Chapter 333 Mother Single Flower

In addition to the changes in small towns becoming larger, bigger changes are happening internationally.

Just as most people predicted, the sharks who have tasted the smell of blood will not stop. Those financial experts are tossing everywhere. After the tossing, Taiguo went to Malay, and then several surrounding countries did not leave...

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of October, a little later than Yan Changqing expected, and some fluctuations occurred in Hong Kong's economy.

However, it is just some fluctuations.

Yan Changqing asked someone to return the funds to Boss Shi and others, which was considered a perfect end to the work.

Of course, only Boss Shi's was returned.

I wish the boss didn’t pay it back.

Yan Changqing called him: "There's still a lot of trouble to do next, so don't be in a hurry to use the little money you have, just keep putting it here."

Zhu Changsheng didn't care: "Okay, just think it's okay. Anyway, I heard it's already increased a lot, right?"

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing nodded. "No matter what, I have to multiply your savings several times. When this period of time passes, I will help you buy stocks. I'll wait two years before I give them to you, okay?"

"Anything is fine." Zhu Changsheng knew very well in his heart that this was really just giving him money, or helping him without any intention of doing anything for him.

Yan Changqing mainly thinks that Mr. Zhu is a good person, and it is not easy for him to reach his current level.

Letting him have some money will also save him from making mistakes in the future. Doing this yourself is equivalent to reminding him that you have a friend who is very rich and can make money, and he doesn't mind helping you make some, so Don't take what you shouldn't take.

After two years of taking out the money from the stock market, I will suggest that he go to the capital to buy a few houses. If he is lucky and can suggest it again, he can live there by himself. If he can't go up, he can still collect rent and increase the value. Anyway, it won't be a loss. .

For Yan Changqing, doing this was easy and simple, just like when Director Zhu Nian saw himself performing on the street and gave him a hand.


Xu Yibo carefully kneaded the dumpling, then put his thumb in the middle of the dumpling and squeezed it a little.

This way the dumplings look fuller and the presentation is better.

He likes to eat dumplings and is not very skilled in making dumplings, but he is very familiar with the steps.

When he was young, he loved to eat the dumplings made by his mother. The last squeeze he gave to the dumpling just now was the experience his mother passed on to him. He remembered it very clearly.

Of course, there was just a thought in his mind. Now his father and mother are doing well. It is best to live a good life and not let mother worry.

With this in mind, he put the dumplings on the plate.

Then I saw that the plate was almost full.

The middle rows look nice and beautiful. You don’t have to think twice to know that it was done by Mr. Yan.

The ones on the left, lying limply and crookedly, belong to Mr. Xu.

The row on the right looks slightly better and is arranged more neatly. It belongs to me.

A capable person can do anything. Wang Songfeng feels that Mr. Yan is like a legendary dragon. He can be big or small. He can do anything. He can even make dumplings faster than others.

The outside world is turbulent, and the financial crisis is sweeping across Southeast Asia. In this small village, Mr. Yan remotely controls a group of people to go fishing in the storm, but he still has the leisure to make dumplings here.

Thinking of this, he said: "I stopped part of the family's business."

Mr. Xu was stunned: "Why has the business stopped?"

Wang Songfeng smiled: "It's just some business in my hometown, and my elder brother helps to look after it at home. It's boring to do that. Recently, looking at the world here, I suddenly feel that it's boring to do that at home!"

Mr. Xu thought for a moment: "That's right. Your eldest brother just needs to go to work. What kind of business is he doing? Part of my family's business has stopped long ago. Now, except for the coal mine left before, it is only engaged in our external trade."

Yan Changqing nodded: "That's good, it's not like you can't make money."

Some of the businesses that started early are not suitable for long-term business. Now that everyone has become big, it is natural to give up some of them.

As for those who are reluctant to let go and insist on making their businesses bigger and stronger, that is not called becoming bigger and stronger, it is called getting fat.

Just like a pig fattening itself up.

Xu Yibo asked: "Mr. Yan, do you think it is appropriate to buy mines now? Countries with economic problems should welcome us to buy mines, right?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "It's appropriate, but this matter won't be over in three days or two. In fact, it's not that urgent. How about you also consider buying some stocks and taking advantage of the current popularity of the Internet, how much can you earn?"

"What I have been paying attention to is that it has been rising for several years. Will it continue to rise?" Wang Songfeng asked.

"It should be possible. Now is the stage of rapid development. You can give it a try." Yan Changqing thinks there is no problem. "Don't you think the Internet is developing very fast? Recently, more and more people we know use computers."

