Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 319 The wine that Tiedan owes

Chapter 319 The wine that Tiedan owes

The New Year is about to come, and just celebrating the New Year is not that big of a deal, but here in Dayanzhuang, there are still things to do during the Folk Festival during the New Year.

But now most people in the village can't care less, and they are all sitting at home discussing whether to let their children travel far away.

Yang Xiangzhang rushes here and there, and the little van goes to Dayanzhuang more diligently than the buses that come and go. He comes every day to ask how this year's folk festival can be innovative.

However, Yan Changqing advised him: "This matter has been going on for several years. Let alone you, even if you just find a few people below, you can get it done. I wonder what are you worried about?"

"Isn't it true that the higher-ups are paying more and more attention to it now?" Mayor Yang also knew that he was a bit anxious, but he couldn't help it.

He was approaching his age and could not work for long, so he wanted to get things on the right track quickly, so that even if he was not around, as long as the village continued at its current pace in a short period of time, there would be no big problems.

"No matter how serious it is, we should take care of it. Who can do anything?" Lao Wan joked beside him with a smile. "How much money should I allocate to you? Is it worth your anxiety?"

"This is not..." Lao Yang had nothing to say. If he wanted to say this, there was really nothing to say. He could only explain. "This activity used to be basically money spent in Huaxiang, and the money can be earned back in the end and cannot be lost."

Lao Wan knew it well. He asked it deliberately. He was not surprised at all when he heard the result: "Then what are you worried about? It's just a few more documents. We can do whatever we need to do here. We can't do it because of other people's dictates." , and messed up my position."

Lao Yang explained: "That's not the case. Aren't I worried? There are suddenly more tasks at the winery this year..."

Yan Changqing reassured him: "You don't have to think too much about the winery. It will definitely be the original holiday, and there will be plenty of people to help."

After thinking about it, Yan Changqing added: "Just keep going as usual. It is estimated that there will be more people 'sponsoring' the program this year. You go back and let people take care of these things. Other things will not be a big problem. The city will definitely There is support, and we also have helicopters patrolling our home!"

It's just a township, so what if more people come there? With two helicopters spinning in the sky, there really won't be any problems.

Lao Wan saw that Yan Changqing was still wandering as he spoke, and he smiled and pulled Lao Yang out to slowly enlighten him - everyone knew that Lao Yang was simply afraid that he would have to leave as soon as he reached his age, and always thought about Do some more things before leaving so that the township can develop better in the future.

In fact, there is no need. Even if someone is really replaced, if he wants to mess around, there are hundreds of large and small workshops and companies between a market in the west and a winery in the east. Let's see how many people can support him.


Yan Changqing was not really wandering. After he waited for the others to leave, he said under the desk: "Come out quickly. I told you that I'm not your father. I'll scare you."

Erwa chuckled and got out from under the desk: "Maybe it's not my dad who's here, but it could be him! It doesn't take much trouble for me to get under the desk, so I can nip it in the bud, okay?"

Then he said proudly: "It would be better to let a few people see me less, so that no one will run to call me dad. I can just hide for one more day. I have to give people an answer tomorrow. If I am not at home, my dad can't tell people about me." also go."

Yan Shuixing wanted his second son, who was not good enough, to receive disciplinary education, but he didn't want to go. The father and son couldn't get along, so the second son simply hid in the winery.

He knew very well that even if his father knew he was here, there was nothing he could do.

Yan Changqing was very happy in her heart. Just as Erwa thought, Yan Shuixing also knew that his son was not an obedient person, and there was nothing he could do about it even though he knew he was hiding in the winery...

However, the father refused to admit that he could not help his bastard son. When he couldn't find the second baby, Yan Shuixing immediately called Yan Changqing and told him that they had already decided not to let the second baby go. Just let your child take the high school entrance examination as he wishes.

But Yan Changqing was asked not to tell Erwa, didn't he like to hide?Then let him hide in fear all the time, hide for a few days and then go home and beat him!

So Yan Changqing looked at the proud Erwa and felt very embarrassed. Should he tell him that his father had already said not to let him go?

