Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 296 You can get by if you swim at Level 3

Chapter 296: You can get by if you swim at level [-]

By dinner time, everyone who had gone out to attend the folk festival and join in the fun was back.

Yan Changqing asked Zhu Xiaobin: "How do you feel? Isn't it boring to just play the drums? Do you want to perform a show with Erwa and the others tomorrow?"

"Performing martial arts?" Zhu Xiaobin didn't know anything else, so he couldn't go up and teach high school mathematics.

"Dragon and lion dances are quite fun!" Erwa was very excited. "Brother Qijin, brother Xiaobin, there won't be so many people playing drums tomorrow, let's go to the dragon dance, right?"

Compared with the "catwalk" people in the village who don't want to show their faces, guys like Erwa are eager to show their faces, but lion dancing is not enough. Hiding the lion is boring, so you still have to dance the dragon.

Yan Changqing thinks everything is fine: "The festival is just for fun. You can play whatever you want, including dragon dancing. You can jump around on the stage over there. You can play whatever you like."

Zhu Xiaobin also made an instant decision: "I will go to the dragon dance with everyone."

This doesn't require any skills. Anyway, compared to Erwa and the others, he is the biggest and can definitely lift the dragon's head. When the time comes, he will just have to run around waving the dragon's head.

A group of people made a decision and then began to discuss which color of the dragon would be the most majestic.

The largest dragon from last year has been renovated this year to look more powerful and domineering. The key weight has been reduced. They are one year older and can lift.

But they won't consider this for the time being. Their father and uncles are having fun, and it won't be their turn. It will probably take two days until the adults have had enough fun before it will be their turn.

Seeing how fiercely they were arguing, Yan Changqing ignored them and prepared to see what kind of music was suitable for playing tomorrow.

As a result, before leaving, a group of people divided into two gangs, namely the red gang and the yellow gang - some people thought the red ones looked better, while others thought the dragons we usually see are all yellow, and the yellow ones are more powerful.

The representatives of the two gangs are Erwa and Tiedan. Erwa is more eloquent, while Tiedan is unable to speak, and is ready to adopt the traditional solution to unified differences - a martial arts competition.

The one with the highest force value now is Zhu Xiaobin. This kid has practiced the hardest, and he is older than the others, so he has grown up.

But Zhu Xiaobin doesn't want to participate. He thinks anything will do. Anyway, his main purpose is to participate. Even if he is not allowed to hold up the dragon head and run along, it doesn't matter what color it is.

Erwa looked at the group of people behind him and decided in an instant that it was better to punch - this guy is not as hardworking as Tiedan, and the guys behind the hardworking Tiedan also practiced well on a regular basis, unlike Erwa, who fights in three days. The fish was dried on the net for two days.

Seeing that they couldn't fight, Yan Changqing simply left. Anyway, after they had been arguing for a while, they should go back to their respective homes to sleep.


After Yan Changqing was busy for a while, he heard voices calling Brother Qijin goodbye from outside.

Even Zhu Xiaobin went to live with a friend of mine. He had been in the village a long time ago and had adapted to the customs here. He would hang out at someone's house and have some food when he caught up with him, and he would go to whomever he wanted to stay at in the evening. , very comfortable.

Yan Changqing was originally going to do some other work, but there was nothing to do now, so he simply went to soak in the river.

Winter is a great time for river construction. Even if it freezes, there will be no delay in excavation and filling. Now the upper reaches of the river are somewhat unrecognizable.

The creek is relatively small, but smallness has its advantages, and it is convenient for construction in winter.

Yan Changqing didn't mind that there was no sand at the bottom of the water, since he wasn't near the bottom of the river now anyway.

I found a place with deep water and got into it. I was more flexible than a fish in there. I didn’t need to control myself to float in the middle of the water. I could even sleep under the water without any problem.

The quiet water bottom is conducive to thinking.

A few small fish next to him probably thought he was the same kind, and they were dangling beside him. He stretched out his hand to grab them and gently caught them in his hand.

The little fish suddenly panicked and began to struggle desperately in the water.

But that little strength is really not enough, and I can't break free at all.

Fortunately, Yan Changqing was not bored enough to bully a fish, and he soon let go.

Feeling the water flow caused by the small fish swimming away, he reached out and stirred it. Miraculously, the original water flow changed direction instantly. The small fish that had just escaped with all its strength suddenly found itself caught again.

