Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 295 The loving person 1 family

Chapter 295: A loving family
Hearing Yan Changqing's shout, everyone joined in the fun.

Jian Hongfei whispered: "When you say this, do you want everyone to hope that you will win the big prize, or hope that you will not win?"

Mayor Yang also said something similar there, but as soon as he finished speaking, someone from other teams came over and said with a smile: "Come on, Mr. Yan, I will win a big prize, I will be satisfied if I mix a bottle of wine." Got it!"

Anyway, there is a lottery everywhere, and now I can bet on Mr. Yan's luck. If he wins, he will get a bottle of wine for free, which will be a pleasure.

Jian Hongfei had been muttering cheerfully just now, but when she followed him and took two steps forward, she felt a little embarrassed.

Yan Changqing was quite popular here, and everyone was staring at them, muttering and talking in low voices while watching.

The critical murmur was a bit loud, and Jian Hongfei heard someone whispering: "Is that the girlfriend Mr. Yan is looking for?"

Her mood, which she finally calmed down, suddenly became agitated again, and what showed was that her face turned into a red apple.

Yan Changqing turned around and saw her blushing face, and came to her rescue: "This is a client, what kind of girlfriend? Don't talk nonsense, otherwise I won't be able to share the benefits when I win the prize."

This sentence was quite powerful. Those who were speculating hurriedly swallowed the words on their lips, and heard Yan Changqing continue to say: "Rang, let's watch my lottery! Try your luck with five cards first."

He took out a ten-dollar ticket and put it in the box, then took out five lottery tickets.


This kind of lottery ticket is a small piece of cardboard about two to three centimeters wide and five or six centimeters long. It has a slogan written on it and has a scratch-off area with various fruits. Depending on the type of fruit, you can determine whether you win or not.

Yan Changqing handed three lottery tickets to Jian Hongfei, and while holding two of them, he scratched and said, "Hurry up, let's see your luck, everyone is waiting!"

He was quick with his hands and already scratched open the lottery tickets while he was talking. He looked at them and saw that they were all apples.

Fortunately, he and Lao Yang had agreed to give him a reward at best, otherwise this would be an empty reward.

The worst prizes include small tools such as small spoons and chopsticks, as well as toys such as small pendants.

He kept the lottery ticket and saw that Jian Hongfei was very serious. She was looking forward to scratching the lottery ticket little by little. He couldn't help but laugh: "No matter how slow you scratch, it will just matter whether you win or not. Hurry up and take a look." .”

Jian Hongfei's face turned red again: "I'm not an apple."

Next to it is the prize redemption table. There is a large cardboard with the fruits for each prize written on it.

When he heard that it was not an apple, Yan Changqing became excited: "Look what it is, don't really win the first prize, everyone should suspect that there is something shady!"

The people next to me who were about to touch the prizes stopped touching them and were just looking at them!
Jian Hongfei quickly shaved off the remaining part: "This is a banana."

At that moment, everyone in the circle was sighing, and they seemed to be in complicated moods - this was a prize that was only slightly better than Apple, and the prize was only worth two yuan.

Jian Hongfei sighed when she heard that she was too embarrassed to continue reading carefully, and quickly started to scratch the remaining two sheets.

The first one was an apple, and she handed it directly to Yan Changqing: "It's also an apple..."

Then he was pleasantly surprised: "Hey, this time it's not apples or bananas, it's pineapples. Let's see what the prizes are for pineapples..."

Someone immediately reminded me: "This is the third prize."

"Mr. Yan is so lucky. He won the third prize with one out of five."

"It's great. Now I can choose clothes or other things."


Listening to the discussions around her, Jian Hongfei was quite happy: "Is there anything else besides clothes?"

"Everything is there." Yan Changqing laughed. "You can choose a larger plush toy, a quartz watch, or..."

Before she finished speaking, Jian Hongfei made her choice: "I want a stuffed toy!"

He spoke too quickly and felt embarrassed: "You bought this, it should be your prize."

Yan Changqing laughed: "I'm treating you, and whatever you hit is yours. Don't be polite, go ahead and claim your prize."

He turned to everyone and said, "If you don't win the big prize, you won't get any wine points!"

There was a moment of lamentation.

Jian Hongfei was still a little embarrassed, but there were too many people here to refuse.

