Chapter 324 Change Training
On the green grass, a little gray figure jumped up and down, enjoying the morning sunshine.

There was a buzzing sound in the distance. It raised its head and glanced over there, then hid its body slightly in the thick grass.

But just when it thought it was safe, it suddenly felt something bad instinctively, and then it seemed to be frightened, and its body shrank suddenly...

Then, its body rolled on the ground, then suddenly straightened, its limbs shook for a moment, and then lay limp and motionless.

A buzzing sound approached, and then someone's voice came: "Holy shit, is it so powerful? We were more than 100 meters away from here, right? It's more powerful than a shotgun!"

Wang Songfeng listened to Xu Yibo's shouting, jumped out of the car and picked up the rabbit. He skillfully pulled the rabbit's ears and looked at the wound on the rabbit's head.

The wound was very small, and there wasn't much blood flowing out. When you peeled away the hair on both sides of the wound, you could see that the wound was a thin slit.

Wang Songfeng casually threw the rabbit into the carriage: "You can make a lot of money with this skill, and it only costs [-] cents, which is cheaper than bullets. Mr. Yan will score one point, making the total six points, and Lao Xu still has zero points."

No matter what gun is used, the market price of bullets will not be only fifty cents.

Xu Yibo said angrily from the side: "That's not okay. He saw it first and took action first. You must remind me next time I meet you two and wait until I see it too."

After Yan Changqing first showed off his unique skill of hitting rabbits with darts, he expressed some dissatisfaction and agreed to compete with Yan Changqing. One would use darts and the other would use a gun to see who was more efficient.

Obviously, he feels that the rifle he is holding has an advantage. It has a long range and has a scope on it. As long as he is given enough time to aim, the accuracy at close range is still very high - but it must not move. target.

And he also plausibly said: "Winning first does not count as winning, keep going, and go to a few places, I don't believe you can always gain more than me. Just take it easy, don't tire your arms!"

Yan Changqing stimulated him with a contemptuous smile: "Don't worry, hunting a few rabbits won't tire me out."

Xiao Xu always felt that Yan Changqing's ability to throw long-distance concealed weapons should not be sustainable. After all, he tried it himself. Even if he threw a stone with all his strength, his arms were so tired several times in a row, and the distance was not even close. Concealed weapons can be thrown far.

Wang Songfeng naturally became the referee, but now the referee has already predicted the result, so he is too lazy to say more.

Obviously, one person here can knock down the rabbit by raising his hand, while the one over there needs to lie in the cart and aim for a long time - the rabbit is either playing in the grass or looking for food when it comes out of the nest. Who has ever seen such an honest person? A rabbit that actually squats in a grass den without moving for a long time?


Another two hours later, with the sun shining brightly, Xu Yibo was hopeless. Holding the gun in his hand, he moved from the side of the car to the passenger seat. He didn't even bother to get out of the car. He hummed: "I'll kill you later." I won’t even go hunting with you anymore…”

The referee was too lazy to announce the result of the bet and comforted him: "There are nineteen in total, and one of them was killed by you, which is good. We can't compete with geniuses. After all, he has to cook when he gets back, right..."

This consolation is worse than no consolation. That rabbit was indeed shot by Xu Yibo, because he happened to encounter a family of rabbits that came out to bask in the sun. Xu Yibo took aim for a long time and fired. The shot hit, but Mr. Xu He knew very well in his heart that what he hit was not what he was aiming for at all.

Yan Changqing was in a happy mood and drove home quickly.

The advantage of the vast land and sparse population is that there are very few vehicles on the road, and the road circles around the farms and pastures, and the scenery on both sides is quite good.

Wang Songfeng said while blowing the wind: "Let's go back and discuss it with our families. If we come across any vineyards that have changed hands here, we can start buying them."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Okay! I will come to brew wine every year in the future. I will brew here during the current season and wait until August and September to brew at home twice a year. It is just right. It is estimated that the technology will be almost the same by next year. The factory will be officially opened at that time.”

Xu Yibo asked: "How about we try to buy a few vineyards at home?"

"It's not necessary. It's not cost-effective to purchase at home. I just plan to practice my skills at home, and the main production will be put here." Yan Changqing explained. "The current domestic grape production is not high, and the little production is not enough to eat. If we use too much wine, it will be unaffordable!"