But this time, it only struggled slightly and easily broke away from the hand, and then tried desperately to swim away.

But something magical happened. Just when it felt like it had escaped, it was fixed again.

This time it took a little longer, and it struggled a few times before breaking free, so it continued to repeat its escape actions...

This time, it was not caught again.


Yan Changqing was surprised. Is this the water control he thought about?
He felt that he just paddled casually in the water, and the water followed his will and pulled the unlucky little one back.

Water control?

After letting the little fish go, he regained his energy, stood still, and tried to change the current around him based on his feeling.

1 minute, 2 minutes...

5 minute, 10 minutes...

After trying persistently for more than ten minutes, Yan Changqing gave up.

Bullshit water control is useless.

You still have to do it yourself, it's not like controlling water with thoughts at all.

After thinking for a long time, he thought of the reason.

Summoning the small jade plate, he didn't look at the other skills and directly found the swimming one.

Sure enough, he was a Level [-] swimmer, not water control at all.

This was my first skill. In the past, when the weather was hot, I basically played in the water for a while every day. Later, after the cold and heat stopped, I could even take a dip in the water in winter.

Then I began to imagine that I could control water. I paid special attention to studying water every day, and went to the river to soak when I had time. However, I failed to control water, but my swimming skills reached level three.

He didn't pay attention to the swimming skill for a long time, he only wanted to control the water.

Now that I can't control water, the multiple third-level skills can be considered a small psychological comfort!


With his level [-] swimming skills, he couldn't tell much of a difference.

For example, when it comes to diving, he has long since felt that he is now just like a fish, and feels that he has no problem living in the water - except when eating, because he has no gills to drain water.

Now I am just more sensitive to water flow, and the change in feeling is not that big.

Maybe it's because I just upgraded, and I haven't tried out the ultimate effect yet. I don't know how big the change will be for the time being. Anyway, I am sure that it is not enough to control the water flow with my thoughts.

There is an unlimited effect. If you move casually, the river and ditch are not enough for him to flutter.

In fact, this river was not a toss-up before. I could easily move from one side to the other. There were too few places where the water was deep enough. I often just leaned on the bends along the river bank, which was not enough for swimming.

It seems necessary to find a time to go to the sea and try it.

In terms of self-perception, he felt that he could now challenge a great white shark in the sea. It would not be a big problem if he could swim faster than a sailfish.

It's a pity that it seems useless. Should we go to the Bay Province to cross the Taiwan Strait and swim back and forth twice?

That’s too boring!
Fortunately, the physical improvement is real. Feeling the flow of water in the water improves perception. Swimming is a whole-body exercise that improves overall quality. There are definitely only advantages and no disadvantages.

It's not a bad idea, even though I still can't control water.


Although the river ditch was a bit small, there was a new third-level skill, so Yan Changqing still played with great interest for most of the night before going back.

Returning to Tonglin Forest, he rested for a while and began to practice guzheng.

I am going to play guzheng today. The concept of suona in rural areas will not change for a while. Dagu and erhu are too common. Everyone likes guzheng. They feel that this thing is elegant and stylish...

To put it bluntly, there is still little contact. Yan Changqing solicited the opinions of some people and they all felt that playing the guzheng was the best, even if his erhu was higher and more powerful.

Daybreak came quite quickly.

After a while, the area near the winery became lively.

It's not that work started, but that the village became lively, hanging out with friends, a bit like a few years ago before the Chinese New Year, everyone went to the big fair together.Going to the market is much less fun now, and attending a folk festival makes up for it.

The main thing is that the weather also gives me face. It has been sunny in the past few days, which is quite cooperative.

Yan Changqing thought about it for a while, and then decided to carry the guzheng he had just played - he originally wanted to use another one, but thinking that everyone was so active, he was not willing to take out a good instrument to play. It was too boring.

After thinking about it, I brought up the erhu again.

I remember that when I first learned it, I often played the erhu in the village. There should be many people who will continue to listen to it.


When we walked to the winery canteen, the food was all ready. Even though there were only family members there, there were too many people, so we still cooked a table of dishes.

When his uncle saw the musical instrument Yan Changqing was carrying, he laughed: "If you play here, will anyone watch the other shows?"

Yan Changqing put down the instrument: "It must be there. I don't play all the time. Today is the official start. I come out to help everyone. What if no one comes next year?"

