Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 301 Investigating Shareholders

Chapter 301 Investigating Shareholders
After the folk festival, the entire Taoshu Township returned to a large construction site.

The winery is no exception. The new winery is the best to build. At present, only the finishing work is left. Now the workers are actually on duty. After getting familiar with the work in the factory, some of them have begun to practice with the old workers.

But the work of digging holes and planting trees is in full swing.

A steady stream of trees of all kinds were brought over and planted in various places under the command of Lao Huang.

Of course, there's nothing to see yet. The solitary small tree on the turned-up soil is actually a bit uglier than before.

The land used to be hills and depressions, but it was all farmland after all. Now the buds of weeds are beginning to sprout in the unexcavated areas, while more areas have been dug up and look pitted, which is very annoying.

However, Lao Huang is confident. He followed the plan. Now he has found a master who can bake old-fashioned bricks and is trial-firing them at the kiln. Once successful, construction will begin.

When old-fashioned buildings with red bricks and green tiles were built in those potholed and seemingly messy places, we had to change the adjective and call them patchwork.

At the same time, work on the other side of the river is being stepped up. After all, in summer, the river water will rise, and construction will be inconvenient then.

Anyway, the chief engineer is quite busy now, but there are still benefits. He seems to be looking better and better. Except for sometimes looking a bit sloppy because he doesn't bother to shave, he is still full of energy.

Compared with him, Lao Wan is not that energetic.

He is most concerned about the fake winery, even more than the boss.

After all, based on preliminary statistics and interrogations of criminal counterfeiters, he found out that there were fake wines worth at least tens of millions or more on the market. He was so worried that he could hardly sleep.

Seeing that the boss went out and came back as if nothing was wrong, he couldn't help it anymore: "Mr. Yan, how to solve this problem? I guess a lot of those fake wines have been sold. I don't know how many first-timers want to drink them." People who drink wine will think that our wine is just in vain..."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Then make an announcement! You can discuss with people how to say it, and then issue a statement on the provincial station later."

"Haven't those fakers been caught? When news comes out, we will issue an announcement at that time. It will be more credible."

"I guess we still have to wait..."


In fact, Yan Changqing didn't have to wait long, and the news came soon.

Just when Yan Erhe packed his bags and took off for the third time by plane - he had traveled vigorously and resolutely to escape his sister during the Folklore Festival, but the schedule was too tight and he felt that there were not enough places to see during the trip. So I'm going to check it out again.

The people who came with the news were not investigators or notifications from above, but two inexplicable people.

Moreover, he did not go to Mr. Chen, but went to him directly - Chen Youliang was usually responsible for some external entertainment matters.

When he arrived, he said that he was some kind of staff member in Beijing. After finding Lao Wan, he informed Mr. Yan, and then he came in and said with a smile: "That's what happened. I have a friend. He was confused for a while, and he teamed up with someone to do something." I bought a winery, the one in Fujian Province..."

Yan Changqing looked at the two people. The middle-aged man who spoke looked quite polite, and the smell on his body suggested that he was involved in an official career.

The other one is younger and looks like a little follower carrying a bag, because he is really carrying a bag and a mobile phone in his hand - now he is no longer called a big brother, but a mobile phone.

Yan Changqing was too lazy to listen and interrupted the other party directly: "Just tell me your intention."

The middle-aged man's face was slightly unhappy, but he quickly covered it up: "Those winery managers will be arrested as soon as they are arrested. I heard that you are still continuing to investigate, right? In fact, this matter will not be resolved until now." That’s pretty much it for now, the winery will definitely close anyway…”

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "Wait, who are you? What do you do? Why are you here talking to me?"

"After all, this matter is your winery's business. As long as you give up pursuing it..."

"Why should I give up the investigation?" Yan Changqing asked back and looked at this person. "You're here to be a lobbyist, right?"

"After all, it is better to dissolve enemies than to end them. You are still young and there are some things..."

"What is your friend's last name? Tell me where he is first."

"This one……"

"Inconvenient to say?"

"Mainly because of my friend, his identity is a bit sensitive, and his family..."

"Lao Wan, call the security team." Yan Changqing was too lazy to say anything more. His grandson came out of nowhere and wasted his time here.

Lao Wan did not hesitate, turned around and waved at the door, and soon ran over in neat steps. A team of winery security personnel ran over under the leadership of the captain.

