Chapter 334 Concert

Late at night, the autumn and winter moonlight shines on the yellow and green grass, making the grass a bit deserted.

Several large lights from the hydropower station were shining everywhere, making the water surface sparkling.

Under the water, Yan Changqing was swimming freely like a fish.

Because of the lights on the water surface, the bottom is not very dark, which feels quite good.

Of course, it is not as good as the seabed. The water in the reservoir is relatively gentle, unlike the seabed, where you may encounter undercurrents at any time.

He swam in the water until almost dawn, then quietly returned to the tung forest.

When the white camel saw its owner coming back, it seemed to move, but then didn't seem to move. During the day, it ran around wildly, and at night, it was used to staying in the shed to rest. There was no danger here anyway, and it almost lost its alertness. .

Play the zither and erhu for a while, until the white fish belly appears in the east, announcing the arrival of a new day.

Xu Yibo and Wang Songfeng went back, and now Yan Changqing is alone again.

It’s good to have friends to make trouble with, and it’s good to be free by yourself, both are good.

After breakfast, he got in the car and went straight to the airport.

Go to Australia and give a concert.


Huang Peishan sat behind a large desk, sorting documents and listening to reports from her subordinates.

She is in Australia now, and a manager is reporting the ticket sales situation to her: "Although there was no publicity, those tickets were sold within half a day. But is it too troublesome for us to do this?"

Huang Peishan was not surprised: "It's nothing to trouble. It's rare for the boss to have an idea. If we don't cooperate and meet his requirements, what if he doesn't like it and stops doing it in the future? If he makes a move, how much more bonus will we get if you don't do you know?"

The manager nodded: "Now that the security team is in place, do you want to go to the scene to take a look?"

Huang Peishan thought for a while and stood up: "Let's go, there's no harm in being more prepared."

After walking out of the desk, she lowered her head and glanced twice: "Reilly, your butt size seems to be a bit bigger. Have you been sitting too much recently? It seems that I need to arrange a job for you that involves more walking. No matter how big it is, it won’t be perfect.”

The 27-year-old mixed-race manager with black hair, blue eyes, and brown skin turned his head and said helplessly: "Mr. Huang, do you understand that this is office harassment?"

"Of course not!" Huang Peishan said confidently. "I'm a woman too, what's wrong with your body? You can also discuss mine, I don't mind."

Reilly sighed: "Ms. Huang, as a friend, I must remind you that your sense of aesthetics is distorted. Does the boss know that you actually harass your female subordinates in the office?"

"I didn't!" Huang Peishan didn't admit it at all. "I'm just communicating normally with my female subordinates. Otherwise, why do you think that with your qualifications, you can surpass Delis and others and become the general manager of our Australian company? Of course I like your figure."

Riley took a deep look at her, and without saying anything else, she stood at the door and stretched out her hand in a gesture of invitation.

As a subordinate, of course it is not easy to stay ahead of the boss.

Of course, what's even worse is that if you step forward, your female boss of the same gender will stare at you somewhere...


The plane landed in Sydney.

When Yan Changqing got off the plane, he saw Huang Peishan and several people coming to greet him.

This is a special passage, so don’t go through the front.

This concert was held in a hurry, in the eyes of outsiders.

Just two days ago, a sign was suddenly placed at the entrance of the concert hall, saying that ticket sales for Yan Changqing's concert had begun.

There was no publicity beforehand.

However, the tickets were sold out quickly, and according to Yan Changqing's request, there were a maximum of five tickets per person with one ID card to prevent anyone from reselling them.

You also need to write your name on it. When you enter in the future, it must correspond to the name on your ID card.

Even so, scalpers who resell concert tickets cannot be eliminated.

Huang Peishan is reporting: "...It is said that a ticket has been hyped to tens of thousands of Australian dollars..."

Yan Changqing nodded: "There is nothing we can do about it. We have tried our best to let as many people who want to come to the concert buy tickets. It is impossible to completely eliminate reselling."

Huang Peishan was a little regretful: "In fact, we should set the ticket price higher. A ticket worth several hundred yuan does not reflect the boss's worth at all..."

Yan Changqing didn't want to explain more: "That's it, it's the first time, try it out and see the effect. The instruments are all shipped, you have someone pick them up..."


