Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 325 Training Class High School

Chapter 325 Training Class High School
"Good Good, good, good!" Tong Dafu held a small notebook and read with all his energy, a little more serious than a high school senior who was sprinting for the college entrance examination.

A dumbfounded young man next to him heard him finish reciting, and immediately followed him: "Good Good, good, good, good."

"Good means good, which is similar to OK. Remember it!" Tong Dafu turned around and said, and continued to read the next sentence.

The place he is in now is a classroom. The tables and chairs are all new and they look temporary at first glance.

Most of the students in the classroom are in their twenties.

It’s not that there are no older ones, but there are very few.

These people are similar to the rich ones. They are all holding notebooks or English textbooks and reading carefully. Some of them are writing and drawing while reading. They are all very serious.

Until there were two clanging sounds outside, and then a voice came: "get out of class is over, get out of class is over!"

Reading is very important. After class, no one moves except those who need to use the toilet.

Tong Dafu went out. He greeted everyone when he walked out and said hello, "Hello, Lao Zhu!"

Lao Zhu's face was very unnatural. This person was from the security team. He joined the security team after he was discharged from the army. Because he was meticulous in doing things, he was now a captain.

A person who is used to being serious can't get along with someone like Tong Dafu, who usually likes to be playful and smiley.

But now that everyone was studying in a temporary classroom and would work together in the future, he still had a smile on his face and said hello back.

Tong Dafu didn't care about the forced smile of the other person. He was a well-rounded man and had many ways to deal with anyone he wanted. He still smiled and said: "Lao Zhu, is it difficult for you to learn this?"

Zhu Qiliang thought about it seriously: "The boss can keep up with me when he teaches, but the teachers he hired are not very good. I always feel that what I teach is not in place. I need to work harder when reviewing after class."

Tong Dafu continued: "I feel the same way. It's strange. Our boss is really capable of doing everything. I remember his lectures clearly. It wouldn't work if he changed his lectures. It's a pity that he still has to study how to create something." I don’t have time to teach us every day because of the plane.”

Zhu Qidian nodded: "The boss is busy with big things, so he can spare the time to give us a few lectures."

The two chatted for a few words, and someone next to them already answered: "The boss is really awesome. I always feel that he wants to be a teacher, and we can all be admitted to college. The lessons he teaches are more memorable than those of my teachers in school." Much more powerful.”

The person who spoke was a young man in his late teens who was acquainted with Dafu. His name was Zeng Haichao. You could tell by his surname that he was a gangster from Yatouwa next to the winery. He went to a high school with connections from his family, but he ended up hanging out for two years before he came back. .

Tong Dafu said with a smile: "You were in school, when the teacher was giving lectures, did you listen?"

Zeng Hai turned around and became very angry: "Brother Dafu, what do you mean? I can't understand it, right? If the teacher lectures like the boss, I will definitely learn it well."

Tong Dafu was too lazy to talk to him, so he smiled and said nothing.

Just by looking at the names, you can tell that if the people in Yatouwa still call the boss, they are close to each other - there are a few who used to play with Erwa and the others, and they call them Qijin brother, so they are close to each other.

Zeng Haichao himself felt that it was not interesting after he said it. He chuckled and said: "But I didn't even go to class. I sneaked out to play. Mainly because I didn't have the motivation at that time. I felt like I wouldn't be assigned to go to college or anything. I heard that I won't be given any assignments in the future. It’s useless, it’s useless.”

Seeing that he was confessing, Tong Dafu continued: "It's useless? My boss still studies every day? Do you think it's useless? Now you know if it's useful?"

"I know, I know." Zeng Haichao felt guilty and smiled awkwardly. "I didn't know that I could go abroad and gain experience!"

"Hurry up and study hard. Let's go out and learn more in the future." Tong Dafu advised, and then said to Zhu Qiliang. "Lao Zhu, how many of them do you think will be able to keep up with their studies in the end?"

Zhu Qiliang nodded confidently: "It's both beneficial and informative. I think those who signed up will be able to go there in the future. There's still nearly half a year left. It's too late."

"That's okay." Tong Dafu nodded. "Work harder. I heard from the boss that some people may be asked to go early to familiarize themselves with the situation."

Hearing this, other people around him became more energetic: "You want to go ahead of time?"

Tong Dafu nodded: "The boss is going to make wine there. He can't let us wait until the grapes have fallen on the ground before going, right? When the time comes to build a factory or something, we must go and get familiar with it first. And I heard that there are still grapes. I may also learn some knowledge about grape cultivation.”