After thinking about it, I decided not to tell him. Anyway, Erwa said that it would be easy to get under the table. In the past two days, he didn't dare to wander around the winery. He was afraid of being caught by his father, so he kept hiding in the office. If anyone comes, he will get under the table. No one dares to search Boss Yan's desk anyway.

Now this guy doesn't know about this at all, and is still sighing: "I don't know what Tiedan is thinking, what are you going to do there? The discipline requirements are so strict that you don't have freedom to do anything. How nice is it to play at home."

Regardless of the messy relationship relationships in the village, just talk about having a good time, that is, Tiedan and he have the best time.

Now that Tiedan actually wants to go to a place with strict discipline, Erwa is unhappy...

Yan Changqing was quite happy: "Don't talk about it, I won't leave until after the New Year anyway, and I can still have some fun during the New Year."

"That won't work either, it's just a semester away!" Erwa said melancholy. "He's not the only one who wants to go, there are several people who want to go. It won't be lively when there are less people!"

"I'll come back sooner or later." Yan Changqing smiled. "Besides, the high school there is better than ours. Why don't you try it too?"

"I won't go, I won't go." Erwa shook his head vigorously. "I plan to go to high school at home. The first high school in the county is too far away. I don't want to run away."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "You have such a big face, and you are too high-minded, so I have to let you go!"

"What's wrong? Is it not easy for me to go?" Erwa was dissatisfied. "At worst, pay them more money..."

Yan Changqing was speechless. He had been in a good mood these past two days when he heard the news that Tiedan was going to school, and he didn't think about anything else.

But after hearing what Erwa said, he remembered one thing: "Well, I will give you some special training later, so that you can get into a good school on your own. Even in our school, you can get decent results." , don’t think about spending money.”

The academic style has been ruined by you bastards. Others rely on their own efforts, but you rely on the efforts of your parents...

After saying that, he thought about it again: "Well, I'll ask Tiedan's father to treat us all to a meal later, as a way to see him off."

"Isn't that right?" Erwa wondered. "Can't we treat you as we see you off?"

"Don't worry about it, I just want him to invite me anyway."


In fact, Yan Changqing originally had something to do. He needed to go to the island country and the former Soviet Union to see the wineries on both sides and give some guidance.

But because of the affairs of his friends in the village, he could only wait until the matter was over.

In a blink of an eye, Old Liu from the Armed Forces Department arrived. He was an old acquaintance with the winery. Most of the people on the security team came through him. He also helped the winery train the security team for a period of time.

Now when it comes to recruiting people, he is responsible for sending out notices. They are all blank. He has a list. Anyone on the list can just agree to go and fill in their name.

Old Liu Lai also told Yan Changqing something: "Someone from above came to ask me about the situation in the winery, and I told the truth. Originally they wanted to do some investigation, but they won't do it now. From now on it will be cooperation, you can just make wine with peace of mind, I won’t disturb you.”

He has trained people here and stayed here for a long time.

The production of the winery is never hidden from anyone, and anyone can visit it at will. This point is very clear from the investigation. In addition, what Lao Liu said, then it is definitely nothing. From now on, there will only be cooperation and no mess. thing.

This is good.

Yan Changqing nodded and ignored the matter and said no more: "If these guys come over later, you will have to worry more. Please contact me and ask about the situation!"

Old Liu smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, they all came out from here, I must pay attention. Besides, I have some credit for their achievements, right?"

This is true. Anyway, except for Zhu Xiaobin, everyone else's household registration is here.

Moreover, since Instructor Han and the others decided to recruit people from here, Lao Liu has been assisting, including adjusting the students' files from the school in the early stage, checking the sports scores of these friends, and following the procedures, but he can't be bypassed.


After the notice was distributed, many people in the village were very happy and felt that this was a good way out.

Because the achievements of these guys are out of proportion to the increase in the family's wealth, they should be bad academics, but they are still bad academics, basically the same as what Yan Changqing remembers.

It can only be said that the situation is easy to change, but the temperament is difficult to change.

Tie Dan's father is quite happy for Tie Dan to go out, but his mother is a little unhappy. The closer it gets to the last moment, the more reluctant she is to let go.

