Chapter 313 Gifted Souvenirs

The cooperation between Yan Changqing and Sidorov was quickly concluded.

Sidorov's efficiency was quite high. After the war on their side was over and before the peace agreement was signed, the project had entered a period of rapid construction. At the same time, Yan Changqing transferred some old skilled workers from Dayanzhuang Winery to carry out the work. Technical support.

The location of the airport is not close to the city. A hill was chosen nearby to start construction. There was no need to do any greening. Instead, trees had to be cut down in the parts that needed construction.

Yan Changqing doesn't just fly planes, he has already started making wine in part of the factory area he has built.

To brew vodka here, the most suitable raw material is potatoes, and he still needs technological improvements.

But this is not a problem at all. In terms of brewing technology, he has achieved the same as music, to the point where he can do whatever he wants. After just a few simple attempts, he announced that it can be mass-produced.

Then the factory was being built, potatoes were being purchased, and skilled technical workers began to lead new people, even though they didn't speak the language very well, but the problem was still not that big, anyway, Mr. Yan was here to provide guidance.

Basically, there was no time wasted. It only took less than two months from construction to the time when the packaged Victory Vodka entered the market.

At this time, except for the domestic skilled workers in the past, the local workers still lived in houses similar to work sheds.

It's not that Sidorov is harsh, it's just that he's in a hurry. Those workers are satisfied if they can earn money and don't have high requirements for where they live.

The next step is to build the worker dormitories before winter comes.


In Dayanzhuang, on the busy construction site, Lao Huang was running around on his small motorcycle and soon came to an open space on the post.

He took the drawing and looked at it carefully, then nodded with satisfaction and said to Xiao Zhao, who was in charge here: "Okay, according to the plan, the project progress should be faster. The apron will be used soon after it is built. The quality I won’t go into details about your requirements, the boss wants to use them, so you have to work hard.”

Xiao Zhao is a student who just graduated this year. He was originally assigned a job, but when Lao Huang was recruiting people, he came over as soon as he compared the benefits.

Although he has gained a lot of 'knowledge' here, when Lao Huang asked him to be responsible for setting up a tarmac, he still felt a bit like he was dreaming: "Really parking the plane? Will Mr. Yan fly the plane back and forth from now on?"

"I can still think about Hu Jian by myself!" Lao Huang no longer shrank in the office, his body shook and his eyes stared. "You think Mr. Yan is like us! The former Soviet Union is all trying to fawn over his cooperation. Giving him a helicopter is nothing, it's as simple as me giving you a bicycle."

"Then you didn't give me a bicycle!" Xiao Zhao's temperament is a little more lively. He has become familiar with Lao Huang in the past few months, so he is not afraid of being glared at by him.

"What you are riding on is what I gave you." Lao Huang chuckled. "Okay, stop being poor and start working quickly. Mr. Yan is finally back, so everyone should behave well."

"Plane!" Xiao Zhao still thought about it for a while. "I don't know if I'll have a chance to sit down."

"If there is a chance, the plane will probably arrive in a few days." Old Huang smiled and patted him. "Mr. Yan has never been a stingy person. If you do a good job, if you need it in the future, it won't matter if you take a plane."

"Yeah!" Xiao Zhao nodded and trotted towards the nearby construction truck. "Mr. Huang, the flight is not in a hurry. Remember to give me a new bicycle first!"


Seeing the young man's high energy, Lao Huang also got excited, and the motorcycle came to the river again.

The embankment is being blocked here, and the people who are doing the construction don't quite understand it. The water level is obviously not high, so why is it being done like this? In fact, it is Lao Huang who wants to do it. He remembers that Mr. Yan said that the water will rise in the future, so he should practice now. drill.

Hydropower stations will definitely have to be maintained by some people in the future. It is not a bad thing to let them have more experience in this area.

After looking around, I crossed the river and went to the other side to have a look, and happened to meet Lao Wan who had just 'inspected' the new winery.

As soon as the two met, Lao Wan said with a smile: "Mr. Yan is coming back. He must be satisfied with the progress of your construction. I think it is basically completed here, right?"

Lao Huang nodded: "The geographical conditions on the east coast are good, so the construction will be faster. Is the winery here okay?"

"No problem." Lao Wan nodded and then asked. "Is there nothing happened to you recently?"

"No, no." Lao Huang said repeatedly. "There's nothing messy here. The workers are pretty solid at work. How can anything happen?"

"Then I feel that you have been a little anxious these days?" Lao Wan asked tentatively.