"Yes." Wang Songfeng hesitated for a moment. "But I don't understand. I'll just invest less. It's better to just buy the land and buy the mines with peace of mind."

Xu Yibo nodded: "I think so too. Mr. Yan, you are definitely not wrong, and you will not lie to us, but we really don't understand this. Besides, I have seen the news recently, and those financial vampires are too ruthless..."

Yan Changqing didn't care: "The stock market is a financial game. Just this once, I will buy land when I get the money. I don't mean how much money I want to make, but didn't you both just say that the price has gone up?" After seeing this, I stopped some business.”

"Now you watch foreign news and don't have a deep understanding of it. If you invest some money, you will have a sense of participation. The money before cannot be counted, it is your father's funds. I mean you two put less money in it. , and then pay attention often.”

"I understand." Xu Yibo nodded immediately. "I'll do it after dinner."

Yan Changqing warned: "Choose a few stocks, buy them, put them there, and wait two years before selling them. Don't try to do short-term, that's not what we can do. If you really want to play, just do less, most of them will wait. Good in the long run.”

"Yeah, I understand." Wang Songfeng nodded.

"Okay, that's it, let's not wrap it up yet." Yan Changqing put down the dumplings in his hands. "I'm going to bring some to my parents and grandparents. You two are going to be hungry. Eat some first."

Then he picked up two large plates and left.


Mr. Xiao Xu watched Yan Changqing leave and immediately threw down the dumplings in his hand: "I quit, Lao Wang, can you make dumplings? You prepare first, I don't know anything."

"Yeah!" Wang Songfeng nodded, found a pot to boil water, and then started making dipping sauce. "I can also make dipping sauce! Let you taste the flavor of our hometown later."

Xu Yibo doesn't mind the taste at all: "As long as you don't let me make dumplings in the future, only Mr. Yan can do this job."

"He can do business all over the world, and he can still sit down and make dumplings." Wang Songfeng despised him. "What about you?" "I..." Xu Yibo had nothing to say, so he simply started to show off. "Can I eat at the head office?"

Wang Songfeng was too lazy to say more and changed the topic: "I heard that Mr. Mou is in a lot of trouble now? Is he provoking someone?"

"Are you talking about the person who sold large aircraft before? Maybe it was too popular!" Xu Yibo said. "Just make a fortune quietly, he is too public."

Wang Songfeng thought for a while: "That's right. No one who started his business these days is completely clean. I feel like he is in quite a lot of trouble this time!"

"Who asked him to build a satellite? Is it something that ordinary people can build?" Xu Yibo thought of a question. "Mr. Yan is working on an airplane. Do you want to go back and remind him?"

"He should have something in mind, right?" Wang Songfeng said hesitantly. "He has great abilities and a great reputation, so his problems are not big."

"There are so many people suffering from pinkeye these days. The incident at the hydropower station last time made him famous again." Xu Yibo muttered. "Otherwise, let's go to Australia to buy some land first. Let's buy some of the vineyards we were optimistic about last time. Then we can encourage him later and ask him to buy more..."

Wang Songfeng thought about it: "He must have his own ideas, you are just thinking nonsense. It turns out that he didn't even leave home, but now he has not only set up a winery in Qiansudu, the island country, but also bought a small farm there. Slowly. Take your time, don’t rush.”

Xu Yibo didn't know what he thought of, and he chuckled: "The cunning rabbit has three holes. Are you saying that Mr. Yan doesn't think so?"

"I don't think so." Wang Songfeng laughed twice. "He can go wherever he wants, and there are hot spots wherever he goes. He must have some big plan, maybe it's so big that we can't think of it, so he doesn't bother to tell us!"

"Anyway, I think it's okay to follow him. We'll do whatever he does."

"Then why don't you buy more stocks?"

"I don't understand……"


Yan Changqing came back and ate two large plates of dumplings, and then drank a large bowl of dumpling soup. He put down the bowl and waved his hand: "Old Xu makes the least, you wash the dishes."

Xu Yibo was unhappy: "Come on, Lao Wang! Lao Wang, I really have never washed the dishes. You forgot that I said, our school cafeteria..."

"You fart." Wang Songfeng was furious. "You didn't wash the dishes when you were eating in college? Don't make excuses. I've asked you before. Your school doesn't prepare a plate for you to eat as you said. You don't have to worry about anyone cleaning it after you finish..."

Xu Yibo was stunned for a moment: "Are you interested? You still don't believe what I said, why go and ask?"

