning, you will find the freshest vegetables just picked from the ground - the water on the vegetable leaves is also real dew, not sprinkled water.

The number of dishes in key markets has obviously increased, and vegetables from the north and south have begun to appear in the wet markets. Except for the variety of vegetables, which are not as good as those of the large wet markets in the future, other aspects are already good.

Chicken, duck, fish, meat and various vegetables are sold every day.

There is no need to go to the "Fengji" or "Back to the Market" as before. When the "Fengji" is not on, the streets are empty and it is difficult to buy food.


Yan Changqing looked around and bought some fresh fruits.

I really don’t know what else to buy. I don’t need anything at home and someone gives it to me every day.

There was actually no shortage of fruit, but he was unlucky. Someone recognized him, and if they had to give it to him, they could only throw money at him.

Li Quanlang was very sad: "I come here every day, but no one gives me anything..."

Yan Changqing sighed: "This is probably the trouble of celebrities! There is no way..."

Li Quanlang finally couldn't help it. Even if he only breathed his last breath before dying of exhaustion, he still had to ask him: "They are all old cousins, are you interested in pretending to compete with me?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing was in a good mood. "Isn't it interesting to see the envious look in your eyes?"


Li Quanlang watched Yan Changqing carrying fruits and nibbling the 'beef tongue' cake bought at the small stall at the entrance of the vegetable market, getting into the car and leaving, his eyes full of envy.

He also wanted to imitate her cool spirit, but unfortunately he couldn't. In the newly opened restaurant, he encountered all kinds of messy things from time to time, making it impossible to leave.

Yan Changqing ignored his dilemma and put down the fruit when he passed by his grandma's house. He parked the car at the winery and went to the river to wash for a while before starting work.

Everyone is not surprised. It is well known that Boss Yan likes to play in the water. As long as the weather is not too cold, he likes to play in the river - when it is extremely cold, no one knows.

His main job now is to make wine koji and provide guidance to the workers on how to produce wine.Then there’s official business.

He used to deal with the various documents placed on his desk, but now he is too lazy to read them every day. He can just leave them there and look at them when he thinks of it. If there is something special that needs urgent processing, Lao Wan will come to him directly.

So the job was to ride a camel and take a walk around the new winery site.

The white camel is his iconic riding pet. The key is that it is high enough to see far when sitting on it.

Lao Wan came over as a habit and started to introduce the progress of the project. Mr. Yan kept nodding and saying a few words, good, good, pretty fast, you have worked hard too...

Just these few words made Lao Wan more motivated and worked harder to make money for him!
How about being a boss?

Moreover, this kind of work is not frequent, and it is not enough to take chicken blood every day. It only needs to be done once every few days.


I also need to go to the wine cellar for a walk, smell it, and put a few labels on it.

Now we don’t have to let the workers do it directly, we just put the label on it. When the workers come, they can just prepare it according to the label to ensure that the taste is still the same as before.

Then he returned to Tonglin Forest and began to study his skills.

The water control he has been studying is too advanced and there is currently no progress, but he is still persisting.

Lao Huang did something that he was particularly satisfied with, which was to provide water here.

tap water.

There must be a lack of water for planting, so Lao Huang built several water towers at the highest places on the post.

Now Yan Changqing can also use tap water in Tongshulin, not to mention it is much more convenient.

In the past, he just thought that he was too lazy to bother, but now it would be nice to have someone under his command.

I was playing with water and thinking about music, sculpture, medical skills, etc. After thinking for a long time, I started to study breathing skills...

Basically the day passed.

At present, he is quite satisfied. He has a job, but he is not busy or tired.

The next day will be later, and it will be time for self-release, studying martial arts music and so on. After all, whether it is high-level Kung Fu or music that can kill mice, it is not suitable for people to listen or watch.


The tinkling sound rang again the next day, and Yan Changqing began to carve the statue Wang Dajiang wanted.

Yesterday's trip to the vegetable market was not in vain. Observing more people will help to better improve a person's image.

It is still necessary to complete the body part, clothes, posture, etc. first, and the face should be put last. After all, the expression is the most important, so you need to think about it slowly.

The most profound impression on Wang Dajiang was when he proposed.

His wife was wearing a white tacky shirt and a pair of military green trousers - this was quite popular at the time.

The most important thing is that there are two big braids.

It is said that it was dusk that day, and the sunset was beautiful, and the girl's body was also dyed with a layer of red clouds.

Probably already knowing his purpose, the girl was a little shy, holding the ends of her braided hair in her hands, half-smiling but not smiling, and a little bit annoyed - it is said that the two of them had been dating for a long time, and he had never dared to talk about getting married because he was poor, and the girl was thinking A little bit of blame.

In fact, Yan Changqing is a little envious.

He has never encountered such love.


With the past unbearable to look back on, Yan Changqing concentrated on carving and no longer thought about it.

Anyway, I don’t plan to fall in love again in this life. I will find ten or eight wives and give birth to a lot of children...

