Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 337 It can be solved by having a meal

Chapter 337 It can be solved by having a meal

Yan Changqing felt that he could no longer look at people with the same eyes as before.

Look at Li Quanlang, this guy has changed a lot.

The job in the hotel is quite training. Li Quanlang did all the work by himself from the beginning. After working from dawn to dusk for a period of time, his impatience was eliminated a lot.

As the number of employees in the hotel increases, he has more responsibilities, which shows that he has become much calmer.

It's a good thing.

After teaching him how to make chicken soup and fish soup, Yan Changqing was in a good mood and taught him a few simple, delicious and affordable dishes.

After seeing off his old cousin, Yan Changqing went straight to the reservoir.

There was no way, after working in the kitchen for so long, there must be various smells on his body. His five senses were too sensitive and he couldn't stand the smell.

Recently, he found a reason for himself to swim in winter: winter swimming.

Then I swam in the reservoir confidently every day, ignoring the signs prohibiting swimming along the shore.

Of course no one dared to have an opinion.


Three days later, Li Quanlang came back: "Old man, the chicken soup and fish soup you taught me are so good. Now I make several pots of stew every day..."

A week later, Li Quanlang came back again: "Old Biao, I'm popular. The chicken soup and fish soup you taught me are now the most delicious things in town. Anyone who hasn't tried it is an old turtle. I have no experience. This It’s so popular that I have to prepare a big gift for my aunt and uncle during the Chinese New Year..."

Two weeks later, Li Quanlang came back: "Old man, what should I do? Now there is a rumor in town that my chicken soup and fish soup are filled with additives. What should I do? I have explained it but no one believes it. I drank it myself. Will not work……"

Yan Changqing finally spoke: "Isn't it okay if it tastes good?"

"Yes!" Boss Li was dejected. "This business has only been good for about ten days. Someone must be spreading rumors about me."

Yan Changqing was also surprised: "That's not right. After all, we are cousins. I don't have any face at all?"

"I didn't say you taught me how to make chicken soup and fish soup." Li Quanlang said. "After all, we are old cousins. I can still do business now, so there is no point in relying on your reputation. If something unexpected happens in the future and something happens to the hotel, it will not ruin your reputation..."

Although he said it awkwardly, Yan Changqing could still understand what he meant.

After all, I have known him for two lifetimes, and this guy sometimes feels a little awkward. He probably feels that relying on his old cousin's reputation to succeed in business is not his own ability.

As for ruining my own reputation, because all my relatives work in the winery, if my cousin's reputation is ruined, all my relatives will be affected...

In summary, Boss Li has indeed grown up and is fairly general.

Yan Changqing thought of this and gave him an idea: "You go back first, and I will go to your restaurant for a meal tomorrow."

In fact, many people in the township know that this is Mr. Yan's cousin, especially the aborigines in the town. After all, this kind of relationship cannot be ignored, and no matter how much the villagers change, one thing remains the same, and there is no limit to gossiping. .

Just like when going to the New Year's Fair, two people who haven't seen each other for a long time can chat for a long time while standing on the roadside.

But now that there are a lot of immigrants in the town, most of them don’t know about it!

When Yan Changqing arrived at Boss Li's restaurant, he knew that the matter was not as serious as he said.

Many old customers still trust this young boss Li and feel that he will not do anything harmful to others.

When he saw Yan Changqing, some acquaintances greeted him: "Mr. Yan, why are you free today? Is it because of the rumors spread by those outside?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Yes! As an old cousin, I don't dare to say that, but I can still trust him in cooking. Besides, I taught him this chicken soup and fish soup. Am I going to do those messy things?"

Li Quanlang, who came out to greet him, was not happy: "I don't even want to rely on your reputation to get business, but you still have to tell me what you taught me. Then when the business is good, won't I give you some points? I can give you [-]% at most, or else Thirty percent? Don’t even think about it..."

The distribution of goods is quite clear. Asking an old cousin for advice on how to make soup does not count. When an old cousin asks for help from an old cousin, it is an old expression. If you tell me to divide the money, you will get away with it. Mainly because of the old cousin. The watch doesn't care about this either. Just show more respect to your aunt and uncle.

But using Laobiao’s reputation for advertising is different. That’s what Boss Li thinks anyway!

They are all old cousins, Yan Changqing could understand, but he shook his head: "Put it down, keep what you have for yourself! But you must be more serious in the future, don't look back and something will happen."