She had been paying attention to Yan Changqing's movements. After a long time, she naturally felt that her relationship with him should be quite close.

Just now, Yan Changqing handed over the lottery ticket and she took it directly as her own. Just now she realized that she was actually rescued, and she hadn't even made a phone call for so long... In fact, the two of them weren't that familiar.

When she got to the prize redemption table, she came up with a lame reason: "Well, even if the toy you gave me is ready, can you help me choose one?"

Yan Changqing took a look and saw that there were not many types of plush toys these days. Most of them were in the shape of animals such as bears, puppies, and pandas. There was nothing particularly weird. He pointed at the giant panda and said, "How about the panda? Being chubby is fun.”

"it is good!"

Then I chose a key pendant and a few small pendants to complete the redemption of the prizes.


The panda toy is quite big, nearly one meter tall. Thanks to Jian Hongfei's long legs, otherwise she would not be able to see the road while holding it.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Are you guys checking in at the hotel? Do you want to put this in and go somewhere else?"

"No!" Jian Hongfei refused. "I want to take it out to play."

It's actually quite inconvenient, but this little girl has a lot of thoughts. When she comes out, she always feels like people are looking at her everywhere. She feels uncomfortable all over, but she feels quite comfortable holding a big toy.

Yan Changqing did not object, and suggested: "There is nothing else interesting. Why don't you go to the clothing factory to see if they have any new clothes? By the way, they also make imitations of famous brand products here to ensure quality. It’s really fine, do you want to take a look?”

Companies were on holiday during the Chinese New Year, and few shops were open. Only the clothing factory was familiar to him, so he could find someone to open the door and go in and choose.

Jian Hongfei wouldn't have any objection at all. She was thinking about everything but where to go.


The garment factory is still on the original site of the labor service company. Although it has been expanded a lot, it is nothing more than turning the backyard into a factory building.

After Yan Changqing arrived, there were only a few people on duty here, but he was close to the factory. They opened the exhibit warehouse directly and asked him to take people in, and he was also responsible for introducing them to the new products of the factory.

Jian Hongfei was instantly dazzled.

Yan Shuixing and others are engaged in business, and the clothing factory produces foreign trade products. All kinds of yak leather clothes and bags are designed by themselves. There have been many plagiarisms in recent years, and even the ones designed by themselves are inseparable from imitation. The traces still look similar to many big brands.

And there are still big-name imitations nearby. The price is of course the ex-factory price, which is very cheap anyway.

Jian Hongfei was very happy: "So you have such a cheap one here, and it looks no different from the same one!"

The female worker who showed them around laughed: "The craftsmanship is actually different. We can only imitate it, and it will definitely not be exactly the same as the original one."

These days, there are a lot of 'famous brands' in China, and the quality varies. Anyway, they are all 'international brands'. Some even have two different brands printed on one bag, with the main one being low-priced, and no one cares about it at all.

Although the products made in Taoshu Township are high-quality products, the prices are not high, otherwise people would not try to create their own brands.

After all, counterfeiting won’t last long.

Jian Hongfei picked and tried the bags one by one. The person on duty was also happy to have someone come over, otherwise it would be pointless to just sit and accompany her to try the bags one by one.

There are also some new models of big-name clothes that can't be distinguished from fake ones, and Jian Hongfei also wants to try them all.


By the time the two came out of the clothing factory, Jian Hongfei had already changed her clothes and carried several bags, including bags and clothes.

While returning it, he said enthusiastically: "When I go to school and show it to everyone in the dormitory, they will definitely not be able to tell the real thing from the fake."

Yan Changqing was curious: "Aren't you afraid that others will accuse you of using fake products?"

"What's there to say? I just bought a style, just for fun." Jian Hongfei didn't care. “It’s not that I can’t afford the real thing, I just think the price is a bit deceptive and I’m not willing to buy it.”

Yan Changqing nodded: "I didn't expect that you are quite good at living." Jian Hongfei blushed and whispered: "I am already quite good at living. If anyone marries me, I will definitely be able to manage the family well. "

"Yeah!" This topic was not suitable for further discussion, so Yan Changqing changed the topic. "Where else are we going to play? Do you want to experience our bus and visit the winery?"