Lao Huang hesitated for a moment: "I heard that Mr. Yan is buying land and building factories overseas. I want to build it here quickly, and maybe Mr. Yan can send me out to learn more about it later. "

"Haha!" Lao Wan laughed. "You just think too much. Yan is always easy to talk to. You can wait until Mr. Yan comes back and talk to him directly about these things. In fact, you can just go now. You can finish the project and go out for a trip or something. Just tell Mr. Yan and he will make arrangements for you."

Lao Huang smiled sheepishly: "I haven't finished my work yet, so how can I open my mouth!"

"You want to see how the gardens are built outside and learn from them, right?" Lao Wan was an experienced man, and he could tell what Lao Huang was thinking at a glance. “You’re still young and you’re still energetic!”

In front of others, Lao Huang is Mr. Huang, Lao Huang, but to Lao Wan, he can only be Xiao Huang. After all, there is an age difference!
Moreover, there is no such thing as competition in the company. The boss has many industries. It would be great if they can take care of a lot of things in their own hands. How can they care about others taking care of them.

So when Lao Huang was exposed, he just smiled modestly: "I didn't have so many ideas before, but I have ideas while working here. Firstly, I want to go out and learn advanced management experience, and secondly, I want to learn from other people's ideas." The local architecture and gardens…”

Lao Wan nodded repeatedly: "Mr. Yan's career is big. If you want to work for a long time, you must learn more. I am still learning foreign languages. To tell you the truth, I learned some former Soviet language back then. Now I just picked it up, and I will go there in a few days while the weather is still warm in Qiansu..."

Seeing that Lao Huang was a little envious, he laughed: "In the next step, Mr. Yan, there are more and more industries outside. If you want to go out and see, there are many opportunities. I am an old man. I used to only think about working in that workshop for the rest of my life. Who would have thought that there would be a chance to go abroad!”

The two chatted for a few more words, and Lao Huang couldn't help but looked at the people on the left and right who were far away, leaving space for the two of them to talk, so he asked in a low voice: "What did you say about that matter? "

Lao Wan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and sighed: "When the winery over there was about to be built, it was said that some money was fined. I heard that it was intended to give a suspended sentence or something, but Mr. Yan said it was just a small matter and there was no need... …”

"Alas!" Lao Huang's heart suddenly became heavy. "Then what Mr. Yan said was against his will, right?"

Lao Wan whispered: "Mr. Yan probably has other ideas..."


Yan Changqing has been playing for almost half a year and has long forgotten those troublesome things.

Yan Changqing always felt that he had too many adults to care about the grudges and grudges.

He stayed there for a while when the winery came out, and then Lao Wan came over to take over.

Of course, Lao Wan is not here for a long time. He is just responsible for continuing to supervise here for a period of time and ensure the quality of the wine.

When the weather gets colder, he will definitely go back as soon as possible. He is quite old, how can he stay here for a long time.


That afternoon, President Mao was holding a regular meeting for the workers in the garment factory: "Quality, quality, I have said it many times, no matter what we produce, we must demand quality. Wear the clothes you work for three to five years and don't wear them out. Shouting clothes and getting them torn as soon as you wear them is a bad reputation..."

The people below are all silent, there is nothing they can do, President Mao is too powerful now.

Although she talks about this stuff every day, if anyone doesn't listen carefully, they will be expelled.Turning a labor service company that was about to close down into a garment factory with thousands of people, there are even an unknown number of 'temporary workers' outside - because of the establishment, there are relatively few regular workers, and more are 'Temporary workers'.

Precisely because of the establishment, this job has a higher value than other jobs. President Mao's style of firing people when he says they should be fired has also made her famous in the factory.

In fact, even some dealers feel that Mr. Mao’s high requirements are unnecessary.

Nowadays, many of the clothes produced in factories are sold in cities, where most people do not have to do heavy work like in rural areas, so clothes must be strong and sturdy.

But Mao always felt the need to do this, and he also had his own theory, such as "the one who seeks the best will get the best", etc., which must be strictly controlled from the factory.

Facts have proved that it is still effective. Usually, clothes are mass-produced. When the styles become outdated, the prices of those with poor sales are reduced and sold in rural areas. The excellent quality now has a certain reputation.

Although it is not a big brand because the products it produces are relatively complex, the clothes of Taoshu Township Garment Factory have still been recognized by many people after they were sold.

Just as he was speaking, Mr. Mao suddenly stopped, then smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, let's break up the meeting."

The people who were sitting upright immediately stood up, because there were more women here, so when the meeting was dismissed, it suddenly became more lively than the school after school.

"I heard that Mr. Yan is back!"

"Well, I heard the sound, hurry up and go out and take a look..."

