Chapter 294 Logistics Shopping
Compared with these outsiders, Yan Changqing's purpose is much simpler.

Because although these little singers are not very famous, some of them are quite eye-catching.

Yan Changqing greeted these people with a smile, which instantly caused a commotion. Several young singers were extremely excited, and some even shouted out that they wanted him to write songs.

He felt that this should be considered carefully.

After being reborn for so long, Mr. Yan feels that he is financially free after all. What he wants to do depends on his mood. It’s not like he can’t sing. He writes songs for these people and he doesn’t have close friendships with them. Why should he?

So he just asked if he was used to being here, and expressed his welcome to everyone to come to his hometown.


Old Feng watched for a long time not far away, and when Yan Changqing came over after chatting with the group of people for a while, he said with a little envy: "Changqing is very good at learning foreign languages. He can chat with everyone!"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Well, if you don't learn a few foreign languages, how can you meet beautiful foreign girls?"

Lao Feng instantly felt the generation gap, and he thought of what Yan Changqing had said to him back then, about retirement.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Fang Qingliang laughed and said: "Mr. Yan is really good at joking, but it is really good to learn foreign languages. If you can earn foreign exchange through foreign trade, the market will be huge!"

Zhang Shilin also laughed: "Now Mr. Yan's business has spread to foreign countries, and his music has spread all over the world. We people can't keep up with the times."

Yan Changqing smiled: "Nowadays, society is developing rapidly. In the future, planes will fly around, and doing trade with foreign countries is not a rare thing. We are still planning to continue wandering for a while, or go to the market together. Sit down?"

"Go back, go back, after watching your show, there is no point in watching anything else." Fang Qingliang glanced at Zhang Shilin and made a decision immediately.


He walked slowly when he went out. Mr. Yan never put on a show at home. He just walked in the crowd. From time to time, someone would say "Mr. Yan, hello" or something like that. He would also nod to show that he heard.

After walking a few steps, Lao Feng was surprised and said: "Mr. Jian, are you here too?"

Yan Changqing actually saw a somewhat impressive face, but it took too long, and the woman had changed into her eighteenth birthday, so she was a little unsure. Now that she heard Lao Feng's words, she was instantly sure.

He smiled and said hello to the girl with a blushing face: "Jian Hongfei?"

Jian Hongfei's face turned even redder instantly: "Hello, Mr. Yan!"

Yan Changqing became happy: "Why are you so polite? Why don't you say hello in advance when you come, so that I can receive you..."

After a polite introduction, more and more people came back.

Lao Feng's family members were also there, and they gathered together after a while. There was not enough space in one car, so Yan Changqing simply hailed a bus and took everyone to the market.


Chen Youliang did not appear at this year's Folklore Festival. He felt that since he had a second child, he had to keep a low profile. He even wanted to turn down the title of representative, but he couldn't.

No matter who is in charge, they all say that if the household registration is not local, it is not a super birth, and it is better to maintain the status quo.

Mr. Yan is very famous, but he is not very willing to deal with people. He was not even invited by the Liquor Association for a long time. He finally managed to win over Mr. Chen. How could he turn him down when he wanted to and still want to give him more? How many titles does he have!

We all met when we arrived at the market, and after some polite introductions, we found a large conference room to sit down.

Chen Youliang also arranged for the kitchen to prepare the meals quickly. It was already past the meal time.

Yan Changqing explained to Fang Zhang and others: "Uncle Feng and I have said before that we didn't win the title of CCTV this year, mainly because we wanted to keep a low profile. The market is a bit chaotic now, and everyone is aware of the situation. I think sooner or later it will be better." If we need to rectify it, we can just advertise on other channels in the future, there is no need to dominate Biaowang and never let go."

Everyone understands this, and Zhang Shilin supports: "It really needs to be rectified. There are too many fake wines in the local area. We have good confinement wine, Wu Liangye... there is an extra radical of Wu, and Lao Fang also has it." Bar?"