In fact, this is nonsense. Even if he buys in large quantities, he buys it from Nova Scotia and transports it by helicopter.

The grape production there is relatively concentrated, and with the amount he uses, shipping it over will not affect the market price much.

But the transportation cost is too high, and practicing skills is okay, although it is a waste of money and resources.

If you do this every year, it will be a trivial matter. The key point is that it is not cost-effective. The price of grapes is not low these days, and the price of specialties shipped from New Province is even higher on the market. It is just a brain to use them to make wine. It will dry out if water enters.

As for the two of them talking about buying vineyards back home, firstly, the price of grapes after returning is still unstable, and secondly, the current transportation method is not ideal, so buying vineyards, at least from the current point of view, is not very cost-effective.

In the final analysis, it is transportation issues that restrict development.


When the last batch of grapes turned into wine, the three of them immediately set off back to their country.

To be honest, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, you will get tired of it if you see it too much. Moreover, they are not idlers. They have a lot of things to do at home, so just go out and play for a while.

When they arrived at the Shencheng Airport, the three of them went back to their respective homes. Yan Changqing went back to Yudong, Xu Yibo wanted to go to Shanghai, and Wang Songfeng had the longest distance and still had to fly for half a day.

As for Yan Changqing's own plans, he plans to wait and see. He feels that the scope of releasing records is too wide, and he plans to consider giving concerts later.

As for going back in such a hurry, there is another thing. He plans to give Erwa and others some training for the high school entrance examination, and try to get a few more of these guys to sneak into high school.


Yan Erhe drove here to pick up his nephew. This second uncle was recently thinking of ways to impress his nephew, hoping that his nephew would finish his messy things soon and devote himself to his aircraft research career.

They didn't even stop when they arrived at the market. Chen Youliang was not at home. He led the team to attend a commodity exchange meeting in Jincheng.

As soon as the car turned a corner, he saw a park where many trees had been planted. Yan Changqing came down to take a look around and was very satisfied: "Now that the trees are planted, it looks pretty good!"

Yan Erhe curled his lips: "I just planted a few trees, what's there to see? Would you like to go for a walk by the river?"

Yan Changqing was speechless and could only remain silent.

There are already many people walking around in the park, mostly old people and children, and there are basically no young people.

Nowadays, there are many jobs that can make money, and young people are all making money. No one is in the mood to go to the park for a stroll, unless it is weekends.


When the car arrived in the town, Yan Changqing discovered something strange: "Why did the Civil Affairs Bureau move here?"

There is no civil affairs bureau in the township, and according to regulations there should not be one.But now there is a big Civil Affairs Bureau sign hanging on several houses next to the police station.

After Yan Changqing finished speaking, he noticed that there were three small words "office" next to the Civil Affairs Bureau: "Oh, it's an office! That's not right. What kind of office should be set up in a township? Did Lao Yang do it again?"

Yan Erhe suddenly laughed: "Who else but him would do something so blatantly? This is not what our township should have. He had to go to the county to ask for it. In the end, they had no choice but to get an office here. .”

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Yan Changqing was a little surprised. Mr. Yang had a very strong purpose in doing things, so he definitely wasn't thinking randomly.

Yan Erhe explained: "It's not those small restaurants that did it. After you went out, there were several things happening in the village. Some people were messing around in the small restaurants, and they made trouble at home. Some people took the lead, and many others followed suit. …”

After hearing this sentence, Yan Changqing understood that it was something caused by the card room - as I have said before, there are several small rooms separated from the karaoke room in the small hotel. There is a singing VCD in it, which is euphemistically called Card room.

This is no longer a strange thing. After all, it’s such a thing. It’s full of warmth.

As a village manager, Lao Yang also had a lot of headaches. These people were arrested repeatedly, especially those from poor areas. Even if they were arrested, they would not be able to get any money. As for the notices being sent to their homes, they were not afraid. Everyone knows what they came out to do.

Some of them are more powerful. You fined and locked up the boss of the card room. They can't just find a place to stay in the card room. Everyone knows what they do anyway, so they come directly.

But the village is a bit small after all, and some things will break out when there is a fuss. If one family makes a fuss, other families will follow suit.

All in all, these are troublesome things. What can Lao Yang do?If they are all arrested, as I have said before, some of them are really poor households. The sick, old, disabled and young at home are waiting for the little money this person earns...

