Chapter 321 Hunting
Yan Changqing stayed in Qiansu for more than a week, and after reorganizing the winery here, he was ready to go home.

Mr. Xu was a little reluctant to leave: "Let's play for a few more days. Don't you think it's quite comfortable here? Although the weather is a bit cold, the snow scenery here is really good."

The main reason is that after Yan Changqing is busy, he often flies around in the plane to take pictures of the scenery.

Xu Yibo is a person who doesn't want to go home when he leaves home. He is very satisfied if he can follow him on a helicopter ride.

But Yan Changqing has a plan: "I still have something to do! I will stay home for two days, and I will also go to the winery on the island country. Then I will go to a music festival, and then I will go to Australia. Start studying wine.”

This was something he had planned for a long time, and he didn't intend to change the plan casually.

"Do you still want to go to the island country? Participate in the music festival?" Xu Yibo was stunned for a long time and thought for a long time. "Take me with you. I just want to learn more about you. I heard that the industry in the island country is quite popular, right?"

"Haha!" Yan Changqing was noncommittal.

Xu Yibo blushed: "What are you talking about... You don't understand now, but you will understand in the future..."

Yan Changqing sneered instead of speaking.

Last time Yan Changqing came here, several non-professional tour guides were arranged to accompany him. Now it is no exception. However, without the tour guide, there are more waiters in the residence, and each one is tall and has long legs. All styles are available.

Xu Yibo initially thought that there would be one where he lived, but later he saw that there was only one waiter at the place where he lived, and she was an aunt who was as tall as two and a half of him.

Let’s not talk about the envy, jealousy and hatred in Mr. Xu’s heart. The key point is that Mr. Yan just looked at it and it was all wasted!
Simply hateful.

What's even more hateful is that Mr. Yan also said that he can do it by himself if he wants to do it, and it's up to him to do it if he can do it.

After he confirmed that Mr. Yan really had no objection, he hid it from his father and uncles who were discussing business on the other side... Then, he hit a wall several times, not to mention how depressed he was!

When Yan Changqing returned home, Tiedan and other friends who had traveled far away were gone.

He stayed at the winery for two days and then went straight to the island country. This time he did not bring his assistant, but two burdens.

Mr. Xu was very respectful to Mr. Yan all the way.

However, his respect was obviously superficial, not as good as that of another man named Wang Songfeng next to him - this was the second eldest son of Wang Dajiang's family. The eldest son followed an official career, while the second son followed him in business.

Wang Dajiang asked his second son to play with him because he also wanted his son to have a good relationship with Mr. Yan like Xu Yibo.

Not to mention the different treatment that Mr. Yan received from them in Qiansu, let’s just say that the original statue was enough to make the three fathers and sons of the family have different attitudes towards Mr. Yan.

Although Mr. Wang didn't directly ask Yan Changqing to call him uncle after drinking too much at the wine table like when they first met, his attitude was really respectful.

He was really grateful to Yan Changqing. He was still young when his mother left, and then his father was too busy with business to take care of him. He couldn't let go of his mother in his heart. He was even very disappointed with his father's subsequent life style. There is some dissatisfaction.

Until that statue was placed at home, his father obviously restrained himself a lot, and the relationship between father and son also got much better.


When he got off the plane, Xu Yibo began to sigh with emotion: "It's true that it's Mr. Yan, and it's true that I served you all the way."

Yan Changqing was too lazy to pay attention to him. The more familiar he was, the more his true nature was revealed. Now that he was talking, he stared at the people greeting him in front of him, his eyes widening.

In addition to Toru Ueyama coming to greet him, there were also people from several entertainment companies. Among them, the one from Star Entertainment was currently cooperating with Huang Peishan's entertainment company.

As for the others, they all came uninvited.

The island country has been trying to find a way out since it was beaten by the beautiful country at its peak more than ten years ago, and the entertainment industry is no exception.

Although Huang Peishan's entertainment company is not big, it is registered in Los Angeles, and there is a big composer behind it, so it has a lot of resources.

Star Entertainment took a fancy to this. The last time they tried to woo Mr. Yan, they failed, but they met Huang Peishan and became partners. They hoped to take this opportunity to let the company's artists enter Hollywood.

And now, in addition to Toru Ueyama, who brought people from the company, other entertainment companies have brought entertainment stars who can better represent the image of their own companies.