"Australia is a big place, and you all know the farms and ranches, right? When we go there in the future, some people will only make wine and come back after brewing. Those who are willing to stay there can stay longer. They will definitely manage the farms and ranches by then. vineyard."

"Learning English is the most basic thing. Now the boss gives us a salary to let us learn. Let's work harder and go early to worry more for the boss. Besides, our boss knows everyone. Whoever wants to learn it well will find a good one by himself when he goes abroad in the future. If you already have a good job, your boss won’t stop you, right? You’ve learned it all for yourself..."

When talking about serious business with Dafu, everyone nodded except for the silly guy next to him who only laughed.

Zeng Haichao and a group of younger people around him, on the other hand, were all high-spirited and responded one after another: "Brother Dafu, don't worry, we are all studying seriously! Not to brag, if we all worked so hard in school, now you are all If you can't see us, you have to go to the university to find us..."

"Yeah! But it's not bad. If you follow the boss, you can go abroad to pick up foreign girls in the future, haha..."

"That's it."

A group of young men immediately went off topic and chatted nonsense. When they arrived at their destination, a group of people undressed and took off their clothes...

Tong Dafu did not forget to say a few words to Zhu Qiliang: "Old Zhu, it's not peaceful outside. People can play with guns casually. When the time comes, we will all rely on you. You have to let everyone over there Study hard and join more people in the future..."

When a group of people came out again and walked into the classroom with a sign "BBK Winery English Training Class" hanging on the door, they immediately started reading notes or English textbooks for junior high school students.


By the weekend, there was a small classroom next to the large classrooms in the English training class.

Yan Changqing's training class continued, giving extra lessons to Erwa and the others.

The advantage of having skills is that students can always listen to the lectures, and as long as they listen carefully, they can all learn.

In fact, except for the stupid guy next to Tong Dafu, everyone else is not stupid. The key lies in learning or not - even if the stupid guy is not well developed, his brain does not have the twists and turns of normal people, and he only learns. You can also learn a few sentences in a language.

When Yan Changqing is in class, Erwa and the others will definitely listen carefully. Since they have listened, Teacher Yan, who has teaching skills, can naturally teach them.

I teach Erwa and the others, and when I have time, I go next door to teach for a while.

The members of the English training class are actually winery workers.Now that we have decided to set up a factory in Australia, we will prepare in advance to train a group of people who are better at English and take them with us when the time comes.

It’s not because of cost savings or anything like that, but mainly because these people are more familiar with it, so they can feel more at ease when they bring it over.

Besides, the salary out there will definitely be higher than what you get at home, and it will also allow people to earn more money.

As for whether any of these people are willing to stay there for a long time in the future, that is a matter for the future, there will definitely be, but it doesn't matter.


The whole morning passed, and when it was time for lunch, Erwa and the others got excited: "Brother Qijin, when you take people abroad in the future, let us follow you!"

"That's right, I think my poor English is because I lack a practice environment." This is Jiang Minghe, who took the bus early in the morning to make up for his classes.

Erwa despised him: "Brother Qijin, don't listen to Jiang Biehe's nonsense. He said that if he goes abroad, he will pick up a few foreign girls as his girlfriend. This guy has no good intentions."

Jiang Minghe was dissatisfied: "Why am I not being kind? I'm going out to find someone outside to be my girlfriend, and I'll leave everything from our school to you. You're not happy to have less competitors!"

Yan Changqing was very supportive: "Yes, yes, yes, then you should quickly get a passing grade in your English test."

As soon as he said this, Jiang Minghe instantly withered: "Ma Dan, I'm also very surprised. Why did I fail the exam as soon as it came? It's been three years. For three years, I haven't failed once..."

Yan Changqing looked at him and wanted to laugh. He said to himself that you are just starting now. In the future, you will achieve the highest achievement that you have been failing for ten years. You also applied for the CET-[-] test in key universities. You want to try your luck, but it is wasted. registery fee……

But it's not a bad thing to think about it. Although his English is not good, his future school will be good - he has caught up with the big school merger!
Thinking like this, Yan Changqing said nothing. He had to think carefully about which other universities with better luck would be merged in the future, and wait until the college entrance examination to use them, so that everyone who wants to go to school can get a better-looking diploma.

Erwa was still urging beside him: "Brother Qijin, can you say something? Can we let us go then?"

