Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 298 Entertainment Company Gift

Chapter 298 Entertainment Company Gift
After Yan Erhe had eaten in the morning, he occupied his nephew's office and began to prepare for his trip.

The main content was making phone calls. He was too lazy to go to the airport and called directly to ask Ivan and Andre to help him find out the news.

At the same time, he also called everyone he knew in the former Soviet Union, including those unqualified "teachers" who would rather sell him "textbooks" than teach him.

This kind of thing definitely couldn't happen so quickly. After making the call, he had to wait for someone to contact him before he could get the news. Seeing that it was already getting late, he originally wanted to go to Dongbian Township immediately to ask about the land.

However, after thinking about it, he still didn't go.

Although I am a do-it-yourself person, but now I plan to go on inspection and study, there is no need to worry about the land. After all, I don’t know much about the research institute, and how to build it is also a problem, so I need to be careful.

I originally wanted to go to the market, but when I came out yesterday afternoon, I talked nonsense to my sister. Now I go back too quickly, and she must have to talk about herself.

After thinking about it, I decided to wait for the news to come over and fly directly to Qiansu to save her from wasting any more words...

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw a small car driving over. When he saw the people who got out, Yan Erhe was a little envious. His nephew was still very good, and the assistants he found were all very good. Even if he was celebrating the New Year, he would stay at home for a few more days. It's coming in a hurry!


When Zhou Jialing walked into the office, Yan Changqing was also stuck in time.

The two had contacted each other on the phone before, and everything that needed to be done was explained clearly. She was here to pick up the songs.

However, she didn't ask her boss for songs first, but suggested first: "Boss, let's set up a small entertainment company ourselves!"

"This girl named Serena will sign with our company, so that the songs you write, boss, will still be ours, no matter how much the profit is. This can save a lot of trouble."

Yan Changqing felt that his assistant was so amazing: "Why are you starting an entertainment company again?"

"Originally, there was a group of people in our company who specialized in dealing with this aspect. Now we just separate them and set up a separate company." Zhou Jialing explained.

"Originally, I was only responsible for your songs and copyright issues. In fact, I didn't have much to do at all. They are all professionals. It would be a waste to idle around. I discussed it with Sister Peishan. It is better to find a few young singers. Try it."

Yan Changqing thought for a moment: "I don't plan to start an entertainment company. Wouldn't that be too much trouble?"

"It's not troublesome. Anyway, you have already planned to write songs for other singers. If you only sell the songs, it is not cost-effective. It is not as profitable as our own operation." Zhou Jialing said.

"Singers can be found at any time, but not everyone can write good songs. With Boss You's composing ability, just selling songs is the biggest waste. Why give songs to others?"

By the way, these subordinates are all very ambitious. Are they afraid that they are not busy enough as workers?
Just by asking her to sign a contract and sell a song, they decided to start an entertainment company?
However, what she said seemed to make sense.

"And..." Zhou Jialing was about to continue speaking when she glanced at Yan Erhe who seemed to be fine next to her, paused and continued. "There are still some rules in the industry. Let's sign more singers like Serena..."

After another pause: "Sister Peishan said that if we set up an entertainment company, no matter what the boss has in mind in the future, people within the company will feel more at ease if their managers are watching over them."

What does this mean?
Yan Changqing tasted the product carefully and felt that there was some hidden meaning in the words, but he was too lazy to think about it.

After thinking for three seconds, he nodded: "Okay, anyway, as long as you are not afraid of being busy, you can do whatever you want."

Zhou Jialing nodded: "Then I'll do it!"

"Go, go!" Yan Changqing took out a few pieces of paper from the drawer. "Originally, I only planned to give one song, but since you plan to start a company, I'll give you these. Originally, I was hesitant about which song to choose."

"I'll find someone to take a look at it." Zhou Jialing took a few pieces of paper. "Boss, your level of composing is too high. It would be a waste to give several songs to one person. I will carefully select them to see if the company can recruit a few more new people at once..."

"Well, you can take care of this yourself. You don't have to tell me everything." Yan Changqing was too lazy to care.

"Okay, I will send you the information on the singers who will be signed later." Zhou Jialing originally wanted to take the things and leave, but she hesitated for a moment, hesitated to speak, and finally nodded. "Boss, I'm out to do something!"

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing nodded.


Yan Erhe waited for Zhou Jialing to leave and sighed: "Qijin, where did you find this assistant? He can do anything. He can take care of so many things for you, so you have to worry less!"

Yan Changqing chuckled: "What's wrong, are you envious?"

"Yeah!" Yan Erhe nodded honestly. "If I have an assistant like this and leave everything to her, then I don't have to wander around like a headless fly?"

You can really shame yourself. This sentence sounds familiar. It seems to be something your family often criticizes you for, right?

Yan Changqing encouraged his uncle: "If you have done well in the research institute and achieved great results, you will definitely need assistants when you get busy. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and you must do it yourself from the beginning."

"That's right." Yan Erhe nodded. "Well, I'm going out to do my business, you can do yours!"

