Chapter 335 Praise
Two hours can be very fast or very slow.

For those who were listening to the concert at the opera house today, these two hours were really too fast.

As if he was still immersed in the music, he suddenly heard Yan Changqing standing on the stage and saying goodbye to everyone.

I don’t want to leave, not at all.

All the audience thought so, but looking at the idol smiling sincerely on the stage to express his gratitude, they felt that asking them to continue performing seemed a bit too much.

Two hours is very fast, but for someone who has been playing hard, it must be very tiring, right?

But there is still the tinkling of the zheng and the melodious sound of the erhu in my ears.

Many listeners don't know that there is an idiom called lingering sound, but they can feel it.

Under the lights, many spectators were still sitting there, looking unwilling to stand up.

Yan Changqing said again sincerely: "Thank you everyone for coming to my concert. I hope you like my music and thank you for your support. This is a beautiful place. Maybe we will meet here again if we have the opportunity in the future." , thank you all again!”


Although the audience was not happy to leave, the idol said after all that there might be another chance in the future.

So as Yan Changqing waved to everyone, everyone gradually walked out of the concert hall with reluctance.

Eva Green walked out of the hall, feeling a little melancholy: "It feels so comfortable! I used to listen to other people's concerts, and my throat would always get smokey while shouting, but this time I felt like my whole body and mind had been baptized. Unfortunately, I don't know when, he Only then will I come back for a concert again.”

Mia nodded, with a bit of surprise in her words: "I also feel very comfortable. My throat was a little uncomfortable before I came. I originally thought that I would not shout loudly after I came. But I couldn't hold it back at first, but I I don’t feel uncomfortable now, does music really have the power to heal?”

"It must be that Yan's level is too high, and his music has the ability to heal." Eva Green is convinced. "Do you believe me now? Yan is the most amazing person in the world, and his music can do anything."

Mia did not refute, but supported: "I think so too, he is the real and worthy idol. Hey, look, what are those people in front doing?"

The two of them saw some people in work clothes in front of them, holding sketch pads and talking to some people who had just walked out of the concert hall. They couldn't help but get curious and walked over.

Then I heard: "...This is his first time to hold a concert. He is very worried that his music will not satisfy everyone, so he commissioned us to do a small survey. Can you tell us your feelings after listening to the concert?"

The person in question was a middle-aged uncle with messy hair. He spoke very quickly: "Yan Zhen is indeed my idol! I have a lot to say. I am so lucky to be able to come to the concert this time." It’s very good. I saw a concert ticket for sale on my way home from work, but I didn’t expect it to be Yan’s…”

"It's very comfortable to listen to music. It's very good music. I wonder if I will think that other music is just noise when I hear it from now on. The music played by Yan is very healing. I feel no pressure from work." What the hell..."

"...Also, I really feel very comfortable. You know? I stayed up until midnight yesterday, and I was still working overtime before noon today, but now I don't feel tired at all. It seems that the fatigue from the previous days has disappeared. Sweeping it all away gives me the energy to face greater challenges..."

The middle-aged man spoke and looked at the smiling woman next to him: "I haven't participated in any activities with my wife for more than half a month. I feel very sorry for her, but I think she must be happy this time, right? baby?"

Mia whispered in a low voice: "This man is so miserable. The working environment here is said to be relatively good in the world, but he actually has to work overtime. But his wife is so beautiful and looks very elegant, like a noble lady." …”

Eva Green nodded: "Maybe it was because I had a good life in the past, but now my job is not satisfactory! But it doesn't look like he is dressed like him. Alas, although it shouldn't be difficult to find a job after we graduate, don't be like him and keep looking good. My wife doesn’t have time to accompany me either…”

Before the two of them finished muttering, they heard the man continue: "...I will definitely remember this concert in my heart. He gave me renewed fighting spirit. Maybe not long after, you will be able to hear my company I am confident about the news of the listing! I would like to thank Yan again, he is really a great artist..."

Mia and Eva Green looked at each other. They no longer wanted to listen to the middle-aged boss bragging about Yan's greatness!

