Chapter 332 Don’t bully others
Don't lie to me, you must be Brother Liu!
Xu Yibo typed out a line of text with his cramped fingers nervously, and then clicked publish.

Then he sneered: "You want to lie to me, no way! You said he was my teacher, but I don't have a teacher who likes fishing! It's definitely not..."

Wang Songfeng silently put away the camera behind him. Taking screenshots was troublesome, but taking a picture was easy.

Seeing Xu Yibo's stubborn words, he couldn't help but remind him: "You'd better just apologize directly. Is there any need to go to such trouble? I saw someone left a message claiming to be Lao Liutou. This is the nickname you students usually call others, right? Look. A very kind teacher..."

"No, I have to make him feel that I recognized the wrong person first, and then I'll say it. Maybe I won't have to apologize." Xu Yibo insisted. "Anyway, I didn't say much in the post I replied, I just made a few comments."

"Proposing to ask people to buy eye drops? Do you mean that your teacher's eyesight is dim?" Wang Songfeng sneered. "You can only be so tough. Let me see how tough you can be."

Yan Changqing was watching the fun with a smile. On Xu Yibo's personal homepage, it was one of his elementary school teachers who pointed out that his fish was just the most common small catfish in the inland rivers of the country.

But this guy doesn't want to apologize directly. Anyway, he has a tough mouth. I guess that mouth is strong enough to shoot bullets!

Xu Yibo and Wang Songfeng continued to argue, but as they continued to talk, as soon as they refreshed the webpage, there was another new comment: It's been almost 20 years, and you are still the same as when you were a child, pretending that you recognized the wrong person when you made a mistake!

Wang Songfeng and Yan Changqing finally couldn't hold it back anymore, their stomachs hurt from laughing!

Seeing that Mr. Xu was thinking hard about how to reply with a dark face, Yan Changqing stopped waiting: "I'll go out and take a look and arrange something."

He was afraid that this guy would ask him how to delete it later...


Yan Changqing came out to find people from the security team. Everyone was drinking now, so he couldn't be disturbed. Only some people from the security team were on duty and did not participate in the drinking.

The thing he wants to explain is safety issues.

Even though the small river in the reservoir usually doesn't even have a name, the people on both sides of the river are used to playing in the river, just like they have been in the water since they were reborn. Basically, the naughty children on both sides of the river are used to playing in the river. It grew up in the river.

But things are different now. In the past, the water in most sections of the river was clear and shallow, and it was quite safe when the water did not rise.

The reservoir was not good. The water inside was now relatively deep. He was afraid that the naughty children would still jump into it like before.

Construction had been going on in the previous section, and there were people everywhere. Now the workers are gradually evacuating, leaving only the maintenance personnel of the hydropower station. They will definitely not be able to take care of them, and people must be arranged to stand guard.

We also need to prepare a small motor vehicle, which is more convenient for patrolling on the water.

Safety is no small matter, especially since the reservoir has just been built and now is the hottest time. Yan Changqing doesn't even need to think about it, he knows that most of the naughty kids nearby have been eyeing this place for a long time.

In addition to arranging patrols, more signs should be put up to remind others not to go into the reservoir.

He should be stricter in the early stage. He told the security team that if they found any naughty children in the water, they would not let them go if they were caught. They would take them home and tell their parents.

It won't work without ruthless tactics. The naughty kids in the village are so naughty, and Mr. Yan has two lifetimes of experience.

After arranging things, Yan Changqing looked at the reservoir with a little greed.

It is said that the reservoir is enough for me to splash around in it for a few times. Unfortunately, there are a large group of dining guests in the factory, and there are security teams who are carefully patrolling the river bank. It is not suitable to enter the water now.


After the hydropower station was officially put into operation, Taoshu Township became popular for a while.

The CCTV news cannot just talk about the reservoir, but also mention the main achievements of Taoshu Township in recent years in building new towns and developing the economy.

If it weren't for the high-level people who came, it wouldn't actually be news. Taoshu Township has long been a regular on the news. The more people come to the news, the more people come to inquire, the more people stay, and the more taxes they pay. The more.

Coupled with Yan Changqing's fame and the call of the Folklore Festival, this place is now an investment hotspot.

Less than ten days after the construction of the hydropower station, the city made a new decision and allocated part of the neighboring county to Taoshu Township and another township to the west, and brought it to Taoshu Township.

It's like Tongshu County occupies the area of ​​the county next door and becomes a part of the area.

However, the leaders of Tongshu County are not happy at all - if they expand a little now, the space will still not be enough. After getting started, it is estimated that expansion will become a habit, and the towns will be upgraded to counties or even county-level cities in the future. All normal.