"Mr. Yan, what do you mean?" The middle-aged man's expression immediately changed. "I'm here to help you make peace. Things have gotten serious. After all, the impact is not good..."

Yan Changqing ignored him and ordered the captain: "Pull him out and give him a good beating. They are here to steal our factory's secret brewing recipe. Do you understand? After beating him, send him to the police station."

The captain was stunned for a moment, then he looked slightly happy and nodded repeatedly: "I understand, Mr. Yan, you personally ordered us, we can definitely handle it!"

Those who can be captains have been working in the factory for a long time. The boss usually never personally tells them what to do. It is a rare opportunity to show their face in front of the boss. It is not easy, so you have to work hard!

The longer I work, the more I realize that a good job is hard-won. A job like this that pays a lot of money but has few things to do and is close to home is probably only available here in a winery.

I am just a team leader now. The boy in charge of the production of disabled people in the workshop was almost the same as me before. Isn’t it because he was assigned by the boss to go out for a few days to do some things, and when he came back he was treated like a workshop director... …

If the boss remembers me today, maybe I will be the captain in a few days!

Lao Wan was also in a daze: "Mr. Yan, is this appropriate?"

Yan Changqing chuckled and said: "Two strangers came to us and talked in secrets. Aren't they here to find out the secret recipe of our winery? Our wine can pay hundreds of millions in taxes to the higher authorities a year. Damn it. Isn’t it just this secret recipe, and now he’s stealing it, am I slandering him?”

"No!" Lao Wan also realized that he was stupid. In the past two years, Mr. Yan was safe and sound, and he had almost forgotten Mr. Yan's temper back then.

After thinking for a while, he added: "That's what you should do. It's all my fault. I should have asked clearly before."

"This is a small matter, go ahead!" Yan Changqing didn't blame him. After all, he was an old-school person who thought too much about things and was not used to the vigorous and resolute way of doing things that he learned from his second uncle.


Wang Suo received the report and took it seriously. He even called Lao Wan - the village's success depends entirely on a big market in the west and a big winery in the east. He couldn't afford not to take it seriously.

Lao Wan had woken up and said with a smile: "They come here and ask around, and the winery must pay attention to it. But they will definitely not admit it, and they pretend to be someone with a good background. There is nothing we can do. I can give it to you!"

Wang Suo felt that he had to personally take charge of the case, so he called the superior without saying a word and took the person to the interrogation room.Then the middle-aged man felt that he finally saw someone reasonable. Although his nose was bruised, his face was swollen, and his footprints were all over his body, his momentum remained unabated: "You are the staff here, right? I came from the capital, and this is me certificate."

"It was just a small thing for me to come here, but I was slandered by that kid. Fortunately, he still knew some law and knew how to send me here, so it's okay now. Where is your phone number? I'll make a call first, and this Handcuffs, open them for me quickly..."

Wang Suo waved his hand cheerfully, and Xiao Wang expressed his understanding and patted the table: "Stop talking nonsense, name, age, where are you from, and who ordered you to find out the technical secrets of the winery?"

The middle-aged man was stunned: "No, didn't you understand what I said? It was just a misunderstanding. Specifically, the kid boss was unreasonable. He..."

"If you keep talking nonsense, you will resort to tactics!" Old Xiong said with a dark face. "Don't ramble and answer the question honestly. If you confess, you will be lenient and if you refuse, you will be lenient. If you keep talking nonsense, we won't talk to you like this!"

"You..." The middle-aged man glared. "Where are your superiors? Where are the leaders? Let your leaders come over. I won't talk nonsense to you."

Wang Suo probably understood it. He thought for a while and stood up.

Turn around and go!

I am just a small director in the countryside. Now I am waiting to go home to collect my pension when my retirement age comes. I have no time to listen to your bragging!
Seeing him leaving, Lao Xiong and Xiao Wang looked at each other, and then Lao Xiong said: "Since you don't cooperate, then you should sit down and think about it first, and then talk about it after you have thought about it!"

With a crash, no one was in the room, and then there was a click and the door was locked.

Anyway, the person is handcuffed to the chair and cannot run away!


The people introduced by Wang are quite efficient.

The very next day, Yan Changqing received a call from Wang Suo: "Mr. Yan, the investigation is clear. Xiao Wang is driving over. I will send the results to you later. You can see the details yourself! My two My friends are in a hurry to go back, so they won’t see each other anymore..."

