Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 300: Investigation turns into arrest, harder work

Chapter 300: Investigation turns into arrest, harder work

When he and Dafu went to find Niu Laifu, they were stunned by his appearance: "Brother Niu, what are you doing?"

"I have to disguise myself to investigate the situation." Brother Niu said proudly. "Do I look like a truck driver to you?"

"It doesn't look like that, that's right." Tong Dafu looked at his gray-faced appearance, wearing a wrinkled old suit and gray leather shoes, and praised him sincerely. "I didn't recognize you at first sight."

"That's okay!" Brother Niu chuckled. "Sit down first. Lao Xiong and the others will come over later. Let's discuss the plan then."

Not long after, Xiong Qishan came over with three people. When he arrived, he said with a smile: "What you are going to do is up to you. The four of us are bodyguards. I will follow you two. The three of them are looking for a place to live nearby. We can stay at any time." support."

Brother Niu expressed his gratitude: "Old Xiong, we all depend on you. Let's discuss the plan first, and I'll tell you what I think first."

Everyone nodded, and then heard him say: "That's what I thought. Xiao Wang will come with me and change clothes later. We are truck drivers looking for work."

"They have goods to go out, so let's try our luck. If we can, we can sneak in and get in touch with the people inside. If we find another opportunity to inquire, if it really doesn't work, we can turn back and drive back. Taking the train is tiring anyway. Why don’t we drive there.”

Tong Dafu expressed his support: "Brother Niu, you are much more thoughtful than me. I am also thinking that after we get there, I will spend money to buy people around to help us investigate!"

Brother Niu thought for a moment: "This is also feasible, but you probably don't have experience. I'll find someone else to do it. Let's work on both sides and use all the methods we can. Anyway, if we drive, it won't matter if there are a few more people."

What they didn't say was that because of the vast land and abundant resources, if you moved to another place, others would be able to tell at a glance that you were a foreigner, with a different accent and different living habits. It was impossible to pretend to be a local to get information.

So one person wants to pretend to be a driver, because the truck is running back and forth, which is normal for other places, and the other person wants to spend money on people without showing up.


When waiting for people to set off, there were two cars.

One is a large truck that serves as a prop, and the other is a seven-seater large off-road vehicle.

Originally, Yan Changqing only wanted three people to investigate, but after Niu Laifu and Tong Dafu made plans, they thought they would go to a few more. If they could get on the line later, they would have people pretend to be bosses from other places to discuss business and investigate. .

As for spending money, I agree with Dafu and Niu Laifu: when you go out to do things, it is important to do good things, and there is no need to save money or anything like that.

Anyway, there is no need to save money for the two bosses. They only look at the results. It doesn’t matter how much it costs if the job is done well. If you are not confident that the job will be done well, you will want to save money, so as not to end up spending money even if the job doesn’t work. Even if the boss doesn’t care, you can still save money. His face was not even bright.

In the end, ten people went there, and it took two days to get there, and then they split up and started executing their own plans.

Big trucks travel everywhere, and it's normal for them to pick up the goods on their way back. Brother Niu took Xiao Wang as the driver and asked around to see if there was any goods available.

Then some were too close, some were too troublesome, some were risky, some were not on the road, but there was nothing suitable. The two of them went around every day, sighing, really like an old driver who couldn't find a job.

On the other side, a man named Qian Daxi was responsible for spending money to buy news.

Tong Dafu was not idle either. He found a hotel in a local city to stay and wait for news, while practicing being a boss.

Things went smoothly. On the third day, Brother Niu sighed at an introducer: "Forget it, let's just do this job! If we delay our trip anymore, it will be in vain. If it doesn't go our way, we will take more detours..."

Then he successfully sneaked into the small winery that looked inconspicuous, not far from the town.

You can’t tell the size of a winery by looking at its output, you have to go in and take a look.

This winery is one of those wineries that is small in scale but has an amazing output - they don't produce their own wine at all, they are a porter of wine, buying wine from elsewhere, mixing it, bottling it and packaging it themselves.

On the other hand, those who paid for information did not have much information. It seemed that the confidentiality work was done very well, and no one could be found for a while.

