Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 328 God's Prediction

Chapter 328 God's Prediction

Fortunately, the newly appointed Mr. Zhu is still somewhat intimidating, otherwise Yan Changqing would be able to have lunch until evening.

After lunch, Yan Changqing and Zhu Changsheng had time to sit down and chat for a while.

As soon as he sat down, Zhu Changsheng gave Yan Changqing a new message: "Our oil field may be undergoing major adjustments again. It is said that we are preparing to re-divide the business, then form a new company, and plan to go public. Next, we will probably be busy again. It’s been a while.”

"It's definitely going to be listed. It must be in line with international standards!" Yan Changqing was not too surprised.

He had never worried about these things before, but at least he knew that the later PetroChina and Sinopec were not the current National Oil and Gas Corporation.

Zhu Changsheng nodded: "Listing is the first step. The main thing is to go out and do some mining and development tasks in some foreign areas. There will be unlimited business opportunities in the future. Have you not considered doing business in this area?"

Yan Changqing shook his head: "Not yet, but it's right to go out. There are only so many resources in the world. If you don't come to take them, others will take them. It's not enough to just limit yourself to your own land."

In addition to his own winery, he is also researching airplanes. He has not yet made any plans to buy land in the future. The main plans are not changing quickly. Now it is just a large-scale plan. The specific operations will have to wait and see the situation.

Zhu Changsheng thought for a while: "By the way, you have operated stocks before, right? If we are listed in the future, do you have any suggestions?"

Yan Changqing thought about it very carefully: "This is operated by professionals, right? At that time, I was purely speculating. If I thought it was profitable, I would give it a try, and I would stop after making money. Now There are still some stocks, but they are all foreign, in the electronics and Internet industry."

Zhu Changsheng asked for his opinion on the stock market just to make a fool of himself. Mr. Yan is a genius. Maybe he has some good suggestions that he can provide as a reference.

But it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t have it. It’s rare for him to catch up with Mr. Yan who has time to come, so he can ask something else. Now, as the boss, he wishes Mr. Yan can’t just care about things at his own door: “You are more optimistic about the Internet industry. ?”

Yan Changqing said with certainty: "This is the future development trend, there is no doubt about it."

"In the past few years, Big Brother has gained a lot of weight. Now, do you just put your mobile phone in your pocket and walk away? There are also computers. Now computers have begun to become popular. The speed of network development... You can think about our development in the past few years. Speed, that’s pretty much it.”

Zhu Changsheng was a little surprised: "Are you saying that the development of the Internet will be very fast in the future? Faster than imagined?"

Who doesn’t know the situation in China? The resumption of the college entrance examination seems to be just around the corner. At that time, speculation was still a crime, but in the blink of an eye, the speed of development is very appropriate to describe it as changing with each passing day.

Take our unit's oil field as an example. Twenty years ago, a hundred or ten people came carrying equipment, but now there are tens of thousands of workers.

In the past, Mr. Shi only worried about where to explore and mine. Now it is his turn, Mr. Zhu, and he has to worry about world events, because he will definitely have to cooperate with the above-mentioned development plan to go global.

Yan Changqing thought for a while and felt that he could reveal more: "The popularization of computers is inevitable, and it is developing very fast. Take our oil field as an example. What tools did our exploration team carry in the past? What about now? In the future... …I make a bold prediction, just listen to it.”

Zhu Changsheng nodded, listened carefully, and began to memorize it in his heart.

"Next, computers, networks and mobile phones will become more popular and will become necessities in people's daily lives, just like the lights we use. What is closely related to us is that in the future, cars will enter thousands of households, just like bicycles now. universal."

Zhu Changsheng was startled at that time: "Are you talking about a car? Not a motorcycle?"

"Of course it's a car." Yan Changqing was sure. "So the international energy competition will definitely become more intense by then. Mr. Zhu, you will have a heavy burden on your shoulders in the future!"

Zhu Changsheng smiled, a little reluctantly, but he still didn't believe it: "Can cars develop so fast?"

Yan Changqing gave an example: "First make a phone call and ask the traffic control department how many local cars have been registered in the past few years."

This matter is not difficult, Zhu Changsheng immediately asked someone to ask.

Then he said: "Didn't we just talk about the Internet? Then talk about this aspect."

