Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 323 The idea of ​​a comfortable home

Chapter 323 The idea of ​​a comfortable home
Many times, people's perceptions are affected by their mood.

The hill was originally a very common and ordinary hill in this land. Along the way, the rarest thing was to encounter a few lyrebirds and several other birds that I couldn't name. As for the larger animals, absolutely not.

But this is 'home' land, so Yan Changqing and the others were quite happy when they climbed the mountain.

But it was limited to mountain climbing. Xu Yibo and Wang Songfeng were still in high spirits when they went up the mountain. When they reached the top of the mountain, they felt tired. The temperament of the young master was clearly visible. The two of them were as dejected as kangaroos who had failed in a fight.

Because although this mountain is a bit small, there is no road on it. The ability to climb it depends entirely on the novelty of climbing your own mountain at the beginning. When the novelty wears off, you will naturally lose your energy.

For Yan Changqing, if he came by himself, he might be able to reach the top of the mountain in a few jumps, but with these two people, he went around and around to find an easy path to climb. The seemingly small mountain actually took a long time. It's almost a morning.

But it would be wrong to say that there is no scenery.

This is an area with relatively few people, and it is close to the sea. It has pure blue sky and white clouds, and there is no pollution at all.

There is a small road at the foot of the mountain, which goes around several surrounding farms. Passing by the foot of the mountain, there are no vehicles on that road, and it is as clean as the blue sky and white clouds.

Standing on the mountain, the farm next to you to the south is your own farm, but to the north and west, apart from a few small farms, there is a large area of ​​uninhabited land. The pure natural scenery makes people look relaxed and happy, and their souls feel a little empty. point.

But Xu Yibo and Xu Yibo were panting and sweating now, and were in no mood to watch this. They had been hunting nearby in the past few days. They had seen a lot of blue skies and white clouds, and there were no shortage of farms and pastures.

Those pastures where people have taken care of the grass are more beautiful than pure natural scenery.

Fortunately, Yan Changqing had the foresight and brought some snacks. Now the two of them were eating beef jerky and drinking some water to replenish some energy.

Yan Changqing walked around the top of the mountain for a while and began to sigh: "If only this mountain had been given to me earlier, then I would have built a road up the mountain and built the villa directly on it."

When his villa was already under construction, they gave him this mountain, but it was a little late.

Now that he said this, Xu Yibo also stood up.

The place where the three of them were was on a rocky slope at the top of the mountain. There were no trees blocking the view. Looking down, it felt quite good.

Just thinking about it for a moment, Xu Yibo got excited: "It's not too late to do it now, just build a road. If we start doing it now, when we come back next year, we can have barbecue at the mountaintop villa."

Wang Songfeng also nodded: "You don't need to build a road that is too wide. It belongs to your family anyway. As long as the road can be accessed, it will be fine. But the house must be built better. If a villa is built here, it will be comparable to the villa on the top of the Xiangjiang River." The scenery is much better.”

If you look eastward on the mountain, you can see the sea. Of course, most people can barely see the coastline. If you have eyesight like Yan Changqing, the scenery will be infinitely better.

After Wang Songfeng finished speaking, he turned around and said, "You can buy all the surrounding land and turn it into a vineyard or a large pasture. Then build a helicopter landing pad on top of it. In the future, you can take a helicopter and fly to the beach to go fishing and swimming. When you come back, If you have a seafood buffet barbecue here, it will be a day that even the gods will never change!"

"Yes, yes." Xu Yibo nodded repeatedly. "From now on, I will stay here for a period of time during these months every year, making wine and so on. It will be equivalent to a vacation."

What none of the three said was that the prerequisite was money.

It sounds simple, but building a road, building a villa on it, and buying a helicopter...anything is a waste of money.

Of course, since none of the three mentioned money, it was obvious that this was not a big deal to them.


The two young masters, Xu and Wang, were very high-spirited when they were pointing out the country and imagining the future on the mountain, but when they came down the mountain, they were like dead dogs wanting to lie down on the ground and slide down.

In fact, the two of them actually lay on the ground and slipped for a while. Wang Songfeng was a little better, and their knots were full of mountains, but Mr. Xu was not able to do it. Even though his family owned a mine, he rarely climbed mountains - mainly because of I've been going to school!

