Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 331 People at the completion ceremony of the hydropower station

Chapter 331 People at the completion ceremony of the hydropower station
Xu Yibo opened his personal homepage, and the first thing he did was to clear his name.

He went to school at an early age, and there were no computers in school. Now he only knows Pinyin and typing, but he learned quickly, and he learned how to upload photos to his homepage in a short time.

The two photos in the first article were taken by him sincerely inviting Mr. Yan to help take them.

In one of them, a three-inch long catfish was photographed against a carefully designed background. It looked as big as a prehistoric monster.

Xiao Xu always disdains fraud. He caught this fish himself. As for taking pictures, he said that his text did not say how big the fish was. If someone sees it and thinks it is big, it is an illusion and there is nothing you can do about it.

The other picture is of himself. It needs to be said that this person has a good appearance - his father's appearance and genes are average, but he got rich early, so his wife married well, and his son's appearance and genes are more like his mother's.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that her eyebrows are straight and her eyes are starry, she is probably more delicate than the next popular star Zhu Shimao.

In the photo, the top two buttons of his white shirt are unbuttoned, and his sleeves are slightly rolled up. He is holding a book in one hand and a teacup in the other. His three-quarter hair is flowing with confidence, and he is sitting alone in the pond. On the covered bridge, his demeanor was leisurely, and he could be described as a handsome young man. He felt a bit like the rest of the world was drunk and I was awake alone.

Coupled with the little catfish next to it, which looks like a prehistoric monster, the contrast between the two photos is quite strong.

In two words: pretense!

But Yan Changqing looked over and over, laughing so hard that he was even happier than if he had made one billion.

This guy was afraid that others wouldn't recognize him, so he even posted his photo.

Yan Changqing held back his laughter and just pointed him to open the comments below. He also said in a flattering way: "This way, when others see it, they can post a few words of shock on it!"

Xu Yibo was quite satisfied.

Mr. Xiao Wang is much more pragmatic than Mr. Xu. The picture he sent was of a hydropower station, and the accompanying text was also formal: Tomorrow the operation ceremony of the hydropower station will begin, I am looking forward to it.

Then I took a few photos of the reservoir scenery. His photography skills were mediocre, but I later felt that the scenery was not good enough, so I added a few pictures of newly built antique buildings to make them look better.

Then the three of them were very satisfied, and their personal homepages were all posted, which was good and good. They were waiting for the completion ceremony of the hydropower station tomorrow.


Yan Changqing feels that his hydropower station is too small, and Lao Huang is cautious. In fact, all hydropower stations can now directly connect to electricity.

But everyone feels that no matter how small the hydropower station is, it is still a big deal for our township. With this, the electricity resources in the township are somewhat abundant again - the thermal power station is not planned to be demolished for the time being. Now there are too many factories in the township, and power is tight again. .

So Yan Changqing had no choice but to let everyone take action.

As a result, at night, Boss Shi called: "Changqing, when will your ceremony start tomorrow?"

Yan Changqing replied: "I'll finish it early and take a rest early. I'm going to start after dinner, probably around nine o'clock!"

Boss Shi asked: "Can you postpone it a little? A leader here wants to go over and give you a strong momentum. It won't take long, we can be at the airport at nine o'clock, and we will be there in half an hour. The main reason is that you are too low-key. I didn’t even say a word about what I had to do. I only found out after calling Uncle Zhu Zhu. The schedule was a little tight..."

What else could Yan Changqing do? Boss Shi said he was the leader, so he was probably at a higher level than him.

If someone wants to come to support me, why can’t I say I can’t postpone it?

Anyway, I didn’t plan to invite many people to this ceremony. All the people who came were acquaintances, and they didn’t care to wait an extra hour.


Because Boss Shi had told him not to talk about this matter for the time being, Yan Changqing could only tell Lao Wan: "Tomorrow's activities should be postponed a little and won't start until ten o'clock."

Lao Wan didn't ask too much. It would be better if it was later, just in time for him to check and fill in the gaps to see if there was anything missing.

Not to mention Lao Huang. At the last moment, he couldn't even sleep at night and checked over and over again with a group of engineers...

In the morning, Chen Youliang came back with a large group of people, but not all of them came, and some of them were from other places. Yan Changqing said not to bother, and don't go back if you are busy.

Needless to say, Lao Yang would come and hang out at the winery no matter what.

Then there were those in the county and city. Anyway, after a while, the parking spaces next to the reservoir were full, which made Lao Huang sigh, and he still needed to expand the parking lot next to it.