But then Mr. Tong took action. After the shipment arrived, Mr. Tong and the merchant selling fake wine who received the goods met by chance at a restaurant. After a small misunderstanding, they developed a little friendship, and then they ate, drank, and talked about cooperation...

There was progress here, but Qian Daxi became anxious over there. He and Chen Youliang were also friends, and they had even been to Shanghai together. They were Mr. Chen's classmates and friends - behind bars.

Now that everyone else is making progress, but he is not, he might as well go directly to Dashuai Shang, ask him to help find someone who works there, drop a wad of money and go out to find out the news.

But the people Dashuai Shang knew were not good either. Even the person who stole the wine and sold it didn't know much.

I only know the situation inside the winery, but I don't know much about the top management. I usually only meet a few people in charge. It is said that there is a big boss above, but I have never seen him.

But it can be considered a source of information.

So far, everything is normal. According to the plan, we have conducted an investigation and at least we have found out where a truck of freight has gone, how many workers there are in this factory, how long they work, and how much they are paid...

Of course, the rest is not important. What is important is to estimate how much fake wine has flowed into the market.

However, more than ten days have passed now!
After a group of people met again, they discussed and decided to make a big plan.


It wasn't until Yan Changqing visited another branch of his company in the United States in New York, attended a music festival, and came back from a tour that the news came to this group.

On the phone call with Dafu, he spoke in a hurry, with a hint of merit: "Mr. Yan, we got the job done. We took over all the people in charge of the fake winery. Now, Just take your son back."

"Arrested?" Yan Changqing was stunned at that time.

"We have investigated clearly, but it is said that there is a big boss behind the scenes." Tong Dafu explained. "But we can't find out. These are the only winery managers we can meet. And after contacting them, further investigation will easily make people suspicious."

"So you just arrested the person?"

"Yes." Tong Dafu reported honestly. "It was decided by Brother Xiong and Brother Niu. Brother Xiong said that now that the evidence is conclusive, it is not convenient to investigate here. You can take the person away first and then interrogate slowly when you go back."

"Then..." Yan Changqing had nothing to say, he had already been arrested. "Then be careful on your way back and don't be stopped by others."

"Well, we have planned the route. Let's go back another way." Tong Dafu said. "Boss, do you have anything else to give me?"

Yan Changqing just said: "Be careful on the road."

It seems that this matter was originally just an investigation, but why was it... so thoroughly investigated!

After hanging up the phone with Dafu, he hurriedly got in the car and started running towards his hometown.

After the three cars had been running for a long time, the group of people breathed a sigh of relief.

There were two cars when we came here, and there was an extra Santana when we went back.

They were not arrested at the winery. At that time, Tong Dafu pretended to be the boss. After purchasing a small batch of goods, he later said that he wanted to buy a large quantity of goods and made an appointment with all the people in charge of the fake winery. Come out and arrest them outside.

At that time, the other party drove out in a car. This was considered a stolen car and could not be thrown on the roadside, but could only be driven back.

Fortunately, there are enough people and they all know how to drive, otherwise there would be nothing we can do.

Xiong Qishan said cheerfully: "I just say that the case must be handled vigorously and resolutely to catch them off guard. As long as the speed is fast enough, even if they have any connections in the local area, they will not be used."

Brother Niu gave a thumbs up: "Old Xiong is still very powerful. Not to mention, I've only been thinking about this method in my mind, and I dare not think about it. After all, the work you do is different, and you can do things quickly."

Lao Qian asked from the side: "Why don't you get in that car and ask directly?"

Those few people were not qualified to ride in the car and could only lie down in the car. They were all tied up and behind the big truck!
"Wait a minute." Xiong Qishan said. "Wait until they leave the province before interrogating them. By then, their psychological defenses will be easier to break and it will be easier to ask questions."

Niu Laifu thought for a moment and understood: "They must be relying on them here, right? After leaving this land, they won't dare to blow up in the future. Can they be more honest?"

"That's what I mean." Xiong Qishan nodded, actually feeling quite happy, saying that although this matter took a little time, it was done well.

A batch of fake wine was also produced, which was bought by Tong Dafu with money, but it doesn't matter, spending money is a trivial matter, and these fake bastards will definitely spit it out later.

As for arresting people, he felt that he learned from Mr. Yan.

