Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 315: Refusing to Accept the Powerful Bull Demon Fist

Chapter 315: Refusing to Accept the Powerful Bull Demon Fist

"Xiaobin, hurry up, it's your turn later!"

Hearing the shouts, Zhu Xiaobin quickly tightened his school uniform, held his stick and ran forward along the small passage that the crowd had given way to.

The teacher who led the team waved with a smile, helped him straighten his collar, and said in a low voice: "Just try your best. We are first-year students. The main thing is to show your face and let people remember you. It doesn't matter whether you get a ranking or not." It doesn’t matter.”

Zhu Xiaobin nodded honestly: "Teacher, I know."

In fact, that's not what he was thinking at all. After practicing martial arts in elementary school and now successfully becoming a college student at the Provincial Military Academy, he doesn't intend to remain unknown. He has long thought about making a name for himself.

This kid is holding back a lot. Since fighting in elementary school, except for occasional stage performances, he has never had the chance to show off his abilities.

Originally, he planned to wait until next year to participate in the National Games and University Games and make a splash, but then he realized that he had the opportunity now - there happened to be a competition event, and his school sent some student representatives.

Of course, the main purpose of the school is to let them visit and study. Secondly, it also gives them a sense of participation and lets them perform a few opening shows. After all, after graduating from the school, sooner or later they will be among those participating in the competition.

Zhu Xiaobin also understood that the teacher who led the team was usually very kind and did not deliberately discourage his morale.

The main reason is that their purpose is not to compete for rankings, but purely to allow those students in school who have special skills and good grades to gain experience early and adapt to the team atmosphere in advance.

But when Zhu Xiaobin came on stage, he had no intention of not even getting a ranking - even though it was a solo performance at the opening, there would still be a ranking. After all, this team is about striving to be the first and unwilling to be left behind.

As a young man, although his father is usually very strict and he behaves like an honest child, he feels that if he has been practicing for so long, wouldn't it be in vain if he doesn't show his skills?
So as soon as he came on stage, a long stick in his hand was like a dragon emerging from the water, rolling up and down around him, and the shadows of the stick were flying, and even those who were not good at it could not see his movements clearly.

In just a few minutes of performance, he used all his skills, including the marksmanship taught by Teacher Yan, to show off his skills over the years.

Soon after the performance ended, as expected, warm applause broke out.

Although Zhu Xiaobin's face was only slightly red and he didn't even sweat at all, he felt that his performance was very good. With this skill and the various sword and boxing routines performed by the others just now, he was definitely the best. wonderful……


When the judges' scores came out, Zhu Xiaobin was quite satisfied. Although this score didn't feel very high, it was much higher than before, which was not bad.


After a while, Zhu Xiaobin's face darkened. His score was exceeded?
The person just now was in the team, and he performed the general boxing skills taught in the team. He admitted that the boxing and kicking skills of this performer and the basic skills of punching and kicking were absolutely solid, but compared to himself...

Anyway, he felt that if he had to go up and compete with this person a few times, he would definitely not lose.

And that's not all. The next ones, all those who seemed to have basic skills in performance, all had high scores, and my own scores were already 'lost to everyone else'.

Teacher Yang, who was leading the team, patted him: "What we are talking about here is all practical combat, and what is required is solid basic skills. The performers we sent out to perform all learned at home before, and they are definitely not as good as these. Now they are already pretty good. , there will definitely be an encouragement award when the time comes.”

The encouragement awards are not just because they are from the school, they take care of the younger is no different from the big red flowers that kindergarten teachers give to children.

He didn't want this encouragement award.

Zhu Xiaobin couldn't help it anymore: "Teacher Yang, before participating in the show, you didn't say that basic performance skills are enough. I still want to show more. In terms of basic skills, they may not be better than me..."

Teacher Yang was happy: "It's okay, there's still a chance next year. You have to stay in school for four years, let's come back next year."

The school still gives preferential treatment to students like Zhu Xiaobin. Firstly, they have good grades and secondly, they have special talents.

Although there is no sports day in the school this year, Zhu Xiaobin's performance in school is definitely outstanding.