"Yes!" Fang Qingliang was a little helpless. "Not only is it a good confinement, there are also good eyesight and so on. There are also many imitations of Maotai, all kinds of things. I also went to a small shabby factory to have a look, and only a few people made it. small workshop……"

Lao Feng thought it was okay: "Ours is better. They can't produce anti-counterfeiting labels. We have said in our advertisements that anything without anti-counterfeiting is fake. I don't think the impact will be big. But rectification is indeed necessary. Those The serious counterfeits are fine, but some are simply fake. If you keep doing it, something will happen sooner or later..."

That serious imitation made everyone sitting there laugh, but everyone understood.

Serious counterfeiting is when small wineries create similar trademarks just to increase sales.

The most hateful thing is those that are directly blended with alcohol. They are not even willing to use edible alcohol and use industrial alcohol directly. That is the harm.

Yan Changqing didn't bother with this. It was just a small workshop with a few people, and the winery was suing one by one, and the compensation was not enough.

Fortunately, Bubugao Winery is now famous enough that those imitations usually don't dare to imitate too much. There are no anti-counterfeiting trademarks. You can basically tell the authenticity at a glance.

However, these wines are still marketable, because some people just want to get a bargain, and they will buy any cheap wine anyway. This is still like a famous wine spot.

This problem cannot be solved by one winery at all. It must wait for a major overhaul.

Yan Changqing said this because he knew that there would be an industry rectification soon, and he could now promote this industry rectification to happen ahead of schedule.

The few bosses sitting here now, except for him, basically all have the title of representative on their heads.

So he directly suggested: "After we go back, everyone should mention more about rectifying the industry during meetings. If you mention it a few times, it's almost time to rectify it."

Lao Feng was the first to nod: "It's indeed possible to do it. I can also contact a few industry bosses when I get back and we can put forward opinions together."

Zhang Shilin and Fang Qingliang will naturally not object to this matter. This is a good thing for everyone, and it can be regarded as a good thing. At least those who are blatantly false will be beaten down.

Usually when the top starts to rectify things, the impact is so great that it causes outrage and resentment. But now that it hasn't reached that point, it's a bit inconsiderate.

But it all depends on people. If everyone proposes it now, it can almost represent a lot of people.


Business people are so boring. After talking about wine, they started talking about market trade.

Fang Qingliang is the most enthusiastic about this: "We have quite a few processing plants here. Can we set up a special processing plant for the raw materials coming from us?"

Chen Youguang nodded: "I've been working on it, but the raw materials are mixed and it's impossible to be single-minded. There's no problem in expanding the production. Next year, you can get more goods and try it."

The raw materials coming from there include food, medicinal materials, leather, etc. It is impossible to build a single factory.

Fang Qingliang didn't really want to build a factory, he just wanted to increase the market share there. He was very satisfied when he heard that he could transport more goods.

Chen Youliang continued: "The market wants to try making yak hide leather goods for foreign trade. It is still being tested and the market has not yet been opened. I think it will be better if we wait."

Fang Qingliang immediately became active: "Is there anyone I need to cooperate with?"

"Not yet." Chen Youliang thought for a moment. "But when the weather gets better, maybe... forget it, you can do this. Find someone to take pictures of some more distinctive scenery, and then make an advertisement later."

It's a small thing, but it's also a big thing.

Even if you take a casual photo, you still need to rent a helicopter to take the photo. If you want to do advertising, you may need to take it abroad for advertising. Even if you don’t use a helicopter, you still need to use professional equipment.

Lao Fang nodded to show his understanding. Next to him, Jian Xinghe, the second eldest son of the Jian family, said, "The cars at the market are very convenient and well-known. Can we start a business of helping people deliver goods?"

Yan Changqing didn't want to hear it at first, but after hearing this, he sat down with peace of mind.


After hearing what Jian Xinghe said, Old Feng also supported it: "Actually, this job can be done. Some people are doing it now, helping big cars contact business, etc., but it's just a small job."

"We have great advantages now. We have a fixed cargo terminal and regular vehicles. We can use the idle vehicles to develop business in this area..."

This one specializes in logistics.

In the past, various logistics points in the market only transported their own goods. First, other people's goods were unstable, and secondly, they made money by selling their own goods, so they were too lazy to bother with the freight.