After a night's rest, I walked around Sydney casually during the next day. In the afternoon, the concert officially started.

At this time, there was already a sea of ​​people outside. Yan Changqing wanted to keep a low profile, but the effect was not obvious.

On the way to the Opera House, it was obvious that there were a lot more people and cars on the road, and there were many people carrying travel bags on the roadside. It was obvious that they had just arrived, but I didn’t know that they didn’t even have a ticket. How to get in.

Huang Peishan didn't dare to speak any more because she was afraid of affecting her boss's condition.

This is the first time the boss has held a concert. Although he has performed many times before, this time is different. Today he is the protagonist. At most, there will be a few young singers from his own entertainment company who will join in the fun.

Yan Changqing was actually not nervous at all. He looked at Huang Peishan's sullen face and said with a smile: "Why are you more nervous than me? Isn't this a normal performance? I have never seen you so nervous at a music festival before? "

"This time it will be two hours, and you will be the leading actor." Huang Peishan muttered. "I'm afraid of affecting you."

"Don't worry, just remember to maintain order at the scene." Yan Changqing paused and said jokingly. "Don't worry, my concert will definitely not make a large number of people faint like Jackson's. I will let them listen to the music calmly."

Huang Peishan nodded. Of course she believed in the boss. The boss could predict things and she would believe whatever he said.


Eva Green held her classmate's hand tightly in her hand, and her voice was trembling when she spoke: "Mia, is this true? It's Yan's concert. We can buy his concert just by shopping on the street. Ticket? Is it really him who comes out later?"

Mia was equally excited: "Of course, I said, you can't just stay in the dormitory all day, you should go out for a walk, maybe there will be surprises. Do you know now? Sure enough, surprises are waiting for us... I’m so excited!”

"I'm so excited too." Eva Green felt that the other person's hand, like her own, had sweated a lot and felt sticky. "Why wasn't Yan's concert publicized in advance? Why were the tickets sold quietly..."

"Maybe it's so that unlucky students like us can buy tickets and come in!" Mia said. "He is such a good person. If he had publicized it in advance, it wouldn't have been our turn to buy tickets. They would have all been snapped up."

"It's been two days, and I still feel like I'm dreaming." Eva Green blinked and suddenly screamed. "He's out, he's out! It's really Yan! Yan... Yan..."

"It should be called Changqing. The Chinese name is different from ours. It's called Changqing..." Mia simply corrected her and couldn't help but started shouting along. "Yan Changqing..."


As soon as Yan Changqing walked out, he was almost rushed back by the wave of screams and cheers.

He walked to the stage and picked up the microphone. Before he could speak, his voice suddenly became louder.Because the ticket sales are relatively sudden, of course local people buy more, and not many local people can speak Chinese.

So some called Yan, some called Changqing, and some called Yan Changqing. The key point was that the accent was rather weird, and they were shouting at the top of their lungs, which almost made him unable to hold back.

But fortunately, when he pressed his hand down to indicate that he wanted to speak, the noise disappeared instantly, and the hall returned to calm.

"Hello everyone, I am Yan Changqing." Yan Changqing introduced. "I……"

Before the next sentence could be said, there was another burst of cheers, mixed with shouts: "It's really Yan, it's really him..."

Yan Changqing was helpless: "It's really me. In fact, I've been here for a long time. I made an album before. Everyone should have heard it, right? The one about the ocean. And when the grapes are ripe this year. , I make wine here and hunt rabbits..."

There was another bustle in the audience. Yan Changqing had a good ear and even heard a girl screaming: "Why am I not a rabbit, even if I fall under his gun..."

He smiled again and waved his hand: "Okay, in short, I like the environment and the atmosphere here very much. So when I left last time, I thought about it, if possible, come and play my own music for everyone music……"

The audience was so lively that every time he finished speaking a few words, there would be screams.

Seeing that the atmosphere was too lively, he couldn't say anything else, so he simply waved his hand: "Okay, let me introduce to you first. The instrument behind me is called..."

"Guzheng! Guzheng, we all know..."

“We all know you played at the Grammys!”

Yan Changqing could only smile: "Then I will play it again now. This time I will play the famous song from our hometown, Mountains and Flowing Waters. Please enjoy it!"


