Chapter 320 Helicopter Bodyguard
Yan Changqing's Mi-26 helicopter has not been used since it arrived home.

It doesn't matter if you drive it abroad. It's a vast place with few people and it's an airport. Helicopters flying around are normal.

But at home, Yan Changqing felt that it was a bit too ostentatious. Except for the time when he came back, it has been kept there for him and Yan Erhe to study.

It wasn't until the Chinese New Year Folk Festival started that this helicopter finally came into use.

Coupled with the small helicopter from last year, the two helicopters were hovering in a small palm-sized place like Taoshu Township, rumbling east and west, and their deterrence was definitely beyond the standard.

Sitting on the Mi-26, Mayor Yang was full of novelty: "Changqing, is your second uncle just researching and preparing to build this?"

Yan Changqing couldn't even answer, so he said bravely: "Well, that's what he thought. It's just nonsense. It will take a few years for him to build it."

"It's really awesome." Mayor Yang didn't know much about these things, so he thought it was pretty awesome. "It's much bigger than the one next to it. With this big guy, our hometown feels really small now!"

The township used to feel quite big, but after all the rural asphalt roads were opened, people began to feel that the township was a bit small.

How big can a town be? Now that a helicopter is flying, it only takes two sips of tea to make a full circle. Of course, it feels even smaller.

Next to him, Mr. Xu laughed heartily: "I know this plane. If we let go of the speed, Uncle Yang will realize that even Tongshu County is quite small! If we can really build this, it will be awesome!"

This guy is quite familiar with him. He met Mayor Yang a few times and immediately called him Uncle Yang.

Wang Dajiang nodded from the side: "It's really convenient to have this, much more convenient. Can it also carry cargo? It's a pity that most people won't sell it if they want to buy it."

There are a lot of people on this plane now, including the bosses of the two wineries in Qing Province and Sichuan Province, as well as Lao Feng and Chen Youliang, as well as a group of people from Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu...

Nominally they are all here to participate in the Folklore Festival, but in fact everyone is more concerned about cooperation issues in the coming year.

The more pleasant the cooperation is, the more willing everyone is to get together frequently, even if they don't discuss any major issues, just sit together and communicate some news with each other, and maybe there will be some business opportunities.

And there is another big event this year, the return of Xiangjiang.

After all, as your business grows, you have more things to worry about. Many times, changes in certain aspects may have an impact on your business.

And until now, some people are still worried about an accident.

However, Yan Changqing knows that at most there will be some economic matters at that time, and there will be no other problems at all.


Huang Peishan was also on the plane. She was not here to join in the fun. She was bringing people to participate in the folk festival.

As for why there are a lot of blond and blue-eyed people singing at the folk festival - with the gradual development of computer networks, the concept of the global village has also become popular. Since the earth has become a village, it is also possible for the whole village, old and young, to celebrate the festival together. Quite normal.

Moreover, the entertainment company run by Huang Peishan is now quite famous in China.

Since the opening ceremony of the hotel chain, the original Xiaopo Entertainment Company instantly became popular and received many invitations to collaborate on commercial performances.

These days, TV commercials selling motorcycles and electric vehicles always have a big blond girl standing next to the car, posing, and saying bluntly that such and such a car is great.

In an era when consulting was not so developed, many local companies wanted to contact foreign entertainment companies, but they couldn't find a good way to do it for money. Now, just in time, someone came to the door, and they immediately started inviting cooperation with money.

From Assistant Huang's point of view, it just gave those little famous singers a chance to practice and earn money. She asked people from the entertainment company to take some of the less famous people from the entertainment company to perform in commercials and earn extra money.

Forget about being famous, it’s business to go back and make money in a bigger market.

Of course, the Folklore Festival is different. It's a major event in the boss's hometown, and everyone in the company, no matter how famous they are, will come.

There were many people from outside companies who wanted to participate, but Huang Peishan was afraid of causing trouble to her boss, so she refused to let them go.

But now it is obvious, looking at the crowd below, that there are more people watching the helicopter than watching the foreign performances.

The helicopter is flying in the sky, and the shouts from below can be heard. Let it fly lower so that everyone can see clearly.

This is a big thing that is even stranger than foreigners. From the time we arrived home from the plane, people of all ages from the nearby villages visited it, and they all commented: It is bigger than the helicopter that dropped steamed buns to us when the water rose 20 years ago.