On the other hand, those villages that can be classified into Taoshu Township are very happy, which makes the villages in the outer areas very jealous. It is said that some people are clamoring to put them all under the management of Taoshu Township, so that any company can come near the village, and the villagers You can also find a job nearby...


In the following days, Mr. Yan's life began to become regular.

Lao Huang got his wish and took his whole family on a trip, but of course Lao Wan wouldn't go, not even to the death.

So I happened to be at home and continued to watch Mr. Yan make wine.

Wang and Xu didn't leave either. Huang Peishan would report some international news every now and then, and many of them were news that didn't make the news at all. It was indeed very insightful.

However, the two of them don't live and eat for free, they can also help with work.

Those who are strong can even carry grapes.

Neither of these two are particularly spoiled, especially Wang Songfeng, who has lost his mother since childhood, and is actually quite self-disciplined.

It's just that not much wine has been produced yet, but it has been in the news a lot.

Why did Bubugao Winery start to enter the wine industry? Mr. Yan reached a cooperation agreement with a certain region in New Province and purchased grapes and so on.

The three of them were still moving grapes to make wine, and there was already a turmoil outside. At least in the wine industry, many people were frightened, and even asked people to ask Mr. Yan's plan through human connections.

There was no way. When Bubugao Winery first made news, no one paid much attention to it. It was just a new winery and a small winery anyway.

As a result, except for the old brand Moutai Wuliangye, among the high-end domestic liquor brands, none of them can compete with Bubugao Distillery.

After a few years, just like what Yan Changqing thought at the beginning, the advertisements were done for a while, then stopped for a while, and then advertised again from time to time. People gradually got the illusion that Bubugao Liquor was actually an old famous brand...

The key is also 'foreign wine'. Mr. Yan has been successful in just one wine, and he has been successful internationally. Now he also wants to engage in wine. It's strange that the industry is not worried.

The last time he went abroad was nothing, and not many people paid attention to it, but this time he just bought some grapes, and it was broadcast as news in the new province.

Even Mr. Xu accepted the commission: "Mr. Yan, why don't you just release the news and say that you are not going to bully the domestic wineries when you make your own wine? Let's see how scared they are!"

Wang Songfeng was even more helpless: "That's okay for you. I have someone from the brewery asking me to ask if Mr. Yan has any intention of making beer..."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Well, let me make a notice and say that I brewed it myself for fun. Besides, even if I want to sell wine, I will sell it abroad at a high price. Those wines that sell for ten or eight yuan at home are all What are you thinking about?"

"That's right, send it quickly. If you send it, no one will ask." Mr. Xiao Xu is very supportive, mainly because he can be trusted by people. In fact, it is his father who is responsible for it. The person who does it is very annoying.

Wang Songfeng asked: "How to post it? Have a meeting with a few reporters? Or..." Yan Changqing smiled: "We all have personal homepages, so we can just post a picture of wine making and say... I brewed it myself for fun, I didn’t intend to bully them, it just made sense.”

Wang Songfeng immediately supported: "Yes, yes, yes! I will post it too, just in time to take advantage of the popularity and let people look at my homepage..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yan, please delete your first content first." Xu Yibo said angrily. He pretended to have failed. The first online content in his life has been deleted. Now the first one is a picture of a hydropower station ceremony.

"Yes, Mr. Yan, I think it's better to delete your first post, otherwise both of us will be linked to you..." Wang Songfeng weakly supported Mr. Xu from the side.

Mr. Wang was very happy when he cheated Mr. Xu. He even took a photo of Xu Yibo’s content and posted it on his homepage!

But he soon discovered that the three people's personal homepages all had links. Now there was no content on the homepage, and others could not open it if they clicked on it. Then he saw that there was a link belonging to Yan Changqing, an international celebrity, so he clicked on it. opened!
Then I discovered that Mr. Yan’s two friends had caught the fish.

As for who those two friends are, what a coincidence, there happen to be links to two personal homepages. The contents and recent events are almost the same...


Yan Changqing thought about it for a long time and said with embarrassment: "This is the first official online message in my life!"

"Brother, can we help you move grapes for a day tomorrow?" Mr. Xu begged. "Delete it! Besides, this isn't your first one. Didn't you say that your first one was about harvesting wheat..."

"Alas!" Yan Changqing sighed. "Forget it, can I change the text? Fish that big is not common."

No matter how good the technology is, it won't help if the river is too small.

As for the big herring, one could tell at a glance that it was a fish that slipped through the net due to the heavy rains this year and the release of water from the upstream reservoir.

Now that our reservoir has just been built, there are no such big fish at all.

The two young managers would be very satisfied if they could change the text. After all, the picture hurt their self-esteem...

Edited text by Yan Changqing: Work hard to learn winemaking techniques, strive to make your favorite wine as soon as possible, and make your own wine to drink.