Amidst the cheers, the tinkling sound of the guzheng sounded like spring water, and the originally noisy music hall fell silent instantly.

"Mia, I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest!" Eva Green whispered. "Every note he makes is like a bullet hitting my heart..."

"No, your heart is blocked by your huge fat. I doubt even a bullet can penetrate it." Mia replied to her contemptuously, without turning her head, still staring at the stage. "I really want to become that guzheng..."

"You just said you wanted to be a rabbit!" Eva Green muttered, then froze. "I seem to see mountains, there are really mountains!"

Mia didn't reply this time.

Just after the beginning of the performance, they seemed to really see green mountains and clear waters.

Continuous mountains, dense forests and waterfalls, it seems that you can still hear the roar of deer in the mountain streams...

In an instant, they were immersed in the music and forgot to speak.

Slowly, they no longer felt that they saw or heard.

Instead, I feel as if I am in a beautiful mountain forest, with flowing water next to me and birds flying above.

The wind in the mountain gently crossed the top of the mountain, brushed through the treetops, and touched their faces and bodies, making them feel as if they were floating in the wind.

Floating and floating with the wind, at that moment they also became the wind, traveling everywhere in the mountains.

They crossed the mountain and came to the edge of the waterfall. Beside the waterfall, someone was playing the guzheng, and the notes were flying in the air with them...


"Ah? It's gone now!" Mia was stunned. "I just felt..."

"Don't talk, I want to experience it quietly." Eva Green stretched out her hand to stop her. "I guess you feel like you have turned into the wind, flying and flying in the mountains and rivers, until you see the kite player..."

"Yes, it feels very strange." Mia couldn't help but say. "There is a long, long story here, and I feel like I have experienced a lot."

"Is she a close friend?" Eva Green thought seriously. "It feels a little bit regretful, that kind of... indescribable feeling..."

"Maybe Yan's heart is not what we thought, maybe he is lonely sometimes." Mia said. "Because his art is so high above the world, we can only hear the surface part, but we can't hear the part about his inner world hidden deep down..."

"Maybe!" Eva Green nodded. "Okay, he's going to play the next song. He changed the instrument. This one is called Erhu. I know it."

"Of course you know, or should I tell you? His earliest performance was at a party in China, and he performed several times at New Year's parties."

"This instrument is so fun..."

"Shh, listen carefully..."


After the guzheng comes the erhu.

Yan Changqing feels that he is in good condition today.

This time he was pulling a horse.

The feeling of thousands of horses galloping is so head-turning.

He hopes that everyone who listens to music can be healthy, like the horses running on the grassland, able to eat and run...

So this time I will try to see if I can use music to make people feel the changes in their bodies.

There is no such thing as music therapy, where music is used to cure people's diseases.

He thinks this is actually not that difficult.

The sound itself vibrates, and uses vibration to make people feel physically soothed, just like a massage. It can make people relax and feel soothed physically and mentally. He can do it.

Since everyone has bought tickets for their own concert, the first song is about finding a close friend in the mountains and flowing water, and the second song should make everyone feel healed!
The melodious and cheerful Erhu seems to drive every cell in people's bodies to jump and gallop, making people feel like lying in a hot spring for a while, and like running on the grassland for a while, breathing the fresh air and blowing the free wind. …


"I feel like listening to that voice just now made my whole body feel so much better!"

"Yes!" Eva Green nodded when she heard her companion's words. She turned and looked around. Sure enough, everyone felt the same as them, and they all looked happy now.

"It's really amazing. It's only two songs. I feel that the money we saved on food to buy the tickets is a great value. What should I do next? I feel so guilty. He is so kind, and one ticket only sells for a few hundred yuan. Is it just to take care of us poor students?"

"Me too, I admire him so much! Yan is indeed a perfect person, I feel like I am even more obsessed with him!"

"You just said infatuation, I know, you are in love with him!"

"Yeah, so what." Eva Green admitted directly. "It's a pity that he is only here occasionally. If he had been here all the time, I would definitely find him and tell him..."

"Then take me with you. Maybe he would prefer someone as slim as me. You are too fat..."

"No, you don't understand their traditions. People there think that people like me are good. It's called 'good childbirth', which means it's easy to have children and it's easy to raise them..."


(End of this chapter)

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