"Yes." Uncle nodded. "I think this thing should be done more often. In the early years, I remember that there was a small temple fair in Zhuangzi. I traveled dozens of miles to see it. In the end, I was exhausted from running for a day and listened to a play. Our... folk custom Festival, it’s quite interesting.”

"The main reason is that there are so many people willing to participate." Yan Changqing said part of the reason.

Another part of the reason is that the things he and Mayor Yang did so that all the people who came were not in vain, so more people were willing to join.

If we had not considered giving benefits at the beginning, there would definitely not be so many people participating.

There are still many poor places now. Without some benefits, they will not be able to afford the expenses themselves.

Eating was not the focus. Everyone soon solved the problem of breakfast and then set off in groups - people like the old cousins ​​definitely didn't want to go with their parents, especially now that there was a 'rich restaurant owner' with a group of people. To help the little one set off, there is definitely something to buy and play with.

As for Yan Changqing's performance, the owner of a wealthy hotel said that he can listen to it anytime he wants. Circus performances don't happen every day, so go watch other people's performances first!

When the sun came up, the sound of helicopters could be heard, and the roads were already full of people.

The performances elsewhere have been prepared. My uncle did not go out and was responsible for being the liaison person. He walked around the area with a walkie-talkie and notified Yan Changqing if there was an emergency.

Yan Changqing was actually quite relieved. So many people were released to maintain law and order, and there were also flying patrols in the sky. This battle was enough to scare Xiaoxiao away from causing trouble, and there would be no problems.

He is preparing for everyone to have some spiritual baptism today.

They were all ready to go on stage when Li Xiuni ran over: "Qijin, come on, come on, I found a set of clothes for you, try to see if they fit you?"

Yan Changqing was helpless. Seeing her mother's excitement, she was too lazy to spoil her mood, so she could only try it on.

It's an ancient costume, and with his short hair, that's really all it is!
But Li Xiuni was very happy: "Not to mention, my son looks like an ancient nobleman wearing this..."

There was a group of people beside her, all chiming in, and their chatter almost extinguished Mr. Yan's desire to play.

And Li Xiuni had another idea: "You are not interested in playing the guzheng and sitting alone, so let's stand beside you as a foil!"

Is this to make up for the regret of not going out for a 'catwalk' yesterday?
Yan Changqing didn't care: "Okay! You choose the right person. Just stand there. If you want to move around, show off your clothes. If you don't want to move, just stand for a while. Or you can change people while the music is changing."

"We have all rehearsed, let's take turns to go up." Li Xiuni didn't listen to him, she had her own ideas.

For this leader, Yan Changqing really has no choice, so let them do whatever they want!

It's still early, and there are still relatively few people on the big stage by the village.

Yan Changqing doesn't care about anything else, let's get started!

With a few clanks, the guzheng sounded.

In an instant, the towering mountains seemed to appear in front of people, with green mountains and green waters, high-altitude white clouds and blue sky. The immersive feeling came again in an instant!

Chen Youliang held his son in his arms, followed by his wife, and followed by a stern-faced man. He slowly walked out of the market, preparing to take his wife and children to watch the show.

Also with them was Yan Erhe's family. They stayed in the village for a few days during the Chinese New Year and then came over. The main reason was that Yan Erhe was quite busy now.

The reason for the stern-faced black man is because he got up early in the morning to draw the prize and failed to get any money.

Yesterday afternoon, he asked his grandparents for money to win prizes, and he got back a lot of small prizes - most of them were things released in the market, which was also very speechless.

Today he came to his father again to ask for money. Chen Youliang originally didn't care, but his mother was unhappy and wouldn't let him go.

That's right. The prizes he picked out were all just shipped from the market warehouse. Is it interesting that he would spend money to 'buy' them back?

So this guy was very unhappy today. If he hadn't considered that there were various programs to watch, he wouldn't have wanted to come out.

While walking, Chen Youliang was chatting with Yan Erhe: "What happened to your factory there?"

"Still preparing." Yan Erhe sighed. "It's so hard to even ask for a favor even if I weigh seven pounds!"

Next to him, his wife whispered: "The children are here, please be careful what you say."

"Alas!" Yan Erhe sighed again. "In the past, you just had to keep your head down and do whatever you were trying to do. But now that you're here, it's so difficult. I haven't even chosen an address yet."

