Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 286: It’s not polite to fly on a plane

Chapter 286: It’s not polite to fly on a plane

When Mayor Yang came with his people in the afternoon, Yan Changqing unexpectedly saw his uncle coming with him.

Chen Youliang waved his hand: "You can do whatever you want. I'll come over and take a look."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "You're here even if you're here!"

Chen Youliang chuckled: "I've thought about it again in the past two days, and I think I'd better come and discuss it with you."

Yang Xiangchang had a look on his face. He waved his hand and asked the people to wait aside and let them go aside to talk.


Chen Youliang said: "I thought about it carefully. If it can be done, it can be considered a good business. I just don't know if two large planes can handle it."

Planes cannot fly all the time. They must be inspected before taking off and landing, and all hidden dangers must be eliminated. After all, this is a thing that will not give you a chance to regret.

Yan Changqing thinks there is no problem. He mainly considers: "Is it a good deal?"

"That depends on your luck." Chen Youliang thought about it for a longer time. "If you have some luck, the price can still go up. Just give it a try. There are more and more wealthy people in big cities. As long as the goods are available, you shouldn't have to worry about selling them."

"What's the local price?" Yan Changqing thought it shouldn't be expensive. He remembered that within a few years of working, as transportation became smoother, fragrant pears began to appear on the market.

Poor workers all go to the wholesale market to buy it. Several dormitories work together to buy a few boxes. The wholesale price is about one yuan, but in supermarkets they can sell it for two to three yuan or even more.

Of course, what they bought was definitely not the best. It was hard to say whether it was from New Province or not. In short, they couldn't tell the difference at that time.

Chen Youliang said with a smile: "It's not much more expensive than our local cabbage and radish prices."

Yan Changqing nodded: "It's similar to what I thought, but their volume is huge. Once they start doing it, the planes will probably not be able to stay idle in the future."

"This is not decided by the two of us. It depends on the plane." Chen Youliang said more directly. "You know better than me. You look at the arrangement and you can carry as much as you can. Just do what you can!"

"It really doesn't work. If transportation can be improved, it's not impossible to buy another plane. Anyway, now you have a line in the north. I heard that the situation there is not good, but you are still willing to sell it?"

Yan Changqing thought about it again: "How about giving it a try?"

"Then give it a try." Chen Youdian nodded. "You calculate the cost of our big plane trip, and then we can discuss the price with them... Actually there is nothing to discuss about the price. The main thing is that you have to calculate the transportation cost clearly."

The transportation cost is much higher than the price of fruit!

Anyway, the two of them are not afraid of losing money now. They will stop doing it after a few trips and it won't work. It's okay if they don't die - in fact, they won't lose anything. It's not unlucky when they go. Even a fool can't fly on an empty plane. , just to bring some fruit back.

At least after starting this business, there will be more fruits on the market, and I can eat whatever I want.


People over there in Nova Scotia were quite happy with the results.

But we still have to talk about the details. For example, they have to provide manpower and material resources and are responsible for delivering the fruit to the airport and loading it. These basic issues do not need to be discussed.

What we are talking about is how much and what kind of goods to haul when we go there. Is there any company over there that is willing to take over?

But it's impossible to negotiate now. Although the person who came here is the person in charge of agricultural economics at the municipal level, he still has to make phone calls there for other trades.

Then talk slowly.

Once you have the basic intention, we can talk about everything else, no rush.


Then Yan Changqing went to see the two planes, and then he and a group of people went up and down around them.

By doing this he will feel more at ease because he has the skills.

No matter how conscientious an average person is, problems may occur, but he can guarantee that there will be no mistakes at all during the inspection. After the inspection, he will go through the entire process mentally and ensure that there will be no problems with even one screw.

Yan Erhe was watching very seriously. He didn't have anything special he wanted to do now, he just liked to do repairs or something. Even though he had been following Yan Changqing for a long time, he would still follow Yan Changqing seriously.

He knows best how evil his nephew is, and he knows that it is best to learn from his nephew.

He even started to have unrealistic wishes for his nephew: "Seven pounds, you see our business is getting more and more, and we have to go to Nova Scotia to bring fruits. Can you bring back some cantaloupe?"