"Let's take a walk and look at the helicopters. I heard they are armed and equipped with missiles..."

"What missiles? We are not allowed to install weapons here. I have gone to the airport to see them and there is nothing there."

"That's also an airplane. I heard it's world-class and very advanced..."


Not only were the female workers in the garment factory busy, but the people in Taoshu Township were also very curious about this day. Listening to the rumbling sound coming from far away, they immediately stood in the distance and started to look up at the sky.

The crowd was excited until they saw a helicopter flying over!

Others shouted to the sky: "Mr. Yan, come out and take a look!"

"Yes! Let us all see how the plane flies. There is a place to land here..."

"Where is the land? It falls on your head!"

"Ha ha……"

In fact, it is all nonsense, purely for people who want to join in the fun.

During the Folklore Festival, everyone in Taoshu Township had seen helicopters, but they were small helicopters rented by the city for security purposes.

But this time was different. Before Yan Changqing came back, the helicopter came back first, and then the news spread.

He said it was a very advanced aircraft in the world, and it was given as a gift by a big shot like Lao Maozi, etc.

Many people even sneaked to the airport to take a look first, and when they came back, they described it in one word: "Big!"

This aircraft is indeed much larger than the patrol helicopter. It is a Mi-26 model. The former Soviet Union is now selling it for more than 1000 million US dollars.

Of course, this is a local 'specialty' that Sidorov presented to Yan Changqing, so needless to say the price.

Sidorov has nothing else to give him, so he can't give him another local specialty, potatoes, right?
Potatoes are now of great use. The winery is not actually fully operational. There are already more than [-] workers. Various vehicles hauling potatoes are lined up to run to the factory. Therefore, potatoes must be used to make wine and cannot be given away.

I can only send it by plane.

Yan Changqing looked down happily. He was unlicensed, but there was a certified driver next to him. No one else could see who was driving anyway - those who saw might be dazzled, but they would definitely not be able to see clearly.

He checked the date specifically. Today is Sunday and it will not affect the students below in class.

In fact, he originally planned to bypass the town, but he thought it was unnecessary. When he came back and got off the plane, he saw people hanging around the airport, strolling around and looking at his helicopter.

He is very satisfied with this helicopter because it is big enough.

In addition to its military use, this helicopter is also convenient for civilian use. It can simply transport a cargo or pick up a few people at critical times. It is definitely much faster than driving a car.

There is a lot of business in the factory now, and there are a lot of people around, so there is no guarantee that nothing will happen. Once this plane is put there, it will definitely not be wasted.

Normally he didn't intend to be so ostentatious, but he had just come back, and many people were looking forward to seeing the helicopters bought by their fellow villagers flying into the sky, so they simply drove back for a walk.


At the same time, in a small European country.

A young man got off the plane, let out a long breath, and then said to the people around him: "Well, I have been doing so much trouble during this period. Fortunately, the old man has let me out now!"

The attendant was a middle-aged man, not too young, but when he opened his mouth, he said: "Yes! We all know Brother Yu's ability. We already knew that nothing was wrong. That is to say, Brother Yu, you are too cautious."

The young man smiled and said: "It's better to be cautious. It happened that the boy went back, so I came out for a walk. But that boy was also quite capable. I wanted to go to the place where I wanted to study, but he actually didn't let me get a visa, haha!"

"The world is so big, no one can cover the sky with one hand, right?" the middle-aged man who followed him said with a smile, and he called the man who was more than ten years younger than him quite smoothly. "It's just a change of place. It's actually not bad here. Brother Yu, the hotel has been booked..."


As the two walked away, the middle-aged man was still talking: "They are young and energetic over there, haha, and they even went for a walk. But they didn't reply and were fined."

"Yes!" The young man sneered. "He dares to give me a suspended sentence, and I won't be able to get out! Money is not a trivial matter..."

After leaving the airport, three black cars happened to drive over. A man in black got out of the middle car and said politely: "Is this Mr. Sun? We are the hotel's reception vehicle. You two are here." please!"

The middle-aged man stepped forward diligently and opened the car door before the black man: "Brother Yu, please come first! The service in this hotel is very attentive. I didn't say before that three cars would come to pick me up..."

The young man stepped into the car cautiously and smiled: "We are outside now, so there is no need to be so particular. We come out to play, just to have fun."

The car quickly entered the traffic flow and started to drive. The middle-aged man felt something was wrong: "Why are you out of the city? I remember the hotel is in the city center, right?"

The very polite black man grinned, showing his white teeth: "Sorry, we are robbing!"

(End of this chapter)

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