Chapter 312 of course
In the past, Yan Changqing's popularity was somewhat intermittent. He was more willful in releasing music. After the music came out, the publishing company would temporarily promote it, and then rely on the music to spread throughout the streets and alleys, and word of mouth spread.

It’s actually quite easy for music to spread.

Some people are walking on the street and hear a certain tone or a certain line of lyrics, and they may buy an album because of this tone or word.

Because if you can't buy it, you may still remember the song you heard on the street one afternoon many years later.

But it's been different recently. Yan Changqing's popularity has continued to rise, like a prolific little hen. After just releasing an album, a few more songs have been released.

The most important thing about these new ones is that compared with the previous ones, there are a lot more 'promoters' behind them.

That's right, those areas that have benefited, those areas where I went to shoot, I wish that everyone in the world could see their pictures every day, and then come to visit and spend money like water...

For this purpose, they tried their best to publicize and build momentum. In fact, they were cheering for Yan Changqing's reputation.

Now Yan Changqing is in London. He has been traveling around the city. He has visited basically all the sights that can be seen. He has not missed all the streets and alleys. He only missed one place. If you say he did it on purpose, he will definitely not admit it. .

But he doesn't need to admit that there will be countless fans who will interpret his behavior, and there will be some fanatical fans who, regardless of Sanqi21, feel they must support what he supports and oppose what he opposes.

After all, those people who chase stars are sometimes unreasonable.

Therefore, as a 'fish that slipped through the net', the museum must do something, otherwise it will become the only 'special' attraction in the entire city that someone never comes to visit.


If anyone said that Yan Changqing did these things on purpose, he would not admit it anyway.

I was inspired by the beautiful scenery, so I made a song, which is normal.

Because inspiration is invisible and intangible, and it can’t just be something you think about.

Things about artists are inherently difficult to say, and no one can refute him.

Traveling is always free and you see everything wherever you go, just like you wanted to go to Australia, but heard someone at the airport talking about an island country, so you took a detour and went to the island country, and happened to meet someone who was setting up a winery on the way...

But the result of the matter is very clear. He has turned stones into gold everywhere, but he seems to have forgotten about the gold mine at home. The gold mine is no longer producing gold.

As a person who has upgraded his accounting skills by checking accounts, how could Yan Changqing not know the situation of his own winery?
Anyway, what he said is what he said, and others would definitely not be able to directly refute it. After all, no one knew what other people were thinking.

Just like when the museum invited him, he happily accepted the invitation and went for a walk with his assistant.

Huang Peishan didn't understand why her boss wasn't in a hurry even though she had originally agreed to go home.Is it really possible to travel as you please?
Could it be that the boss feels that it would be rude not to go and take a look at the warm invitation and the gift?

If Yan Changqing knew the reasons she gave herself, she would definitely be happy to say, yes, that's what she meant.

As for if he delays for a few more days, he will have delayed for a whole month. The money that needs to be sent out next month will definitely be very small, and that is not what he considers.

The person who needs to consider is not him, but those who spent the money in advance before they arrived.

Mr. Yan feels that he is still a child after all, and it is normal to be a little playful. Just like it was normal before to take out money on time, now it is normal to be playful and delay making money, and to take out less money.

Everyone in this world has things that they take for granted. Now that Boss Yan feels that he is rich and is willing to go out and play, it is a matter of course.

You can't just be a ruthless money-making machine, right?


The people at the museum are actually quite depressed. Photos of Yan Changqing's daily travels can now be seen in various media. Some people on the Internet have specially built a road map for him to see where he goes and predict where he will go next. ?

As a result, not only did he not come here, but he had to be invited and given gifts.

But it still had to be done, and they were helpless because they couldn't tell them the reason yet.

Yan Changqing still had his tourist attitude, and took his assistant for a walk. He agreed to the invitation, but did not say the time. He still visited the Thames River every day, walked around the square, and went to the market in Chinatown...