Without waiting for an answer, he changed the topic: "We only have two of these things, and they are not enough. It's hard to buy them, so why don't we make them ourselves? I think you're not busy, you have time." In order to do some research, let’s set up a factory and build our own aircraft.”

Are you sure you are talking about airplanes and not dustpans with baskets and dustpans used in villages?Can you make it at home?
Yan Changqing was silent!
He always felt that these words seemed familiar, and when he thought about it again, by the way, Director Wan said that he should come up with some new brewing technology when he has free time.

Director Wan was not the only one to say similar things, but others were not so close to him, and they were not as direct as these two people.


Seeing that he remained silent, Yan Erhe continued to instigate: "This is not difficult, right? It's just that the materials are a little rarer and the skills are a little more. When we had nothing, you could learn how to dismantle, repair and generate electricity in a few days. Machine, now I see you understand all this, there’s no problem in building this, right?”

"Build an airplane? You have so much money to burn your hands!" Yan Changqing looked at his excited second uncle and didn't know what to say. You really think about it!

"If you can sell it besides what you use for yourself, then you can make money!" Yan Erhe said plausibly. "You have a plane and you're worried that you won't be able to make money? This thing isn't complicated. You have the skills to knock rocks, so you can figure it out, right?"

Why do you think the high-precision technologies being developed all over the world are not complicated?

I... thank you, you really have confidence in me.

But it seems like it’s really not that difficult…what the heck!

This thing involves a lot of technology. Simple inspection and maintenance are just minor problems. If it is really manufactured, it will be a huge problem, okay?

As for the aircraft I am currently using, I have to wait for many years before a similar one is developed in China.

Yan Changqing was too lazy to complain: "Is it so easy to build a big airplane? You still have to learn the skills. If you learn more, you will know how difficult it is to build!"

"How about building a smaller one first? Helicopters are also good." It was rare for Yan Erhe to have something he wanted to do, so he showed the spirit of going fishing and hunting rabbits even when he was beaten and scolded, and continued to persuade his nephew without giving up.

Second uncle, you have changed!

You used to be content playing with motorcycles every day, but now you can play with tractors and cars, there are also excavators for you to play with, and now you are even allowed to fly airplanes!

You actually still want to make one?
When Yan Changqing saw him like this, he actually looked very serious, and thought for a while: "My old cousin is going to open a restaurant and make a plan. If you want to build an airplane, just rely on your fantasy! You must at least know how to do it. ?”

"There are so many parts and components on the aircraft. Which ones can be entrusted to others to produce? Which key technologies must be produced by ourselves? How to make them? How much space, workshops and equipment are needed? Most importantly, how much investment is needed? Where do we need skilled workers?"

"It's not brewing. It can be done in any small workshop. You can build a pot at home. It's not like I'm carving. I just need to get a stone..."

Yan Erhe wondered: "I know what this is for? If you want to do it, shouldn't I be the one to do it? I just want to see you build the airplane."

"I also want to see you perform the master dance!" Yan Changqing was speechless. You have been studying for so long and you are still learning basic maintenance. You don't know how difficult it is?Now you don't care about anything, just want to watch the excitement?
Sure enough, he is my second uncle. Just like when I took my six-year-old nephew to perform as a performer, it was still the same as before... leaving people speechless.

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "You think about it, I didn't think about it. If you want to do it, write down the plan first, just what I just said. That's it, I'm still busy, I have to pick up people later..."

"Write a plan?" Yan Erhe was dumbfounded. "Let me write?"

The second-grade elementary school dropout immediately fell into deep thought.


Yan Changqing is waiting to pick up Wang Dajiang!

Mr. Wang was very anxious. He came by plane and would arrive later.

Yan Changqing was not in a hurry while waiting, and watched happily as his second uncle actually went to Ivan to inquire.

Ivanov's expression was obviously stunned.

He never expected that this person who couldn't write and whose marks made when learning to speak foreign languages ​​were incomprehensible to ordinary people, would dare to think about building an airplane!
Yan Erhe learns foreign languages. He does not learn to read and write, only to speak. How to say... he uses Chinese characters... and pinyin to memorize.