After Mr. Zhu arrived, he sighed: "No wonder you said that the number of private cars in our country will reach hundreds of millions in the future. You can see it now. It is really convenient to have a car. If the price is cheaper, who doesn't want to buy one if you have some money?" …”

Yan Changqing still said the same thing: "Think about ten years ago, and then think about now. How many cents was a pound of meat ten years ago? How much is a pound now? How much was everyone's salary before? How much is it now? But the price of a car It hasn’t changed much, it should still be tens of thousands.”

Mr. Zhu nodded: "Yes! If this continues, in ten years, more people will be able to afford a car. By the way, you said to postpone it until ten o'clock, who is going to come?"

They are not fools. When Yan Changqing said to postpone the time, everyone could guess that he was waiting for someone.

Yan Changqing looked at the time and there was no need to hide anything: "Boss Shi said he was accompanying a leader to take a look."

Mr. Zhu was startled: "Boss Shi... the leader who is accompanying you? This is awesome. Please take a look and see if there is anything wrong with my clothes today, right?"

Yan Changqing said happily: "No problem, no problem, who is coming?"

Mr. Zhu pulled the hem of his shirt while lowering his head to look at his shoes: "Just pretend to be stupid. How many more leaders are there who need Boss Shi to accompany him now? Don't laugh at me for making a fuss out of a molehill. You can take a look at the city later." Those people in the county... By the way, are you sure you don’t need to remind me?”

"Yeah, just take a look." Yan Changqing waved his hand. "What's the reminder? Boss Shi said that people's itinerary should be kept secret. Let's talk about it later!"

"Do you have to wait? We must all know each other when we come here." Mr. Zhu felt that his shoes were a little dusty, so he took out a handkerchief and hesitated a little. This handkerchief was clean. Should he wipe it or not?

Yan Changqing took out a piece of toilet paper from his pocket: "Use this, don't feel bad about your handkerchief."

Paper towels are not popular nowadays. Both men and women are used to carrying handkerchiefs in their pockets these days. Yan Changqing left this habit from his previous life.

Zhu Changsheng took it and wiped it carefully twice, but he was depressed: "I applied shoe polish when I got up this morning, and you wipe it with paper... I'd better use a handkerchief!"

"Are you okay?" Yan Changqing was speechless. He wanted to complain more, but someone else came over to say hello, so he ignored him.


While talking and laughing, the time has come.

As a motorcade came over, and then people arrived, the scene became a little quiet.

Yan Changqing, Lao Wan and Lao Yang led people up to greet them. Suddenly, sounds of surprise and low voices began to sound behind them...

After all, the people accompanied by Boss Shi are considered acquaintances, and everyone knows them - they often watch them on TV.

Yan Changqing is still very calm. This is not the first time he has seen her. He had seen her at the Spring Festival Gala that year.

He even whispered to his uncle: "Back then, you sneaked into the opening ceremony of the stock exchange and took photos with others. Now you can take photos openly!"

Chen Youliang chuckled: "I was afraid that you would tell me, so I didn't tell you. I've met in the capital before for a meeting."

The two whispered a few words, which made Lao Wan and the others less nervous, and their steps became less stiff.

The visitor's attitude is still very kind. Others don't know the reason why Mr. Shi accompanied him here. Yan Changqing knows it. It's because of his divine prediction and the funds for operation - compared with foreign exchange these days. So precious!

Although the opening ceremony that followed was lively, there was a bit of restraint in the excitement.Especially those people from the city and county, who used to be chatting and laughing, are now very reserved. They all want to stretch their necks by three feet and grow their heads into a radius of several feet to let people see them, and at the same time, they have to act very reserved. , which also made things difficult for them.

Fortunately, they just came to take a look, waited until the ribbon-cutting ceremony was over, turned on the electricity, and left immediately.

When the people left, the scene became lively in an instant.

Mr. Zhu felt a little regretful: "Hey, someone asked me something just now, and I didn't know whether my answer was appropriate or not."

Yan Changqing persuaded: "Uncle Zhu, you are in trouble!"

Zhu Changsheng laughed at himself: "Hehe, you are a junior department level, I can't talk to you. But Boss Shi really didn't even give me a wink."

"There are several cameras over there, do you want him to be caught winking?" Yan Changqing was speechless.

There are still people negotiating with the camera people over there, probably to discuss the editing issue. The news will definitely be published, but how to get it published? It certainly can’t be like the usual news broadcast in the city, covering everything and exclusive interviews. Similar.

Chen Youliang laughed beside him: "Old Zhu, you are not as good as me? I am not bragging to you, back then in Shanghai..."

He started talking about his glorious history again.

Times have changed, and it’s fun to talk about what happened back then.


Mr. Xu and Mr. Wang are deeply regretting it.

Xu Yibo was more direct: "Old Yan! You are too ungrateful. Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you said you were going to have a big shot, my dad would definitely not listen to you. He won't come if he doesn't let you..."

