Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 317: Disappointed upgrade and come up with ideas

Chapter 317: Disappointed upgrade and come up with ideas

As if in the blink of an eye, the small snowflakes that originally fell sporadically on the gray sky turned into heavy snow.

Lao Huang squatted on a high platform with a sad look on his face: "I thought I could work for another ten or eight days! If we work harder this year, we should be able to install equipment on the river by next summer!"

Director Wan tightened his green coat tightly and said with a smile: "The snow has fallen, and it's too late to say anything. I don't want to accompany you to get cold up here, so let's go down first!"

"I'm leaving too!" Lao Huang stood up and jumped twice.

The place where the two of them are is a place that looks like a sentry tower. There are several more of these sentry towers on several surrounding hills. The main reason is that the area is large. Houses have begun to be built on the construction site, and a lot of materials have been piled up. Even if work is stopped, someone still has to watch.

These sentry towers can also be used as command towers. Standing on them and holding a telescope, you can see most places, which is very convenient.

But now the north wind is howling, the snow is flying, and the wind is blowing the snow, it's as if the roof doesn't even exist, and it's really cold up there.

The two of them walked down the wooden stairs carefully. After taking two steps, Lao Wan stopped and looked in one direction: "Boss, you're not still practicing kung fu in the snow, right? We have to talk about this later." , Now that he is young and not afraid of the cold, he can do whatever he wants. If he were older..."

Old Huang also turned his head and looked in that direction, which was the direction of the tung trees, but the snow was so heavy now that he couldn't even see the tung trees, let alone see people.

Thinking about it, just before the snow fell heavily, the two of them saw the boss riding a camel to the tung forest.

Water and electricity are now available in Tonglin Forest, but in this weather, who doesn’t have a brazier at home?

Not to mention that the boss seems to be wearing quite thin clothes...

Thinking of this, Lao Huang nodded repeatedly to Lao Wan's words, but he was also a little helpless: "It has to work! He has practiced well, maybe the cold and heat won't invade him. Besides, our wine is pretty good, even if it's a bit Small problems……"

The more he talks, the more it proves that he has no idea.

After the boss left for a while, they realized how important the boss was, and now they all care more about him.

The two of them had no choice but to talk about it. The most they could do was mention it when reporting on their work, and there was nothing they could do if the boss didn't listen.


Yan Changqing was really walking in the snow. The raging wind and snow were nothing to him. It only blocked his sight, and even he couldn't do anything about it.

So when the snow became heavier and heavier, he also entered the house.

Then he found a thick book and read it for a while. This was sent to him by Yan Erhe. He sent books regularly, hoping that he would learn to build airplanes early and go to the laboratory to provide guidance.

Now Yan Erhe's laboratory has been completed, and a lot of equipment has been purchased.However, the weather is getting cold, and the New Year is coming soon, so the boss of Erhe plans to let people come to work after the New Year.

Yan Changqing flipped through the book and took a thermometer and put it in the creaking nest.

After coming here for ten minutes, I took it out and took a look. The height of the mercury bar inside was still far away from where I could see the degree. I didn’t know how many degrees it was.

If you take this ridiculous body temperature to the hospital and show it to the doctor, the doctor will definitely say that he didn't measure it properly.

It's true that he didn't measure it well. Yan Changqing's current body temperature is a low temperature that cannot be measured by a normal thermometer.

He was also helpless. Has he become a cold-blooded animal?

Because the weather is cold, the temperature of my body has also dropped a lot. To reduce losses?
It should just be that the temperature of the outside skin dropped. He could feel it, but there was still no change inside his body, and when he breathed out, there was still a large cloud of white mist in the air.

This is the advanced version of the skills he has been waiting for for a long time, the ability to bask in the sun and not be afraid of cold, turning him into a creature with almost temperature-changing skin.

Moreover, it is a controllable temperature change. He can make himself the same as a normal person, and he can also control his skin to slowly adapt to the external environment and reduce his own heat dissipation.

But I'm not proficient yet, my skills have just been upgraded, and I need to practice control slowly.

Just like people are accustomed to having two hands, if they suddenly have an extra hand, they will inevitably feel that sometimes it is not as convenient as the original two hands!

There are still benefits. Now he can feel that the energy consumed by his body has been reduced a lot, and the excess loss is getting less and less.

The most obvious thing is that I used to eat a day's worth, but now I can manage it for a day and a half.