Yan Changqing could only stop reminiscing, and said helplessly: "You can go if you want during the summer vacation. Don't you usually go to school? You still have to go to school, otherwise you won't understand anything when you go out, and it will be embarrassing?"

Erwa was angry: "Why should I go to school? You don't know how difficult our college entrance examination is. If you study for another three years and fail in the end, isn't it a waste of time? You might as well go out early. By the way, are there any universities in Australia? , you can find me a place where I can go with money..."

If Yan Changqing hadn't been holding chopsticks, he would have been ready to give him a slap. After thinking about it, he felt helpless: "If it doesn't work out, you can consider getting an art major. Anyway, you just want to go out and mess around. It doesn't matter what school you go to."

"That's right." Erwa used to keep saying that hobbies should not be turned into majors, but now that he has changed his mind, he suddenly feels that it doesn't matter anymore.

Yan Shihao, who was standing next to him, asked, "Brother Qijin, my grades are probably just like what Erwa said. High school is a waste of time. Otherwise, I'd better not enroll in high school and go study brewing."

Next to Yan Shihao was Yan Shanpeng, who also nodded.

These two had dropped out of elementary school before. Later, Yan Changqing encouraged them and went to school again. As a result, they were two or three years older than Erwa and the others.

Being able to go to junior high school and persisting until now facing the high school entrance examination is already considered good. It is helpless to say that, but at least it is much better than not graduating from elementary school.

Yan Changqing thinks these two ideas are good: "Look, if it doesn't work out, just become a trainee. It's better to be more nurturing in school than to drop out of school directly."

In fact, we don’t expect them to come to the factory. It is estimated that most of them will have to do business by then.

It's just that they are a little behind in age now, and it is better to be nurtured in school for a while than not to go at all.

Thinking of this, Yan Changqing added: "You still have to learn English. If you feel that the school's teaching is not good, wait until the summer vacation and go abroad to see. In the future, even if you take classes from home, learn more knowledge and get to know more classmates." OK."


In fact, Yan Changqing hopes that they all go to high school. After all, the learning atmosphere in high school is the best - some places where the learning atmosphere is not very good can easily ruin people.

Years of working experience tell Yan Changqing that ordinary people without cheats are better off staying in a school with a good academic style for a few more years.

The training class was purely for people to stay in school for a longer period of time, and they were not expected to learn any advanced brewing masters there.

It's just that for this reason, persuasion usually doesn't work. You have to wait until you realize it.

Yan Changqing can't tell everyone any big truths from his own personal experience, so he can only try to provide some conveniences.

But he didn't expect that in the afternoon, Lao Yang would come over and say, "Mr. Yan, hey, guess what I accomplished for you."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "I'm not a god, but I can still make clever plans! What's wrong?"

Mayor Yang said quite proudly: "I have communicated with the county again. In the future, the expanded enrollment quota for our second high school will be more relaxed, doubling the number they originally planned. The extra ones will be taken care of. Let’s take a look at our hometown and try our best to recruit students with local household registration.”

Yan Changqing was speechless for a moment: "Are you sure you want to double it? Doesn't it mean that most students from the countryside can get into it?"

"Yes!" Lao Yang said with a cheerful smile. "Anyway, the reason why you support the construction of buildings is to let more people go to high school. You might as well let everyone who wants to go to high school go to high school."

"How about education?" Yan Changqing asked. "The enrollment rate will be gone in the future."

"What do you want about the admission rate? What you get is the real benefit." Lao Yang didn't care. "Besides, it is possible that most of these students will not be able to go to college in the future, but there is no telling how successful they will be!"

Yan Changqing understood instantly, right? People who are running businesses in the countryside now, like Yanshan Peng Yan Shihao, they don’t even want to go to high school now, but if they can go, of course they will be better than Powei. Well, they don’t lack internship opportunities anyway.

Even if they don't get into college, it's hard to say what their future will be like. Anyway, their families now have some assets...

For such students, even if the enrollment rate drops temporarily, not to mention how many celebrities will emerge in the future, as long as they are allowed to go to school now, their parents will be happy to support them if anything happens in the county.

After finishing speaking, Lao Yang smiled and continued: "With this household registration reform, many people who come to run businesses from outside want to join our township. They are all students from home who go to school here. We have provided them with learning opportunities..."

Yan Changqing was speechless, and he was not stupid anyway.

But it's a good thing. He didn't know if he didn't go to college. Anyway, he knew that he would definitely go to high school.

(End of this chapter)

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