Chapter 329 Arrangement
Zhu Changsheng and Yan Changqing have known each other for almost ten years. He witnessed Yan Changqing's miracles. In less than ten years, he went from being a street performer to becoming an internationally famous person today.

Of course these are not important, what is important is the trust between the two.

Yan Changqing believed what Zhu Changsheng said and just wanted to do something practical.

Zhu Changsheng also believed that Yan Changqing would not talk nonsense.

To be honest, he was a little ashamed. He had never thought that he could reach his current position before, so he still had the same old thoughts and only thought about his own one-third of an acre of land.

Now comparing it, he found that his overall view had fallen so far behind.

So he did something very reckless. After reading all the old newspapers in the office and finding that he couldn't see anything, he called Boss Shi directly.

Anyway, he has his current position, and Yan Changqing's factors account for the majority. If the prediction is not accurate, it will be a false alarm and just a joke.

Besides, Boss Shi is now sitting in an office in the capital. He is a member of Boss Shi's team who has been working with him for more than ten years. Even if he makes some jokes and causes problems, he is not afraid that no one will take care of him.

Mr. Shi was startled by the call in the middle of the night: "Changsheng, did something big happen in the oil field?"

Zhu Changsheng said directly: "Changqing came here today, I chatted with him, and he told me something..."


Yan Changqing, who revealed the secret, went home and had a good sleep, then got up to exercise.

After finishing his busy work at the winery in the morning, he called Zhou Jialing and Huang Peishan respectively to inform them that they had time to come and have a meeting.

Then we went to the reservoir embankment, watching as we walked, and stomping our feet hard from time to time.

Lao Huang watched from afar, then trotted over and said with a smile: "Mr. Yan, I'm not bragging. This embankment of mine is definitely built to a high standard. No matter how hard you stamp on it, there will be no problem."

Yan Changqing nodded: "It's indeed very good and strong. I can't even stamp on it to break it. When this is completed, the rest will be the greening work and the garden construction over there. You shouldn't be too busy, right?"

He wasn't bragging. With his current strength, he could stomp on a river embankment that was indestructible. It was really a good river embankment.But Lao Huang just pretended not to hear it - the boss was just like this, and he would say a few shocking words from time to time, and they were all used to it.

Lao Huang only paid attention to his boss and asked him if he would not be too busy in the future. He became energetic at that time: "Is there a new task? I'm afraid that after finishing this, you will have nothing else to do for me."

"It's not a new mission." Yan Changqing said. "I will consider buying some land in Australia in the future, which may involve vineyards, wineries, minerals, land development, etc. After you are busy for this period, will you consider visiting there when you travel?"

Lao Huang's face turned red: "Mr. Wan told you, right?"

What he said was what he had mentioned to Lao Wan before, that he wanted to go abroad and visit.

Lao Wan is like a housekeeper. As long as he sees Yan Changqing idle and in a good mood, he will talk about things that are not work but are still considered work. For example, Lao Huang really wants to go out and take a look.

Yan Changqing smiled: "This is not a bad thing. If he hadn't said it, I would have been worried that you wouldn't be willing to go out and run! You have been doing it for so long, so you should have a few reliable people who can do things under you, right? When the hydropower station starts operating, you can go out and have fun, it’s been a hard time for you.”

"It's not hard at all. I quite like doing something." Lao Huang smiled sheepishly. "But I really want to go out and see. In addition to seeing other styles of gardens, I also read a lot in the past, including some social forms and other aspects."

"So I have a lot of questions in my mind, and I always want to see it with my own eyes. But as you know, I didn't have this opportunity before. I had to worry about daily necessities, so I could only dream about it."

Yan Changqing also laughed: "Don't just think about research. Take advantage of the summer vacation to take your whole family there. Don't think about studying and having fun traveling and resting. In fact, I want Mr. Wan and the others to go out and have some fun." A break, but you also know..."

Lao Huang immediately laughed: "Mr. Wan now owns the factory, and he is reluctant to leave home."

Lao Wan is recognized as his home in the factory, and he is unwilling to go far away. Last time he went to Qiansu, and after coming back for half a month, he kept walking around the factory every day, for fear that someone would take advantage of him when he was not there. Secretly changed at home!
Yan Changqing also smiled helplessly and said: "Now there are wineries in the former Soviet Union and the island countries. If you go out to travel, you can go and have a look. It is convenient for you to visit places where you have acquaintances, especially in the island countries and gardens. The culture is similar to ours, but it also has its own unique style."