It took him a lot of effort to test this, mainly because his eating skills are also very good, and nothing he eats is wasted...


Just don’t have any superpowers yet.

In fact, Yan Changqing knew in his heart that his body was now considered to be a superpower. It was a trivial matter to turn iron into clay. He felt that he might not be able to dance if Wukong took over Wukong's 1-kilogram Ruyi Golden Cudgel, but It's definitely not a big problem to pick it up.

As for jumping three feet high, it is a trivial matter, and eating a big meal for a month is nothing...

The problem is that these are all effects on himself, and nothing external, such as controlling water and fire, which he has been thinking about for a long time.

The same upgrading that I had been thinking about ended up with this result, although the effect is very good - saving energy and controlling skin temperature is not the focus, the key is to improve one's own control.

But without the superpower as imagined, someone was still somewhat disappointed.

So he was in a bad mood. When it looked like it was going to snow, he rode a camel to Tonglin Forest to relax.

While reading a book, I practiced adjusting the body temperature outside. It was night before I knew it.

He had to pack his things and go to the meeting.


We were prepared before it started snowing. We knew it was going to snow and the construction site would need to stop work, so the meeting now was to summarize the work.

By the way, we will distribute Chinese New Year benefits and other benefits to the workers in advance. Although these workers are temporary workers, Mr. Yan is very generous and will always consider giving some money and things at the end of the year.

After all these matters were discussed, the finance manager reported to the old lady: "Just before I got off work, they sent me the final payment for the supplies to the school in advance."

The school is Zhu Xiaobin’s school.

Yan Changqing was stunned for a moment: "Is this effective?"

Lao Wan answered: "Is the effect of the wine we serve too good?"

"I'm not mistaken. It takes one to two months to see results..." Yan Changqing said and stopped talking. "Although it will take one to two months to see the effect, they must have felt it now, so they paid in advance."

This is normal. It is something subtle. Although it may not be obvious to a single person, it should be easy to feel it if there are several groups of people making comparisons.

Originally, everyone ran ten kilometers within a specified time, but now we train together, and the results are different. You will know by comparing them.

This is the power of the collective. Not only are there many people participating in the experiment, but there are also a large group of instructors doing data statistics. It does not take one to two months to know whether there is any effect.

The people in the meeting were all our own people, and they were all reliable people in the winery, so everyone waited for Yan Changqing to finish speaking and then fell silent for a moment.

Then Lao Wan said: "Then wait a minute and see if they will increase the order quantity or have something else to do." Yan Changqing couldn't hide his thoughts from these people, and this order was just to test the waters.

If we can only increase the order quantity in the future, then hello, hello, hello to everyone.

If there is a problem, then it depends on what the problem is.


After the meeting ended, everyone else was a little worried.

In fact, Lao Wan and other mature and prudent people did not agree with Yan Changqing's actions.

It's not that I don't love it, or that I just want to keep good things to myself... I'm just worried that something bad will happen to my son if he spends time in the city with money.

It's true that most of them had a stable job in the past, but now in this winery, even though the boss is the master of the sea and mainly relies on the boss's skills, their hard work and contribution are still worthy of their credit.

Yan Changqing usually doesn't care about anything, but they are in charge of the more than 2 workers in the winery.

And a few people like Lao Wan and Lao Accountant came from the time when the winery had dozens of people.

Then the next bricks and tiles of the winery were built while they watched, and the workers walked in one by one...

Up to now, their feelings for the winery are much deeper than Boss Yan's feelings for the winery.

After all, in the eyes of Yan Changqing now, this is just a tool for practicing skills.

So now everyone is not only because this job is rare, but also because the winery is proof of their work achievements over the past few years. They are really afraid that something unexpected will happen and the boss will give up and go out for a walk, leaving his group alone...


Yan Changqing didn't have this worry. He practiced his skills in the middle of the night, got up after a short sleep, practiced swords, guns, swords and sticks for a while, practiced musical instruments for a while, and then ran to the chicken farm to eat.

It's snowing, so there's a lot more work on the chicken farm. I'm afraid something will happen to those chickens, even my grandparents live here.

But my mother is not here much now. She is usually at home in the village, making costumes with a group of people.

But she was still here for dinner. When her son came over, she hurriedly asked him for advice: "We have made a lot of clothes now, but we can't sell many of them? Usually, we just order a few sets from a photo studio or something, and it's very busy every day. What should I do if I don’t make money?”