Jian Hongfei looked at the street and saw that people had gathered at the lottery site. There were fewer people here. She thought for a while: "Let's wait another day. It's getting late now."

Then she looked at Yan Changqing and gritted her teeth: "By the way, for a big boss like you, what kind of girlfriend are you looking for in the future?"

Yan Changqing sighed inwardly and said with a smile: "I plan to find ten or eight girlfriends in the future. When looking for a girlfriend, I have to ask first. Are you willing to just be my girlfriend without getting married? Are you willing to have many children?" Sisters, maybe they are from all over the world..."

The courage that Jian Hongfei finally mustered up disappeared in an instant, and turned into surprise: "Why do you think so?"

"I want to be a blessed man with many children. Having too many children for one girlfriend is not good for the health and is too tiring. I need to find more. Just one or two per person will be enough." Yan Changqing blurted out. road.

Jian Hongfei couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you even going to get married?"

"Of course we can't get married." Yan Changqing said confidently. "Or I can go to a country where I can find ten or eight wives, so it won't be illegal. Then I can travel everywhere every year and there will be wives and children everywhere. How great!"

Jian Hongfei had nothing to say: "That's can afford it anyway. But are you busy enough?"

Yan Changqing chuckled and stopped talking.

The girl was a bit unwilling to give up: "Then do your parents agree?"

Yan Changqing said matter-of-factly: "I don't need them to know. Besides, they will be very happy to have many grandchildren!"

Jian Hongfei was silent for a long time, then asked in a low voice: "Would anyone be willing? You have never heard that love is selfish."

"I'm not selfish. I'm a philanthropic person who can like many people at the same time. Besides, there are many places where there is polygamy!" Yan Changqing said casually. "By the way, where else are we going to play?"

"No! I want to go back." Jian Hongfei whispered. "Bringing so many's not convenient to run around and play anymore!"

"Then I'll take you back."


After sending Jian Hongfei to the hotel, Yan Changqing went back directly without wandering around anywhere else.

When I got home, I discovered that my mother was actually at home. She is a person who loves to join in the fun. It was a miracle that she didn't go to the lottery site or go for a walk.

Normally, I would feel uncomfortable for a long time if I didn't join in the excitement when I heard about it. Yan Changqing was very curious: "Mom, you didn't go out?"

"I don't want to go." Li Xiuni was not very interested.

"What's the matter?"



"Why not?"

"There must be a reason?"

"No reason, just angry."


Yan Changqing was also speechless. He couldn't say whether he was in a good or bad mood at first, but now he looked helpless at his mother.

He wanted to leave, but he didn't dare, otherwise his mother would be even more angry and feel that she didn't care about him - he missed his father very much at this moment, because usually when his father was around, his mother would deal with him and do everything. It's past.

After thinking for a long time, Yan Changqing vaguely remembered a reason: "Is it because you didn't go out for a show in the morning?"

"I won't go to any show. I told you beforehand that I was full of energy. When I saw the crowd, I didn't dare to do anything..." Li Xiuni replied angrily, probably because her son had made the right decision.

There is nothing left for Yan Changqing to do. He just needs to sit here and listen to his mother's complaints.

This was actually the reason why my mother was tossing and turning. At that time, a group of older girls and younger wives in the village, as well as a few old ladies who were 'chatty girl crazy', were all very excited to participate in the folk festival. They prepared a new set of clothes every day, and they were happy every day. of.

As a result, I stood on the stage and saw the dark crowd of heads below. I was instantly frightened and didn't even dare to follow him.

Li Xiuni, who had prepared carefully, was very unhappy. In fact, there were still many people who wanted to go, but let alone the organizational discipline of these people. They were just playing, but in the end they gave up because of stage fright. Can't follow.

But I’ll regret it if I don’t go…

The thing is very simple, but it sounds quite complicated.

Yan Changqing listened to the few words repeated over and over for a long time. Seeing that his mother still didn't want to stop, he didn't want to wait any longer. He thought about it and made a suggestion: "Actually, if you both like it, why don't you try to do it yourself?"

"You can't sell this thing." Li Xiuni's attention was diverted. "Besides, we don't know how to design anything."

"If you can't sell it, just play with it yourself. Besides, where did our clothes come from? Weren't we just bought them?" Yan Changqing encouraged. "Aren't there many people in the village who know how to sew? It's simple. How about you learn it and try it yourself?"