Lao Huang nodded: "I'll go take a look when I'm done with this period of work. At that time, the engineering team will just send people to build the school. Mayor Yang has been paying close attention to the progress of the project these days. He is still waiting for people. Go to work!"

The expansion of the high school has been decided, but now the township engineering team is not enough, and Lao Yang is unwilling to use outside sources for fear of worrying.

The completion of the hydropower station has freed up a group of workers, which can be said to have solved Lao Yang's urgent need.


When he went back to eat at noon, Yan Changqing received a call from Zhu Changsheng, telling him that Boss Shi wanted to meet and chat with him.

In fact, I made the call in the morning. At that time, Yan Changqing was strolling on the river embankment, and now Mr. Shi is already on the plane.

So Mr. Zhu was very confused and said jokingly: "Mr. Yan, you are the big boss after all, can't you bring a mobile phone? Boss Shi has repeatedly told me that you are busy now and asked me to call earlier. But the person who answered the phone said they couldn't find you..."

Yan Changqing explained: "You can actually find me usually, but today I walked a little further on the river embankment, so I didn't find him. Boss Shi is not an outsider. Just say hello. What time will his plane arrive? I will pick him up." Hit him."

"No, no, no," Zhu Changsheng said. "I'll just pick him up. He didn't come alone. We'll go there together when he arrives. He'll probably arrive around three o'clock. Just don't run away and find him."

Yan Changqing stopped saying anything about picking up people: "No problem, I'll have nothing to do in the afternoon."

"Really don't consider using a mobile phone?" Mr. Zhu asked again. "Isn't it good for the one issued by our company? It is guaranteed to be the latest model. The phone bill will be fully paid and we will find the best number for you..."

"No, no, no." Yan Changqing refused. "With a mobile phone, you can't be disturbed at any time, trouble."

Zhu Changsheng was helpless: "Okay! It's noon, what are you going to eat?"

"I'm too lazy to make it. There are noodles in the cafeteria..."


Boss Shi did not come alone, he also brought two followers who didn't look like followers at all.

Yan Changqing felt that their trip was in vain, and what he said to Zhu Changsheng was the same.

However, Boss Shi's two followers obviously knew a lot about economics. Yan Changqing spoke in general terms, but they nodded frequently and seemed to understand.

Unlike Mr. Zhu who knew how to find oil fields - this guy actually didn't understand most of the content yesterday, including a series of terms such as hoarding currency, stocks, real estate, short selling, etc., but he understood the result, which would be a crisis.Now someone was discussing with Yan Changqing, and Mr. Zhu finally understood a little bit, and his eyes finally stopped making small circles.

Boss Shi and Yan Changqing were also quite familiar with each other, so he asked, "What about the coping strategy?"

"Soros doesn't have much money. He has to wait until the Taiguo incident is over before going to other places to cause trouble. I estimate that this time should be in October." Yan Changqing concluded.

"Part of his money belongs to other people. If those investors don't see profits in the short term, they won't continue to hold on. So as long as they withstand the pressure and let the other party see that there is no profit, they will naturally Stop it and continue making trouble elsewhere."

This sentence was a bit pretentious, but Yan Changqing said it without any pressure.

Many people talk about being worth hundreds of billions, but in fact they are just verbal figures. Just like some trillion-dollar companies, there is not much cash that can really be withdrawn at one time.

Boss Shi was a little speechless when he heard this, and Zhu Changsheng even recalled the first time they met. That year, when the snow had just fallen, on the streets of a shabby small town, a child of several years old was sitting on the roadside of loess, performing on the street with an erhu in his arms...

In just ten years, he can now comment on the world's financial giants at will.

The two followers were not too surprised. They looked at each other and one of them said tentatively: "So, Mr. Yan, what do you think of the current development of the Internet?"

Yan Changqing said: "The next few years will be an important stage for the development of network technology, and it will occupy the mainstream of economic growth. However, the current popularity of the Internet is a bit too high, and it is expected to continue to be hot in the future. It is too hot. It’s easy to foam, and sooner or later the foam will burst.”

Zhu Changsheng's face darkened. Changqing liked this now. He made the agreement first and then did it...

He couldn't help but say: "You mean, the Internet will also be in crisis in the future?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "You are running too fast. It is not a bad thing to stumble and settle. It will take a little longer, maybe two and a half years. So during this period, if you want to trade in stocks, you can consider this aspect. If you earn a little bit of money from stocks, you will be safe if you make money early in two years."