Seeing how he was doing nothing, Yan Changqing knew that he probably wanted to go out for a walk and watch the fun, but he wouldn't expose him. Anyway, he himself was not in a hurry, so what could others do.


Yan Changqing watched his second uncle go out, and thought for a moment, forget it, he should go out and watch Xiaobin and his second son dance the dragon!

Erwa and the others were very energetic. When Yan Changqing arrived, they were all sweaty and dancing vigorously.

Seeing him coming, several people turned around a few more times before stopping, wiping their sweat and running over: "Brother Qijin, are we good at dancing?"

Although there is the sun in the sky, it is really hard work to sweat in this weather.

Yan Changqing definitely encouraged them: "It's good. But you should pay attention to the weather and don't be tired. School will start in a few days, so it will be troublesome if you catch a cold or a fever."

"It's okay, I don't have a fever." Erwa said enthusiastically, then looked around and lowered his voice. "Brother Qijin, we made money!"

"Ah?" Yan Changqing was stunned, and then he noticed that there were some scattered change on the table.

"Yesterday, people were throwing money on the stage, and there are still people throwing money on the stage today." Erwa said happily. "It's still small now. Let's not pick it up yet. Let others see it and throw some away. We will pick it up later when we have more. Yesterday we divided several pieces among ourselves and planned to go out for a big dinner together. You will come too then. ah!"

In the past, street performances were all about making money. Now, even though they don't want to make this kind of money, some people still throw money into it, which is considered normal.

Yan Changqing nodded: "Okay, you can make money, but don't be tired, just be careful!"

"Actually, I don't earn much." Tiedan muttered beside him, with a bit of regret in his words. "Today is not as much as yesterday, and probably even less in the future. I think we have to think of a new trick..."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "Then think about it carefully and give it a try if you have an idea. We are doing this activity just for fun. We will have fun as long as we can!"

In fact, they are all short of pocket money. Although their mothers and fathers usually beat them when asked, when they want to buy things, their mothers will habitually nag them for spending money indiscriminately, but in fact they don’t give them less. .

As for dads, they usually don't care. They have figured out how to ask dad for money very early. They are all very experienced and have no shortage of pocket money - such as harassing them when they are busy with important events or when there are outsiders. Wait a moment.

But after all, those are not earned by one’s own hands. Maybe this kind of money earned by oneself is very fragrant!


After Erwa and the others continued to perform, Yan Changqing continued to drive and prepared to go to the prize drawing site.

Along the way, he saw people crowding in front of each stage. He felt that this event was a success. As long as everyone is willing to watch and like to come, they will come again in the future.

And even though it's not time to eat yet, there are people sitting at the food stalls. Some of them are just taking a rest, or they are too embarrassed to order snacks or something. It's quite smoky.

When passing by the folk dance stage, Yan Changqing saw his second uncle nibbling on a beef tongue cake and looking intently at the dance on the stage...

Yan Changqing did not stop, so as not to disturb his appreciation of art.


Mayor Yang was busy in the temporary office with his people. When he saw Yan Changqing coming, he said cheerfully: "You are a little late. I won the second prize a little earlier..." Although the lottery was not held, It's tricky, but some tricks are still needed. For example, the biggest prize cannot be given away directly. Otherwise, if all the big prizes are taken away at the beginning, who will continue to play?

So there is really no special prize on the first day. If the minivan doesn't attract enough attention and attracts enough people to play, it won't be randomly taken away.

Yan Changqing is concerned about sales: "How many lottery tickets have been sold? Is it expected to be sold out by the end of the event?"

"We are going to give away the big prize tomorrow." Mayor Yang said in a low voice. "With this level of enthusiasm, we won't be able to make it to the end of the event."

Mainly because I didn’t expect everyone’s enthusiasm to be too high. I originally thought that people would try their luck at most, but in the end, some people just bought dozens of tickets and happily took the whole family to slowly scratch the prizes.

It's not feasible to temporarily print lottery tickets. It's too troublesome. Besides, it's good in the first place. This event is just for fun, not to make money.

Yan Changqing nodded: "Just finish it when you're done. You can finish it early."

"I think so too." Mayor Yang laughed again. "Next time we do this, as long as we supervise it well, this kind of activity will be quite interesting."

"Everything is fine elsewhere, right?" Yan Changqing skipped the topic. It is estimated that when some lottery becomes popular in the future, our lottery activity may not be able to continue to attract people.

"Everything is good, the activities are very attractive, and everyone is very enthusiastic." Township Chief Yang was very happy. I don't know what he was thinking, or that there is actually a lottery now, but the publicity is not good enough. Many places don’t have it yet.

Yan Changqing felt quite satisfied: "As long as it is done well, it will still be a New Year atmosphere."

"That's that." Yang Xiang couldn't close his mouth.

For a small town to engage in such activities, his face was so bright that it illuminated thousands of miles.

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Mayor Yang took the people for a walk around again. He looked very high-spirited with his chest raised and his head raised.


Yan Changqing turned around and went back.

While others will be busy in the next few days, he can also be quiet for a few days, consider making some wine koji to prepare, and then do some carving or something.