The key is the family background. My father also came from a large group and is an absolute disciple.

Besides, those who are young still have four years to go to school. If they remain as honest as before and dare not express their opinions, they may not be popular. After all, after four years, they will not just be obedient. Working.

However, Zhu Xiaobin was still dissatisfied: "No, wait until I participate in the competition over there and try my hand with them to see who is better. Why should you give me a big red flower award?"

As soon as the big red flower award was announced, the teacher was stunned for a moment, and then he realized it. He was a little bit dumbfounded: "We are giving you an encouragement award here and you are not satisfied. You really think it is the big red flower!"

Even if it is an encouragement award, it will be recorded in the file, okay?

Those with low scores, those who are just showy, don’t even have the encouragement award, and only have a record of participation.

Teacher Yang smiled and said nothing. An old professor next to him couldn't help but said with a smile: "Okay, young people must have this spirit of not admitting defeat. If you really want to participate, you will get hurt in the competition over there."

Teacher Yang opened his mouth to speak, but the old professor glanced at him and immediately told him to swallow his words.

Zhu Xiaobin dares to speak out now because his father said that after entering such a school, don't be like before and don't care about anything.

If you are capable, you must show it, and if you are capable, you must show off your skills. There is no need to be like before, putting patience first in everything.

So Zhu Xiaobin didn't hesitate: "What's the point of getting hurt? Besides, someone has to get me hurt."

His hands have been itchy for a long time, and he usually doesn't have the chance to spar with others. When he arrived at Dayanzhuang, he was older and taller and stronger than his friends, so he didn't feel much sense of accomplishment even if he won.

As for sparring with the master, needless to say, it was so frustrating that I was so exhausted that I was sweating all over, and the master would just wave his hand and let me fly away, just like swatting away flies.

Now that he finally saw an opportunity, not only his hands were itchy, but his heart was also itchy.

Hearing Zhu Xiaobin's "arrogant" words, Teacher Yang had a dark look on his face. On the contrary, the old professor said cheerfully: "Okay, young people must have this drive. Xiao Yang, go and sign him up. Who else wants to Everyone who signed up should try their hand at it.”


It didn't take long before Zhu Xiaobin shook his wrists and ankles with satisfaction and began to prepare.

He looked at his opponent and recalled that he had already competed just now and was the winner, but his level was...

Zhu Xiaobin chuckled: "Hello, senior brother, I'm just a first-year student, please be patient."

The thin, dark young man opposite grinned: "Okay, come on!"

Zhu Xiaobin went up and punched. When the opponent stretched out his hand to intercept, he changed his fist into a grab. Then he stretched out his hand and pulled. His 1.8-meter tall head instantly shrank into the opponent's arms as if he had no bones. Then with a slight exertion of his body, he He pushed people away.

He clasped his fists again and grinned: "Senior brother, I accept it!"

The thin, dark young man turned over and stood up, posing to guard against him. He was startled by his move.

The instructor next to him was also dumbfounded and reminded: "We are in a martial arts competition. We don't win just by winning one round. We have to show a clear advantage and there is a score..."

Zhu Xiaobin thought for a while and explained: "If I had used more force just now, this senior brother wouldn't be able to stand up now!"

They were all getting close. At that time, he felt that he had many tricks that could defeat the enemy with one move. He could get up close and carry someone away, which was the gentlest way to treat the opponent. He also had several tricks such as kicking the crotch, scratching the face, and attacking the temples. Yes, but this is what the master said not to be used indiscriminately...

The instructor was also helpless, but knowing that this was a junior in the school, he waved his hand: "Then let's do it again. The competition is mainly about uniforms, not about killing enemies, it is mainly about your basic skills."

Zhu Xiaobin thought for a while and probably understood. He hugged his fist at the confused senior brother who was a monk of two feet and said: "Brother, I'm sorry, we'll come again."


It was the same thing again. Three seconds later, Zhu Xiaobin, the senior and junior brother, pushed the senior brother to the ground unceremoniously.

