Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 287 Journey to Yan 2 River

Chapter 287 Journey to Yan Er River

Yan Erhe felt that he should have come out earlier to take a look. If he didn't go out, how would he know that there were so many machines outside that he had not played with yet.

He is now the driver himself, pulling a carload of soldiers through the snowy mountains and forests, and his heart is filled with a sense of accomplishment.

Lao Maozi's armored car is really exciting. With the roar of the engine, it feels really good to crush it all the way.

He is even more looking forward to big airplanes now!
As for his knowledge of large aircraft, it can be said that he basically has none!
After all, he had not been in contact for a long time, and he was learning maintenance and repairs from him. He did not have the skills of his nephew. His cultural level was not enough, and he was not fluent in the language. It was really difficult to learn.

Usually, when he repairs other cars and machines, he relies solely on his proficiency. If he has that hobby, he likes to explore and fiddle with these things, and if he understands a little bit of the basic theory, repairing it will not be a big problem.

But for large aircraft, he just felt that it was too slow to learn. If he could build it by himself, he would start learning by understanding how to make each part. In the future, maintenance would not be done by hand.

Yan Changqing said something about materials science and physics, but he seemed to understand.

But I can guess a little bit. The plane is so big, it must not be made of ordinary steel like home-made hoes, and there must be many things involved.

He simply had confidence in his nephew and felt that it would not be a problem if his nephew wanted to do it.

What can be difficult if a genius wants to do something?


Arriving at a house in the blink of an eye, Yan Erhe followed Ivan and Andre to visit.

There are not so many weird and stubborn old men who have to show off everything they do.

Yan Erhe used vodka to clear the way and hit people with money and materials. Given the current local situation, few people could withstand what he did.

The old man heard that he wanted to build a plane, so he came here specifically to ask for advice. He brought gifts and money, and he was very satisfied.

After taking a sip of vodka, he let out a sigh of satisfaction and began to talk endlessly.

Yan Erhe was very busy, holding a small notebook in his hand to remember things very carefully, but the problem came, he was not good at memorizing things quickly. The old man said it was like the Yangtze River rushing straight down, and to him there were only small ditches that stopped flowing from time to time.

He asked him to repeat a sentence over and over again several times. Finally, the old man couldn't hold it back and asked him how much he understood.

Yan Erhe stumbled and explained his 'understanding', and then waited expectantly for the teacher's praise.

Unexpectedly, the old man became anxious at that time: "Can you do it? At your level, you told me to build an airplane. You didn't understand a word after talking for a long time. I remember it was all messed up..."

The old man was about to cry. It was too difficult to earn this little money and things. He thought he was coming here with a knowledgeable person who could just discuss and introduce him, but he didn’t expect that he was someone who couldn’t teach anything...

When there was a student like this that I wanted to take care of, I took out a gun and killed him on the spot, so as not to make myself angry to death.

Yan Erhe is very patient. He is looked after by his parents and eldest brother at home, and watched by his brother-in-law in the market. Especially in the early years when he was just doing nothing, everyone wanted to say a few words when he saw him - of course it is still like that now, but he is used to it. A few words were said to him, and he was completely immune to them.

So he didn't take the old man's depressed words to heart. Yan Erhe was still very confident in himself: "If you tell me a few more times, I will remember it. By the way, what did you say that picture looks like? Speak slowly. Why should it be like a so-and-so, what exactly is that so-and-so, and what do the so-and-so parameters mean?”

I'm so...

The old man was going crazy, and several soldiers nearby couldn't hold it in any longer, so they escaped on the pretext of going out to pee - after all, this was the sponsor, so it would be impolite to laugh in front of his face.

Looking at the old man's expression, Yan Erhe knew that the progress of his studies was probably not satisfactory to the teacher, and he felt very ashamed: "Don't worry, I hired you to give lectures and paid you according to your time. If I learn slower, you can earn more." Did you count the money?"

Even if I starve to death or die of thirst, I won’t earn this miserable money!

The old man drank half a bottle of vodka in one breath. Just when he was about to refuse, Ivan persuaded him: "Old Phoebe, think about your grandchildren..."

"Alas..." A long sigh, full of sadness.


Finally, the old man thought of a way. He found a lot of information in a large wooden box in the basement and pulled out a few drawings: "That's it. Can you understand it?"

"I'm illiterate!" Yan Erhe said confidently. "What is this dotted line? What is it marked? And this, why is it drawn so weirdly? I forgot to tell you, in fact, I only went to the second grade of elementary school in our place... I haven't finished it yet..."

