Chapter 299: Ruined my food
The folk festival ends with a fireworks show that turns the night sky into day.

Although the air was a little polluted, Mr. Yan couldn't help it. Everyone was happy and insisted on making it so lively.

After calculating this activity, not only did it not cost any money, but it also made a lot of money. Although Lao Yang said at the beginning that he did not intend to make money, now that he has made money, it is an unexpected surprise, so he is going to let the village pay for it. This fireworks show.

The main reason is that the money for the activities is small money. Taking this opportunity, he received a few more bosses who wanted to set up businesses here.

And there is no nonsense. None of these people came here because they were hot-headed. They all inquired in advance.Lao Yang didn't need to talk nonsense, these people just waved their banknotes and asked him to quickly draw up the territory, and they couldn't wait to get started immediately.

Although these people may not come because of the reputation of the Folklore Festival, he thinks it is a good sign. At least if it were not the Folklore Festival, these people might wait until the official New Year is over before coming again, and something might happen again.

So he felt it was natural to pay for the fireworks show - he had been so happy recently, so happy that he didn't know how to walk every day, so he had to handle this event.

Yan Changqing respected his opinion and only gave him Pixiu, which made him happy for a long time.

But the bosses of other large and small companies and processing plants do not have the same friendship as them.

Anyway, in their opinion, Lao Yang said so, but everyone had to support it, so... the pollution suddenly exceeded the standard!

Not to mention how lively and crowded this party was, in short, the next morning, there were still people shouting everywhere in the heavy fog, looking for someone. The loudspeakers in the town never stopped, and several announcers took turns. The shouting started from before the event started until the afternoon of the next day.


After all the excitement, there is always time to return to calm.

The naughty children went to school, the happy people started to go to work, and Boss Yan also started a peaceful and beautiful life.

Of course, it's not that peaceful either. After the folk festival, Peach Tree Township, wineries and wholesale markets became even more famous, followed by an endless stream of visiting groups.

Fortunately, the winery has long been accustomed to this, and Yan Changqing also has a perfect excuse not to go out. He also has to attend the music festival.

I originally planned not to participate in any activities, but it feels good to travel regularly every year.

The important thing is that the place where the music festival is held is not fixed. This year it was held in New York, and he happened to go to visit it.

With this excuse, no one bothered him. After all, it was a big deal when he left home. If it affected him and prevented him from performing to his best when he went out, that would be a big deal.


It's a good day when no one disturbs him. Yan Changqing still lives his own peaceful life.

Until Lao Wan came to find him.

Although these old men have many things to do and are busy with many things, they still feel like they have fewer gray hairs while working in the winery, and they feel energetic every day, just like young men.

It's not just him. Nowadays, some of the retired or laid-off people, some of whom are older, originally thought that they would still have to work when they grow old, and just work hard for their old lives.

The results are good now. I always feel younger and younger as I work. I feel like I can work for another 20 years without any problem.

They don't know that Boss Yan has always been very concerned about their physical condition. After all, he is a super doctor and has a super good wine, so it is no problem for his employees to stay healthy.

Being a boss is also very difficult. In order to let the workers work as cows and horses for a few more years, Mr. Yan also took great pains.

But now the old factory director, who looked like a young man, walked into Yan Changqing's office with a worried look on his face, feeling like there was a dark cloud above his head.

Yan Changqing was quite surprised: "What are you doing? What's wrong? What's wrong with this bottle of wine?"

"Fake." Lao Wan didn't say anything and just put the wine on the table. "There are even anti-counterfeiting trademarks. I have asked Mr. Huang that she has invested in the anti-counterfeiting company in Shencheng and has her own people supervising it. It is not produced there at all."

Yan Changqing was much calmer than him. He took the fake wine and looked at it carefully.

Of course, with his inhuman powers of observation, he could still find some flaws.

This is a fake high-end wine, from the BBK series.

Yan Changqing has always been striving for excellence in the production of high-end wine. After all, even if you want to make money, you have to be conscientious. Good wine must have a similar bottle and similar packaging, right?

The packaging of this fake wine looks okay from the outside, but if you look closely, you can find that there are still some differences from the packaging of the genuine product, from paper to printing technology.

But the problem is that only these small details are wrong, and it is difficult for normal people to distinguish these.


After watching it for a long time, Yan Changqing couldn't help but sigh: "This is too fake and too real. I guess except for the people in our factory who often come into contact with packaging, most people can't tell it, right?"

Lao Wan's hair, which had already turned black, was about to turn gray. Seeing that the boss was still lamenting this, he couldn't help but said, "Mr. Yan, you have to think of a way! It is said that there are quite a lot of them on the market now!"

