Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 297: Just do it when the opportunity arises

Chapter 297: Just do it when the opportunity arises
Serena has always believed that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

She was prepared. On the first day of the Folklore Festival, she had no intention of continuing to wander around the hotel.

She got up early in the morning, only to find that there were others earlier than herself. Looking at several people with the same skin color as herself in the hotel lobby, asking around, she was almost stunned.

Fortunately, she was stronger and smarter. She left a few staff around her and only brought an assistant and a translator, Zhang Xiaoli, to pretend to go out for morning exercises, and then went straight to Dayanzhuang.

Then, she blended into the crowd, and using a few words she had just learned from the translator these days, she would ask people when she saw them: "Nihao, have you eaten?"

People in the village find it very interesting. How strange it is that a foreigner Xiao Nier comes to our village and greets everyone she sees.So I tried to say hello to her, and then I realized that she was a fool who could only speak a few simple words but nothing else.

However, although this little Ni'er has blond hair and blue eyes, which may not match the aesthetics of the villagers at first sight, but after a second look, she looks quite pleasing to the eye. Most importantly, she behaves well-behaved and is quite lovable.

So Serena used her sweet words to address her in specially learned places, calling her "aunt, uncle, aunt, uncle," and then acted like I'm here to learn how you speak.

Although the accent was a bit weird, it still worked. When she got on stage to prepare for the performance, she had learned several more local words and met a few aunties who were particularly good at talking.

The little translator who was following her couldn't even get a word in, so he just watched her chatting with a few aunts.

"Is that Mr. Yan's mother? She's up there too? She's dressed like a little girl. It's true that rich people live a good life. My daughter who used to look inconspicuous is getting prettier now!"

"This is to serve as a foil for my son. She will definitely be willing to do it. I didn't expect Mr. Yan to come up and perform..."

"Yes, but she's dressed up really well. She looks just like the empress on TV. She looks so young."

"I'm not just like my mother-in-law here. With a son like Mr. Yan, he will definitely live younger and younger."

"Oh, that bastard in our family is now as old as Mr. Yan, and the school is going to expel him. I'm so worried! If he is one-tenth as good as Mr. Yan, I'll be satisfied!"

"One-tenth? What a good idea you have. If your son had one-tenth of Mr. Yan's net worth, you would laugh even in your dreams..."

"Ha ha……"


A group of old women were chatting randomly, pointing at the people on the stage, and their words had a bit of a sour taste from time to time - there were also people on the stage who were about the same age as them, but they were radiant and dressed up as if they were acting in a movie, so they just I can only stand and watch.

Thinking about how we all suffered the same way back then, haha, now comparing them, the difference is as if one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, it’s really psychologically unbalanced.

Serena listened hard with her little ears, and asked Zhang Xiaoli a few questions from time to time. She now understood at least a few key words, such as 'Mr. Yan' - the boss and general manager of Dayanzhuang with the surname Yan. Few, but usually when people talk about Mr. Yan, they are definitely talking about the boss of the winery.

When she heard the keywords, she became alert. After asking a few more questions and listening to the keywords, she figured it out: the women on the stage above, the boss in the lead, was Mr. Yan.

According to what she has learned these days, everyone here is very particular about 'relationships'.

She didn't quite understand it, because 'relationships' were too complicated. Not to mention a foreigner like her, even a local would sometimes not be able to figure out many 'relationships'.

But it didn't matter. She tentatively asked the translator: "Lina, if I go to build a good relationship with the aunts and sisters on the stage, will I have a chance to meet Mr. Yan?"

Zhang Xiaoli didn't dare to speak. She was afraid that if she did, people would say later that what Serena did was her instigation.

Now she is very satisfied with her job. Working as a translator is also part of the hotel's work. After all, she is serving guests!

The hotel has regulations that make it harder to work outside. Counting outside work, she will not only receive salary, but also a bonus.

The problem is that she can still get translation fees now.

In other words, she earns translation fees every day with the salary bonus given by the hotel.

In the past few days, when she woke up at night, she would twist her thighs several times to prove that she was not dreaming - to be honest, she had never dreamed of such a good thing before.

She couldn't think of a better job in the world than here?
So she was really afraid that she would do something wrong, offend the biggest boss, and lose her job.

Serena smiled at the look on her face, she already understood.