But people who are far away have never seen it. After all, not everyone can go in and wander around the winery.They had only heard about it and knew it was the only helicopter, and now they all came to see it as a strange thing.

At present, in other places, such as the system to which instructor Han belongs, the most advanced one they have is the Mi-17.

So now this aircraft is actually very popular and eye-catching.


It was also a coincidence that instructor Han was now in Taoshu Township, leading a group of people and Old Liu from the Armed Forces Department to look up at the sky.

They are all his own people, so he has no scruples in what he says. He is asking Lao Liu: "Do you think we can talk to him about borrowing his plane now? Is there any hope?"

Old Liu frowned and thought for a long time: "It's not appropriate to borrow it, but if a few people want to go up and have a look, I guess it'll be fine. Mr. Yan is really not that hard to talk to. He usually doesn't know how to do some small things. care."

In fact, since the helicopter landed in China, it has attracted a lot of attention.

However, many people are now concerned about the wider impact, and a certain artist is becoming more and more influential, so although many people are concerned about it, they are reluctant to act rashly.

In fact, Instructor Han was thinking more: "Now they have given one to Mr. Yan over there. If we buy it again, it should be a good buy."

"It will definitely be easier since the holes are opened, but will it be useful to buy it back?" A person behind Instructor Han whispered.

Everyone else sighed.

There is no way, even if you buy it now, you can't imitate it, and this is not a piece of Chinese cabbage that costs ten cents or more than ten kilograms. It was bought by someone just as soon as they said it would.

In fact, when this helicopter entered the country, they were not the first ones to purchase it.

"Let's take a look first!" Another person behind Instructor Han said. “It’s good to have a concrete look and know the gap, at least to know the direction of efforts.”

Lao Liu reminded: "It's easy to negotiate, Mr. Yan is not that hard to talk to, but he is a bit younger after all, you..."

"We must have come here begging for help!" Instructor Han was speechless. "Do you think we are so dogmatic in how we handle things? As for the recruitment this time, it's just a matter of smooth sailing. We want to build a good relationship first so that we can talk about other things more easily in the future."

Lao Liu nodded: "That's fine. He's young and capable, so it's definitely a good idea to build a good relationship."

Even though he is the lowest level among a group of people, and everyone else has a few bars and stars, he is the most familiar with this place, so his opinions are the most important.

A person behind Instructor Han was angry: "Old Liu, you are very powerful now. I have to give it a try with you later. Do you dare to brag?"

"Don't dare!" Old Liu smiled and put his hands behind his back. "The wine I have here is all good wine. I can't let you waste it. I want to boast to you that you should bring your own wine next time..."

Another person behind Instructor Han said: "Why don't we go back and cooperate with him, and we can help him with transportation or something?" They still have an advantage in transportation. There has not been a big overhaul yet, and their cars don't have to pay for it on the road. Tolls.

"I'm not short of transportation money, so why don't I have to hand over the savings?" Lao Liu retorted. "Just go ahead and talk it over. It's not that hard to talk to people after you talk."

"It's not a good idea to say it empty-handed. There has to be an explanation." Instructor Han objected to Lao Liu saying it directly.

Old Liu frowned: "He doesn't lack anything, does he?"

It's all melancholy, and it's troublesome to meet someone who doesn't ask for help.


In order to support the Folklore Festival, Xiyang City did a great thing this year. All toll stations in the region stopped charging for most of the month from the first to the sixteenth day of the Lunar New Year.

Coupled with the expansion of the folk festival's influence, more and more people come to participate in the event.

Lao Yang looked uneasy in the sky, and soon went down to watch his lottery.

Last year, the first prize was a van, but then the event ended early as soon as it started. This year, we were more prepared and had more lottery tickets, and the grand prize was directly changed to Santana.

Of course it's not the latest model. A new model still costs around [-] yuan, and there are ordinary old models that are cheaper.

Even so, it was enough to make headlines, because the folk festival's lottery event gained credibility last year, and the person who won the big prize was definitely not a related household, as everyone in the township could prove.

Yan Changqing flew the plane around for a few times and was in a good mood. He even went down to help Erwa and the others play the drum for a while.

These guys are about to part ways and they are all dancing the dragon!

After playing happily for a few days, when the folk festival was about to end, Lao Liu came to the door with instructor Han.

This group of people discussed it until the end, but they didn't know what benefits they could come up with.

The key thing is that they still owe favors. When others supply them, they are trying to build relationships with them. However, at the winery, their demand now exceeds their supply.

