Chapter 318 Negotiation
It's snowing heavily, and no matter what kind of house you want to build, it won't work.

Although Li Xiuni was persuaded by her son, she was not in a hurry.

They were in the gossip team just for fun at the beginning. Even if they were really allowed to become bosses, in their hearts, the company was not as important as cooking for their children who came back from vacation.

This is a tradition that has been engraved in their bones for a long time. Otherwise, they have a platform like Taoshu Township Market, and a group of wealthy and well-connected bosses who lend a hand to help from time to time. As a result, the company they built all year round still looks like a... Small studio.

Yan Changqing just came up with an idea and didn't need to worry about how to do it.

The main reason is that the rhythm is different. If Yan Changqing wants to do it, he will give the order. Even if it is snowing heavily, he will not delay doing the surveying and planning first.

But if Li Xiuni wants to do it, she must first discuss it with the group of older girls and younger wives, and then the group of older girls and younger wives will go home to discuss it, and then everyone will gather together... This discussion will probably be over after the New Year.

Moreover, Yan Changqing didn't care at all. He couldn't even listen to the results of the group's daily discussions. Basically, he would know the results every day, and he would come up with ideas from time to time.

To put it bluntly, this group of people may not be able to accomplish what they do, but their momentum must be big enough. People from all over the country will know about it without even starting to do anything.

But just be happy.

This is the common thought of Yan Changqing, his father, and all the young and old men in the village.

As long as these people are not making trouble at home, they can do whatever they want.


It was snowing heavily outside, but it was much warmer in the conference room. Amid the scent of tea, Teacher Yang, the team leader who had taken Zhu Xiaobin and others to participate in the competition, Teacher Lu, Instructor Han and a large group of people were having a meeting.

Teacher Yang said: "I know this kid Xiaobin. Even if he hides something, he will definitely not tell lies. Since he said that anyone can visit the winery, it must be true."

Instructor Han shook his head: "We are discussing how to deal with it. Lao Yang, I definitely believe you, but others don't!"

Teacher Lu smiled and said, "We shouldn't have to worry about these things, right?"

"Mr. Lu, what do you mean?" Instructor Han asked in confusion.

"Whoever doesn't believe it should go investigate!" Teacher Lu said. "What is our mission? To educate students well, manage our people well, and cultivate outstanding talents. Do I need to emphasize this again?"

Everyone else nodded, obviously having no objection to Teacher Lu's words.

"Then we'll just be responsible for our own affairs." Teacher Lu continued. "Does anyone still have any objections to continuing to place an order with the winery? If not, let's discuss how much more order is appropriate. We also need to discuss the price if the quantity is large..."

Having said this, he snarled: "Who was the one who negotiated this matter in the first place? Set the price so high?"

Instructor Han's red face turned darker. It was his people who negotiated the price. The problem was that most of them, especially those engaged in procurement for the society and those supplying enterprise units, were happy to negotiate with them. They rely on relationships, so the price doesn’t require much negotiation skills.

As a result, we went to talk this time...

But it's too late to say anything now. Teacher Lu's complaint is also a reminder, asking if they can negotiate the price a little lower when they want to increase the purchase volume in the future.

After all, once the effects come out, the demand is expected to be much greater in the future.

And it has to be fast. Maybe people in other places know about this and have to order it. By then, the production of the small winery may not be able to keep up.

The purchase and price negotiation were settled quickly.

Teacher Yang talked about another thing: "Xiao Bin said that there is a Shenmiao Primary School in Taoshu Township. The students have all learned this kung fu since elementary school. Boss Yan taught it personally. These students are familiar with his 'strong power'." 'Magic Fist' is for practice between classes."

Although this name makes people speechless, the effect is there now, no matter how outrageous the name is, everyone will recognize it.

The key now is to teach the 'basic version'. Zhu Xiaobin's current advanced version has been followed by many people. Except for those who have had a foundation in martial arts since childhood, most people can't learn the advanced version. They can't improve even if they want to. .

Besides, after witnessing Boss Yan's ability to "turn iron into clay", many people have given up their thoughts on improvement - if they don't have the time, they might as well ask Boss Yan to help improve things in the future.