Thinking of children, he felt that the statue should be given a little more maternal glory.

Wang Dajiang has two sons. The eldest son in charge of his wife is a college student and is assigned to work in a workplace.

The younger one only went to a shabby technical school because he was his tutor, and now he manages some business for him.

Just looking at the photo, his wife is a very common girl in the countryside.

But when she becomes the most important part of someone's life, things naturally become different.

Yan Changqing wanted to restore the situation as much as possible, and also made Wang Dajiang feel that this was the wife in his heart. After she left, Wang Dajiang missed her and kept thinking about her goodness, which naturally made him think more and more about her. Better comes, better than perfect.


A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and before the statue was completed, Yan Changqing was disturbed by something again.

Mayor Yang came over and asked, "Do you want a folklore program from other places?"

"Is it okay if I didn't say it?" Yan Changqing asked.

"You said it. What you said at that time was that anyone nearby can come. If it's too far, it's troublesome." Township Chief Yang remembered what he said clearly. "This one is a bit far away. It's a cultural troupe from New Province, and they want to come and perform folk dances."

"What's the purpose?" Yan Changqing asked.

"The first is to promote special products, and the second is to contact the market." said Yang Xiangchang. "Don't we have a sub-market in Qingdao Province? They want to transport things, but they say it's not cost-effective. I heard that we have planes here, so I want to try it."

Yan Changqing understood and made a rough calculation in his mind: "Want to transport fruit? It doesn't feel very cost-effective. This is a big plane, and the engine is relatively... OK! It still consumes an amazing amount of fuel. Transporting some fruit or something, then... Considering the cost of aircraft maintenance, there is no profit left.”

He wanted to say that the engine was relatively backward, but it was already relatively advanced these days, but the fuel consumption was still astonishing.

Mayor Yang nodded: "Mr. Chen said the same thing, but it depends on you. You know airplanes. If you think it's suitable, just meet people. If not, forget it."

"Everyone is here?"

"Yes!" Mayor Yang nodded. "I refused even on the phone, but they still came. The temptation of flying is too great!"

This is true. Transportation has always been a big problem in New Zealand. Although the railway has been built, the number of trains is not enough.

Anyway, these days, in most cities’ markets, the most common specialty product of New Zealand is raisins. Fresh fruits are difficult to transport. Some of the products that say they are New Zealand fruits are mostly fake.

Yan Changqing thinks it's okay to ship to developed cities, but not to the local area. Adding in the freight, the price is too high.

He thought for a while: "Then I'll see you later and ask about the specific situation! Let's wait until tomorrow. I have some work on hand now."

Mayor Yang nodded: "It's okay, it's okay, they're not in a hurry, your business is important. But there's another thing, there are many restaurants in the village now, starting up the service industry... Forget it, I can't tell you this. It’s appropriate, let’s discuss it ourselves later!”

Yan Changqing smiled and watched him leave.

In the special service industry, it is normal for Yang Shengshi to have headaches.

Most of the people who come out at this stage are unable to survive at home. They cry miserably when they are arrested. There are a large group of old people, children and sick people at home waiting to eat!
Needless to say, if you encounter someone who is fabricated, what should you do if you encounter someone who is really miserable?
In theory, everything should be done as it should be, but now that Lao Yang has become a good township leader who is dedicated to that, he is struggling, right?

It’s hard to be a bad person!
Fortunately, you don't have to worry about these.


Yan Changqing started the last part of the carving.

Just as Wang Dajiang thought, he was a little shy, with an expression that was half-smiling but a bit angry.

But he gave it a try, his expression was a bit like looking at a lover, but also a bit like looking at a child.

It took him a long time to draw the portrait - the photo couldn't do it, it wasn't three-dimensional enough. What he drew now was richer in content and looked more three-dimensional than the photo.

It took me a while to think about it before, but it was so easy to do.

After finishing it, I feel good about myself and very confident. This is not an illusion.

Usually people have the illusion that they have done a certain thing and made a certain work. When they saw it at the time, they thought it was awesome, I am really a genius...

But looking back after a while, not many people still feel satisfied. Most of the time, there is a sense of shame - I made such a thing back then?
However, Yan Changqing is very sure that even if he looks at it many years later, he will feel good about it. After all, his carving skills have just been upgraded now.

Besides, you definitely can’t compare with your future self. You can compare it with others!

After placing the statue, he immediately called Wang Dajiang and told him that it could be delivered immediately.

As a result, Wang Dajiang was in a hurry over there and said on the spot that he could transport it himself. He wanted to come and take a look first and fly there immediately.

Yan Changqing also understood his mood and nodded in agreement.

Then seeing that it was still early, I called Mayor Yang and asked him if those people could come over in the afternoon.

Decide something early to avoid trouble.

 Thanks to the book friend "Qilian Ruodie" for the reward. Thank you very much.

  The purpose of writing about transportation is to lead to the things that follow, and it is not aimless.

(End of this chapter)

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