"I understand. I'll ask Xiao Wang to send the money later." Yan Changqing said he understood. It didn't matter whether he saw her or not. At worst, if he needed it in the future, he would continue to ask Wang Suo to help him contact him.


Holding the information and looking at the name on it, Yan Changqing felt that he should have heard of this name.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally remembered that it seemed that Chen Youliang had said that it happened a few years ago, and Chen Youliang would definitely not be able to remember it.

It must have been a few years ago that someone came to inquire about the news and passed on a message, saying that some young master named Sun wanted to buy a stake in the winery. He said that as long as he bought a share, the benefits of returning to the winery would be great. .

For example, in the future, wineries can enjoy various discounts and avoid many external troubles. They can also get some trademarks with the word "excellent" as soon as possible, and have authoritative organizations issue various certificates to wineries.

In addition to fame, there are also benefits.

The winery can be converted into a joint venture in the future, or even foreign-owned, because Mr. Sun is a person who has studied abroad.

As for whether he has become a foreign master, it is not clear in the information sent. He is just doubtful. After all, the person who went to investigate has never been out, and there is no way to investigate.

In those few years, the winery became famous, and there were many similar people coming, but Yan Changqing didn't pay attention to it, and there was no subsequent trouble.

Originally, there were actually some strange sounds, but he was not in vain at that time. He quickly established himself as an 'international celebrity'. Later, these sounds disappeared...

It can be regarded as a different kind of "relying on foreigners to show self-respect", which is quite embarrassing to say.

Now that I have read the information, I have got to know this young master named Sun Hongyu again.

Because the information is very clear. He was originally from Beijing. He had studied abroad in the early years and had been working outside for two years. According to him, he was doing pretty well and so on.

These are not confidential information and can be easily checked. Even the school Mr. Sun went to is clearly stated. His later experiences are not clear. Anyway, I heard that he boasts about being very impressive, such as graduating from a prestigious school. Entered into the world's top [-] companies and so on...

The name of the school is Lockenough University of Chicago. It is said to be an Ivy League school - green but not green.

But when Yan Changqing looked at this name, he always felt like he was seeing something like Kang Shuaifu.

As for family, of course it is not an ordinary family, but it has quite a background.

However, Yan Changqing felt relieved after reading it. It would be better if he had a background. He happened to have nothing to do, so let's see who is more capable.


Immediately afterwards, news came from above that someone had been arrested, but only the errand runner.

That is, the person who contacted the owner of the fake winery. As for Mr. Sun who instigated him, he had nothing to do with him. After all, he was not the one doing the work.

This result is not unexpected, and Yan Changqing expressed his calmness.

Then do it yourself!
Before he could figure out how to deal with it, Huang Peishan came running over with a lot of documents.

Yan Changqing was a little confused: "What's wrong?"

"I've brought all the stocks we bought now!" Huang Peishan's expression was a little excited. "You have always asked me to buy these stocks, and I have always asked the company to do what you asked me to do. As long as I have money, I will buy them regardless of the price..."

Yan Changqing nodded happily: "Not bad, just follow the command."

"Boss, do you plan to become a shareholder?" Huang Peishan asked abruptly.

"Be a shareholder?" Yan Changqing was stunned. "How many stocks have we confiscated over the years? I remember we haven't made much money over the years, right?"

"Not much?" Huang Peishan looked confused. "Boss, don't you have a misunderstanding about the amount of money? From the time you started releasing songs to now, the cumulative revenue of each of your singles has already exceeded [-] million. Except for the album you released, the other Every song of..."

Yan Changqing nodded. Of course he knew. What he meant was: "Aren't those high-tech companies growing very well now? Each of them claims a market value of hundreds of billions. How much do we have?"

"There's no trillion." Huang Peishan's eyes widened. "At most, it's hundreds of billions. Besides, when you asked me to buy it, the stock prices of these companies were still in single digits. Now they are at least double digits..."

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing nodded. He had read the report, but felt that he was just buying stocks and didn't think about shareholders at all. "Then what do you think?"

Huang Peishan's excitement was immediately revealed: "Of course I want to be a shareholder!"

Become a shareholder by speculating in stocks?

Yan Changqing couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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