Now that we have just started cooperating, I can’t express my request.

But everyone here has learned about Boss Yan's deeds and knows that this is actually not a difficult person to talk to. Although young people have a bit of a personality, it is strange for a capable person to have no personality, which is completely understandable.

After hearing what Teacher Yang said, Instructor Han nodded: "I know this. I have contacted the local people and asked them to see if there are any good seeds. The oldest students in that group are almost all in high school... "

Teacher Yang shook his head: "If you want to look for them from high schools, don't you have to wait for them to graduate? And the exams in our province... I thought that there would be a few kids like Xiaobin in the high school in Taoshu Township who could pass the exam all at once. of?"

One of the most difficult provinces in the college entrance examination is not just mentioned casually, and although Taoshu Township is now wealthy, the quality of teaching cannot be improved in a day or two, even if many college students are now assigned to be teachers.

Instructor Han thought for a while: "Then you mean to give the green light?"

"I didn't say it, you just thought about it yourself." Teacher Yang refused. He just reminded him that he was not responsible for this, and it had to be looked at by Instructor Han.

Instructor Han suddenly fell into deep thought.


Yan Shanzhi sat in the teacher's office, looking at the uniformed people brought by the teacher with a confused face.

The class he is in is a special class in this poor school. It is said to be a poor school because the people recruited by this school are all people who cannot even reach the score line of the poorest high school.

The special class is theirs, which is considered a commissioned training. In the future, after graduation, they will go home and work in a winery, so the teacher is not so strict in normal times.

Just like what their teacher said, these students were very lucky. They didn't do well in studies, but they were lucky. Before they graduated, they had booked jobs with better wages than what they could get as teachers.

The management of technical schools these days is inherently uneven, even if their school is relatively good, but...

All in all, it's just a not-so-good class in a not-so-good technical school. Everything they learn is related to brewing, and they don't need internships arranged by the school. They can do internships when they go home during the holidays.

But now it's strange. These people in uniform are recruiting people.

He also said that he had greeted Boss Yan and asked him if he was willing to go.

Then Yanshanzhi was confused: Should I go or not?

He had an 'internship' every holiday and had long been prepared to go to the winery. Now a new path appeared, which made him hesitate.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out how to decide, so he boldly said, "Well, who else besides me?" "Do you know Zhu Xiaobin?" the person said.

"Then I must know you." Xiaozhi nodded quickly. "Didn't Brother Xiaobin go to college?"

"Whether he graduates or not, he is already one of ours!" the visitor said with a smile. "If you think about it, there's no rush to go back and join a winery. Even if you don't go after graduation, if you don't want to work with us in two years, will Mr. Yan be able to do without you when you go back?"

This is true. Xiaozhi is not a fool. He knows that no matter when he goes back, if he wants to go to the winery, he will definitely be able to get in. After all, he is also a skilled worker and has connections, very strong connections.

And even if you don't join the winery, there is no way out. Everyone in the family is in business, who doesn't have some property to inherit?

If I want to enter a winery, I also want to be with everyone, who I have grown up playing with...

After thinking about it, he started to think about it until the teacher asked him: "Classmate Yanshanzhi, this is a big deal. I suggest you go home and discuss it with your parents before making a decision."

The teachers in their class are all relatively young. Although they may say "jealousy" words from time to time, they have a good relationship with them.

Yan Shanzhi thought for a while and nodded: "Then I can go back and ask my dad, okay?"


Yan Shanzhi did not go home alone.

When he got home, he forgot that he needed to ask his dad about this first, and went straight to the winery to find the big boss.

Yan Changqing was happy when he heard this: "I really went to find you? I can't make a decision for you on this matter. It depends on you, or you can go back and discuss it with your parents."

Xiaozhi was very confused: "Is it useful to discuss it with them? I'm sure you can go wherever you say you want to go!"

Yan Changqing shook his head: "That's not possible. You must discuss it with your family. This is a major event in life. I can't give you random ideas. In fact, I think it's pretty good. No matter where I go, it's..."

Xiaozhi and the others were not fools, so they were unhappy when they heard it: "Forget it, let's go home and discuss it. We are not children anymore, and these words can't fool us."