Now that the notice was in hand, she finally couldn't help it, and secretly came to Yan Changqing, asking him to help him and tell him not to let Tiedan out.

Yan Changqing advised her: "Aunt Hua, if you really miss your son, just go and stay with him for a few days. He doesn't just join the team directly, he still has to go to school. You are a family member, so you can stay with him for a while." Nothing."

"Isn't that still far from home?" Tiedan still wasn't happy about it. "We still have people cooking for them at home. What if they can't eat well when they go there?"

Yan Changqing actually understood that this was the only child in Tiedan's family, so it was normal for him to be a bit more precious.

The main reason is that the conditions at home are better now, and I am afraid that my children will suffer if they go out.

However, his attitude towards others is that you can go whether you want to or not, but his attitude towards Tiedan is different. He still advises: "How far is it? If it doesn't work, can I fly you to the head office? They are still in the province. , we have a car here, you can go at any time, it's almost the same as going to the county." "Even if he doesn't go, when he takes the high school entrance examination after the new year, his grades will definitely be enough to go to the high school in the county, but he is still not in the village! You Don't worry about it, don't worry about me, Uncle Shui Wang, he may be even more diligent than you in running..."

Tiedan didn't fucking think about that much: "I just thought about how old he was, so I let him run away..."

"He has practiced kung fu since he was a child and is the best at it." Yan Changqing said with a smile. "In terms of cultural scores, he is also the best. When someone treats him as a treasure, are you still worried that he will suffer a loss?"

"You have forgotten that he was too tired from practicing kung fu before, and you came here to tell me not to be so strict with him. He has endured so much hardship now, and is studying at home, so isn't the hardship in the past in vain? When will I Tried you? It must be for his own good to let him go."

Seeing that this woman wanted to say more, Yan Changqing didn't want to say any more: "Okay, okay, the notice is ready. You go back and talk to Uncle Shui Wang, and quickly prepare for the banquet. It's an early celebration. I also Waiting to eat!"

Tiedan, like Zhu Xiaobin, studies hard. If he wants to stay there, his achievements in the future will be limitless.

Moreover, Tiedan actually has a kung fu that even Zhu Xiaobin doesn't know. Like Yan Changqing, he carries a fifty-cent coin in his pocket all year round. His hidden weapon kung fu is absolutely outstanding. I can't say how powerful he is. Anyway, he can kill flying birds within 30 meters.


In the blink of an eye, the big banquet of Yan Shuiwang's family was set up.

Although there are small villas everywhere in the village now, and every household has money, some traditions have not changed.

For example, if you want to hold a banquet, you should invite a chef to cook it at home, set up tables, chairs and benches inside and outside your home, and invite people to eat.

Yan Changqing arrived here early and took the main seat first.

This rude attitude made Li Xiuni itch with hatred: "You are not an elder, why are you sitting here?"

"I am their master!" Yan Changqing said confidently. "If you don't believe me, ask Minister Liu, is it because they learned kung fu from me that they were allowed to go?"

Old Liu nodded cheerfully beside him: "This is really his credit. He is right."

Li Xiuni stared and muttered: "Then you can't let others sit aside?"

In fact, she just felt that it was impolite for her son to sit on his own without even asking for permission.

There is no one who is rude when sitting in the chair, but this time Yan Changqing was rude, which was a bit abnormal.

Chen Youliang bared his teeth beside him, but he didn't say anything. Anyway, Yan Changqing was first-rate in doing things, so he could do whatever he liked!
In theory, what Yan Changqing said is correct. According to previous sayings, doesn't the seat of the master who teaches the skills have to be at the top?

Yan Shuixing yelled from the side: "Xiuni, please stop talking. Shuiwang is really anxious to sit there with Qijin. How can you care about the master's arrangements?"

Let’s not talk about the messy seniority in the village. Anyway, as long as the host is willing and the other guests have no objections, then it is not a bad rule.

In fact, there were quite a lot of people who came, mainly because it was troublesome for each family to arrange a banquet. Everyone who wanted to go this time joined in the banquet as a celebration banquet. As a result, the tables were set up for almost half of the village, and people from the county and city came. many people.