"By the way, Mr. Zhu, you really don't want to ride with me? My two assistants will be here soon. I'll use your savings to help you make some money. When Xiaobin gets married, he won't even have to buy a new house. Willing to decorate.”

Zhu Changsheng laughed and was about to refuse again, but Boss Shi said with a smile next to him: "You remember Mr. Zhu, am I leaving now?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Okay, you can come as many or as little as you want. Anyway, there are a bunch of idlers in my company who have nothing to do, so let them all join in the fun."

The company has a department that specializes in finance, and it's really just for free, because now it only buys stocks and doesn't need to do other operations.

It takes a thousand days to raise an army but only a short time to use it. Now they finally have something to do.


In fact, Yan Changqing didn't intend to join in the fun, but since he had made a 'divine prediction', if he did nothing, wouldn't it look like he was too unconfident in what he said?
So after what he said yesterday, he called Zhou Huang's two assistants today to arrange for them to join in the fun.

He doesn't have much cash on hand, and throwing hundreds of millions into such a big thing is nothing. Most of his money is in the stock market, and he has no plans to make any big moves, just to join in the fun.

Huang Zhou arrived in two nights. Huang Peishan was impatient and asked when she arrived: "Boss, are there any big events?"

Yan Changqing explained his divine prediction, and then said: "Since the market is so lively, how much idle funds do we still have on hand, use it to join in the fun, make some money, share what percentage you have, and give it to you two later. Also save some dowry money.”

Huang Peishan curled her lips: "Forget about the dowry, I have no intention of getting married, and a man is nothing... Boss, I didn't say anything about you. I mean, you can prepare more betrothal gifts... I'm sorry, I talked too much, I was wrong , then arrange for people to do it.”

Yan Changqing didn't mind if she was a little too lively occasionally. She was always lively and had to put on airs elsewhere, so she became more lively when there were no outsiders here. He didn't care.

But what he mainly said was not about joining in the fun: "The economy in Southeast Asia will not be very good in the future, so our product sales should focus on other regions. The market here is expected to be weak for a period of time, so you should all make plans in advance. "

"Others have little to do with our business and won't affect us much. Just keep it stable. As for joining in the fun, a few of my friends may come to join us. If funds arrive in the account, you just need to keep track of the accounts."

Huang Peishan nodded: "No problem, boss, is there anything else?"

"I'm going to hold a concert in Australia next." Yan Changqing said his plan. "Let's perform some musical instruments! As for the songs, it will depend on whether we have to release new songs at that time. Just wait until the end of the year, just remember it."

"Also, at the beginning of next year, remember to remind me to purchase a batch of food, medicine, water and other supplies in advance. Just remember this Jialing, so that I won't forget it when I am busy."

Zhou Jialing never asked her boss why she did something. She only needed to know what the boss wanted to do, and she would execute it. She nodded and recorded it in her notebook: "Boss, I understand."

But Huang Peishan couldn't hold back: "Are these supplies for disaster relief? Boss, you..."

Yan Changqing smiled mysteriously: "I watched the sky last night and predicted that the rainfall will increase next year and the water may rise. Please prepare in advance."

I originally thought that the two assistants would think that I was talking nonsense, but Zhou Jialing still nodded, but her expression became a little excited.

Huang Peishan was even more excited: "Boss, I knew you were no ordinary person, and now you have finally shown your ability!"

Seeing the starry look in her eyes, Yan Changqing complained helplessly: "You are a woman who wants to prepare a dowry instead of a bride price, so don't look at me like that."

"And Jia Ling, what's your expression? This is a natural phenomenon. I guessed it based on the weather changes over the years... Forget it, whatever you think!"


In the afternoon, Mr. Shi and others came in a hurry and left even more hurriedly. After a conversation, they left some gifts and ran away.

Unexpectedly, his funds arrived faster. Just when Yan Changqing was too lazy to explain to his two assistants that he was not a god yet, Huang Peishan received a call and her subordinates told her that a sum of funds had been received in her account.

This money definitely does not belong to Boss Shi alone. If he can have so much money, then it will definitely not be enough for him to eat just one copper peanut now. He will probably have to eat it every day for the rest of his life, and he will not be able to finish it for three meals a day.

As for Mr. Zhu, let alone him, the money was indeed an inconspicuous small fraction. It was estimated that it was the savings of him and Boss Shi in the first half of their lives.

Yan Changqing didn't bother to think about who the boss was. Anyway, the trouble was not with him, and he didn't have to do the work with his own hands.

Speaking of this, he quickly called his uncle.

He only cared about being a magician and almost forgot about his own family.

(End of this chapter)

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