"The rise of the Internet will definitely create a large number of jobs. The development speed in the south is already very fast, but I think it will be faster. The further development of traditional industries is inevitable, and the development of emerging industries, you have been to the technology market in our provincial capital No?"

"Computers have entered thousands of households. What do you think the market will develop in the future? How many people will make a fortune in it? The Internet will become something that people cannot live without. In fact, you can experience it now. Reading news online, You can see what just happened on the other side of the earth by refreshing the web page."

"There is also a mobile phone. It weighed several kilograms at first, but now you carry it with you. In the future, this mobile phone may have more functions. For example, it can take photos and videos and even control home appliances... like remote control of TVs and air conditioners."

"Watching movies and news on it is a routine operation. Think about it, wouldn't it be very convenient to carry such a thing with you? By the way, there is also mobile payment. Maybe in the future we won't have to carry money, and we will It has a payment function. Wherever you go to buy something, just use your mobile phone to make payment..."

Zhu Changsheng couldn't imagine what that would be like, and his eyes were filled with circles: "Then you think this is... too science fiction, right?"

"What is science fiction? Look at the science fiction movies from 20 years ago. Have many of them been realized now?" Yan Changqing said. "Think about it, what was the world like 100 years ago? What is it like now?"

"As long as we choose the right path for development, the speed will definitely get faster and faster, right? Now that the world has laid a good foundation for things like computers, mobile phones, and cars, they are just waiting to soar into the sky! How many people around the world are studying this? Something, can it not develop quickly?"

"How many years has our oil field been used from scratch? Then we plan to go out. It will be difficult at the beginning just like when we first started. But after we find the way, we will definitely go to explore and exploit all over the world."

Yan Changqing said it very broadly, mainly to make Mr. Zhu think more boldly.

The specific point is: "In the future, when the Internet develops, you know about cameras, right? We will install them on all the machines in our oil fields and mines for automated monitoring, and we will no longer be afraid of people stealing oil."

Zhu Changsheng was interested in this: "Can it still be like this?"

"Definitely!" Yan Changqing was even more sure. However, not being afraid of people stealing oil doesn't mean that no one will steal it. There are still people who will steal it. He remembered clearly that more than 20 years later, someone was still caught stealing oil!

"That would be great!" Zhu Changsheng was full of admiration. "At that time, our exploration and mining equipment can also be updated, right? As you said, most of them can be controlled remotely and all are automated."

After a pause, he thought of the question again: "As the Internet develops, will we be able to communicate through the Internet?"

"You can do it now! There is a forum." Yan Changqing said. "But there is another important issue, security. In the future, the Internet will be like roads. People can walk around from home, but some people can walk to other people's homes, so how to lock their own doors is very important. ." This question is very critical. Zhu Changsheng quickly wrote it down silently and drew a circle to indicate that it is the key point. Network development security is the top priority.

Yan Changqing did not know the detailed development history of the Internet. All he could say was what he had seen and experienced with his own eyes.

But these are already secrets. As he said, sometimes they fail to develop because they are on the wrong path. Once they are on the right path, they will go from toddling to walking quickly, and finally get on a small plane and fly into the sky.


The two of them chatted until the evening and wished the wife-in-law brought the food.

Someone also sent statistics from the traffic control department, which surprised Zhu Changsheng: "I usually only think that there are more and more cars on the street, but I really didn't expect that there are so many..."

Yan Changqing laughed: "This is not too much in the city. You have forgotten that there are traffic police on our streets, otherwise there will be traffic jams. Comrade Lao Yang has worked very hard, and now he is considering widening the road."

Mr. Zhu smiled and then asked a question that was right in front of him: "By the way, what do you think about the return next month?"

Yan Changqing had watched the live replay on TV in a street restaurant and was very sure: "It will definitely go smoothly. Speaking of which, I have a young cousin who still has a registered permanent residence there. Next month he will change from a foreigner to a foreigner." I’m a Chinese. But..."

Mr. Chen’s second son is a young Hong Kong boy. Mr. Zhu also knew that and laughed when Yan Changqing said it.

But then there was a miss that startled him: "But what? Do you think there will be any surprises?"