Then the museum felt helpless and felt that its sincerity should be expressed first.

Then, think about what to send first!

Maybe he saw something and felt sincerity, so he ran over!

Otherwise, if you meet someone who doesn't follow the rules, no one knows whether he will buy a plane ticket in the next second and fly to Neuschwanstein Castle to see the scenery and play in the Rhine River.

Mainly in the past two days, netizens have announced that a very enthusiastic Berlin girl, when taking a photo with her idol, enthusiastically invited him to see Neuschwanstein Castle. The idol said very kindly at the time that he was very interested in the place. interested.

Then many Berlin netizens began to post various attractions near their homes online.

Anyway, it’s quite lively, and everyone is looking forward to a big musician coming here.


Huang Peishan muttered: "Boss, are you satisfied with what I have delivered?"

Yan Changqing looked at it and was a little dissatisfied: "Just give me a few paintings? Although the quality is quite good, they are not very famous, right?"

In fact, it’s not that he’s not famous, it’s that the author is not famous enough in the West.

Now that the prices of oriental cultural relics have not been hyped up, the museum was quite generous and sent four paintings directly - probably because these things can be rolled up and taken away, and they don't take up space, so more people were taken away back then.

Huang Peishan actually doesn't know much about this. She is already very good now. She studied management, and as a result, she started to actually manage the multinational company she established as soon as she graduated. She is still learning management things, and she really doesn't have time to study more. Antique art and the like.

But since the boss said it, she thought so, maybe these paintings really weren't good.

Then let them change.

Of course, she couldn't speak directly about this matter. She just made a simple phone call and expressed her intention to return the painting.

People who have made preparations to send things, or even people who have given things away, are now not thinking about taking things back, but directly asking her assistant for help: Is that who is dissatisfied?
Huang Peishan nodded very reservedly: "The boss actually likes painting, and he has also done some research in this area. But he prefers to carve porcelain and other things. In order to do carving, he even bought a jade mine... "

Well, the other side understands!
The paintings were not returned, but several pieces of engraved porcelain were sent over.

There are actually quite a lot of these things. It is said that there are more than 2 pieces in total.Yan Changqing went to visit the museum very happily!

As for some philistines, he didn't mind at all. He was giving others a chance to return their things, which was redemption.

And he didn’t go in vain. He even told the fans he met inside that the reason why he never came was because he felt that this place had too much historical vicissitudes, so he had to wait until the end...

Now that you have spoken, it is not for free, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Besides, when it comes to artistic exchanges, can we just call it free?

Another week passed in the blink of an eye, and Yan Changqing finally decided to go back.

However, he remembered that Sidorov had warmly invited him to fly a plane and said that they had recently acquired several new planes.

Therefore, Yan Changqing had to call his second uncle: "I am going to pass by Qiansu when I go back and plan to stay there for a few days. Do you have anything you want to bring over?"

Yan Erhe thought for a while: "The second-hand equipment I ordered has almost arrived, and there is nothing for you to bring. However, can you help me ask if they can introduce me to two more powerful people?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "That won't work. I'm just going to have fun. I don't plan to talk about business. If you have something to transport back, I can help, but it won't work if you ask me to help you inquire."

Yan Erhe was helpless and began to show off his merits: "I helped you feed your camels!"

Yan Changqing was ungrateful: "If you don't feed me, others might feed you better than you."

That camel is his exclusive mount. If he is not at home, someone must help feed it, and it will definitely not be like his second uncle, who is not reliable at all. Now Yan Changqing is very suspicious that his second uncle's so-called feeding is to give way. The camels went to eat alfalfa by themselves.

As a result, Yan Erhe immediately confirmed his guess on the other end of the phone: "I take the camel to eat grass every day..."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "Okay, I'll ask you when I meet you later."

"That's right!" Yan Erhe was immediately satisfied. "Is there anything else? The family is fine, but there is another wave of people looking for your uncle, and they seem to be asking you when you will come back."