This time, Wang Songfeng rarely agreed with Xu Yibo's opinion: "Well, if my dad wants to know, he must come."

Yan Changqing said before that it was just a trivial matter and would not require people to run around.

Besides, both of them have representatives, and they are both stationed here now. Is it necessary to ask people to come again?

Yan Changqing could only explain: "You just told me last night, and I don't know who is coming today. Besides, they said that the itinerary should be kept secret. I just know it, and I won't let you talk nonsense."

It's no wonder that Yan Changqing knew that the two of them knew this.

Yan Changqing continued: "What can I do if I come here? What else can I do except take a group photo at the end?"

"That's different. It's okay to have a group photo." Mr. Xu said. "This... I can't talk to you anyway, but it's okay, we are here anyway. The others should regret it if they didn't come..."

The others refer to the gang in Shanghai and Mr. Xu, Mr. Wang and others who are working together to get angry. They are all from Shanghai. The one who came just now has been in Shanghai for a long time, so he can be considered a fellow villager.

However, Yan Changqing rarely interacts with them, and their friendship is average, so they don't know what's going on here.


Originally, we didn't plan to have so many people eating at noon, but because of the delay, today's lunch turned into a big feast.

People from the city and county were all in high spirits, and were somewhat proud of themselves as they talked and laughed - they were here, but those who didn't were missed.

Everyone was busy by themselves. Yan Changqing didn't even have to make a toast. Everyone knew that he didn't drink anyway. He just walked around to say hello and then found a place to eat and drink.

Xu Yibo was also curious: "Do you think there will be a picture of the two of us in the news later?"

"If you want it, we in the market will definitely have it." Yan Changqing said. "It's hard to say if it's from provincial channels, but don't expect it from CCTV. At most, you can probably see a figure in the background."

"Alas!" Xu Yibo sighed. "I should have been shameless and went with you to greet him."

"Pull you down!" Wang Songfeng sighed. "You didn't go when I asked you to go, and now you regret it?"

"It's pretty good to think about being able to appear on the news." Xu Yibo said with emotion. "Forget it, find me two photos later and I'll upload them to my personal homepage. Last night I made a lot of phone calls all night, to my dad and my classmates and friends, and told them about my The personal homepage has been opened, maybe someone has viewed it now..."

It was obvious that he was looking forward to the two photos on his personal homepage, which attracted a lot of admiration.

Yan Changqing is also looking forward to it: "Have you eaten yet? Let's go back and have a look after eating?"

"Walk around..."


The three people left immediately and ran to the office to turn on the computer. Xu Yibo was anxiously looking forward to it.


"Who is this? Are you showing off to me that he understands fish?" Xu Yibo stared at the screen and became furious. "What kind of catfish? How big can it be at most? It seems like he understands it very well. No, I have to reply to this..."

Personal web pages these days are still very rudimentary, but the advantage is that you can choose a website that you are proud of, but the disadvantage is that it is inconvenient in many aspects.

For example, this message is set up so that anyone can leave it, but it is impossible to display the address or anything like that. They are all anonymous people.

Xu Yibo fully expected others to marvel at the 'big fish' he caught. Unexpectedly, someone below actually told the type of catfish, and also clearly stated how many days it had grown based on its current appearance.

Originally, this fish came from the river and slipped through the net. It probably got through the mesh between the reservoir and the pond when it was very young.

It is so normal for common fish to be recognized by others.

To be honest, as long as this photo is blurry, with the current pixels, others may not be sure yet.

However, Mr. Yan’s shooting skills and the fact that the fish was so big...

Just like someone else’s message summed up: my fishing skills are average, my stage presence is great, and my photography skills are great!
This was too hurtful, and it severely affected Mr. Xu’s ability to show off his thoughts and hit the nail on the head - three sentences, two derogatory words, and one praising the photo, but the person taking the photo was not him.

So Xu Yibo immediately asked: "Mr. Yan, come and give me some advice on how to reply to this..."

Yan Changqing said kindly: "The people you are notifying are all your friends, don't reply too much."

Xu Yibo said angrily: "It must be those gangsters in the dormitory who are talking nonsense. They know nothing. Let's see how I respond to him."

Yan Changqing said kindly: "You can reply with just one click. You still have to be more precise with your wording. Don't be impulsive!"

Wang Songfeng hesitated to speak next to him, but Yan Changqing was giving enthusiastic instructions and could only take back his words.

He wanted to say that in fact, he created this webpage himself, so he should be able to delete the content at will, right?

But Yan Changqing didn't say anything, so he felt that if he said it, wouldn't it appear that Mr. Xu's IQ is a bit low?

Forget it, let Mr. Xu reply!
After thinking about it, Wang Songfeng asked Yan Changqing in a low voice: "Can our homepage save this... this part of the picture?"

(End of this chapter)

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