"Open it and smell it. It's a little different from our wine, but it's not very different from the wine on the market... People who don't know the wine may think that our wine is just a false name. It's not okay to continue like this!"

Yan Changqing actually smelled it without unscrewing the bottle cap. Lao Wan originally thought it was a fake wine, so there was no need to worry, he just found it after opening it.

If the wine in this bottle were put on the market, it would not be particularly bad. Although it is blended with alcohol, the final blended taste is not bad. It would be considered a mid-range wine on the market.

So this is a big problem. If it is the kind of fake wine that even a layman will know after drinking it, it will be fine. However, how can there be so many expert drinkers?

Yan Changqing asked: "Where did it come from?"

Only then did Lao Wan remember it, and the expression on his face was a bit wonderful: "The person who delivered it was waiting outside and asked me if I could reimburse him for the car fare and alcoholic beverages!"


Sitting in the office of Bubugao Winery, Dashuai Shang was worried that the money he spent on buying fake wine, as well as the travel expenses here and back later, would not be reimbursed.

His name is so impressive, he is actually from Fu Province, a mountain man from a place that is not remote but not a good place either.

The life of a man in his 40s is neither good nor bad. A few years ago, a small winery was built nearby. He has neither education nor skills and is too old to work in the winery.

But this has nothing to do with him. He can still live his life, and he can also go to the winery to buy some bulk wine, which is cheaper than buying it elsewhere.

Later, I went more often, and sometimes I could sell vegetables from my own garden at a price lower than the market price, and I could earn back the money I spent on wine.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. The winery changed its owner and a new group of people to manage it. They no longer sold bulk wine and did not buy his food.

It still has little to do with him. Anyway, it’s not like he can’t buy bulk wine, and he at least learned how to sell vegetables from the people in the previous winery. He tried to sell vegetables to the edge of the town. Although it was a bit far, it wasn’t Can't sell.

However, something made him very unhappy.

After the winery changed people last year, business seems to be booming.

But those people are too careless. The winery is not on the roadside. The cars coming and going turn into the winery from the road. His vegetable field is just around the corner. Those cars are rolling over the corner of the vegetable field near the road. The vegetables were all damaged.The food is worthless, so it doesn't matter.

But after rolling and rolling, that corner was almost becoming a road. Probably the drivers saw the signs of damage and didn't care, so they drove more and more into his vegetable patch.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he went to the winery for review. As a result, the people at the winery pushed him away, saying that those cars were from outside and not from our winery. Someone else had damaged the ground. Is it reasonable for them to come after us?

It seemed unreasonable. Shang Dashuai was a bit stupid. He said a few words as if he was making trouble unreasonably, and left in despair.

After he went back, he was so angry that he squatted in the vegetable field for a few days. When he saw a car running over him, he went up and argued with it several times.

But the result can be imagined. Those drivers are not easy to talk to. They said that your place was damaged in the first place. You should find the previous driver. Before I passed here, the vegetables were already damaged...

What they said makes sense, and what he said made me feel like I was blackmailing him!
There’s nothing left to reason about anyway!
The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and the wine no longer tasted good.

After thinking about it, I felt that it was because the winery was here, otherwise the car would not have come.

But he couldn't afford to offend him, so there was no point in going.

It wasn't until I was visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year that I overheard someone saying that after the winery changed its owner, the wine it produced was counterfeiting the brand of another winery.

That's right, it's the famous Bubugao Winery that has been advertising on TV in the past few years.

Dashuai Shang struggled for half a month, and he decided to spend money to buy a bottle. It was quite troublesome. This wine was not sold locally, but was sold secretly by the workers inside.

Then he took the wine for the first time and took a train for more than a day. He came to complain. He thought that this was a big winery that had been on TV. If you pretended to be their wine and people knew about it, they would definitely find you. Trouble, maybe the winery will become obsolete in the future.

In fact, I regretted it as soon as I got in the car, that is, every time I went to the vegetable field and saw that corner, I would get angry. Over time, it became a heartache, and then I did this thing when my brain got hot.

After he arrived, he kept saying that he had something important to do, but he didn't dare to take out the fake wine. It was only when Lao Wan came back from the Hedong construction site that he saw him, and he had the opportunity to enter the winery office.

Now he was waiting in the winery director's office. He regretted it to death. He could live an honest life, so why bother messing around? It was just a vegetable patch. The vegetables were not valuable. Besides, they could just find a place in that place. It’s not a big deal to plant a field on the hillside and order vegetables...

He didn't know it yet, but in fact he didn't do any useless work. It was only when he stopped the car on the side of the road to make the theory that Lao Wan took it seriously.