As she spoke, she became impatient. It seems that this problem has made her very unhappy recently: "You should quickly think of a way for me. If we continue to invest money without making money, I don't think they will want to do it anymore."

Yan Changqing could understand them, and it wasn't because they were short of money. He thought it was because they couldn't find a sense of accomplishment.

After the items are made, no one else likes them except for wearing them and playing with them. In their opinion, if the sales are not good, no one likes them. In fact, those clothes are still very popular in the photo studio.

You are not afraid of trivial work or tiring work. The key is that you are afraid of not having a sense of accomplishment, not feeling recognized, and having no hope for your work...

Yan Changqing, who has worked all his life, understands this very well.

So when Yan Dahai muttered next to him: "It's a lot of money for you, and I don't expect you to make money. Just do it slowly, why are you in a hurry..."

Yan Changqing immediately started to lower his head to eat rice. It was obvious that his father's words had the effect of pulling out the tiger's beard.

Sure enough, Li Xiuni glared, regardless of the fact that a large family was there: "You mean we only know how to spend money, but we can't compare to you, a big boss of a chicken farm..."

I don’t know how long they continued talking. Anyway, Yan Changqing drank three large bowls of porridge this morning before waiting for his mother to catch her breath.

Seeing that his father was acting like a quail now, and even his grandparents were just eating without saying a word, he quickly said the solution he had thought of: "Mom, there are several houses over there on the post that are almost there, have you seen it? "

"Look!" Li Xiuni said.

After her son came back from traveling, she started to deliver delicious food every now and then, finding reasons to pick up things and so on. She was very familiar with the changes there.

Yan Changqing continued: "What I mean is that you have to continue investing and find a place to build a cultural street."

"What do you mean? What cultural street?" Li Xiuni asked.

Yan Dahai's eyes lit up, and he probably understood what his son meant. Just when he was about to open his mouth, he thought about it and swallowed it back. Let's eat!

Yan Changqing's plan is actually simple: "It is to build a street next to the market, which can be regarded as a street for displaying our traditional culture. The houses will be built in this old-fashioned style, and then you open a few shops, such as those from the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. A clothing store..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Xiuni started to worry: "How much money will we have to invest? What if no one comes after we finish it?"

"Then it depends on publicity!" Yan Changqing explained. "As long as it reaches a large scale, if you publicize it more and make this thing a trend, are you still afraid that it won't be sold?"

"How can this become a trend?" Li Xiuni frowned. "Does anyone still dare to wear this on the street?"

Isn’t that normal?

Not only do they wear them on the streets, but there are also people who wear them abroad and run around and shoot videos!

As for saying it's a little early now, Yan Changqing really isn't worried about this: "When pedal pants first became popular, the first person who wore them on the street would be called unconventional. What was the result?"

When stir-up pants first became popular, they were quite controversial.

A few years ago, only loose-fitting clothes were popular. How could there be such clothes that showed off a woman's figure and were even a little "astringent"?

But how quickly flip-up pants became popular, and now the whole family has a say.

Of course, there are also big wavy hairs. Everyone, whether they are city girls or country aunts, make their hair look like the Lion King...

Yan Changqing didn't dare to say anything about it, because Li Xiuni has this hairstyle now.

It's popular, it's like this now, and she doesn't lack the money to have curly hair. Many women in the village have this hairstyle.

She even almost asked her grandma to have her hair curled, but she didn't go because she was more insistent.

However, Li Xiuni is still a little worried: "What if the results are not good? We have invested less now. If we invest so much..."

Anyway, it’s normal to be afraid of this and that.

Originally, the two of them, like Yan Changqing, had been working as laborers all their lives.
So Yan Changqing had to encourage her: "It can definitely be done, believe me. If nothing else, let's promote it. Let's make some wedding suits first, and then let everyone who gets married buy one. The sales volume is not high. Did you just go up?"

Although various ideological trends have emerged in the past two years, in terms of wedding ceremonies, at least in most rural areas, wedding dresses have not yet become popular.

Most of them just put on makeup and a red suit. Some even wear red professional clothes similar to red suits with a big red flower. There are not many styles. They all follow what other people in the area wear.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is easier to capture this market. Otherwise, it will probably be a bit more difficult when wedding photos become a necessity.

(End of this chapter)

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