"You made me very stressed." Li Quanlang muttered, and then said loudly. "You heard me, I didn't want to say it before because some people didn't believe it, but now you believe it, right? I really didn't add any flavor to my soup..."

A little incense is the latest popular 'high-tech'. Anyway, just one drop is enough. You can add it to any meal or soup. After adding it, the aroma will be fragrant and extremely attractive.

But it was just too attractive, and it became popular very quickly. It spread all over the country in an instant, but even faster was the iron fist from above, which knocked these things down with one fist.

Li Quanlang suffered the disaster. He just recently launched the chicken soup and fish soup that has become popular in the town, and he also has a series of chicken soup noodles and other foods made with chicken soup. As a result, it suddenly became too popular, causing people to ignore it. believe.


Yan Changqing hadn't finished the meal before Lao Yang came running over: "Mr. Yan, are you coming out to eat?"

Yan Changqing was helpless: "Mr. Yang is free today?"

"If you want to be busy, you can be busy every day, and if you want to be free, you can also take a break from your busy schedule." Mayor Yang smiled and held the increasingly wider hairline on his head, and then shouted to the back. "Boss Li, let's see what Mr. Yan eats and give us some."

He is not as comfortable as Yan Changqing. At least he cannot run out alone. There must be people around him. After all, he may not know what he will see when he comes out, so he has to instruct people to do it.

Yan Changqing asked: "Aren't there no major events in the countryside recently?"

"Nothing." Mayor Yang said and asked softly. "If the water rises, do you think there will be a big problem here?"

"It's not a big problem, but we have to prepare some sacks or something to block the entrance to the town." Yan Changqing said.

"That's no problem. When news comes out from your side, I have people prepare it. I also have people prepare lifeboats and so on, just to be prepared! If nothing happens, I plan to have people make a scene by the river. What do you think of the boating projects in big cities?"

Yan Changqing supported: "It can definitely be done. There are so many people here, and there is no place to play on the weekends. If you come up with more fun things, everyone can come out and have fun on the weekends."

"The river is still a little narrow, but it's not a big problem." Mayor Yang said with a smile. "These lifeboats can be used later, mainly to entertain everyone! By the way, I also want to build a movie theater, can you see it? The old movie theater is not working anymore, so I might as well rebuild it..."

Yan Changqing continued to support: "It's all a good thing! What's there to say? Just do it. Isn't the building of the old cinema quite sturdy? Wouldn't it be a waste to tear it down? Think about it, can it be turned into something else?"

"How about we see if anyone is willing to build an indoor skating rink?" Mayor Yang had an idea instantly.Yan Changqing thought about the old cinema. That cinema was a bit old.

However, it is built with blue bricks and large tiles, and the wood inside is also very good. It should be something produced by the large-scale construction in a certain era.

The things of those days stand out in reality. Several old bridges in BR County looked old and dilapidated. They were strengthened and the big cars were still running rumble. Experts were called in to check. People said that this thing is no longer good. It won't be a big problem if you use it for decades.

The same was true for this old cinema. He remembered that when he came back many years later, the cinema had not been used for decades, but it was still standing there.

Including the 'seats' inside, they are actually rows of cement piers. The construction back then was so solid that they were also made of large blue bricks with cement on the outside. It was difficult to lift them up.

But it is outdated after all, at least for the current Peach Tree Township, it is an outdated thing.

Nowadays, there are large VCD color TVs, who would still want to sit on a cold cement block and watch a movie.

The new cinema that Lao Yang mentioned will definitely no longer be so simple, it will definitely be a bit more upscale, and will provide an entertainment venue for those young people who are relatively "petty bourgeoisie" these days.

But then Lao Yang said something else: "Do you think we can set up a TV station in our village?"

Yan Changqing remembered that it had been done for a while, probably at some point in the future.

At that time, there was nothing to play in town, and there was no announcer or anything. They just played movies all the time, with some commercials interspersed in between.

Therefore, Taoshu Township TV station has been popular for a while. They are pirated Hong Kong and Taiwan movies. Anyway, they show whatever is available and repeat it when it is no longer available. They are very popular among young people.

Unfortunately it was canceled soon after.

But now Yan Changqing has no intention of dispelling Lao Yang's enthusiasm: "There are actually a lot of people in the town now, and there are still many companies, so it shouldn't be a big problem to start it. If you want to start it, just try it. At worst, it will close down if it fails."