Although there is a language barrier, how can Zhang Xiaoli, a little girl who came from a mountain valley, compare with this girl who dared to travel thousands of miles to a foreign country? Her social experience is many times worse!

Just seeing Zhang Xiaoli purse her lips in embarrassment, Serena became excited: "How about I call you aunt? She seems to be quite young. Wouldn't it be better to call her sister? Women don't want to be called old, right?"

"No." Zhang Xiaoli stopped her in time. "Although my sister sounds like Mr. Yan's mother is younger, if you shout like that, it will make people wonder if you want to take advantage of Mr. Yan. You will offend everyone here..."

"I understand!" Serena laughed happily. "That's what you said about 'seniority' and you can't mess with it, right? Don't worry!"


The audience on stage and off stage were mesmerized by the song "High Mountains and Flowing Waters".

But it didn't affect everyone's normal thinking. Some people followed the plan and went to watch other programs after listening to it. Some thought it was very good and simply found a chair to sit against the stage. That's it for this morning.

Basking in the sun and listening to Mr. Yan playing the guzheng live is a day that would make the gods envious!

Yan Changqing took a break to drink tea and felt helpless when he heard the commotion behind the stage.

The group asked him to play and then stop for a while, giving everyone time to prepare so they could take turns on stage.

Moreover, this group of people is also the group with the strongest immunity to his music. They have been listening to it since the beginning of the erhu. Later, his mother often let him show off his skills - just like when he learned martial arts and went to visit relatives at his grandmother's house to let him perform. That way.

Let's be lively if it's lively. Anyway, these days are meant to make everyone happy.

But when a group of people came on stage and saw a blond and blue-eyed girl in ancient costume, Yan Changqing couldn't stand it. Mom, what are you doing?How come anyone can come?
Li Xiuni was very happy: "Qijin, look, this foreigner wants to participate in our show. I asked her to try on a set of clothes. It looked a little weird just now, but when I look at it again, it's quite pleasing to the eye. What do you think?" Sample?"

I didn’t feel anything. Yan Changqing waved his hand and said he was going to play!

Yan Erhe has always felt that he is a person who can do whatever he wants, and he is also so strict with himself.

So after lunch, he told his sister: "I'm going to see a place. Let's settle the matter early. After the folk festival is over, I will start construction. Sister, just wait. I will invite you to visit when the construction is completed." "

Yan Yuhuan sneered: "It's just you, go ahead! I'll see when you can build it..."

Yan Erhe knew that his elder sister couldn't trust him, but he didn't mind. She would naturally believe him after he accomplished something.

Then he got on his beloved motorcycle and set off towards Dayanzhuang in a hurry.

When I walked to the lottery point, I met a few acquaintances. They greeted him immediately when they saw him, and then warmly invited him to try their luck.

Yan Erhe didn't want to stop the car at first, but everyone was a little too enthusiastic.

His popularity has always been quite good. In just a few words, no less than twenty people called him, countless people said hello, and even his motorcycle was surrounded.

And someone also explained to him why everyone invited him so enthusiastically - because there was a big prize waiting for him!
Although most of the small prizes are from the market, there are also big prizes. After a whole morning of lottery activities, not a single big prize was awarded - the only special prize was a minivan; the first prize was a motorcycle. There are three; the second prize is ten, and the prize is a bicycle.

It stands to reason that you should drive a motorcycle or something on the first day, but there was nothing in the morning.

No one doubted whether the prize was fake or a secret operation. Everyone watched what Lao Yang had done in the village over the years and believed that he would not do anything fishy in this regard.

So now everyone has high expectations and feels that the big prize is definitely waiting for them.

The person who invited Yan Erhe also thought so and advised him this way.

Yan Erhe thought for a while and decided to listen to everyone and try his luck as a way to save some luck for his research institute.


After receiving the 20-yuan prize, which was an encouragement prize, he refused the invitations from his friends to continue, not even receiving the small prize, and drove on his motorcycle to continue setting off.

As soon as we arrived at the edge of town, we saw the animal exhibit at the city zoo, and there was a circus performance next to it.

Being popular is different, and he was greeted by an acquaintance, so he stopped for a while.

Originally, he also liked to see animals.

After all, it is actually quite interesting to watch the tigers and follow the trainers around the field.

