Chapter 341 He is indeed a god

As the old saying goes, understanding of worldly affairs is all knowledge, and understanding human feelings is all writing.

Thinking of Sidorov's more enthusiastic and familiar attitude towards him before leaving, Yan Changqing seemed to have some realization.

It seems that it was wrong for me not to get along well before. You have to give people a chance to get closer, right?

No wonder I could only work for a lifetime in my previous life. In the end, my only close friendships were with a few friends from the same village. It turned out that I was incapable of doing things. In rural areas, people with poor management skills and poor communication skills are called incompetent. , obviously, I used to be that kind of person.

Because of Marina's incident, Sidorov obviously felt that he had become more familiar with Yan Changqing. Before leaving, he even gave him some souvenirs, some souvenirs given to him by others.

Yan Changqing naturally accepted these things, it was just a favor!

Marina was a little reluctant to leave Yan Changqing, after all, she was still a little girl.

However, Yan Changqing does have something to do. He still has to go to the island country. If he doesn't go there once a year to take a look and give some advice, the quality of the winery there will deteriorate.

But Marina also has something to do next. Yan Changqing has left a few songs. Next, she will arrange for someone to help her record music. It does not require her to have a good singing voice, as long as it is almost the same, and she will use resources to create a pop singer. , very simple.

Teenage girls are quite malleable. Yan Changqing thinks that it will be good for her to be a singer in the future. In the entertainment industry or something, she can just perform in front of herself. There is no need to work hard to become an actor.

Singers are relatively relaxed.

If you really want to be an actor, you can do MTV and act in whatever you want. It's much easier than acting in movies and TV series.


The wineries in the island country are much more worry-free than the wineries in Sidorov. After a few days of guidance, Yan Changqing flew to Australia.

The main reason was that he had been delayed for too long in Qiansu, and people here were impatiently waiting for him.

When Yan Changqing got off the plane, he saw a large group of people coming to greet him. In a daze, he had the illusion that the plane he got off was not one from the island country to Australia, but a plane at Xiyang Airport.

Lao Wan and Lao Huang came to pick him up with several people from the winery.

After chatting for a while and getting in the car, Lao Wan began to report: "Everything in the factory is settled and I'm just waiting for you to come. But there are no grapes yet. Do you think so?"

"Don't worry yet." Yan Changqing waved his hand. "Everyone, let's get familiar with this place first. By the way, how many farms are there now?"

"Mr. Huang said there are four, one farm, one small pasture, and two vineyards. There is also a vineyard that is being discussed, but when the negotiations were about to be concluded, she went to Qiansu, and she stayed It was negotiated, and now that there is no problem with the contract, we just have to wait for Mr. Huang to get the financial allocation."

"That's no problem. Let everyone go to the farm and pasture to get familiar with it, and learn how to manage the farm and pasture from the original workers." Yan Changqing said casually.

"Why do so many people come here if we don't make wine?" Lao Wan was a little unhappy. "Is the winery at home still busy?"

"Let you come and have a rest!" Yan Changqing smiled nonchalantly. "I'm the boss, I'm not in a hurry, why should I be in a hurry!"

Lao Huang was laughing next to him. He had noticed it when Yan Changqing asked someone to come. Every year, Mr. Yan's whereabouts were kept secret. He also knew when the grapes here were ripe. He originally guessed that the boss was deliberately letting Lao Wan I came here in advance, and now it’s confirmed that I really wanted Lao Wan to have a rest.

He was quite supportive of this: "Uncle Wan, let's not talk about anything else. You are not young anymore. The boss is kind enough to let you take a rest for a while. What else are you unhappy about? The family winery has been brewing for so many years. Well, even if you are not at home, what else could happen?"

He is several dozen years old, but he acts like a young guy all day long, full of energy, and to be honest, it's a bit scary.

Sometimes Lao Huang thought that if his boss hadn't been so skilled in medicine and kept an eye on him, he would have been really afraid that Director Wan would have fallen into the lees and never gotten up again.

Lao Wan understood, but...he's here!
After all, the boss also had good intentions. He muttered a few times and finally just lowered his head: "That's okay..."


When they arrived at their new winery, Yan Changqing held a small meeting.

The speech was very simple: "Anyone who can make up his mind to come here can trust me, not to mention that just to learn a foreign language, you have suffered a lot more than others. So now I have a job for you all to go to our home." On several small farms and pastures, learn how to take care of farming and pastures.”