Chen Youliang pondered for a while: "Then I will discuss it with everyone later and see if anyone wants to do it."

"You can try a few fixed routes first." Lao Feng suggested. "If it doesn't work, just drive from here to my place, and to Lao Jian's place. It's okay to give it a try. If there are not enough cars, I will buy a few."

Chen Youdiang nodded: "Then let's do it first, it's easy." He nodded and it was confirmed. Let's buy a car first and start working on it. As for how to do it in the future, it's easy. The market has experience in this area.

If the profits from pure logistics are considerable, then we will start to form a separate company based on shares to specialize in this.

The rest is a matter of details. There is actually no need to buy your own car. If there are idle vehicles in the market, use your own car. If there are not enough, you can use other vehicles. As long as there are stocks in the market, you don't have to worry about running out of cars.


Yan Changqing listened for a while and then drove the car: "Jian Hongfei, are you a college student now?"

When Jian Hongfei was at home, she was very domineering and asked everyone in the family to follow her. Just now, when she listened to Yan Changqing talking to others, her palms began to sweat. Now when she heard Yan Changqing ask herself, her face turned red, and she was crowded for a long time. One word came out: "Yeah!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "College student, which university? What major are you studying?"

"Business Administration from Jiangcheng University." Jian Hongfei whispered and mustered up her courage. "The job assigned in the future is not good. Can I work in your winery?"

"Okay!" Yan Changqing didn't believe that she couldn't get a good job. The allocation also depends on the person. It's not like her family has no money.

Jian Hongfei was excited in her heart, but she tried her best to remain calm on the surface: "Then it's agreed, what can I do when I come?"

"Managing a winery is very simple, you can do whatever you want."

"Really, then let me be your assistant! Study hard in your big company."

"I already have two assistants." Yan Changqing thought for a while. "But they are both general managers now and have many things to do. They can't call them assistants now. Let's wait until you graduate!"

Jian Hongfei nodded: "Then it's agreed!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Okay, it's still early for you to graduate anyway."

He didn't know that when he returned home, he turned from a stupid kid who was trafficked into a top student. He took the college entrance exam early in his sophomore year of high school.

Jian Hongfei did not explain, but she mustered up her courage: "The changes here are really big. Are you still busy? Why don't we go out for a walk?"

"Wait until after dinner!"


While eating, another group of people came over. Some people in the village who hadn't eaten yet came to the market to eat, and they just happened to continue talking.

But Yan Changqing didn't listen. He and Jian Hongfei went shopping.

The two of them were old friends and wanted to see each other. After leaving the market, Jian Hongfei became more active immediately without her parents. Originally, this little girl was not a particularly quiet person. She was simply stimulated and put all her enthusiasm into her studies.

"The changes are really big." Jian Hongfei always felt like she wanted to walk with a skip, but she had to be reserved. She stood at the market gate and looked at the large market that no longer looked like a market, but more like a small town.

Yan Changqing nodded: "It has not stopped in the past few years. Construction has been carried out every year. If you come back in two years, the changes will be even greater."

"You are so amazing." Jian Hongfei sighed from the bottom of her heart. "I knew you were very powerful at that time, but I didn't expect you to be even more powerful than I thought..."

Are you speechless?

Yan Changqing laughed: "It's not my fault alone. How are you studying? After you study, you can consider taking the postgraduate entrance examination. If you study for a few more years now, your life will be easier in the future."

"No!" Jian Hongfei waved her hands awkwardly and simply put her hands behind her back. "Do you think I've changed a lot now?"

Yan Changqing turned around and glanced: "It's quite big."

She was still an ugly duckling at the beginning, especially when they met at that time, it was probably the most unlucky moment in her life, let alone her image.

Now he is a college student. His long hair is simply tied up. He wears a beige woolen coat with a bulging white sweater underneath, a pair of tight jeans underneath, and a pair of fashionable Martin boots. He looks quite good.

Of course, the main thing is good looks, bright eyes and white teeth, natural beauty, and not to mention a good figure, otherwise it wouldn't be so 'valuable' back then - although those dead ghosts and traffickers deserved to die, it cannot be denied. With other people's vision, ordinary people would not directly pay the money that could build a small building back then.