After "buying a wife" with Mr. Yan back then, he felt that Mr. Yan's... vigorous and resolute actions shocked him a lot.

Judging from his young age, he was very agile in doing things. He went straight in and picked up a bunch of people.

Fully implement the famous saying, treat the enemy as ruthlessly as the autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves.

Although it's inappropriate to regard those criminals as enemies, it's okay to think about it in your mind.

He has been imitating it over the years, and the results are pretty good. Now he is the deputy director. It is only time for him to take office when Lao Wang retires.


It took two days for a group of people to return, with several suspects pulled back in a large truck.

Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang, including Mayor Yang, were all waiting for this group of people in the office.There is no other way. It will take two days for the fake winery to react.

Four living people disappeared out of thin air, and they probably had to be reported missing. They had to document what they had done as soon as possible, report it according to the procedures, and then notify the other party.

Everyone who got off the bus had dark circles under their eyes, and Yan Changqing had nothing to say. He could only express his condolences to each one, and then called his cousin's restaurant to quickly deliver hot meals.

After all, after so many days, it goes without saying that it’s hard work, let alone having to drive all the way back.

Although it is developing rapidly now, it is not developing fast enough. There are ten people in three cars. When you are tired from driving, you can only rest in the car for a while. I probably haven’t had a hot meal for two days. It is really hard.

Brother Niu has become very humble now: "The previous investigation was discussed with Dafu, and the final plan was made by Lao Xiong. It was really beautiful. The credit for this belongs to them."

Old Xiong smiled honestly: "Things with solid evidence are easy to handle."

Then he felt a little embarrassed: "These people are very tough-talking. I asked them on the way, but they didn't say anything. I guess they need to be interrogated separately."

Everyone expressed their understanding and did not ask the mastermind behind it. The responsibility did not lie with them, but the situation did not allow it.

After all, I was running on the road and driving, so I didn’t have the chance to review it slowly.

But it was easy to talk about it once we got here. Wang Suo waved his hand: "You guys rest first, we will do the rest."


Another half day passed, and Yan Changqing finally got the news.

Of the four people arrested, only the factory director knew who the boss was. The other three were only responsible for doing things and had no idea at all.

The factory director originally thought that if he persisted just a little longer and gritted his teeth, he would get through it...

But he also knew that they had reached their end, and he wanted to think about it, but he really couldn't be strong-willed.

According to his confession, he actually didn't know who his real boss was. The person he contacted was just someone who ran errands for others.

But the relationship is quite extensive. The fake winery is only responsible for filling, packaging and shipping. There is no need to worry about other things. There is no inspection or the like.

He didn't know the origin of those beautifully printed packages and anti-counterfeiting trademarks. He only knew that they were sent by someone from his previous family.

At this point, it's time to consider how to arrest the person responsible for liaison.

But at this time, it is beyond the control of the small villagers. They have to go up to the top to handle it, so they can only wait for news at home.


Yan Changqing didn't wait for the results from the superiors. He didn't know how long the delay would be in the exchange of documents. Moreover, according to the confession, the factory director knew that his boss was just a worker who worked for others. It was said in the local area that he was very powerful. This kind of person It cannot be unknown.

He asked Wang Suo: "How can this matter be done in the end?"

Wang Suo hesitated for a while, but before he spoke, Yan Changqing understood: "Well, can you introduce me to a few people who have experience in this field, and go there to investigate the matter clearly?"

This time Wang Suo didn't hesitate: "That's no problem. There are still some powerful old comrades of mine, some of whom are retired... Don't think that nothing will happen to the retired ones. The apprentices they bring can be patient!"

Yan Changqing was speechless: "I didn't even say anything. I still have many retired talents in my factory!"

Then he promised: "Each person will be given 5000 yuan as hard work fee, plus another 1000 yuan for travel expenses, etc., and we can find two people to take care of the matter. Is that okay? Do you have enough money?"

"It's quite a lot. This matter is very simple. Just wait for the news!" Wang Suo nodded and then promised. "If the news is slower than the one above, they won't be able to accept the money."

"Okay, I'll pay the travel expenses first." Yan Changqing was more agile than him and gave the money directly. "Okay, one thousand is probably not enough. Let's just give three thousand and take a plane..."