Who doesn’t know Yan’s greatness, is it his turn to brag?Does he know that Yan can play other musical instruments?Did he know that Yan performed and played drums at the folk festival held in his hometown?He knew that Yan also had a white camel...

As a fan, you don’t know anything, but you still have the nerve to brag, so go ahead and work for you and be your bad boss!


The working environment in Australia is relatively good because the economy is developing rapidly, and the key point is that it has a vast land, sparsely populated areas, and abundant resources.

Let’s not talk about the environment. The natural environment conditions are quite good, the scenery is beautiful, and the pressure of life is low. The laws and regulations in all aspects are relatively complete, so it is okay to work overtime occasionally, but it is rare to work overtime frequently and continuously.

This is why Mia and Eva Green felt sympathy after hearing the middle-aged man talk about working overtime continuously.


Soon the two sour girls stopped thinking too much, because some staff members came to them and asked them if they were willing to waste a little time and share some thoughts.

The two people immediately started talking to each other.

In fact, it is similar to what the middle-aged man said. To sum up, it is very comfortable and happy to listen to it. The money spent on buying tickets is very worthwhile. I feel very lucky to be able to come to listen to it...


Huang Peishan handed the summarized questionnaire to her boss: "All the survey results are the same, and the audience's feelings are the same. Even those who paid a high price to buy tickets are very happy, and feel that those who transferred the tickets have lost money and made a profit. That little money might as well come to a concert..."

Yan Changqing felt relieved, and while looking at the investigation report, he said: "That's good, it's the first time, I hope it can be perfect."

"Now people from all over the world are coming continuously." Huang Peishan continued. "Our local staff reported that there are still people booking flights today who want to come to the concert, but they don't even know it's over."

"Don't ask me to hold another one. I don't have the free time. I can do it occasionally, but it would be too troublesome to do it as a job." Yan Changqing immediately blocked what the assistant wanted to say next.

Huang Peishan had some helplessness on her face. She thought this opportunity was good.

After the performance, no one in the audience had any negative comments, and they generally admired the boss even more.

The words on the report could not express the grandeur of the scene. At that time, she was watching the staff doing the investigation outside the concert hall.

Many audience members even said some words that did not convey their meaning and were quite emotional.

Some people simply say over and over again that Yan is a great person and a great artist. His music is particularly beautiful and healing, and it brings so many different feelings to them...

Some people even held the investigators back and refused to let them go, and the talk never ended.

Many people even directly asked the investigators to convey their best wishes, hoping that the great artist would be healthy and happy, and play better music to everyone in the future...

If the boss is willing to hold another concert, no matter how expensive the tickets are, these people will not hesitate to go back and buy tickets, just to listen to it again.

Not to mention, there are still people coming from abroad.After all, some people always see the news when it becomes old news, and it is estimated that there will still be people coming in the next few days.



Yan Changqing quickly went straight to his small farm with his assistant.

This is your own land, it’s permanent, so of course you have to look at it more.

Assistant Huang is very efficient. The road on the mountain is almost finished. The materials for building the villa have already been delivered. The follow-up work will be faster and faster. It is expected that when I come back to make wine next year, I can live in the villa on the top of the mountain.

From a long-term perspective, Yan Changqing prefers to buy land and build a house here.

You can do whatever you want with your own land, and there will be no trouble.

Huang Peishan expressed her gratitude: "The villa can be built very quickly. Depending on the plan you choose, there will be a helicopter landing pad on the top of the mountain to facilitate your future travel. The manager of the company here is a manager named Lai Lisi. She is working on Responsible for collecting information on some local land and mineral resources..."

Yan Changqing listened for a long time: "Actually, it doesn't have to be so early. If you plan to buy mineral land, you have to wait for the money from the stock market."

"If you do it again then, some people will think that you are investing here because you are optimistic about this place and it can bring benefits, which may increase land prices." Huang Peishan explained. "If we prepare in advance, people will get used to it after two years. When the heat is over, we can suddenly start acquisitions..."

After all, they are all celebrities now, and Huang Peishan is also quite famous now. Every move of her company is followed by people.

Even if things were done secretly in the future, it would be impossible to avoid leaking the news completely.