There are still many people among them doing research with wine, trying to figure out why there is such a big difference between the same wine.

Although these things were not stated explicitly, they were all well known and there was no hope of hiding them from the winery.

Besides, the winery actually provided many positions, and arranged so many security personnel through Lao Liu.

Finally, after much thought, I decided to go with a few friendly and cooperative brands, which would save the winery from having to pay them and reduce harassment. Although the winery doesn’t need them now, you can’t go in empty-handed.

Lao Liuji was so thief that he even called Yan Changqing in advance to tell him about it.

In fact, Yan Changqing really doesn't care about these things. As usual, he is quite happy with things that can be said well and done easily.

So things went very smoothly. We agreed that when the event was over and the helicopter was no longer needed, they could just watch as they pleased.


Then Yan Changqing, Mr. Da Xu and his party went straight to Qiansu.

He still has to go to the winery over there to keep an eye on it. If he doesn't go there now, the production of the winery can go up, but the quality cannot, and he has to rely on his ability to turn stone into gold.

Mr. Da Xu, Wang Dajiang and the others didn't even leave. They went with him because they wanted to discuss business.

As soon as he arrived at the place, Wang Dajiang chirped: "This time I followed Mr. Yan to take advantage. Normally when we come here, how can we receive such a large-scale reception?"

No, the standards are different.

When they come, at most they send someone from the middle level to receive them. Now when Yan Changqing comes, Sidorov brings someone to pick him up.

The construction of a winery directly solved the employment problem of tens of thousands of people, making local potatoes no longer afraid of being sold, and indirectly created countless jobs.

Not to mention that even if a large portion of the profits were to be given to Yan Changqing, the income created in one year would still be enough for Sidorov to support the team in his hands.

Now Yan Changqing is a VIP customer here. No matter when he comes, as long as Sidorov can spare time, he will definitely come to receive him in person.

And after arriving, there was a whole team of bodyguards next to Yan Changqing, and the standard was much higher than last time - a total of four standard classes, two classes in a group, taking turns to be on duty as bodyguards.

It was clear that the winery exceeded Sidorov’s expectations.

After all, they are not professional in civil affairs, and they know that the winery can bring benefits, but the benefits of the winery in just a few months are far beyond their imagination.

Therefore, Sidorov was quite generous and said directly: "This team of people are the bodyguards we provide to Mr. Yan for free. I hope Mr. Yan will take them with him when he goes back. It will be more convenient no matter where he travels in the future."

"We have already obtained security certificates for them, so they will be fine wherever they go."

I am really afraid that something will happen to Yan Changqing. I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!
However, Yan Changqing refused. He didn't need any bodyguards.

Just follow them here, but if you go home and be surrounded by such a group of tough men every day, it will be too eye-catching, and it will also be too disrespectful to Wang Suo, the top leader of the Taoshu Township Police Station.

Mr. Da Xu said about this: "You have to throw away goods when comparing goods, and compare people with people..."

Mr. Xu was irritated at that time: "Dad, just say what you want me to do? Don't you also get this kind of treatment?"


The stimulated Mr. Xu waited for everyone else to get down to business. He followed Yan Changqing to the winery, his eyes widened, wanting to see how Yan Changqing turned potatoes into the vodka that the world loved.

He even burst into tears: "This is too much of a reputation. They even send bodyguards when we get here. We are also partners after all. They don't send any to us..."

Yan Changqing thought he was nagging: "If you want, take a few of them to the streets to show off their power. I'm here to work!"

"I'm stealing from my master!" Mr. Xu said plausibly. "When I learn how to do it, next time I come, they will have to prepare a team of people for me. Even this weapon is not enough, and they have to prepare two rocket launchers."

"Why don't you prepare two tanks for you!" Yan Changqing was speechless.

"It's better to have it. If not, an armored vehicle will do." Mr. Xu said that he is not picky. After all, it is a dream. As long as it is a pleasant dream, it does not need to be too specific.

"Then you study hard!" Yan Changqing has never minded the leakage of skills, as long as others can learn it.

"I'm studying. Wait, let me find a small notebook." Mr. Xu nodded pretendingly.

He knew how to learn a knitting skill, and if he could really learn it, he would already know it. When he was at the winery, he would watch it every day. At that time, he felt that he had learned it. When he went home, he wanted to show off his own wine, but he almost set the house on fire in his hometown. .

(End of this chapter)

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