Old Phoebe's face turned green. Although he didn't know what the primary school curriculum in China was like, weren't primary schools all over the world similar?

Second grade of elementary school, not finished yet?

Old Phoebe's expression no longer doesn't mean he's eating shit, he looks more like he's plunged into a lagoon!
Seeing this old Fei's increasingly ugly expression, Ivan couldn't help but pull Yan Erhe to persuade him: "Otherwise, you can buy the picture, go back and buy a translation dictionary and read it slowly..."

He wanted to introduce a business to old Phoebe and let him earn some money to solve part of his livelihood problems, but he didn't want to make him angry to death - that way he wouldn't have to worry about his livelihood problems in the future.

Yan Erhe looked at old Phoebe: "Don't you guys have to keep it a secret? Can I take it away?"

"Take it, take it, as long as you give me the money, it's all yours." Old Phoebe waved her hand. "I'm old, these things can only be buried with me. If you want to take a look, just take a look!"

"Oh!" Yan Erhe was still not very happy, he didn't understand, he was just confused.

But thinking that my nephew should be able to understand, it’s okay... okay!
Then just give me money, whatever you want, it doesn’t matter if you need supplies. If you have enough, you can go back and ask someone to send it to you again. Anyway, it’s not bad.


But Yan Erhe still seemed to understand something - that's what he thought, because he thought the old man's words were not good.

So he wanted to find another teacher who could teach better.

To be honest, he was very disappointed with this old man. The teacher he had learned Suyu from before was so good. He taught him sentence by sentence, but this old man was not good at it. He was not a professional, so he was really not good at it.

Ivan has no objection to this. If you want to transfer it, we will continue to transfer it.

Those soldiers didn't have any objections. They could still make money by traveling around the mountains and rivers.

In particular, Yan Erhe is still very playful. He saw wild animals while walking and asked if he could try some wild game.

It’s so appealing to everyone’s taste, you can even have a picnic when you come out!

Then you can see how Yan Erhe makes people angry with his serious face.

No matter what, it's much more comfortable than being in the airport or the military camp.

Everyone is happy!


Yan Erhe went to many places and met many people, but he felt that they were not very nice and few of them were patient.

He felt that these people would definitely starve to death if they wanted to become teachers. No wonder they had no source of livelihood when they got old and could only live at home.

It is so difficult to find a good teacher!
But the scenery is pretty good, just like traveling in the mountains and rivers. Although it is a bit cold, this is a scenery I have never seen before, and it is still quite interesting to look at.

He also collected a lot of information, there was quite a lot of it anyway, and he didn't mind if it was a little repetitive.

Ivan and Andrei would not and did not dare to trick him, and clearly told him that some information was duplicated.

But Yan Erhe didn't mind: "It doesn't matter, it's not worth a lot of money anyway. At worst, I'll go back and sell waste paper. They're all here. Seeing how good these old men and women are, they just treat it as poverty alleviation work."

Since Yan Erhe didn't care, everyone watched him tossing happily.

Anyway, just think of it as fun!
When he sees a pheasant while walking, he shoots twice and shouts twice to enjoy it. When he sees animal footprints on the ground, he has to check them out and sighs with emotion.

I also encountered a bear that was supposed to be hibernating, but was brutally murdered by Yan Erhe.

It wasn't that he really wanted to hit the bear, but the sound of the gunshot alerted the bear, and then the bear suddenly jumped out from the side. Yan Erhe was holding the gun and taking aim randomly. When he was frightened by it, he fired a bunch of bullets. Hit it all, and it will die miserably!
Then Yan Erhe was stunned. Firstly, he had never hunted such a big prey. Secondly, he was worried: "Is this to protect animals? Will it be okay if I kill it?"

Ivan persuaded: "It's okay, it's your first time hunting such a big prey, right? Don't worry, it will go away without any pain, your shooting skills are very accurate. We all watched it, it came out suddenly, just hit it It’s a fight, it’s okay, it’s okay…”

Yan Erhe was so panicked that he didn't care about anything. He swept out all the bullets with a rifle. The key point was close and he hit them all. It must have been painless and very fast. His whole body was full of holes and bearskin. There is no way to ask for it.

The soldiers who followed knew everything and started dismantling it without Yan Erhe doing anything.

Ivan also suggested: "I heard that the bear paws from your place can also be used to make delicious food. You can take it back and give it to Mr. Yan as a gift. You are here, so you can't go back empty-handed!"


Yan Changqing didn't know that his second uncle would let himself go when he went out. As long as he knew that safety could be guaranteed, he didn't care about anything else.