After delaying for a while, he passed by the stilt walking performance, the dragon dance performance by the naughty children in the village, the magic acrobatics performance, the dance performance of the minority ethnic groups, etc...

Needless to say, the dragon dance by the naughty children is quite similar, and the dance performance is also quite interesting. The actress, who has obvious characteristics of a minority, is actually quite eye-catching.However, he also knew the specific situation. This was a member of an official theater troupe. Actors were selected from thousands of people for publicity. There were still promotional banners and paintings hanging on the stage. They definitely couldn't find someone who was crooked.

After listening to minority music and watching singing and dancing for a while, Yan Erhe realized that he still had to do business, and hurriedly rode on his beloved motorcycle...

Not far away, I saw a food stall on the roadside.

In fact, there were quite a few food stalls along the way, but he had eaten the Fried Liangpi from this restaurant, and it was very authentic. It came from the oil field, and it was very popular there. He had been working there for many years.

Now that the stall owner is stirring up trouble, people on the roadside can't help but twitch their noses. He thought for a while and decided to eat something first before going back to talk about things without delay.

After all, this is quite meaningful. Chen Youliang also did this back then.

But there were a lot of people. Even though people saw him and remembered that he seemed to be a manager, they deliberately fired him first, but a lot of time was wasted.

Next to the stall that sells the key to stir-fried cold skin, there is also a rice wine and egg tea shop, which is pretty good too.

After eating and drinking, I wasn't quite full. The taste was good, but the quantity was a bit small. However, Yan Erhe didn't plan to eat anything else, as business was more important.

I got back on the scooter and walked a few steps to a place where there were no street lights. I found that I needed to turn on the lights!

Alas, this... forget it, go back and say hello to your nephew first, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow!

When he arrived at his eldest brother's house, Yan Erhe encountered a strange thing. His parents were sitting and watching TV, but his sister-in-law was actually cooking.

Of course, as a younger brother, you can't criticize your sister-in-law. He just finds it strange. After all... he hasn't seen her for a long time.

But that's not important. He wanted to talk to his nephew about something serious. When he was about to speak, he found that his nephew's expression seemed a little... expressionless.

Isn't this a particularly good mood?
I have been with my nephew for a long time. His second uncle is not a fool and he knows his nephew very well. What my nephew does depends on his mood. If he is in a good mood, whatever he is in will do. If he is in a bad mood and has no energy to do anything, and He doesn't necessarily care about anything he says.

What he has to do is a big deal, so he must wait until he is in a good mood.

So he asked carefully: "Qijin, the music you played is popular again today! I heard it when I was eating on the way back, and people said they didn't want to leave after hearing it. One person said he didn't even dare to eat his lunch. I’m afraid I missed it…”

Don't worry about anything else, it's always right to give him some compliments first.

Yan Changqing glanced at his second uncle: "What's the matter with you? Just tell me."

The uncle and nephew don't know each other yet. Once the uncle's attitude changes, the nephew will know that something is definitely going on.

Yan Erhe chuckled: "I'm going to find a village to the east tomorrow, rent a piece of land, and set up a small research institute. Which area on the east side of the river do you think is suitable?"

This was an obvious question. He had already thought about it. The nine hills and eighteen valleys on the west side of the river and the east side were not all flat land. Just the area east of the kiln factory would be fine.

It's not a big deal if it's a little far away. The land is uneven. Now that people are using machinery for planting and harvesting, the ditches have become a problem. If you just use that land, no one else has anything to say.

Yan Changqing glanced at him: "You just have to make your choice, just do it if you want to!"

"Oh!" Yan Erhe was not surprised to see that his nephew had seen through him again. He turned to look at the kitchen. "What's wrong, is your mother going to make something delicious today?"

She was still laughing secretly in her heart, there was no winter melon for her to burn this season, haha!

Just as Yan Changqing was about to answer, he heard a voice coming from the kitchen: "Qijin, the food is ready, wash your hands and eat!"

Yan Erhe stood up happily, washed his hands in the sink at the door of the kitchen and asked, "Sister-in-law, what are you cooking that's delicious?"

"Er He is back. Just in time, I made a lot of vegetables today. There are some vermicelli that you like to eat, and there's even a little more. Haha, I'll give you a bowl!"