The key is his level, the words are wrong and the pinyin is messed up, so only he can recognize it.

Without bragging, if his little notebook was thrown out as a code book, it would be impossible for dozens of code-breaking experts to completely understand it.

Not to mention Ivan, everyone including Andre and the others now look at Yan Erhe like they are a god.

How dare he think!

The key point is that this man actually took out his little notebook and asked someone to help him come up with ideas.

A large group of people were confused by him. You have nothing, how can I give you an idea?
The happiest thing is that although this person and a group of people can communicate normally without any problems, when it comes to professional issues, Yan Erhe's vocabulary is obviously not enough...

The communication was stumbling, not to mention how funny it was!

Anyway, Yan Changqing looked very happy.


Wang Dajiang had just gotten off the plane, and his mood was cloudy.

He was also very assured of Mr. Yan's skills and introduced the two people following him as his sons.Seeing Yan Changqing's cheerful look, Wang Dajiang felt a little more relaxed. He smiled and said, "What good thing happened to Mr. Yan?"

Yan Changqing told the truth: "Watch the fun. My second uncle said that there are too few planes to use, so it is better to build them ourselves. He went to those former Soviet employees to ask for advice on how to write a plan!"

"He wants to do it?" Wang Dajiang's reaction was very normal, his face full of disbelief.

Because of Yan Erhe's identity, most people who come to the market know him. After all, he is a relative of the two big bosses, and no one ignores him even if he doesn't care about things.

Besides, he also has the skills to repair cars!

But apart from these, he is also famous for his "leisure", and he can be regarded as a celebrity.

The key is when someone mentions him, for example: He is Mr. Yan’s second uncle. Even though he has not finished the second grade of elementary school, he is a good repairman and can fix any problem on the car...

Although this is a nice thing to say, it also makes his academic qualifications well known.

Yan Changqing nodded: "He said he wanted to watch him build an airplane. I said he wanted to watch him do it and asked him to write a plan. He was just asking about it! It will probably last a few days. Ignore him, let's go and get in the car first. Go and have a look…”


The road from the market to Dayanzhuang is no longer bumpy by car.

However, the moods of Wang Dajiang and the others were up and down, and it was hard to ask them directly. Anyway, they were in a very urgent mood!

When we got off the car at the winery, we didn’t say anything about having dinner. When we were walking to Tonglin Forest with others, Yan Changqing introduced: “Leave it over there. You said you wanted to come, so I didn’t move.”

Wang Dajiang forced a smile: "Okay, let's go over and take a look, just go there..."

Yan Changqing said in his heart that you guys look like this. I have to be confident in my own skills, otherwise I would be under a lot of pressure?

After entering the tung forest, the father and son were not in the mood to appreciate the scenery carefully arranged by Huang.

Until Yan Changqing opened the covering piece of cloth.

Due to material issues, military green pants cannot be displayed unless they are colored.

However, none of the three of them cared about their clothes, they just stared at the face.

That face that was a little shy, loving, angry, half-smiling but not smiling was also looking at the three of them, as if he was about to speak in the next second.

Wang Dajiang was stunned at that time, and after a long time he murmured to himself: "The three of us are living... quite well. It's just that you're not here, and I miss you sometimes..."

The boss next to me had tears on his face.

Hearing Wang Dajiang speak, tears immediately came out.

Then he couldn't help shouting: "Mom!"

The voices of the two people made Wang Dajiang unable to hold back and began to wipe away tears.

The three elders just started to cry, sob, and howl...


Yan Changqing turned around and walked out.

Give them some space and let them talk!

He wanted to support his son but his relatives did not wait for him. The person who accompanied him through hard times did not get to enjoy happiness. It is a great regret in life, but it is nothing more than this!

The father and son stayed inside for a long time.

By the time I got out, it seemed a lot easier.

Wang Dajiang came up and held Yan Changqing's hand: "Mr. Yan, this... I won't say thank you anymore, just watch my performance in the future!"

Yan Changqing was a little uncomfortable with it: "As agreed, I don't need to thank you for anything, as long as you are satisfied."

"Satisfied, satisfied." Wang Dajiang said repeatedly. "I...oh!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Let's go! Eat first, and then talk about anything else after eating."