If the town's control is stricter, those people will go to remote places to do it, or go to the border with the next county to do it.

In fact, these people are pretty good, and they are not fools. They will run away when they see something wrong.

The key is that those who cheated on their affairs used to only care about filling their stomachs without thinking about anything else. There are only a few. Now that there are more immigrants, there are more things to do.

Moreover, once this kind of thing breaks out, it will involve at least two families, relatives, friends, etc., and the trouble will be endless.

So Lao Yang went to the county to set up an office for the Civil Affairs Bureau. Whether it violated the regulations is another matter.

Then if there is any trouble, bring it here, especially those who are cheating, just leave directly. Whoever breaks the shoe will clean up and leave the house. It will be settled once and for all. If there is further trouble, Wang Suo will be dispatched.

Yan Changqing was speechless after hearing this. This kind of thing, unless the law clearly stipulates the punishment standard, is a bad thing.

It just so happened that the new regulations came out last month and the crime of hooliganism was cancelled, so there is no chance of a conviction.


But the things in the town have nothing to do with Yan Changqing.

Waiting until the weekend, he gathered Erwa and a group of people who were preparing to take the high school entrance examination for surprise training.

In fact, it was a bit of cheating. He had past test questions and standard answers in his mind. He should have forgotten these long ago, but who made him fail? He remembers them clearly now.

However, he still had some conscience and felt that it was unfair to people in other places by letting these people who should have gone home for the most part enter the school, so while training, he called Lao Wan: "I am going to donate two buildings to the high school. Lou, how about expanding the enrollment next year?"

Lao Wan nodded: "It's a simple matter. I'll go talk to Lao Yang."

In fact, this matter is beyond the control of Lao Yang. The high school is in the township and is actually under the jurisdiction of the county education department.

However, Lao Yang thought this was a good thing. Lao Wan called him and was going to have an interview with him. He didn't even wait for Lao Wan to arrive. He directly asked how much money he planned to build and how many classrooms he was going to give. I rushed to the county and completed all the procedures in half a day.

Then I came to get the money and started looking for someone to plan. I was going to spend two months during the summer vacation to build these two buildings.

By the way, I also went to the Normal College in the city to recruit teachers.

Now when recruiting teachers, you no longer need to be responsible for introducing candidates to others like Principal Shen did before.

Although the high school in Taoshu Township is under the control of the county, the township is financially wealthy. Although it is not appropriate to pay wages, the township pays welfare to the teachers during holidays, so no one can control it and can only watch with envy.

After the matter was completed, it was announced with great fanfare that the winery would support the two teaching buildings of the high school and how many students the local high school would enroll this year.

Of course, there is also a reward party. Even Lao Wan is too lazy to go to this one. He just finds someone to deal with it and takes a photo to make the news.


Yan Changqing also asked Erwa specifically: "Is that boy Jiang Minghe playing with you?"

Erwa nodded: "Jiang Biehe, you must play. We see you every day at school, can we play together?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Then give him a call and ask him to come and study together."

"Why?" Erwa wondered.

"For no reason, we are all in the same class. Let's study together to stimulate and stimulate you, lest you feel that you are the only ones who can't go out and play on weekends."

Erwa muttered: "Of course the benefits will be given to our own people. He is not from our village..."

But he muttered and went to make a call.

Yan Changqing just thought this person was good. He remembered that Jiang Minghe failed to pass the high school entrance examination in his first year and only passed the entrance examination after repeating the exam.

That guy's English was very poor, and he was the type who couldn't learn anything. He knew all the words, and he even memorized two foreign classics adapted into small volumes. However, he still failed the exam, which was very strange.

Not only did he fail junior high school and high school, but he also failed college. He is a weird person who has never passed the exam for ten years since the day he learned English.

The key is that later he went out to work. He also went to Shenzhen to work for a period of time, and he also came into contact with foreign customers. He was actually able to communicate with them through gestures and words. Later, they would often brag about it when they had dinner together.

When Jiang Minghe came over, Yan Changqing thought for a while, that's about the number of people, let's start training!

He didn't intend to rely entirely on missing questions. He had changed so many things, and he didn't know if the exam paper would change.

But fortunately, he is a experienced person, and with targeted tutoring for a period of time, the problem should not be big. Anyway, the enrollment in our hometown has been expanded!
(End of this chapter)

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