Yan Erhe wanted to stop him. He wanted to say that he had already eaten some, and he could just eat less.

But he couldn't resist his sister-in-law's enthusiasm. After a while, he brought out a bowl of outstanding 'boiled vegetables'.

It's all vermicelli, mixed with a few chunks of fat. Although there's a lot of soy sauce, it can still be seen that it must be the original fat meat, the kind that hasn't been fried at all.

There was also a big steamed bun stuffed in his hand. He thought quickly, handed it to his nephew, and whispered for help: "I ate a bowl of fried cold skin and drank a bowl of rice wine and egg soup on the way. I can't eat the steamed buns anymore!"

Yan Changqing took it over smoothly: "Are you ready? Are you about to start?"

"Just talk and don't practice fake moves, just do it." Yan Erhe nodded. "If I hadn't been delayed for a while on the way, I would have agreed on a good place by now."

"Then let's do it!" Yan Changqing said as he entered the room and brought out a bowl of hot vegetables. "Eat quickly, otherwise the vermicelli will stick together and you won't be able to eat it!"

Then...just eat it!

Yan Erhe has never been particular about food. When life was hard in the past, what couldn't he eat?

Besides, there is meat now, which is pretty good.

That's it... Hey, that steamed bun shouldn't be given to my nephew. There is no steamed bun, it's too shabby!


After eating, Yan Erhe asked, "Why is your mother cooking again? What's so exciting about her?"

"There was a foreign little girl who asked her to join her catwalk team. She felt very happy, and she didn't know why she was happy."

"Are they those foreigners who want you to write songs?"


"If your mother doesn't mention it, forget it. If she wants to mention it, just write a few songs. It won't take any trouble."

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Yan Erhe immediately felt relieved, it would be fine, just eat!
My sister-in-law is not someone who messes around with nothing. Occasionally she has an idea and it’s okay to support her. It’s a trivial matter.

Anyway, my nephew is very capable, so writing a few songs is no big deal!


Yan Changqing really didn't take it seriously, just find a song, it was easy.

That Serena is quite beautiful. She spent the whole day following the catwalk team and foolishly trying to please her mother, which was a lot of work.

But we have to wait two days. Zhou Jialing will come from Xiangjiang tomorrow and ask her to handle this matter. She is better at contracts and other matters.

He was more concerned about his second uncle's affairs: "You have decided, what are you going to study?"

"I have to call people here first, and then discuss it to see what is appropriate." Yan Erhe said slowly, obviously he hadn't thought about it yet.

"But I don't think the problem is big. The group of people introduced by Ivan and Andre are all currently in trouble. Let them work here, and the salary will not be much..."

"That doesn't matter. The main reason is that the results are slow, so you have to be patient." Yan Changqing said. "You'd better get in touch later to see if there is any aircraft manufacturing factory here that you can visit. Take a look."

"Okay!" Yan Erhe agreed immediately. "The ones with high confidentiality levels probably won't work. The ones with normal confidentiality should be fine. Ask your uncle to contact me."

"If we can't book another domestic small plane, I'll definitely let you visit." Yan Changqing came up with an idea.

"That costs money, and it's not a small amount of money. Is it necessary?"

"It's not a waste if you buy it, we can use it."

"That..." Yan Erhe hesitated. "Discuss it with your uncle. It doesn't matter if you can really use it. If you can't use it, don't waste the money. If not, I'll go to Qiansu and have a look. It feels quite messy there now. As long as you give If you give me money, you can see everything.”

"It's all fine, you can think about it yourself. It's definitely not a waste to buy a plane, you decide!" Yan Changqing doesn't care, spending money is considered a trivial matter, not as embarrassing as my mother's bowl of boiled vegetables. !
Just as they were thinking about it, the two of them were muttering to each other. The chef couldn't stand it anymore tonight: "Erhe, stop talking and eat quickly. There are too many vermicelli. If you don't eat, it will be lumpy!"

Have you eaten too much vermicelli?
It was obviously a pot of vermicelli stewed, and other dishes were nowhere to be found!

And it was already lumpy. Yan Erhe tried his best and he picked up a bowl of boiled vegetables!

I wanted to say something, but seeing that my parents and elder brothers next to me didn’t say a word, forget it, let’s eat!

(End of this chapter)

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