"By the way, take turns and learn how to grow grapes. It doesn't require everyone to be very proficient. Those who can learn will wait until the original workers leave. You can stay there and run the place normally."

"In addition, there are a lot of wines here. I brewed them when I was practicing my skills. They are not as good as the ones I distributed to everyone when I was at home. Let's make do with them first. When our factory starts working, we will have good wine to drink."

"That's it, nothing else. By the way, when we get here, we will follow the rules here. The working hours in a week cannot exceed the standard. When there is free time, everyone runs around, just pay attention to safety."

"The meeting is adjourned. Let Director Wan arrange the specific matters!"


The workers below have been waiting for so long. They thought they would start working when the boss came, but this is what was arranged?

Then someone had a question and asked Director Wan in a low voice: "Director Wan, are we getting paid during our study time?"

Director Wan glared at the person who said this angrily: "Mr. Yan, when has he ever treated someone badly? His meaning is not obvious. Do you believe that he is willing to follow him here? He asked you to play for a while first, and why? I’m giving you money, what’s wrong, you have to find some work?”

"It's true that if you don't work, you won't be practical." The person who spoke was a little confused. "Can those jobs of herding cattle and farming also pay the wages of the former winery?"

"Definitely more than before." Lao Wan chuckled. "What's wrong? I don't want to do it. I think I'm getting too much for less work here? How about you go back?"

"If you don't come back, you're already here!" The speaker finally came to his senses. "I've bitten my tongue several times while studying foreign languages. Thank you for not staying for a few more days..."


The others ended the meeting, and Xiaozhi ran over with a few young people: "Brother Qijin, you are here."

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "Let's go, I'm not going to do anything today. I'll take you to the beach first. Do you have any swimming trunks or something? If you don't have any, you'll have to spend other people's money to buy them at the beach. That's fine." Expensive!"

At that time, some people were gloating: "Haha, we all brought it. Haichao didn't bring it..."

Yan Changqing said before they started to quarrel: "If you didn't bring it, you can buy it later. This is not the river in our hometown. You can wear it or not. There are women at the beach, and they don't wear anything." no……"

"There are also women?" A group of half-grown men suddenly thought about it.

Now that there are factories, there will be no shortage of cars. A driver drove over in a bus, took a group of people and went straight to the beach.

On the way, Xiaozhi was still a little confused: "Are you going to play now?"

"What's wrong, you want to work?" Yan Changqing was in a good mood recently and joked. "When we get to the beach, you can help look after the car. It's still a job after all."

Xiaozhi reacted very quickly: "You are all going to play and you want me to see the car? We are all waiting for you in the factory when you come here. We haven't been to the beach yet! I saw the scenes in the songs you made before and thought the sea here is beautiful. Very, I have long wanted to go see it.”

It’s easy to see it, I saw it before I even got off the car.

Xiaozhi was a little scared and thought for a long time: "Brother Qijin, did you say there is a woman at the beach?"

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing nodded. "What's wrong?"

"Is it like the swimsuit you wore in the song you filmed?"

"Just wait and see."


Soon Yan Changqing knew why this bastard was so embarrassed even after asking a question.

When they arrived at the beach, a group of people saw people walking around before they even reached the beach.Everyone was lucky. Within a few steps, we saw a large group of beauties in swimsuits, including blond and black hair, fat, thin, tall and short.

Probably because they were a group of 'foreigners' in the eyes of others, many people looked at them.

So after walking a few steps, someone started to walk unnaturally.

But because of their unnaturalness, the group of beauties noticed it, and they burst into laughter. Some of them laughed more exaggeratedly, with a somewhat earth-shaking aura.

The smile on that side is a little more unnatural here.

Xiaozhi hunched over and blushed very much: "Brother Qijin, this is impossible to play! Don't laugh at me, what am I doing, my natural reaction..."

The others around them are pretty much the same.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Then you just stay here and watch for a while, and then talk when you've seen enough."

In fact, I don’t blame them, they are all hot-blooded young men.

The main reason is that although Taoshu Township has become a bit developed in recent years, they really don't see such an open scene very often.

There are card rooms and so on in the countryside, but the people in the winery, especially the young men who are willing to join the factory, are relatively practical and have no time or opportunity to touch those things.