Anyway, with my uncle's temper, it's normal not to do anything, but it's not unusual for him to do something.

He now started making lion heads and faucets, and also hired several apprentices to work with him.

He is preparing to hold a big folk festival. Although there are many other programs, he likes to have some big scenes.

If you could bring out a hundred lions and a hundred dragons, wouldn't it create such an atmosphere?

The bamboo forest back then was finally put to use. He used to be reluctant to let others cut it down, and would plant some around it every year. Now there is a large bamboo forest along the river, and the scenery is infinitely beautiful when the wind blows - he also enjoys cutting it down himself.

It's really good. Although it's not the season for blooming flowers, there are still many birds in the bamboo forest, giving it a lively feel.

Yan Changqing didn't want the village to turn into a town if he worked hard. He still hoped to retain some of the pastoral scenery as much as possible.

Just like now, there is a tung tree forest in the west, a bamboo forest in the east, and other fields. Because of his style over the years, everyone has also planted some flowers and plants in some open spaces.

Although some people don't like to take care of it, in the spring, summer and autumn, everyone is still very happy when they go out to farmland no longer.

He chopped bamboo and led a group of apprentices to make lions and dragons.

When the students came back from the weekend, they also joined in. Even some workers had nothing to do, and some people who were good at bamboo crafts took the initiative to come over and help with something.

Yan Changqing took a look and realized that he had talents and needed to use them.Why should he be an apprentice? The apprentice is clumsy and can only do the simplest things after teaching for a long time - he doesn't know the pain of others being Yan Erhe's teacher.

Although these apprentices are slow learners in his opinion, at least they can learn well, and they will not explain his 'principles' to you in a leisurely manner.

Yan Erhe's 'principles' were simply the trigger.

Especially when he has a serious look on his face and talks to you slowly, the whole family has become accustomed to him making pies, and sometimes he is so angry that he can't eat!


Yan Changqing immediately felt much relieved when he discovered that there were talents among the workers.

In fact, farmers are doing a lot of these things these days. Aren’t the baskets and baskets used in the countryside made by the rural people themselves?

Although there is little local bamboo and not many people use it, the jobs are all the same. Anyone who knows the craft can do it.

Moreover, this incident also reminded Yan Changqing that there are everyone in the factory now, and when it comes to talents, it must be more than just this!

Because everyone needs to eat, and some crafts may not necessarily bring immediate benefits to people and make them full.

Many people are not suitable for business due to personality problems, so wineries have become their best choice.

Thinking of this, Yan Changqing gave Lao Wan a new task, asking him to collect information on whether the workers had any skills. Even if they are not used now, it does not mean that they will not be used in the future.

Moreover, the new factory will need to recruit workers in the future, at least [-] people. Are there any talents here?
But before Lao Wan could finish the statistics, the people from Yan Erhe didn't come back. The things they brought back arrived first, and they were gifts for his nephew.

The gift was packed in a very large wooden box. It was quite heavy. A large truck brought it and it took several people to help lift it down.

It looks really sincere!

Then Yan Changqing was so smoked that he almost vomited.

His five senses are different from ordinary people. He never expected that his second uncle would stab him in the back. When he opened the box, he saw four big bear paws, which had not been treated before. Even the mud and blood were not washed away. Clean and extra fresh.

Of course, that's not all. There are also other former Soviet specialties, such as caviar, amber, and other random things.

Yan Changqing was speechless and continued to look through the box. This thing was packed in an extra-large box. There were all these messy things on top. I still don’t know what they were underneath!

The result was surprising, it was all paper.

Yellowed books, moldy diaries, and various materials are still Yan Erhe's true colors, highlighting a mess.

Open it and take a look, aircraft manufacturing, aerodynamics, aeronautical engineering manuals...

Most of the books are published internally.

Next there are drawings, notes, handwritten, printed, pencil drawings, pen writing...

Yan Changqing looked at such a big box and fell into silence: Are you just going to get these things?

The point is, some of these documents are labeled top secret, so how come they were pretended to be back?

Could it be that time has changed and it is no longer confidential?

What's more important is that the second uncle has brought so many things back and he still doesn't come back?What are you doing?

Yan Changqing couldn't hold it back and hurriedly called Qian Su again.

As a result, the receptionist over there told him that the guest hadn't come back yet and that he was traveling around!


Yan Changqing could only call Andre who was flying back.

Andre said cheerfully: "Don't worry, boss, brother Erhe is living very well there and is not acclimated. I feel like he has gained weight!"

Yan Changqing didn't notice that he had learned to say acclimatized. He was just worried about his second uncle: "What is he doing there? You flew the plane back, why didn't he come back?"