Yan Changqing watched them running home with a smile, and was actually quite happy.

As a result of the discussion at home, most of these people are expected to go.

After all, in the eyes of most people, even if you are not prepared to stay there for a long time, it is still good to be recruited and trained for a few years.

The key point is that the family is not worried about making money or anything like that right now. It is definitely a good thing to go out and see different scenery.

Yan Changqing thought the same way. Although their Wei Peisheng was paid for by the winery, the money was really nothing. He hoped that these people could go out...


But what Yan Changqing didn't expect was that even Erwa and the others were notified.

Speaking of which, they are all in their third year of junior high school. The condition offered by the other party is that they can go to high school and of course there will be some training and so on.

Especially those like Tiedan, who are absolutely good, whether they are studying or practicing martial arts, they are the hardest working.

Although he may not be as good at studying as Zhu Xiaobin, that is not his responsibility. It is purely due to the educational conditions in the village, which are still somewhat different from those in the city.

Yan Changqing also expressed his understanding of this. After all, there is still competition in various places. In order to cultivate a group of elites, it is not a big deal to put in some effort in advance.

Then Yan Changqing's office became lively.

He originally thought that these people would make their own decisions, but in the end, their parents came over.

Erwa Tiedan and the others even came with his mother. They were afraid that Yan Changqing wouldn't care, so they even dragged his mother here.

Yan Changqing was confused: "This is a big deal! It's a big deal in life, as big as finding a wife. What advice do you want me to give? It must be yours to decide. Mom, it doesn't matter what you say. It doesn’t matter who says it, it still depends on you!”

Li Xiuni sat next to him with a smile and said nothing.

She usually makes a lot of noise at home, but since her son said it was a major event in his life, she didn't say anything.

Yan Shuixing looked at everyone and said first, "Then you can help us analyze the head office?"

"Then ask your son if he wants to go!" Yan Changqing answered immediately. "Didn't Erwa say he doesn't want to go?"

"That's not up to him." Yan Shuixing gave full play to the consistent style of parents during this period. "He doesn't want to do anything. He just wants to sleep every day. I think he needs to go."

"You've already said that, why are you still asking me?" Yan Changqing asked.

"This..." Yan Shuixing could usually mess around with others, but he didn't dare to do it with Yan Changqing. He thought for a long time before muttering. "Don't I still want to hear what you have to say?"

Yan Changqing looked at the group of guys behind them who were unhappy and expectant, and thought for a moment: "I think it's up to them to see what they think. If they want to go out and see things, just go. A few years of training isn't a bad thing, right? "

"I really don't want to go. You guys... anyway, you can't ask your children to have great achievements just because you didn't accomplish anything, right? It's not sweet to force yourself."

You guys are not good role models. If you can't fly to the sky, just think about laying an egg and hatching a baby, and let them fly to the sky for you!

The main reason is that Yan Changqing feels that the current group of friends are different from those in the past.

What knowledge did they have in the past?
It’s not unusual for him to have never been to the city before graduating from high school. He didn’t learn anything from his parents. In the future, most people will be like him, working part-time all their lives.

But now, there is no shortage of TV news and newspapers in every house. During the holidays, they can go out with their parents to any big city they want. They are more knowledgeable than most children in cities.

Moreover, parents usually run around here and there, and the things they talk about at home are no longer fertilizer and wheat fields. These things will influence them subtly and increase their knowledge.

In short, Yan Changqing feels that since they are all junior high school (technical school) students, they can refer to their own opinions on this matter.

Instead of it being the same as before, when the parents told them to go work, everyone set off collectively carrying the quilt... Yan Changqing's quilt was never used, and the cotton-padded jacket he wore was put into the box before it reached the place. Bring it back home during the Chinese New Year.

In short, he hopes that everyone's life will get better and better. Anyway, now is different from before, so let them make their own decision about whether to go or not.

So Yan Changqing finally concluded: "Actually, we are not without conditions at home. Even if you don't go out, you can gain experience. But if you want to see different scenery, it's not bad to go out. Anyway... I really can't survive outside, and the worst is. Come back home and inherit the family's business worth 800 million yuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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