"Do I still have to believe your nonsense?" Wang Songfeng stared. "I won't do it anyway, you can see for yourself."

Yan Changqing couldn't help but think about it. The first few times the three of them cooked together, Xu Yibo said he didn't know how to wash the dishes. He said that the canteen in his university had all the plates and cutlery prepared by the canteen, and he could use them at will. When you're done eating, put it down and leave, and someone will come and clean it up.

Mr. Wang, a young man from Northeast China, is quite honest and honest, and he only went to a technical secondary school. When Xu Yibo said that he was talking about college, he was fascinated by it, and then he believed it!

In fact, most schools do not have plates and cutlery at all in university cafeterias these days. Students bring their own cutlery, take their meal tickets, and wash them themselves.

If you want to have a dinner plate or something, some schools may have that condition now, but when Xu Yibo went to school, there was no such condition at all.

It's rare for an honest person to lose his temper. Xu Yibo laughed sarcastically: "I'll do it if I do it. I'm not afraid that if I don't do it well, you'll think it's unclean!"

Wang Songfeng sneered: "As long as you use it yourself next time, I'm not afraid of it being dirty."

Xu Yibo wanted to refute, but Mr. Yan interrupted: "I mean, you two are not too young, right? Mr. Xu and Mr. Wang don't urge you two to get married early, and they are not in a hurry to have grandchildren?"

The words Mr. Xu came to his mouth were instantly knocked back to his stomach, and he washed the dishes silently without making a sound.

Wang Songfeng was very happy: "As long as my eldest brother is at home, my father can go to my eldest brother's house if he wants to take his grandson. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry..."

"Why can't the one you talked about last time work?" Xu Yibo finally had something to say.

"No, I just know how to spend money and not live." Wang Songfeng shook his head and sighed. "When we meet, they never ask me what I'm busy with. They just ask me for money to buy something. When looking for a wife, you still have to find someone who knows both cold and hot. What do you think I do? What about you?"

"I'm different. What I talked about before was just for fun. I want to be free and lively before getting married." Xu Yibo said after holding back for a long time. "But I can get married anytime I want. Look, Mr. Yan, haha, he wants to get married, but he's not old enough to get a certificate..."

Yan Changqing was not concerned about their personal problems, but mainly wanted to interrupt the argument between the two. However, Lao Xu actually brought the topic to himself, so he refused: "Lao Wang, remember that you went to water the water the day before yesterday. Peony? It is said that there is an allusion to this peony..."

Wang Songfeng understood instantly and started to praise him: "What's the allusion? Tell me and listen to it!"

Yan Changqing haha: "What I'm talking about is, once upon a time, there was a person who was single since he was born... and later he became a single flower..."

Xu Yibo: "..."


After making a joke, Yan Changqing got down to business: "I'm going to Australia for a concert in a while, will you two go?"

"Hey, you should go to this one! I'll cheer you up!" Xu Yibo instantly made himself forget the allusion to the peony flower just now. "I'll go there in a few months. I'll go back in a few days for a while, and then I'll fly there directly."

Wang Songfeng nodded: "Me too!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "You guys are busy with your business, I'm just having fun, and we'll talk about it later! It's actually not interesting..."

He wanted to conduct an experiment and didn't want these two people to go, so he wanted to find out first.

Prepare to leave immediately when these two people have to go home, so if they can't make it in time, you can't blame yourself for not telling them in advance.

Afraid that the two of them would discuss going together, he added: "Speaking of which, I plan to find a wife next year!"

"What?" This topic was so hot that Xu and Wang were instantly diverted.

Yan Changqing thought about it: "There are many places where you can get married as young as sixteen, and in some places you can get a few more. So I can start looking for a wife now. Get married early, have a baby, and give it to my parents." It’s great that I can continue to be carefree with my grandma taking care of me.”

Xu Yibo was curious: "Is it so easy to find someone who likes you?"

"Why do we need to be in love?" Yan Changqing asked. "I just want to find someone who is good-looking and obedient."

Wang Songfeng was also surprised: "Why is the request so simple?"

Yan Changqing sighed helplessly: "Then what kind of person do you think I should find? How can I tell if someone approaches me for fame or money? You are both in trouble until now, and you still want me to be like Mr. Xu, a flower Mother single flower for more than 20 years..."

"Gan!" Mother Shanhua was not happy at that time. "I will go to the Congo later. There is a war there. There must be someone willing to live with me..."

Wang Songfeng said leisurely: "Then you have to be careful and install more lights at home, otherwise you can't find them when the lights are dim..."

(End of this chapter)

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