"He thinks it's very good there and wants to play for a few more days." Andre said with a smile. "Ivan was there with him, and he was still enjoying the mountains and rivers. The bear's paws we shot together were the ones I proposed to keep for you..."

When Ivan didn't come back, Andre shamelessly changed the proposer to himself and showed his credit to Boss Yan - it was Ivan who suggested that Yan Erhe leave the bear's paws to Yan Changqing.

Yan Changqing had a lot to say, but didn't know what to say.

Forget it, as long as the person is fine, whatever!


Then Yan Changqing began to look at the information, drawings and notes in detail.

The things are very messy. Several of the notes are personal and written by different people. They contain some ideas about manufacturing aircraft, some design directions, and thoughts.

Including the drawings and those internal books, of course they are all used to build aircraft.

Although some of them should be a long time ago, and the ideas in the notes and the drawings are now behind the times, because some planes are flying in the sky.


To say we are lagging behind depends on where we are.

In short, these are not things that a second-rate guy like Yan Erhe can get his hands on...

He can't even read, okay?
He didn't know much about his family's square characters, let alone Qian Su's characters - when the village organized a wheat field study, he was still the one who paid the least attention.

Yan Changqing complained about his second uncle in his heart. Anyway, he didn't say that he was a second-rate person - his grandfather often said this, saying that his second uncle was just a second-rate uncle, a bastard and the like.

Grandpa was right.

The second uncle was originally a casual person. He was usually lazy. Except for his personal hobby of working on machines and the like, he never took other things seriously. When he did his work, he was very careless...

I make big mistakes all the time, and I often do unreliable things. I really can't find many advantages.

Except for better luck...

Well, better luck.


Yan Changqing always had nothing to say about his second uncle's luck.

This person doesn't care about anything, always encounters pie-in-the-sky things, and always makes some people around him feel that God is unfair and blind.

After all, luck is unreasonable.

Yan Changqing could only attribute everything to his second uncle's luck.

The key to transporting so much information back was that the airport was owned by the military. All these messy things were loaded onto the plane and brought back openly and openly under their noses.

I didn’t take it seriously, just piled it up in a mess, got a big box, and arrived at the winery.

Yan Changqing still had some difficulty reading those notes. They were all jotted down. After all, the person who wrote them didn't intend to show them to others. He just had to understand them himself.

There are also drawings, because they are not for one kind of aircraft, but involve many types. Some of them look like helicopters at first glance, and some drawings are only marked with parameters and so on, and I don’t know what kind of parts are on the aircraft.

It seems that my foundation is not strong enough!

Yan Changqing thought for a while, put the other things away, and first found some basic books to read.

Although you may not necessarily build an airplane, it would be good to know more about it.

Learning these will definitely improve your skills, and maybe you can modify your two large airplanes later to make them more fuel-efficient.

Large aircraft are the real fuel guzzlers. Every time you move, the fuel consumption is measured in tons. Even if you can save a little bit, it will be more cost-effective to fly.

The key point is that the big plane is quite good. It looks spectacular and is fun to fly. He also likes it.


It wasn't until two days later that Yan Erhe made an international long-distance call to Yan Changqing: "Qijin, have you received my things?"

"Got it!" Yan Changqing was speechless. Isn't this suitable to be said on the phone?The key point is that the place where you made the call is not appropriate, right?

"Isn't the bear paw good?" Unlike what Yan Changqing thought, Yan Erhe didn't care about anything else but his prey. "I shot that."

"Let me tell you, it's very dangerous! It appeared out of nowhere. Fortunately, I was very experienced. I turned around and threw a bunch of bullets at it, knocking it down on the spot... I'm not bragging, even the soldiers who were following them couldn't bear it. , I admire my shooting skills."

Yan Changqing chuckled and told the truth of his guess: "They are all people you hired with money. Can you not say good things to you? You were frightened at that time, so you shot out all the bullets at once, right?"

Yan Erhe was able to ignore the words he didn't want to hear. He didn't hear his nephew's hehe.

Still talking about myself: "I'll go back in a few days. It's good here, but it's too cold. I'm going to wait until it gets warmer before coming back to play. In fact, it's quite interesting. There are a lot of game. I don't care about the gun. I just go out and shoot. …”

"By the way, what kind of game do you want to eat? I went out to catch some and kept it for you. It's a suitable day and it won't go bad if I leave it. Our flight is also very fast, so it will be fresh when we get home..."

He was still so proud that he had no idea that he almost smoked his nephew to death with four big bear paws!

So fresh!

(End of this chapter)

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