Yan Changqing just sat still. Mayor Yang was also there, looking at him and advising him: "It's quite appropriate for Mr. Yan to sit here. He taught these young men all their kung fu. It's appropriate to sit in the main seat..." "

Li Xiuni stared for a long time, then angrily said to Yan Changqing: "I'll deal with you when you get home."


In fact, no one thinks that Yan Changqing is not humble enough. In any case, it is because of him that this happened.

When a group of original friends, led by their parents, came to toast one by one, Yan Changqing happily picked up the wine glass.

At that time, Lao Yang and Lao Liu's group were surprised.

Not to mention them, even Yan Erhe and Chen Youliang were a little surprised, and even Yan Dahai was quite surprised.

In the past, Yan Changqing only tasted wine, but never drank.

This is something that everyone knows. Others think that Director Yan is the boss of the winery and the master of brewing, so he must not be drunk at all.

In fact, most of the people who come to eat now know that Yan Changqing doesn't drink at all.

It has nothing to do with age. The countryside doesn't pay attention to these things. Some naughty kids are not allowed to drink it and they still taste it secretly. Some simply don't care about it at home and just try it if they want, without taking it seriously.

There are even old men who bring their grandsons to drink two sips before going to bed at night, and let the grandsons take a sip as well.

Seeing Yan Changqing drink three glasses of wine from Tiedan Jing, everyone was surprised: Is Mr. Yan going to break the law in the future?

As a result, Yan Changqing said cheerfully: "You owe me this! Now you can make it up to me, and you won't owe me anymore in the future."

A group of people thought this was a bit strange, but no one thought much of it. Anyway, the atmosphere at the wine table quickly became lively again.

Mr. Yan has already broken the rules. It would be disrespectful for any of you to keep up the air. Let’s start drinking!

Anyway, this is a good wine brought out by Mr. Yan. Some people usually can’t drink it if they want to!


Yan Changqing drank three glasses, which was regarded as a toast by Tiedan on behalf of everyone, and then put down the glass.

Seeing the people at the tables shouting and drinking, holding wine glasses and flasks, drinking standing and sitting down, he felt quite happy.

Since he started practicing martial arts, he has been a little stricter on Tiedan.

As I said before, Tiedan even said that his children shouldn’t have to work so hard when practicing kung fu.

Yan Changqing agreed at the time, but later he didn't listen at all, and even made the request more stringent.

Including the fear that the other friends would get into trouble if they learned how to throw concealed weapons, only Tiedan was the one he taught with all his heart.

At that time, he was not worried that his second son would be like before, working all his life and achieving nothing - it was okay to just muddle along, anyway, he would live his whole life no matter what.

Just be safe.

I am only a little worried about Tiedan.

This made him keep urging Tiedan to work hard to practice kung fu and learn hidden weapons.

It was only later that every household in the village started doing business, family conditions changed drastically, and many things changed. Only then did he relax about teaching martial arts to his friends and relax his demands on Tiedan.

The main reason is that there are some things that you can't think too much about, as your head will hurt if you think about them too much.


The last time Yan Changqing saw the name Yan Zhongzheng in his previous life, it was on the local police micro police video account.

This guy, nicknamed Tiedan and famously known as Yan Zhongzheng, was better at studying than Yan Changqing and Erwa. Among the three friends who played best at that time, he was the only one who later went to college and went to the Public Security College, and then returned to The county town entered the criminal police team.

Yan Changqing was scrolling through videos one night and accidentally came across his name. Only a row of black and white photos flashed across the video, including a face he was very familiar with.

With a silly smile and a little determination.

Yan Zhongzheng (1982.6-2008.12)

This guy who was said by Erwa to be unloyal, ran away first when he saw Erwa being beaten since childhood. Who would have thought that when he saw a bad guy, he not only didn't run but rushed up, and even rushed up unarmed.

That year was the last time he failed to practice 'loyalty'. He had collected all the money for the wedding banquet, and the wedding wine he promised his friends to come back for the New Year was not fulfilled...

So Yan Changqing always remembered that he had to make up for the drink he owed in this life.

Fortunately, it’s fixed now.

(End of this chapter)

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