Many of them are young men who have not yet released their virginity. When they suddenly see a large group of swimsuits, some natural reactions are considered normal.

Yan Changqing thought for a while, and asked people to arrange some parasols, so that these guys could sit down and have some drinks to calm down.

Then he told a few jokes, absolutely non-sexual, so as not to irritate these people any more.

When everyone felt about the same, they were allowed to play in the water.


The next period of time is pure leisure time.

However, Yan Changqing only took them to play for two days, and then he got busy.

When Huang Peishan came over, he made arrangements: "Buy a place by the sea, any venue will do. If not, you can also buy an open space. If you want one with a sea area, you can go to the sea to play at any time without being disturbed by others."

This is easy to do.

It took Huang Peishan two days to arrange it: "A small farm with nothing but a few broken houses. This is another villa drawing I asked someone to prepare..."

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "Just pick one that is similar to the one I chose before. Don't worry about it now. I want to practice swimming and wait until I leave."

Huang Peishan immediately changed her words: "Then I'll have someone clean it up immediately, and you can go live there tomorrow."


Yan Changqing didn't care about what was grown on the small farm. He couldn't wait for it.

Now he is anxious to practice new skills. Just like before, every time a new skill is added, he will find opportunities to practice more and experience the feeling of soaring proficiency.

To be honest, it’s so addictive!
Of course, he was talking about the skill of controlling water, which is the skill named Overturning the River and the Sea.

It's not a new skill he developed in cooperation with Marina some time ago - this new skill he named: happiness.

The current level of proficiency in happiness skills is only a fraction.

It only took a few days, even if Marina had the courage to try, after all, the time was short, and besides, she was a little girl, whose body was incomparable to that of a half-immortal like him. She often practiced and rested for a while, so her proficiency was still there. Down!
He can practice the skill of overturning rivers and seas by himself. Huang Peishan took him to the new farm. Once he got into the sea, he didn't want to come out.

The original intention of this small farm was probably for the sea. The beach on the seaside was a little bad, but other problems were not big.

There are no big rocks, so you can just come down and swim.

After swimming in the sea for a while, he realized that Huang Peishan hadn't left yet.

After landing on the shore, Huang Peishan continued to plan. When she saw him coming up, she began to say: "The quality of this sand is not very good. I plan to change it to better sand. In addition, there is no shark net in the sea, so we must arrange it." also……"

Yan Changqing was anxious to try his best and was impatient with this: "Ignore that for now, just keep busy if you have something to do! Leave me a car, I'm going to live here for a while."

"Are you alone?" Huang Peishan was worried. "Do you want to arrange some bodyguards?"

"No, don't you know my skills yet? What kind of bodyguards do you need!"

"Then...I'll arrange for someone to send some weapons later? This is not the country."

"It's not necessary."


"Don't do this or that, I told you, I'm sure it will be fine."

"This is the sea, and there isn't even a shark net?"

"There are sharks, I'll tell you to come and eat shark fins."

"I..." Huang Peishan hesitated for a long time, but still didn't want to leave. "At least leave someone on shore to prevent case..."

I'm really worried, after all, this sea area is a new environment.

Although she knew her boss was very miraculous, Huang Peishan was a normal person after all. She never expected that her boss would now have extraordinary skills.

Yan Changqing was helpless: "Then you stay here. I go to the sea to play, and you watch from here. As long as the water surface is churning, it's me playing under the water, so don't be surprised."

Huang Peishan immediately raised her hand and promised: "Don't worry, boss, I won't be surprised, and no matter what I see, I promise to keep it secret."


The next moment, Huang Peishan saw a whirlpool appearing on the water, and then she couldn't help but screamed: "Boss, boss, there is a whirlpool on the water, come up quickly..."

Not only did he scream, he also started running towards the sea.

Yan Changqing poked his head out of the whirlpool and looked at the assistant, whose clothes were mostly wet and still trying to run away. He felt helpless: "I told you, don't be surprised."

Huang Peishan stood in the water, looking at the whirlpool, dumbfounded.

After a long while, he muttered: "Boss, you are indeed a god..."

"Classmate Xiao Huang, you're gone!" Yan Changqing laughed loudly and then dove in.

Since he gained the extraordinary skill, he has now relaxed a lot, and even if his own people see some abnormalities, he doesn't take them seriously.

Anyway, I'm just magical, it's no big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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