"You..." Wang Suo was speechless. He thought you were not in a hurry!


Yan Changqing was very relieved to ask Wang Suo to help.

But when he returned to the winery, he began to think about it. His original plan was to engage in direct sales, just like the four major cities, and directly open a store for sales.

Later, I found it too troublesome and did not continue.

Now it seems that I still have to do it myself.

But if we want to do this, we will need too many people.

How many direct-operated stores are there across the country? How to open one...forget it, it’s really troublesome, just call the assistant!


Zhou Jialing's eyes lit up when she heard that the winery planned to set up all directly operated stores, and Yan Changqing said that she would directly buy the store and renovate it.

She mentioned in the previous hotel planning book that it is better to rent than to buy, and the current property price is suitable for investment.

This is a reference case from all over the world. Just say that in Xiangjiang, other real estate prices go up and down, but shops, especially those in good locations, only go up and down...

Yan Changqing was a little worried when he saw her energetic look: "Are you not used to coming here? I feel like you have lost weight. You still have to pay attention to your health. You can recruit people to do these things. There is no need." If you have to do everything yourself, it will be exhausting.”

"Thank you, boss, I will pay attention." Zhou Jialing nodded, paused and then said. "Well... I didn't lose weight. I walked a lot after I started building the hotel. I was afraid that my body shape would get worse, so I did some fitness exercises..."

Yan Changqing looked at her in surprise and didn't see any changes. Apart from feeling a little thinner, there was really no difference.

But looking at it from the perspective of an old Chinese medicine doctor, she is indeed a bit healthier. The main reason is that she usually wears makeup, and you can't see the change without looking carefully...

Zhou Jialing had been exposed to the sun all summer at the construction site without getting a tan. Now her face turned dark when she was looked at by her boss with questioning eyes: "Boss, is there anything else you can do?"

"No, no, go ahead!" Yan Changqing nodded. "By the way, did you drink the wine I gave you? Drink less every day. Drinking more often is really good."

"There's always something to drink." Zhou Jialing's expression suddenly improved a lot. "It does have an effect. It's obvious. Thank you boss."

"You're welcome." Yan Changqing waved his hand. "I'm also afraid that you will get sick and delay working for me to earn money."

Zhou Jialing was used to the unreliable words he occasionally blurted out, so she didn't mind. Instead, she carefully and tentatively suggested: "Boss, this kind of wine is produced by energy, right? Can you..."

She spent very little time at the winery. She would just come and talk about something and leave without understanding the situation.

In fact, she has a little problem that girls are not easy to talk about. It is a problem that occurs every month. Moreover, she has a problem from the beginning, and there is no way to cure it.

Huang Peishan had told her before that the private wine the boss gave her was magical, but she didn't quite believe it at the time.

But after arriving here, the boss said it himself, so she tried it, and then...she believed it.

So I feel that if this kind of wine is to be sold, it can be sold at a sky-high price.

But thinking about it again, the boss himself is the master of brewing, so he must know it. Since he doesn't sell it, there must be a reason.

But now that I mentioned it, I still couldn't help myself and asked this question.

Yan Changqing shook his head: "The effect is too good to be sold. In fact, the wine of our winery is blended with these wines. Strictly speaking, if you keep drinking the wine of our winery, you will also It works, but it takes a long time to take effect..."

Zhou Jialing opened her mouth. She wanted to say so much that she didn't know how to say it.

The effect was great...and indeed good, she knew it very well.

She herself knew many female friends with similar problems, but unfortunately she couldn't tell others how good she was, so she thought that if this wine could be sold, she wouldn't have to hide it.

Maybe the boss feels that the conditions are not mature yet!
After all, if this kind of magical wine is taken out, it will probably attract too many people to covet it. It is normal for the boss to have concerns.

It is obviously a great thing that benefits many people, but it cannot be done clearly. The reason is that the company is too small and not strong enough.

If the company is so powerful that the boss can do whatever he wants, then there will be no problem.

It seems that I still have to work hard to make the company bigger and stronger, then this kind of wine can be sold!
She nodded: "Boss, I understand, I will work harder."

Yan Changqing was stunned for a moment when he saw her expression. Didn't I explain clearly?What did you think of?
Forget it, he waved his hand: "Well, come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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