"I'll be back in a few days." Yan Changqing was not in a hurry.

Yan Erhe didn't care how many people came to Chen Youliang to ask for news, he just had nothing to talk to and was very satisfied when he got a single answer.

He turned around and ran to express his gratitude to Chen Youliang: "Qijin called. I asked him for you. He said he would be back in a few days."

Chen Youliang was also not in a hurry. He nodded when he heard this: "Yes, I understand!"

Then Mr. Chen turned around and replied to those who were anxiously calling him every day: "In a few days..."


There is no need to think about the reason why Sidorov invited Yan Changqing. I heard that he went to the island country to set up a winery.

From Sidorov's point of view, you were willing to build a winery in that island country, so why wouldn't you be willing to build a winery in my place?

Although our friendship is not that good, it is not worse than you and the island country, right?

I don't have much to offer. We are just doing business, and we can't have any friendship.

But I can compare to bad, but I definitely can’t compare to this one anyway.

The key is that I can show my sincerity. If you like to fly airplanes, I have them here, so feel free to fly them!
So Yan Changqing flew from London to Moscow, then got into Sidorov's car to pick him up, and started playing with airplanes with his assistant.

I would also like to mention that the economy of the former Soviet Union is still in collapse.

At the beginning of the previous period, they fought a war, but now the war is about to end, and the other side can no longer support them. They are starting peace negotiations. It is estimated that the talks will not take a few days before the other side will sign an armistice agreement.

But it is different from what everyone thought. The war is almost over, but the economy is still the same, and my life is still the same. Money is becoming less and less like money and more and more like waste paper.

The key is that more and more people are beginning to despair, feeling that there is no end in sight.

This feeling is the worst.

In fact, Yan Changqing knew better. Even though his academic qualifications were not very good, he knew that the bad days in the former Soviet Union would still be a few years away.

Even in a few years, the supplies that should be in short supply will still be in short supply. Not being able to drink vodka is no longer the most terrible thing. For ordinary people, even basic living supplies are still not guaranteed.


Sidorov personally greeted Yan Changqing.

Long time no see, Yan Changqing felt that Sidorov's gray beard seemed to be a little whiter.

But probably because he was fighting, he looked a little more sharp than when he first saw him.

But his attitude was still very enthusiastic. After the reception, he was taken to see the aircraft. Even the things that needed to be kept secret before were ignored. He was allowed to watch as he pleased.

Accompanied by several young former Soviet female officers, the leader was a dazzling white military rose.

Yan Changqing was quite speechless. Am I someone who seems to be so easily corrupted?
The leader looked unprofessional. He didn't even know the parameters of the aircraft when asked. He really didn't know anything about her. I guess except for knowing her own measurements, all the other questions were in vain.

But not to mention, this uniform always feels like it was deliberately made one size smaller, and it doesn’t look like a serious soldier.

The dazzling white Katerina felt that she had been hit. She had tried her best to show her best figure. Isn't her figure not tempting enough?
But the hidden glances of the soldiers beside him made them want to rush up and carry him away?

Why does this young great musician only focus on the plane and is unwilling to take a second look at himself?
He is indeed a great musician, does he have such high standards?
Fortunately, the assistant of a great musician seemed to admire soldiers. He praised her uniform and even held her hand and chatted happily with her. Otherwise, she would have felt that she had failed to live up to the expectations of her superiors.

Even if the big musician is not interested in me, at least I can find out some of his hobbies from his assistant.

The expectation from above is that through various efforts, this great, it should be said that he is a great winemaker, can build a factory here.

Victory Vodka is famous all over the world. If there is a distillery here, not only will the army no longer have to worry about funds, but it will also promote the economic development of the entire region. The benefits are countless...

Thinking of this, Katerina took the initiative, took the hand of the wine master's assistant, and whispered: "The ice moss we have here has very good beauty effects. I have a toner extracted from the ice moss, which can make the skin more beautiful." Flexible and shiny..."

(End of this chapter)

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