The reason that made Xu Yibo's eyes look straight was that these people brought at least two pairs of twins, the exact same kind, and the kind that were particularly good-looking and good at fighting.

This guy was watching and muttering: "Mr. Yan, those twins are probably prepared for you, don't you express your gratitude?"

Yan Changqing was speechless. Could it be that there were a pair of twins in his entertainment company, and these people thought they had some hobbies?

There is no doubt that Toru Ueyama is a good manager of the winery.

Except that he really couldn't do anything technically, other aspects of the company were managed in an orderly manner under his management.Even Huang Peishan's junior student Wu Fengren, who has the power of 'supervision' here, said that he learned a lot here when reporting on his work.

Yan Changqing was not surprised by this. After all, the reason why he took over this winery was because of Toru Ueyama.

Originally, he was a little worried that Toru Kamiyama would relax because he was relieved of his burden, but now it seems that this person has lived up to his expectations at all and has done a little better than he expected.

Yan Changqing was very busy at the winery, and Xu Yibo and Wang Songfeng were not idle either.

Wang Songfeng wanted to see if there was any business, but Xu Yibo was a little distracted: "Xiao Feng, do you think Mr. Yan has some mysophobia? I think those people are pretty good, but he doesn't like any of them?"

Wang Songfeng glanced at him sideways: "Do you think everyone else is the same as you?"

"Haha, what I said is not what you think." Xu Yibo was angry.

Wang Songfeng was very calm: "I think it's because it's eye-catching, I didn't think about anything else."

Xu Yibo was speechless, because brother Wang Songfeng was telling the truth. Probably because after his mother passed away, Wang Dajiang's life style was a bit unacceptable to him, so now he is quite conservative in this regard.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Yibo said: "Mr. Yan is going to make wine, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Go!" Wang Songfeng nodded. "I want to learn something from him. I've thought about it since the first time we met. It's best if we can cooperate. It's okay if we can't. I can just follow him as an errand boy."

Xu Yibo was speechless for a long time: "I have an idea, do you want to listen?"

Wang Songfeng looked at him for a long time and saw that he seemed to have some ideas, so he asked, "Tell me about it?"

Xu Yibo smiled proudly: "Isn't he making wine? Let's buy some grapes first? Or build a few vineyards, and we can supply grapes when he builds a winery in the future?"

Wang Songfeng thought about it for a moment: "This is not bad. If the winery's raw materials are all purchased from outside, it will be easily controlled by others. After all, it is not our home, so we still have to have some of our own..." As for saying that he has never done it, this Needless to say, just hire people to do it when the time comes, and then send your own people to follow suit.

Xu Yibo became even more proud: "He bought a small farm there. Let's go make some investments. The scenery there is beautiful and there are few people. It would be good to go on vacation in the future."

Wang Songfeng nodded: "How about we leave early, there is nothing to do here anyway. Go there early to familiarize yourself with the place and understand the situation there?"

Mr. Xu hesitated at that time: "I just got here, I still want to go out for a walk!"

Wang Songfeng said with a dark face: "You just want to see the specialty shops here, right? It seems that Uncle Xu is not strict enough with you."

Mr. Xiao Xu chuckled: "Anyway, it's not long before we go anywhere in a few days."

Wang Songfeng wanted to say that he could come here at any time since it was so close, but looking at Xu Yibo's determined look, he could only sigh helplessly.


The winery on the island country originally had experienced skilled workers, and with assistance, Yan Changqing's work here was easier.

Wang Songfeng ran over and said that he wanted to buy a farm in Australia to grow grapes. Yan Changqing raised an objection after thinking about it for a while: "It's a bit early now. I'm going to make wine while studying grape cultivation, so as not to lose anything." If you don’t understand, just do it.”

Seeing that Mr. Xiao Wang was still hesitant, he added: "Don't worry, Mr. Xu knows how to play. You are here anyway. I will have someone arrange a tour guide for you and go out for a few days."

Wang Songfeng shook his head: "Yibo wants to see some custom shop, I don't want to go."

"That's okay, everyone can do their own thing, and arrange for a tour guide."

"Let him go, I'll follow you and learn the management of the company here!"

"That's okay. There aren't many things going on here. We can go to Australia to hunt rabbits in a few days."


In fact, the three men carrying guns and hunting rabbits were much later than expected.

The middle three went to a music festival again, and then came to Australia.