Jian Hongfei's original courage disappeared after a few glances, and her face turned red: "The first time you saw me, I must have been ugly then, right?"

"No, it should be pretty good-looking." Yan Changqing recalled it. He couldn't do it without recalling it. At that time, he really didn't care to take a closer look at his appearance.

Jian Hongfei was amused for a moment and looked at the bustle not far ahead: "Is there a lottery over there?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Let's go try our luck."


The town and the market were originally not far from each other. In recent years, the town has expanded and the market has expanded, and the distance between the two has become closer and closer.

Now a large hotel and a park have been built in the middle, so they are basically connected.

Of course, the most important thing is to build the road. It used to be a gravel road with a slight bend in the middle, but now it is a spacious and straight asphalt road, which is not strenuous to walk on.

Seeing that the crowd is quite close, it still takes time to walk.

Yan Changqing thought of a question as he walked: "There is also a bus stop here in Huitou Park. There still need to be more buses. There are a little few now."

"Do you care about this?" Jian Hongfei asked curiously.

"The town is so big, someone has to do everything." Yan Changqing explained. "Actually, at the beginning, we wanted to make it easier for people in the village to get to the market. Later, there were not enough buses, and it seemed that buses became our exclusive business, so the town stopped doing it."

Taoshu Township is a long strip as a whole, stretching from west to east and relatively narrow from north to south. With the car from Dayanzhuang to the market, it basically covers most of the villages in the township.

Later, more vehicles were added, and when the entire township was overhauled, public transportation was basically available throughout the township. Although there were not many vehicles, it was indeed convenient for everyone.

Jian Hongfei nodded: "Your town is indeed very good. I think there are many buildings and street lights, which are better than some cities."

Street lights are a trivial matter. Before the power station was built, Mayor Yang installed the street lights in advance. When the power station was built, there would be street lights all the way around the town to the market here.

The main thing is good management. Lao Yang said, whoever breaks the street lights is a thief. If caught, he will be treated as a thief. Only thieves are afraid of too bright street lights on the road.

In fact, vandalizing public property can also be dealt with, but vandalizing public property has a different reputation than being a thief. Vandalizing public property can only be considered a mean person, while being a thief will have a bad reputation.

Therefore, apart from self-damage, there is basically no chance of street lights being damaged. It is impossible not to be damaged at all. There will always be lawless kids.

But after dealing with it a few times, this problem has basically been eliminated now. Mayor Yang is more ruthless and pulls the parents out to discipline them.The naughty child who did this will wait for the parents who have been punished to go home and have a meal of fried meat with bamboo poles to ensure that he will not do it again.


The two of them chatted and arrived at the unfinished park.

The place is very lively now, and because there are no free prizes, the popularity is much higher than expected.

However, the order was quite good. Yan Changqing saw Yang Xiangzhang sweating profusely, holding up a small trumpet and shouting: "Don't squeeze, whoever squeezes again will go to the small blackboard..."

The small blackboard is the bulletin board at the main gate. It is quite a deterrent and everyone's order is pretty good.

Yan Changqing originally wanted to join the queue, but it turned out that there were too many acquaintances, and in an instant there were countless people calling Mr. Yan to say hello.

When they heard that he was coming to draw the prize, someone immediately gave up his seat politely: "Come and stand here, I'll line up at the back."

Immediately, someone continued to say: "Why are there still queues? Mr. Yan, come up to the front and try our luck first..."

Regardless of whether you know Mr. Yan or not, you have always heard this name and know that it is him who is here, so you have no objection.

As soon as the crowd became lively, Mayor Yang immediately looked over and shouted: "Mr. Yan of the winery is here! Can we let him try his luck first?"

Mr. Yan is very popular, and instantly some people started shouting: "Mr. Yan, please be merciful! Don't let the grand prize get away with you!"

Yan Changqing smiled and waved to everyone: "If I win the first prize, each person in this team will receive a bottle of wine. The best..."

(End of this chapter)

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