"It's no surprise to come back." Yan Changqing recalled. "But something will probably happen in the future. It has been a few years since the former Soviet Union disintegrated, and now the economy is getting worse and worse. The capital countries under our feet are idle again. There are no opponents, so we will attack those who may become opponents. He definitely doesn’t want to watch us develop better and better.”

"The island countries developed well before, but what happened next? After the Plaza Accord, the island countries are still in pain! From the other side, they are not willing to become a powerful country again."

"If the development of Asia as a whole is very good and impeccable, they will definitely not be able to do anything about it. But once there is a problem somewhere, someone will probably take advantage of it."

Yan Changqing still remembered this very clearly before. He thought for a while and simply said directly: "I predict that there will be a financial crisis in Asia next."

"What?" Zhu Changsheng stopped eating and was shocked.

"What's going on?" Mr. Zhu's wife was startled as she came out of the kitchen carrying dishes.

Zhu Changsheng waved his hand quickly: "It's okay, you go to the kitchen to make two more dishes, and we will talk about something."

I wish the wife-in-law understood, put down the dishes and left: "Then you guys can chat slowly, just call me when you're done."


"Do you know the situation in Taiguo now?" Yan Changqing said.

"I'm so busy every day that I only know from the news that the situation there is not good right now, but I really don't know the details!" Mr. Zhu sighed. "Just tell me what you predicted!"

Yan Changqing slowly explained to him: "Actually, the Taiguo economy is in recession, and foreign vampire capitalists have targeted him. They use economic means, first hoarding and then short selling, to make profits from it."

"Now Taiyuan has no foreign exchange reserves. In a month at most, they will announce that they will abandon the fixed exchange rate. To put it simply, it is like the former Soviet Union. Think about it, if you had borrowed 100 billion rubles from the former Soviet Union before [-] , and then converted the money into US dollars, and now you pay back the rubles, how much did you make? Since you made a profit, who lost?"

This explanation is easy to understand. The speed of depreciation of the ruble is quite famous and known all over the world.

Mr. Zhu understood it just by thinking about it: "Then what?"

Yan Changqing continued his 'divine prediction': "Taiguo can't hold it anymore, and those people have tasted the sweetness. Will they stop next? So they will definitely continue to cause trouble in other places, throughout Southeast Asia. It is expected that all regions will be affected.”

Mr. Zhu only cares about one thing: "Will he come to our place to cause trouble?"

"That won't happen." Yan Changqing said. "Our policies are relatively stable now and we are not worried about this problem for the time being. However, Xiangjiang is not good and will definitely be affected."

Zhu Changsheng's heart suddenly rose: "Do you think the problem is big?"

"It's hard to say." Yan Changqing couldn't say that nothing happened. It was because his backing was strong and firm enough that he could bear it. "Anyway, be prepared! I guess you must be prepared now. We are just talking."

"By the way, speaking of this, if you want to make a fortune now, you can consider taking advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. The countries in Southeast Asia have developed in the same way, and the laws of development are also similar, so next, Indonesia, Africa Binzhou, Myanmar, Malay, and Xiaohan are expected to be affected."

Zhu Changsheng waved his hands repeatedly: "I don't understand this, and I can't do it. You'd better talk about this financial crisis in more detail!"

He has no intention of making money. The level of his top leader is the same as that of the local top leader, and the oil field system is different from the local one. He is directly under the supervision of the top. The key is that he is much younger than the local top leader, and he has a lot of problems. If you have room for improvement, you won't care about making money.

Yan Changqing has already made so many predictions. If he makes any more predictions, he will reach heaven. He also waved his hand: "That's almost it. It's hard to say what will happen in the future."

Zhu Changsheng understood: "When I go back and read the newspaper news..."

Then he asked hesitantly: "Well, are you really sure that there may be a financial crisis sweeping across Southeast Asia next?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "It should be pretty good! Anyway, I won't cheat you. Besides, I think you can try to make some money. This money is clean. Once you deposit it in the bank, who will give it to you in the future?" If you give him a gift and give him a slap, how can I still give you that little money?"

Zhu Changsheng laughed: "What do I need so much money for? You see, I don't lack anything now. Besides, this kid Xiaobin lives up to his expectations. My life is complete, and the next step is to do more things..."

(End of this chapter)

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