There was no need to say anything after the meal, and I drank a little too much.

But after what happened last time, this time Wang Dajiang didn't wait until he was drunk and fell down. Even the two 'eldest nephews', although young, were quite restrained - it was not Yan Changqing who wanted to take advantage of the eldest nephew, but they were the ones who drank. More self-confessed.

Probably because someone was watching, the father and son did nothing but talk a few nonsense.


The next day, the three of them couldn't wait to take the 'person' home - they didn't think it was a statue, because this was the wife and mother in their hearts.

It's very laborious. It's jade. It looks similar to a human, but it weighs... Anyway, the three of them don't let others help, they can do it themselves.

He really treated the statue as a human being and tried to remain polite in every move he made.

I bought a new quilt from the market to put it on, put it in the car and then transported it to the plane - they were big dog owners and wanted to charter a flight back.

Yan Changqing doesn't care, just let them do whatever they want!
Everyone must have a thought in their hearts, no matter what it is, whether it is an ideal, a belief, or a certain person...

If there is nothing, then there is only emptiness, loneliness and coldness!

Now the three father and son are in a state of excitement, so spending some money is nothing.


Yan Changqing finally found peace.

It was quiet for at least a few days, and then Chen Youliang called him: "What on earth did you tell your second uncle? Did he go to Qiansu?"

"What?" Yan Changqing was stunned. "Then my second uncle's enthusiasm is a bit high this time. He said he wanted to build an airplane. I said he wanted to do it himself and asked him to write a plan..."

"Hi!" Chen Youliang was speechless. "He's just too busy building airplanes, so why doesn't he go up to heaven? He doesn't even say hello in advance, applies for a visa and just follows the plane..."

Why don't people think about going to heaven? Isn't that why they built airplanes because they wanted to go to heaven?

That’s not right, it’s already flying in the sky!
Yan Changqing didn't dare to irritate his uncle anymore. Knowing that he was worried about his second uncle who was usually unreliable, he comforted him and said, "It's okay. He knows the local dialect and has a good relationship with Andre and the others. Just go Just take a trip, it won’t be a big problem.”

"I know the problem is not big." Chen Youliang was very angry. "I was angry with him for leaving without saying hello. Did he do that? Why does he want to build an airplane? Didn't he even listen to his discussion with us?"

"He didn't discuss it with anyone, he just asked me to do it!" Yan Changqing was helpless and told the story again. "I said you go ahead and write a plan, and I will provide you with technical and financial support later..."

Chen Youliang had nothing to say to his uncle and nephew: "Then if he can really write a plan, will you really do it for him?"

Yan Changqing could only comfort him: "It's okay. You don't know him yet. It's just the heat of the past few days. Once you find out what's going on, it'll be okay."

Chen Youliang chuckled, thinking about the worries he had when these two people, one unreliable and the other not enrolled in school, went out for a walk and came back with money...

He was really too lazy to say more: "He wants to write a plan, and you should specialize in building airplanes from now on! That's it, hang up... By the way, don't tell your family, especially your aunt, so as not to worry them."

It's not polite to hang up the phone at all.


Yan Changqing put down the phone and thought about it and called the airport in Qiansu.

His name was very easy to use, and soon Yan Erhe answered the phone: "Qijin, I'm here to do some research. The aircraft here are more advanced, and I'm going to inspect their aircraft factory."

"But Ivan said that outsiders are unlikely to go into those places casually, but he can contact people who have built airplanes before, and he can take me to visit. Don't tell me, it's really cold, I can't stand it... "



It's as if it's true.

Yan Changqing listened to his verbosity and felt helpless: "Come back early and tell Ivan and Andre to ensure your safety."

"Don't worry, everyone here has guns, they will go with me." Yan Erhe was very confident. "Go in an armored vehicle. I'll hire them as bodyguards. Don't worry. Hehe, you've been in an armored vehicle...I forgot you were here, forget it..."

Yan Changqing was too lazy to listen anymore and hung up the phone very rudely.

International long distance, listening to your gossip is money.

 Thanks to the book friend "Ride the Wall to Watch the Snow" for the reward, thank you very much!
  Thank you all for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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