Chen Youliang smiled: "You think too much. We are just making small fuss. You want to build a plane when your head is hot. How many people dare to think about that? You want to build a car or something?" I think it’s more reliable, airplane, haha…”

Yan Erhe's face darkened: "I know you don't support me either. You told me to just do whatever you said before. Everything depends on people. It's all nonsense!"

"That's not true." Chen Youliang didn't argue with this person. "It's rare that you want to do something. In fact, everyone supports it. If you don't believe it, ask your wife. We all said that if you want to do it, I'll let you do it, right?"

As a result, someone who did not support him immediately came. Yan Erhe's sister did not give them both face: "I said you are just thinking nonsense. You don't know what your level is, and you are still building an airplane? Do you have that level? I It’s hard for you to build a bicycle.”

As soon as the sister spoke, the brother immediately fell silent.

Chen Youliang quickly advised his wife: "It's not easy for Erhe to do something he wants to do. I've told you to support him. Why do you want to do this? Your level is not good enough. Didn't you think you can't even work in a flower factory before?" , are you starting to look down on that job now?”

After returning from Xiangjiang, Yan Yuhuan stopped going to work in the cotton factory and focused on raising her baby at home, planning to wait until the baby was older.

As for that work, leave it alone for now!
In the past, when she wanted to go to work, she had to spend most of her family money and find connections. Now Chen Youliang wanted to get her a leave without pay, which was just a matter of words.

Chen Youliang persuaded his wife a few words, and then advised Yan Erhe: "Don't listen to your sister's nonsense. She doesn't understand. You can repair airplanes now, and you have been studying for so long. Just keep learning and take your time."

Yan Erhe glanced at his sister timidly, and when he saw that she was silent, he nodded: "Then I'm going to rent a place at the airport and set up a research institute, what do you think?"

"Is it too far?" Chen Youliang said. "It's far from home, troublesome. Doesn't the research institute you mentioned not need a large space? Just look around and find a place. Then bring the group of people you want to bring over and start research slowly."

"Then I go home and find a place?" Yan Erhe thought for a while and said. "Stay closer to Qijin and let him see more."

"Do you still have land in your area?" Chen Youliang asked. "Have all the nine hills and eighteen valleys been planned by Changqing?"

"Yes." Yan Erhe thought for a moment. "Then I'll go to the east side of the river. It's closer to the power plant anyway."

"What are you studying?" Chen Youliang asked a key question. "Why don't you research a helicopter first? I think that one is simpler. There happens to be a helicopter borrowed from the city these days. Would you like to take a chance to take a look?"

"I'm still thinking about what to study!" Yan Erhe answered honestly. "Helicopters... let's talk about it. In fact, I have seen it in Qiansu..."

This answer made the sister and daughter-in-law next to him curl their lips, and even Hei Pidan's sullen face could not hold back his laughter - they had been together for a long time, and he and Yan Erhe had a good relationship, mainly because Yan Erhe was unreliable. Pu's temperament is actually very good for getting along with these naughty kids.

Chen Youliang opened his mouth and wanted to persuade her, but he didn't know what to say, so he thought of a new topic: "Well, Xiao Ni'er from the Jian family who came yesterday, I think she has that intention towards Chang Qing? "

Yan Yuhuan became excited: "Is that the fair and clean college student? He looks pretty good, but he is much older than Qi Jin."

Yan Erhe muttered: "Qijin will not fall in love with her. He said that he is going to find a few more old men... Let's take a more honest look and find someone who can take care of the house in the future... But what, a girl in the city can't live well?" …”

I almost revealed my nephew's plan, but fortunately I reacted quickly, otherwise my nephew's little secret would have been exposed again!

Yan Yuhuan was a little confused: "He is still looking for someone who knows how to live? Is it necessary for our family now..."

With my nephew's current financial situation, it shouldn't be a big problem even if he finds someone who likes to spend money, right?
Yan Erhe also felt that the reason he thought was a bit ridiculous, but he directly pushed it to his nephew: "Anyway, I remember that Qijin said so before."

Yan Yuhuan didn't bother to talk to him about this, and immediately began to frown and sigh: "Oh, I don't know what kind of person can be worthy of our seven pounds..."

Yan Erhe thought: He plans to find a few more, and they will definitely be worthy of him...

The nephew is a philanderer, he has discovered it a long time ago, but it is a good thing to spread the branches and leaves of Lao Yan's family. Besides, even if he wants to take care of it, it is not his turn...

Let’s continue thinking about manufacturing our own aircraft!

(End of this chapter)

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