After running around today, he felt that he had some inspiration and was going to carve a Pixiu - he just saw it in the temporary office of Mayor Yang. He remembered that it was originally placed in the township official's office, but it was changed to a temporary office. Yang also brought Pi Xiu over.

This Pixiu also has a story. It was given to him by an old friend of Lao Yang.

In fact, it was a bit of a joke, because he is very strict in financial control. The village is obviously not short of money, and he goes to the county with many colleagues every year without suffering any losses. This has led to many colleagues commenting that he only enters the country. Not out.

But Lao Yang thought it was nothing and was still complacent. I just couldn’t get in and out, so I left all the benefits to the village. Is that wrong?
So he confidently placed this Pixiu in his office and took it with him wherever he went.

Yan Changqing felt that his Pixiu was bought from a roadside stall by his friend. Even if the quality of the jade was not good, the carving work was also terrible.

So I plan to carve a good one for him.

Of course, he may not change it, after all, it was a gift from a friend.

However, Yan Changqing is willing to give it away, and it is none of his business where the person who takes it back wants to put it.


At night, Zhou Jialing came over again and ran directly to the boss's carving room.

Put a stack of information on the boss's carving table: "Boss, sign it! There are not many people who come this time who are particularly good. Only Serena is good. This is her information."

Yan Changqing looked at it: "You're only a teenager? You don't go to school?"

"According to her, she is a genius and is already preparing to take the college entrance examination. She has more time." Zhou Jialing explained.

"Well, the information is quite detailed." Yan Changqing looked at it and found that all the situations were clearly written, including his own conditions, etc. It was very specific.

However, Zhou Jialing is not satisfied yet: "I will add a few photos later, preferably artistic portraits. Now it is a temporary contract and the preparations are not done well."

"It's pretty good." Yan Changqing said. "You don't need to show it to me in the future. I don't care about the company's affairs, so it's useless to look at it."

"You are the boss, you must know who is in your company." After Zhou Jialing finished speaking, she hesitated again.

Yan Changqing was unhappy: "If you have anything to say, just say it. What happened today?"

Usually this assistant is as crisp as an iceberg, but this morning she was like this, and the boss couldn't see her!

Zhou Jialing's face turned red for a moment: "Well, what I said this morning and what Sister Pei Shan said didn't mean anything else. She thinks that although you, boss, are very capable and talented, you don't understand some of the rules of the entertainment industry. Maybe I don’t fully understand.”

"Those star singers look dazzling on stage, but in fact, the entertainment industry is not as good as outsiders think... there are many hidden rules in the industry. Even the music industry is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

"If we had our own entertainment company, you might have a clearer understanding of some things..."

Yan Changqing's face was full of questions, why are you telling me this?

Zhou Jialing gritted her teeth: "Sister Peishan said, we are all your assistants from the beginning. In addition to work, we should also pay more attention to other things. In Xiangjiang, many bosses like to support celebrities, and the circle is very chaotic. She He said that if you have any ideas in this regard in the future, it would be more convenient to have your own company, so as not to..."

"Am I that kind of person?" Yan Changqing was speechless. This assistant is so shameless. Does he even care about this?
Zhou Jialing nodded: "I don't think you are the boss either. However, Sister Peishan said that she is... afraid that you will be deceived by some star in the future. Now that the company is so big, you still have talent and achievements in music. , I don’t know how many people are interested in you..."

So I took advantage of the situation and set up an entertainment company to let me know the unspoken rules. By the way, I will ask for unspoken rules and so on. Rabbits only eat grass on the edge of the nest. It is safe and secure, right?
Yan Changqing didn't know what to say, so he thought for a while and waved his hand: "Okay, I get it!"

"Then I'm leaving!" Zhou Jialing said, walking in a hurry, like a thief.

In fact, she didn't finish her words. She and Huang Peishan had a good relationship, so Huang Peishan was more direct with her.

He said that the boss used to like to watch those things when he was on the beach, but when he was young, he just watched them.

What will happen in the future is hard to say.

As assistants, it is a basic requirement to relieve the boss's worries. If the boss wants to do something in the future, they are assistants and have to handle these things for the boss to avoid any gossip in the future.

After all, the boss is indispensable in the company. What they want to do cannot be done without the boss.

Although Huang Peishan's father's company is small, no matter how small the company is, some things are inevitable. She still understands many things in the industry quite clearly.

So setting up a company or something, having people under your control and money in the account is all trivial.

In short, it's all for the boss.


Yan Changqing was speechless for a long time, and then concentrated on carving Pixiu.

He didn't bother to care about the little thoughts of the two assistants. Anyway, as long as he was upright, he wouldn't be afraid of his shadow being distorted.

Besides, you don’t have to worry about the company’s affairs. If you can continue to work later, you can continue to work. When you can’t continue to work, you can shut down. It doesn’t matter.

That thing was not as important as the Pixiu in his hand. He planned to send it to Mayor Yang after the event.

He couldn't care less about what Lao Yang was like before and didn't bother to think about it.

But in recent years, what Lao Yang has done is obvious to all, and it is worth taking the trouble to prepare a gift for him.

(End of this chapter)

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