However, he was not brainless, he just stood up quickly after being knocked down, pulled his senior brother up, and asked the instructor who was the referee next to him: "Is this okay?"

The instructor was helpless: "Okay, okay."

Then he waved his hand to the senior brother next to him who didn't know why he lost: "Go down, be more humble from now on, now you know that there are people outside the world, there is a world outside the world!"

The senior brother was also a little dissatisfied. He walked to the sidelines and muttered: "I was deceived by him..."

The identity of a freshman college student is naturally confusing, and Zhu Xiaobin usually practices martial arts in the school activity room, and rarely sees the sun. In addition, he is a young man with good genes and fair skin. In the team, he is called a pretty boy. , who thought this guy was so skillful?

The key playing methods are still different, and they are not the same as what others have learned.


The scene that followed... well, for many people, it was a bit ugly.

This pretty boy who was a freshman in college had knocked down seven or eight senior fellow students in a short time.The key point is that there is a big man over two meters tall. He came up to wrestle with him, but he was pushed down by him.

This is outrageous!
Before the competition ended, a large group of people came next to Zhu Xiaobin, including Teacher Yang, who was leading the team. Even the old professor came over and asked him curiously: "How long have you been practicing this Kung Fu? Do you have a name?" "

Zhu Xiaobin blushed at that time: "That... I have been practicing since I was a child, and the name is..."

He really didn't want to say the name of the kung fu he practiced, but now, he couldn't do it. He didn't mention his teacher and the old professor. Among the people who came with him, the one with the two four stars on his shoulders was not the one standing at the front.

He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "My master told me the name of this kung fu. He said it's called the Strong Bull Demon Fist."

When I was a kid, I thought this name was so prestigious. After I learned it, I went back to show off to my parents.

He didn't understand the strange expressions on his parents' faces at the time, but as he grew older, he almost understood.

Up to now...

Now he was looking at the strange eyes of a group of people, lowering his head and looking around with his eyes, and he couldn't help but complain in his heart: This place is so well taken care of, there is not even a crack in the ground?

I really want to find a seam in the ground and get in!

For the first time in his life, he had a rare doubt about his master: Is this name probably made up by the master when he was a child?And it’s a fabrication full of bad taste...

The full name is Blind Makeup!

Teacher Yang, the old professor, and that group of people looked at each other strangely.

This name sounds outrageous...

Fortunately, the old professor was well-informed. Seeing Zhu Xiaobin's embarrassed expression, he smiled gently: "Don't worry, the name doesn't matter. You have been practicing since childhood. Who is your master?"

"It's Yan Changqing." Zhu Xiaobin finally raised his head. "It's Boss Yan from Bubugao Winery, the one who participated in the Spring Festival Gala and sang."

They are all from the same province. Everyone present has heard of this name. Some of his wine may not have been drunk, but his songs, not to mention Victory Vodka, and the promotional song for the Forbidden City, sound How exciting...

Therefore, everyone felt that it was even more outrageous than when they heard the name of Dali Niu Demon Fist.

The winery manager performed at the Spring Festival Gala and his music became famous all over the world. Everyone knows this.

However, the freshman in front of him, who had knocked down a large number of good prospects, was his apprentice?
Some people couldn't help but look at the sun in the sky and then around, wondering if they were dreaming.

This is no longer outrageous, this is extremely outrageous...

Or did the old professor think of it: "You said you have been practicing since childhood. He taught you this? He seems to be younger than you, right?"

"Yeah!" Zhu Xiaobin nodded, and then immediately shook his head. "The master is the teacher!"

He still respects his master very much, especially since he swept away a group of people at the gate of the elementary school. He simply worships his master to heaven!

As for the fact that the master could sing, run a winery and make a lot of money, he didn't care. He knew that he had to fight against the master for a long time, but he couldn't get the master to move his hands.

The only thing I was a little dissatisfied with my master was that he was forced to name his boxing technique in front of a large group of people just now.

I always feel's such a good middle school name!


The old professor thought for a while and looked at the other person next to him.

This one simply said: "Do you only practice boxing? Do you practice anything else?"