It's better to just start. As she said, once the heat is over, those who are preparing to raise prices will no longer have any hope, and it will be easier to acquire it again.

Yan Changqing thought she had considered it well and nodded: "That's okay. Let's consider the location of a wine-making factory in the near future! We will start planning to build a winery at this time next year."

Huang Peishan immediately made a note: "I will remember it."


Yan Changqing spent a few days leisurely at the farm.

However, the news about him has not diminished. A large number of people who came to the concert knew that the concert was over, and read the thoughts of those who had heard it from the newspapers. They all regretted it and could only wander around here, trying to To make up for the regret of not being able to catch the concert.

It makes the local people happy again. After all, these people are here, why don't they spend money?
Those tourist attractions have made huge profits, especially the places Yan Changqing has visited, which have become the favorite places for tourists.

Probably those people think that even if they can't attend the idol's concert, if they go to the places where the idol has been, they can still be considered as having met the idol over time...

Huang Peishan was very unhappy: "The hotel we stayed in, the people who have reserved rooms are almost waiting until next year. Should I have known that we should build a hotel here?"

Yan Changqing was speechless: "You can still make all the money yourself? Aren't you tired?"

"Of course I'm not tired of making money anymore!" Huang Peishan chuckled. "Boss, don't you think this is interesting?"

Yan Changqing didn't want to talk more about this topic and reminded: "By the way, we still need to start security at the farm. I see there are people wandering around now."

"No problem, it's already been arranged." Huang Peishan never forgets to show her merit. "The whole world knows that this mountain belongs to you. Many of your fans wander around after coming here. It's only natural to come here to take a look. They don't know whether you have left or not. They just want to try their luck."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Have you booked the flight tickets? Let's go directly to avoid people coming here in the future. This is my leisure place, and I can't be disturbed by people coming and going."

"Then I'd better go back and buy a few more farms elsewhere!" Huang Peishan suggested. "You definitely can't hide it. Why don't you go to a few more places to avoid your fans' purpose of coming being too clear?"

"That's fine." Yan Changqing supported her spending money in this regard. “There’s no need to buy something too big for the time being, and it doesn’t have to be too far away, so it won’t be inconvenient to go back and forth.”

In places with vast land and sparsely populated areas, transportation is actually not that convenient—it’s not that it’s underdeveloped, it’s that it’s inconvenient.

It may take half a day to drive from one city to another. It is a lot of trouble for tourists from outside who want to travel everywhere.

Now it's because this mountain is so famous. After the mountain was presented to Yan Changqing, the local area has been promoting it, and everyone knows about the trouble.

If you buy a few small farms by yourself, then there will be no problem. After all, not everyone who comes here can accurately find a certain small farm.

The key point is that this place itself is a separate continent, isolated from the rest of the world. In fact, there are not that many people coming here. The main reason is that it is inconvenient.

Unlike traveling to Europe, where you can visit several countries in one day, when you come here, you just come here.

All in all, this is a good place for seclusion.


When Yan Changqing returned home, he received calls from a group of friends and business associates. They all said that they would not say anything about the concert and would not allow anyone to attend the concert, etc.

Yan Changqing had already made preparations, saying that he just wanted to have some fun at the last minute, so he didn't tell anyone.

Everyone believed him when he said it was fun, after all, he was like that, he would do whatever came to his mind suddenly.

Yan Changqing was quite satisfied with this concert. The effect he wanted was almost achieved.

In this case, you can consider holding it there a few more times in the future for future use.

Not long after arriving home, Zhou Jialing came to report: "Boss, you mentioned before that you need to prepare supplies. Can you start now?"

There are still a few months left, so it's almost time. Yan Changqing nodded: "You can consult professionals and prepare some anti-disaster supplies that can be stored for a long time. Food and the like can be left later."

"I know the boss." Zhou Jialing nodded. "Next month we will complete the opening of several hotels in Shanghai. Do you have time?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Let's talk about it then! It's almost the New Year."

Zhou Jialing was a little disappointed. The boss was good at everything, but he didn't care about his own industry.

I didn't want to go to the chain hotel in Shenzhen when it opened, but now I don't want to go.

(End of this chapter)

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