Because he stopped several cars a day, and he remembered how many cars he stopped in total over the past few days, including how many cars went out of the winery!
If the quantity hadn't been huge, Lao Wan wouldn't have gone to the boss worriedly.


While Dashuai Shang was struggling, Lao Wan came back.

He quickly stood up: "Boss?"

"I'm really not the boss, haha!" Although Lao Wan was worried, seeing that the boss was very calm, he felt relieved - although the boss is not old, he is a genius and can definitely solve this problem.

Anyway, he remained calm in Dashuai Shang's place: "It's no big deal, it's just a matter of counterfeit wine production, a small problem. It's not easy for you to come here. I just went to see the big boss. It's fine as long as he knows about it." . I heard that it was not easy for you to get here. The boss said that I will give you a reward of 5000 yuan. Is that enough?"

"That's a lot more!" Dashuai Shang was startled. He thought it was okay to give him five hundred, but five thousand was really too much. "The money for the wine and my expenses along the way are only..."

"It's a reward." Lao Wan said with a smile. "If you come so far to tell us, you are our good friend. Our big boss said you can't treat your friends badly."

"I got this 5000 yuan from the finance department for you. You can take it and play here for a few days. If you don't want to play, I'll contact you to buy a bus ticket. It's quite far. You can buy a sleeper ticket when you go back. Not so tired…”

Look, this is done!
Dashuai Shang couldn't speak at all, he just pushed for money. He really didn't think about anything else, he was just angry.

It was originally a matter of a small vegetable patch, that is, the people in the fake winery over there were not fastidious. He had already figured it out. Those trucks were all delivering goods to the winery. He was right to find the fake winery, that is. It’s just someone else’s fault.


Director Wan and Marshal Shang were chatting in the office, and Yan Changqing had already picked up the phone.

But I didn't expect who to call. To be honest, the distance between the two places is a bit far, and it's hard to say whether the winery has any local connections. Even if it's a lawsuit or something, it will probably be quite troublesome and needs to be investigated.

Moreover, it is not just anyone who can go and investigate a place that is not familiar to us. It is easy to say whether the matter will be done or not, but don’t let anyone discover you, otherwise you will be in big trouble.

It's hard to say what happens these days. If someone's hard to say what will happen.

After thinking for a while, he thought of a "crooked talent", the foreman of the disabled workers in the factory, Tong Dafu.

This kid has also been in business for a while, and he is a bit quick-witted. He can play with even fools, so he can be considered a talent.

Just think of it as giving him a chance. If things are done well, he can be promoted later. After all, if he is really capable, he cannot always be a foreman.

The main reason is that he has worked in a winery for a period of time and has a certain understanding of the wines in the winery. At least he can distinguish between genuine and fake wines.

Well, let's look for someone from the market. Brother Niu who caught thieves one by one, two by three, would be good. Although he is a bit mixed up, but since he did that 'showing his face' thing, he is probably often praised by others. People have changed a lot.

Now I'm pretty good at it, I've been exposed to all three religions and nine streams, I've experienced both good and bad things, so I'm suitable for handling complicated things.

By the way, they also need to be assigned a bodyguard, because when they go out to do errands and inquire about the situation, they must at least ensure that they can come back intact.

After all, Brother Niu's gangster force level is not professional. This matter needs to be professional. The winery's security team is not very good. Those people who have returned from retirement still accept the same kind of management, and their temperament cannot be changed.

Besides, we are a company, and the security guards do not have weapons.

It is also necessary to have suitable people at the police station, such as Lao Xiong, who "bought a wife" with him back then. He has a weapons certificate, so he can bring a deterrent weapon when he goes out to do things, so he can feel more at ease.

The main thing is his image. As long as he doesn't wear that uniform, you can't tell what he does. It's really not a slander. After all, he is born with image.


When Tong Dafu heard that he was asked to do something, he didn't have any stage fright at all, and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely go and find out more about it. Don't worry. I know Brother Niu too. Just call him and tell him, and I'll go directly." Just find him."

He couldn't go to the police station. At least Lao Wan had to say hello, otherwise he wouldn't be able to borrow weapons.

It would have been better if Mr. Yan personally called the institute directly.

Wang Suo agreed directly and said readily: "He doesn't feel at ease if he goes alone. In this way, I will arrange a few more people to provide support nearby to avoid any accidents."

Professionals are needed to handle this kind of thing. Yan Changqing felt more at ease with Wang Suo. Hearing that he was willing to arrange it, he expressed his gratitude directly - he didn't say any words of refusal, and safety came first.

Once things were arranged, Yan Changqing felt relieved.

When the water comes, the earth will cover it up, and when the soldiers come to block it, we will investigate the matter clearly before saying anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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