The hunting was after a lot of fresh grapes were purchased and workers were hired for pre-processing.

Of course, there was no idle time in the meantime. The three of them first familiarized themselves with the legal provisions on hunting here - and then discovered that there were actually no restrictions on hunting rabbits with a gun, and they would also be rewarded.

The regulations vary from place to place, but without exception, hunting rabbits is an act worthy of admiration.

Even an old hunter hired said he was willing to be a tour guide for free, which shows how much people here hate rabbits.

The three of them actually had no intention of hunting other animals. Unlike the rich men who tried to show off their 'bravery', these three were just there for fun, especially Yan Changqing.

Hunting rabbits was just a memory. He even brought a camera with him, planning to film the rabbit hunting and take it back to show his second uncle.

Yan Erhe's guns have all been handed over, and now he can only go to Qiansu if he wants to hunt. His laboratory has not yet produced results, but he himself has already achieved quite a lot - he has achieved the achievement of hunting bears.


Xu Yibo carried a gun and showed off his power. In fact, he wanted to hunt in Qiansu, but Yan Changqing was not free at that time.

He also tried to give Yan Changqing firearms knowledge training, but for someone who cheated, it was not troublesome to light up a shooting skill. Moreover, it was not that he had never played with various firearms in the former Soviet Union, and he was technically better than him. too much.

Seeing Yan Changqing holding up the gun and firing a shot casually, the old hunter's hunting dog happily ran to pick up the prey. He turned to Wang Songfeng speechlessly: "Xiaofeng, come here, let me tell you how to use this thing……"

Wang Songfeng had an expressionless face and skillfully operated the gun. Xu Yibo was quite speechless - even if guns were banned now, there were still quite a few hunters in Mr. Wang's hometown who were qualified to hunt with guns.

Yan Changqing smiled and raised his gun and aimed everywhere. Even the sight was a bit redundant for him, and there were simply not enough rabbits to kill in this place.

Old hunter Davis said: "I heard that the government is now testing a new virus to eliminate rabbits. If it is effective, it should be possible to see less of these little devils in a few years."

Mr. Xu raised his gun and aimed everywhere. As a result, Yan Changqing and Wang Songfeng snatched all the prey, so he simply stopped shooting: "After using the virus, can the rabbit still be eaten?"

"No one eats this little devil." Davis frowned, looking worried. "I still remember when I was a child, on my father's farm, there were these little devils everywhere. At that time, viruses were used to eliminate most of them, but..."

His face began to show fear again: "This kind of little devil has never disappeared, and soon they evolved the ability to resist viruses. So every few years, new viruses must be used to eliminate them."

Yan Changqing had known about it the last time he came here, but he was too busy to go hunting last time, so he was not surprised at all by the old hunter's words.

However, Wang Songfeng and Xu Yibo had not paid attention to this before. They were very curious after hearing this. Even Wang Songfeng put down his gun and began to listen to Davis's stories about the rabbit demon.


In Davis's stories, rabbit demons are everywhere. Many farmers woke up one night and found that their farms had turned into rabbit farms. Rabbits were everywhere. These demons dug holes everywhere, including horses. They don't dare to run on the grass.

At that time, rabbit eradication competitions were held everywhere, calling on city residents to pick up shotguns and go out of the city to hunt rabbits.

Xu Yibo and Wang Songfeng were stunned when they heard this story. Good guy, if we had come earlier, we wouldn't have eaten rabbits every day until we vomited...

In fact, it's not too late, as Davis said, now the rabbits have become so rampant that local governments must use viruses.

There are now less than 2000 million people in Australia, but according to scientists' estimates, the number of rabbits has already exceeded [-] million again...

Can't finish it, can't finish it at all.

Xu Yibo and Wang Songfeng felt this way in their hearts, but of course they didn't dare to say it out loud, because Davis mentioned bitterness and hatred, and seemed to have an sworn hatred for Rabbit.

In fact, this old hunter who has been hunting hares all his life is inseparable from rabbits.

Back then, he was a young man with no worries about food and clothing, until one day he discovered that there was a demon called a rabbit on his farm.

So watching Yan Changqing holding a spear and banging everywhere, and rabbits fell one after another, the old hunter instantly felt that this great artist was indeed a friendly person, unlike the two next to him who only knew stories, and even the devil Not eliminated...

(End of this chapter)

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