So when they came down the mountain and encountered a meadow with no trees, the two of them were too lazy to take a detour to find a way down, so they asked Yan Changqing to go down first and explore the way to make sure there were no snakes. The snakes here are still very famous. But no one wants to meet him.

Then the two of them slid down directly, letting Yan Changqing catch up from below, so as not to slip to the bottom of the mountain in one breath and sneak to the King of Hell to report.

When they entered the farm, the two of them lay down on the sofa as if they had lost the battle and began to regain their strength.

Yan Changqing went to the kitchen to prepare some food, letting the two of them fill their stomachs and continue to rest, and then started to work on the wine.


On the second day, Xu Yibo got up and exercised a little before he felt a little more energetic: "You're not going to hunt today, are you? Are you going to go to the beach?"

Yan Changqing supported them: "I won't go, you can just go and have fun. Remember to listen to the management over there and don't run around by yourself! If you want to dive, you should get familiar with it today, and we can go together tomorrow when I go. .”

The reason for asking them to listen to the management is to remind them not to go to the deserted beach by themselves. Generally, there are safety guards when diving. However, Yan Changqing does not trust them because he is afraid that the two young masters will think that they are not good enough when they arrive. …

But his worries were a bit unnecessary. Xu Yibo said calmly: "Don't worry, I'm the only one in my family. My father has earned so much wealth and is waiting for me to spend it. I cherish my life more than you do."

Wang Songfeng laughed and said nothing, obviously he had the same idea. Although they are two brothers, he started business with his father after graduating from technical secondary school. The eldest son is in the official career. When the time comes, he will get the most shares, and he will have to take the big share. Take charge.

They are all people who have mines at home, and their brains are very good. They have no intention of doing those risky things that will not take their own lives seriously if they are hot-headed.

In fact, from the moment they came down the mountain, sliding down the grass, and letting Yan Changqing, who knew kung fu, go down first, they knew that these two people cherished their lives.

In fact, if Yan Changqing hadn't followed them and showed a little skill in front of them, they wouldn't have just found an old hunter as a guide when hunting. They would have probably had to find a few bodyguards to follow them.


After the two people left, Yan Changqing was busy drinking wine for a while, and then played the erhu for a long time.

The two of them didn't come back at noon, so he didn't even start his lunch.

Originally, there were several workers here, and they all started cooking and directly delivered some of the prepared meals.

After eating and resting for a while, he climbed up the mountain by himself in the afternoon, surveyed the terrain, and planned where to start if he built a road up the mountain.

Of course, this is just his plan. When the specific time comes, he will have to find professional road builders to inspect it. What he is doing now is just to provide some conveniences in advance, which can be regarded as a guiding direction.

Of course, climbing a mountain was easy for him. He jumped up and down in the forest. He didn't even spend 10 minutes climbing the mountain. He was very addicted to a light kung fu master.

Going down the mountain is easier, just a few jumps down.

But he didn't continue playing the erhu in the afternoon.

Conducting experiments must also be done step by step, and he will have to observe for a period of time before proceeding.

As for why?

He feels that he has always been a person without ambition, but people can have no ambitions, but they cannot have no desire to protect themselves.

Sometimes you just want to live your own little life, but the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. You don't just want to lie down flat.So he planned to create a comfort zone, the kind of comfort zone where people would not disturb their thoughts.

For the time being, he didn't want to do anything, he just took it one step at a time.

Next, he will observe whether his music that affects others will have any impact on people's normal lives.

Theoretically, there should be no such thing. His idea is that people should regard him as an idol and not be hostile to him.

Anyway, I don’t think about making people regard me as a god, and I have to pay respect and offer incense every day.

If possible, just conduct experiments on this land, since there are few people here, especially in the area where the farm is now located.

As for the rest, he felt that if his plan was successful, it would be best to further support some people who were beneficial to him and control some of the power and force, so that he would be able to sit back and relax as he pleased.

Of course, he couldn't discuss this kind of thing with others, it was just his own random thoughts.

It's just the beginning now. Let's observe the people on the farm first. If there is really a bad influence, there are only a few families anyway. At worst, we can just let them manage this small farm. Anyway, they have been living like this for many years. Give them more. Send some money as compensation...

But it seems that there shouldn't be. He is relatively sure of this, and any compensation is just his worst-case scenario.


The next three people didn't talk about hunting anymore. After all, it was a bit monotonous to only hunt rabbits.