That's it, as long as it makes sense.

After posting it, he thought of something and left the link to the Taoshu Township Market's product release website on his homepage.

This market network is still under construction, but it is almost completed.

Releasing products is a very tedious task. It mainly involves categorizing and sorting out, setting a wholesale price, and contacting logistics points across the country to update the goods data at any time. If someone likes it, how to purchase nearby, and training is also required. The salesperson who answered the phone...

After looking at the website, Yan Changqing called Chen Youliang: "Uncle, the website is almost ready now, how are you going to promote it?"

Chen Youliang guessed it immediately: "Do you have new ideas?"

"I don't have any new ideas, I just think we can win a lottery online or something." Yan Changqing said what he had just thought. "There are some benefits to letting people visit the website. This allows people to help us promote it for free."

"What to do?" Chen Youliang became interested.

“It’s simple, just put some gifts that you want to use as prizes, leave a comment, make an appointment, etc., and then you can draw them right away...”

"Well, this is good, this is good. When I look back and promote it, it's free anyway, and it doesn't take much trouble. I think people with computers and Internet access will be happy to come to our website and take a look.

If you see it, you might buy it. When doing business, the fear is that no one will see it at all.

Yan Changqing's idea is not unusual at all. Not to mention that it will be used badly on the Internet in the future, there are businesses doing this even now.

But as long as the method is easy to use, who cares if it has been used for thousands of years.


Xu Yibo looked curious: "Can this website sell goods?"

Yan Changqing shook his head: "For the time being, we can only let people see the products, and the pricing is still under consideration. The main reason is that distribution and delivery are troublesome. We don't have that many manpower at the logistics point now."

Wang Songfeng immediately answered: "Then let's train! I think it's very good. If I go online at home and have nothing to do, I'll see what's available and maybe I'll want to buy it."

"Yes, I suggest that it is best to let people buy directly." Xu Yibo suggested. "Think about it, people sometimes see this thing and want to buy it, and they buy it easily. If you ask people to call again to purchase goods, it will be troublesome for a while, and they may not want to buy it after a while."

Wang Songfeng also nodded: "It would be best to open a direct bank remittance business, and deliver the goods to others after receiving the money. However, this seems to be quite troublesome..."

Yan Changqing still shook his head: "It's easy to think about, but it's too laborious to do. At this stage, you can only wholesale online, not retail at all. There is a handling fee for remittance, and it also costs money to ship and mail it. It costs ten yuan to buy it. The pants are shown to be cheap, but now they are more expensive than buying them on the street, what should I do?"

"Then continue to train manpower and first cover cities with logistics points." Wang Songfeng said while thinking. “How about doing door-to-door delivery and collection?”

"I think it's okay." Xu Yibo wasn't so shy when it came to serious matters. "Or we should set up a pilot city first. How about Shanghai? There are many people there, and our hometown is also good. There is also Song Feng's hometown. In fact, if you think about it, there are many acquaintances in the capital..."

Yan Changqing let the two of them discuss it, and he also thought about it.

Now Chen Youliang and the others are actually discussing it, mainly because it is troublesome to do and they must take into account even the details.

Because there are money issues involved.

In fact, domestic logistics companies have been around since the late 80s, but at this stage, these logistics companies are not as wide as the logistics points in the Taoshu Township market, and there are also various problems such as slow delivery and high prices.

The key is not yet standardized, in short, you have to do it yourself.

In the past, logistics points only used tubes to receive and deliver goods, and people were sent there by familiar people. But if you want to do distribution and retail distribution, it will not be so easy.

This is not an era when everyone has a mobile phone, and even if someone has a mobile phone, it is unlikely to use it - the cost is too expensive. If you only sell one product and make a few minutes of phone calls, you will lose money!

After listening to it for a while, Yan Changqing suggested: "You two, don't think about it here. If you really want to do it, it's better to sit down and discuss it slowly. It's best to let people from the logistics point come and discuss it. …”

Wang Songfeng nodded: "Well, this is something that no one has done before. It really needs to be explored slowly according to the situation."

"Then go." Xu Yibo immediately wanted to take action.

"Why are you anxious? Let's say hello to my uncle first. Then we can go over and have a chat together when there are more people at the market. Besides, they have been discussing it recently!"

"Isn't this urgent? This is something that has never been done before, and it is the first of its kind. When it is done, how can my father have the nerve to say that I don't learn from you here..."

Although Wang Songfeng didn't urge him, the expression on his face actually showed that he was looking forward to it.

Although he is two years younger than Mr. Xu, he actually got into business earlier than Mr. Xu. When Mr. Xu was in college, he was already running business with his father.

Now they all cooperate with the market. If this website can be done well, it will be a good thing for them.

(End of this chapter)

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