"I think so too." Lao Yang said with a smile. "Let's find some professionals to advertise for these enterprises in the township. Firstly, it will be convenient for the enterprises in the township. Secondly, it can also increase income. If there is any news, we can directly notify them on it. It is very convenient."

Yan Changqing didn't know what the future would be like, so he could only nod.

Anyway, everything is free now. Although closed-circuit television has become popular, many rural people do not install it. No one is happy to collect money every month. Most people still think that they can watch a few channels by setting up wires at home. That’s it.

When Lao Yang saw Yan Changqing, he talked a lot. While eating rice noodles, he continued: "By the way, I also plan to expand the hospital. Our township health center is too small now, and now the doctors are doing their own work outside. As a small clinic, I plan to develop health care as well.”

"These are all good things, but this has nothing to do with me!" Yan Changqing said.

"Don't you have a small hospital there?" Lao Yang explained.

"I did it for the convenience of the people nearby. This place is about twenty miles away, and there are hundreds of thousands of people in the village. Two hospitals are nothing." Yan Changqing was speechless.

"Hundreds of thousands are almost gone." Lao Yang didn't know whether to be happy or sigh. "This is about to exceed one million. We are a small town and have grown so far. Sometimes when I think about it, it feels like a dream."

"Originally, the towns with less than 10 people were all the most populous towns in the county. Now there are so many. There are more and more migrant workers. Our infrastructure is being built every year, and it cannot keep up with the situation every year. !”

Yan Changqing laughed: "This is not easy, you have the power now. I suggest you directly follow the plans of the provincial capital. Road administration, streets and other things are in accordance with the provincial capital standards. By the way, the drainage system cannot be in accordance with the provincial capital's standards." That thing needs to be done in accordance with what is done abroad, and we have to dig hard..."

There is nothing to say about the drainage system in the provincial capital.

At that time, some people said that trenches were dug every day in the provincial capital. The problem was that after so many years of digging, haha, when there was a problem, it happened every time.

Lao Yang thought for a long time: "If you say so, my layout is still a bit small. You should look far ahead, so I think this is the way to go. After digging once, it will not be out of date for 100 years..."

What he didn't say was that since there was money in the village anyway, if he could get things done now and leave in the future, others would not mess around with it again.

The key is that things like building roads and digging sewers have a great impact on people's lives. It's enough to do it once. If you do it every year, it's too much trouble.

The two chatted until after dinner, Lao Yang still insisted on taking Yan Changqing to sit in the countryside for a while, and said confidently: "You have a long-term vision. At my age, all I can see is our hometown for dozens of miles." Dear, I am very busy every day now, why don’t you give me a hand?"

Yan Changqing had no choice but to follow.


Time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye, it’s the Chinese New Year, and it’s another folk festival. Then I go to the island country of Qiansu to see a winery, and to Australia to make wine...

Before we knew it, it was June.

The flood came as expected.

However, there were a lot more preparations than Yan Changqing remembered. Although many unpleasant things still happened, because the preparation measures were in place, the disaster was at least much smaller than what he remembered.

Not bad, the winery was on CCTV news again and was praised by name. After all, it donated so many materials prepared in advance.

In fact, the materials are not worth much, but in the face of a disaster, materials prepared in advance are much better than money, not to mention Yan Changqing's prediction in advance...

Not only that, Yan Changqing also sent the helicopter out.

Then he... drove the borrowed helicopter and dragged Mayor Yang around the township.

The borrowed helicopter was a small one that could only seat a few people, the small one from the folk festival.

His helicopter is larger and can transport supplies. It will be of great use to the disaster area. Maybe he can earn some merit for this helicopter and return it.

Mayor Yang also mounted a set of large speakers on the helicopter and played flood prevention safety information along the river.

Yan Changqing didn't just play around, he also studied.

Yan Erhe has been urging him to engage in aircraft research, and he has indeed done so, but he only has one sample, and for the current situation, his own aircraft is a bit too high-end.

So this kind of small helicopter is what he can study at the moment. Now he can fly it to get familiar with it, and when he stops, he can use the inspection to contact the theories in the materials he has read, which can at least improve his level a little.

Of course, this aircraft is too low-end. Yan Changqing has visited Qiansu several times, so he still has to choose an aircraft that is average in Qiansu and considered high-end locally to try it out.

But there is no need to worry about this. Yan Erhe is the only one who is worried anyway, and he is not in a hurry.

But perhaps it was destined that Yan Erhe's plane would not be built for a while, and soon Yan Changqing would not care about anything else.

His skills finally changed.

(End of this chapter)

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