Mending is a basic skill for women these days. Even if Li Xiuni's cooking skills are average, she still does a lot of work like mending clothes.

In fact, it’s not difficult. Yan Changqing even mended his own pants back then!

Seeing that his mother was tempted, Yan Changqing continued to give her advice: "These clothes are actually simple. Have you seen our history textbook? There are some ancient costume styles in it. Just follow that and make it look better yourself." . Anyway, idle time is idle, and there is no need to waste anything by studying..."

He sincerely suggested it, otherwise my mother and those 'catwalkers' would actually have quite a lot of free time.

Students all go to school, and those who don’t go to school are usually looked after by their grandparents. Nowadays, there is so little farm work that there is no need to do anything, let alone mending the soles of shoes, making schoolbags out of rags...

There is nothing else to do except gossip.


Li Xiuni is a rural person with a low level of education. Before she even started, she thought of a lot of difficulties: "I've never done anything before, and besides, I have to buy a sewing machine or something? We don't know anything about fabrics. If we look at the pictures, If you can make it, then won’t all the clothing factories they own go bankrupt..."

For the sake of a happy and leisurely life for himself and his father, Yan Changqing could only continue to persuade: "You have to give it a try, right? Nowadays, the new little wives in the village are not all literate. Maybe they understand. Go and ask. That’s it?”

"Besides, it's not difficult. You know Mr. Mao of the garment factory, right? It won't be difficult if you take people from the village to the factory and learn from them. The cultural level of her workers is not as good as yours!"

"It's not as difficult as you think. Look at Uncle Shui Xing and the others. Back then, they all couldn't count money. Now they're not all bosses. It all depends on people. You're not stupider than them..."

"Don't be afraid if you can't sell it. Let's advertise. Then we'll find a few good-looking people to wear it and put it on TV to advertise. Mom, I just need to look at you. If I don't see you wearing those clothes, my dad's eyes will light up..."

Yan Changqing turned her head as she spoke: "Is it dad? Am I right? My mom looks very good in those clothes. She doesn't look like a fairy?"

Yan Dahai stood at the door for a while. He listened to his son's advice to his wife and thought it was pretty good. Anyway, he thought his wife looked good in those clothes, and he didn't mind what his son said about his eyes shining. He just nodded when he heard the words. Head: "But!"

"But what the heck, what do you know!" Li Xiuni could still listen to her son's words, but she was not angry with her husband - she was sulking at that time, and Yan Dahai ran away when she saw that the situation was not going well.

When her son comes back to see her sulking and talking to her, her husband will run away. In comparison, the small black account she kept for her husband has instantly increased the interest rate!
Yan Dahai laughed and said, "I think Qijin is very good. You also help in the chicken farm...the work is dirty and tiring. It's good for you to find other things to do."

Fortunately, he changed his mind quickly and almost said what he really meant, saying that his wife couldn't help there.

Yan Changqing promptly made up for his father: "Besides, we don't want to make money, can't we just have fun? Look, my father, the big boss of a chicken farm, can he give you some money to do something you like?" Really? Why are you saving money if you don’t want to spend it? Isn’t that right?”

"Besides, there are so many people in the village, and they have nothing to do all day long. It's not like you have to go to the chicken farm or the winery to worry about the two of us. Apart from talking about the family's shortcomings, there is nothing else to do. It's not interesting. ?”

"You organize them so that those business people will not come back and say that their wives are not doing anything at home..."

Li Xiuni was already excited, but she still hesitated: "Then this won't make much money, and it might even be a loss."

"What are you afraid of losing money? Who still needs this little money? If you take out some interest from the bank, it will be enough for you to have fun." Yan Dahai muttered. "I guess Shuixing and the others also support it. If you don't believe me, just ask..."

"I won't ask. If you want to ask, go and ask." Li Xiuni glared. "Don't talk, let me think about it first. What do you know? I think what my son said is reasonable. What were you running for just now? You didn't say a word. I turned around and disappeared..."

Yan Changqing supported his mother: "Mom, you think about it first. We will discuss it after we decide. I will go to the winery first to have a look."

After that, leave and don’t stay to watch the fun!

(End of this chapter)

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