And the three of them also felt that it was acceptable to kill a rabbit, but there was no need to slaughter large animals such as kangaroos.

So Yan Changqing went to the beach with them for a walk every day, so that the two of them could also experience the beautiful sea view here.

At the same time, I also made wine and observed the impact of my Erhu playing on the workers for two days.

The final observation results are very good. To say that there is definitely an impact, we can know from the fact that they delivered ingredients on the first day and delivered food the next day.

According to Yan Changqing's conclusion, these workers are more serious when working.

He saw these on the top of the mountain, while the two were wandering around and looking at the vineyards elsewhere.

The professionalism of employees can only be reflected when the boss is not around. When he goes up the mountain, others don't know that he can see clearly from the top of the mountain.

After a while, Yan Changqing felt quite relieved after playing the erhu a few more times.

The effect you wanted should be achieved.

Apart from changes in people's attitudes toward themselves, listening to their own music doesn't have much impact on them.

At least the negative impact he was worried about before was completely non-existent.

He felt that he could make the next step.

Think about it, if people in an area, like a few workers on the farm, are very supportive of themselves... Well, support is not a good word, just respect.

Then no one should think about infringing on their own interests and causing trouble for themselves.

Then you can lie down and slowly study your skills.

Of course, research skills, such as making wine, are at least good for the local economy - yes, he thinks this place is good, and plans to build a winery here in the future, acquire more grape plantations, etc.

At that time, I will buy some mines by the way. After all, as the saying goes, if you have mines at home, you won't panic.

Mines alone are not enough. Now that there are grape plantations, it is convenient to build more farms and pastures, which fully reflects self-sufficiency.

Moreover, while being self-sufficient, it can also bring development to the surrounding economy, which is not in vain for others' respect for itself. At least it can help some people live a better life.


However, Yan Changqing felt that this plan still needed to be perfected, or at least put aside, and then considered again in a few days.

After all, there are some things that sometimes feel perfect and have a sense of accomplishment when you do them at the time. But when you look back a few days later, you will feel that your brain must have been filled with water at that time, and why did you end up with a lot of poop?

So early that morning, he enthusiastically called out to the two people who were going to continue looking at the vineyard: "Are you going hunting today? Let's go hunting without a gun to show you two your skills?"

Xu Yibo was stunned: "How can you hunt without a gun?"

"A trap? Or a rabbit snare?" After all, Wang Songfeng was the one with the knot, so he knew more about hunting.

"It's a lot of trouble to make a rabbit set." Yan Changqing waved his hand. "Just go out and let you two see it and you will know."

The two of them were confused, but they were not in a hurry to buy the vineyard. Anyway, the grape eating season had just passed, and if they bought it now, they would have no grapes to eat for the next year.

So he followed Yan Changqing out curiously. Of course, they would not be empty-handed.

Even if they are not with the old hunter Davis, the workers on the farm still have weapons in their hands. Although it is illegal, everyone respects Mr. Yan now. Borrowing a weapon is not a big deal.


After getting into the second-hand pickup truck that was originally owned by the farm, the three of them ran all the way to the place where they usually hunt rabbits.

Even though they had been killing people here before, but after a few days of absence, the original rabbit holes had new owners, and the new rabbits did not show up, and started running around all over the place when they arrived... …

Don’t forget, there are initially estimated to be [-] million rabbits in this place.

At present, the local government's virus plan has not yet been implemented. People only rely on people to shoot with guns and chase with dogs. For the rabbits, it is purely to exercise their survival ability, help them exercise more, and eliminate the survival crisis for them in a race that does not know how to survive. An inferior rabbit with no sense of danger.

The two hundred million rabbits are not evenly distributed. They will definitely not go to places that are not suitable for rabbits to live. The place where Yan Changqing's farm is located is one of the places that rabbits like very much.

Don’t forget, these [-] million rabbits have survived and multiplied in the struggle with local residents.

Over the past few years, not to mention the hunting of them with shotguns, they have also been killed by bombs many times, poisons that are commonplace, and viruses that are killed every now and then...

So it is very common to go out to see rabbits. Otherwise, why would they come out to hunt rabbits in broad daylight? The little guys here have violated their original living habits of staying up day and night, and they are there 24 hours a day. Out for a walk and looking for food.

(End of this chapter)

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