Zhu Xiaobin thought for a long time: "There are also stick skills! I am the one who performs. I usually practice everything, including sword skills, and the boxing and kicking skills are not the same. In fact, the fisting and kicking skills I practiced from the beginning have been changed a lot by the master. Times… I also participated in regular competitions such as Changquan and other events…”

I haven’t said it all yet. In fact, this is what the master said at the time: "No matter how good you are in kung fu training, in actual combat, graceful postures are not important. Performances are different. They have to be good-looking and handsome, and they are just a bunch of flowers to fool laymen... "

If not for this, he wouldn't have danced the stick into a flower just now. As a result, he received thunderous applause and low ratings.

As a result, after he talked for a long time, a group of people were still a little confused.

Mainly because there was a big man standing next to him. He was a strong man who looked to be over two meters tall and definitely weighed over two hundred and fifty.

This person's strength may not be the most powerful among the entire group, but he is definitely one of the most powerful.

But he couldn't compare to Zhu Xiaobin, a fresh-faced freshman who was less than 1.9 meters tall.

So what Zhu Xiaobin said made everyone confused.

Finally, the old professor thought for a while: "Um, your powerful Bull Demon Fist, right? Can you demonstrate it to everyone? Your master didn't say this is something that is not passed on to outsiders, right?"

"No." Although Zhu Xiaobin wanted to crawl into the ground when he heard the name, he had already said it himself, so what else could he do.

As for not spreading it to outsiders, he was very sure that the master had said that it was all made up by the master himself. Anyone who wants to learn can learn it, it doesn't matter...

Thinking of this, Zhu Xiaobin finally understood: Sure enough, the name of this kung fu was also made up by the master!

Zhu Xiaobin is always good at performing kung fu.

He has been on stage with his master since he was a child, so he is not afraid of the stage at all. Although the status of the audience is a little different now, it doesn't matter, anyway, he has already shown his skills several times.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to say the name, he has now figured it out. It doesn't matter if the master made it up when he was a child. Anyway, I just defeated several!
While he was performing, he was still a little smug in his heart: It turns out that I am already so good!

To be honest, he was a little worried when the two-meter-plus big man came up, but he didn't expect that the other person had grown so big for nothing and his strength was not as strong as his own.

Speaking of which, he didn't know he was so strong. Mainly because he didn't have a reference point. He couldn't compare with his classmates. He had practiced kung fu since he was a child and it was normal to have good sports results. It was normal to be stronger than them.

Besides, his senior year of high school was so heavy with studies, other than taking time to practice kung fu, he didn't think much about anything else.

As for comparing with others, I have said that he is older than the friends in Dayanzhuang, and there is no comparison with the master.

The adult with whom he has the most contact and who has exercised is his father. How dare he try his hand at it?


Now he is performing and reflecting.

It seems that I have learned something else. The master taught me a long time ago.

It must have been very early on, when he was still young, and because he learned it later, the master never mentioned it again, so he forgot about it!
By the way, it’s breathing method.

The master also taught me breathing techniques.

At that time, they seemed to say that their parents could also learn from it and it would help them keep fit.

But the two of them didn't seem to learn as quickly as I did, and I was proud of myself for a while...

Later, he had mastered the breathing method and breathed like that every day...

As a result, someone asked me just now, but I seemed to have forgotten to mention it.

After all, he is a college student, and he is a student who has passed the exam in the province with the most candidates in the country. Zhu Xiaobin just thought about it for a moment and roughly understood it.

With so much effort, the breathing technique, which he had even forgotten, probably had the greatest effect.


Now that he had finished performing the boxing technique, after he stopped, he began to desperately remember whether the master had said it or not, and could he tell others about this breathing technique?
Also, did the master say the name of this breathing method at that time?

When he thought of the name, Zhu Xiaobin was a little afraid to recall it.

According to my personality when I was a child, when I heard the name of the Powerful Bull Demon Fist, I was so excited and happy to study hard, and I learned this breathing method so quickly, maybe the name...

(End of this chapter)

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