Chapter 342

The proficiency of the new skills increased quite quickly. The seaside of the farm is a private place. In this vast and sparsely populated place, there is no need to worry about anyone disturbing him, so Yan Changqing can play freely and hard.

He was very curious, just as it takes physical strength to move bricks, and mental power is needed to think, so what does his extraordinary new skill require?
After struggling for a long time, he probably figured out that this thing needs everything.

Because he still does not have the legendary magical power, controlling water is more like instinct, which consumes not only physical strength but also mental power.

Could it be that the human body is at a certain stage of evolution, and because the body evolves, supernatural powers arise on their own?
It doesn't matter if you don't understand, anyway, the skills are yours.

In the past, whether he was working or delving into certain knowledge, he basically didn't feel tired. This time, it was rare that he felt a little tired after spending a long time in the water. It was quite rare.

Coming out of the water, he felt that the sky was exceptionally blue, the white clouds particularly eye-catching, and even the somewhat rough beach looked pleasing to the eye...

The beach here is indeed a bit worse than the sand in the creek where our reservoir is located.

However, he thought for a while and said to Huang Peishan who was still waiting on the shore: "There is no need to change this sand. Once it is changed, if friends come to play, I can't refuse. It's good like this. From now on, it's just me." Play."

After he finished speaking, he saw Huang Peishan looking at him blankly. He couldn't help but smile and said, "What's wrong?"

Huang Peishan's eyes were shining: "Boss, how did you do it? You still said you are not a god?"

"I grew up in the water, okay?" Yan Changqing said with a smile. "The water quality is good... but the swimming skills are very good. If you stir hard at the bottom of the water, you can form a vortex. It's simple."


This explanation is better than no explanation!

But Huang Peishan didn't ask anymore. The boss didn't want to say that he was being pushed down, but she was watching with her own eyes anyway!
From the beginning when she yelled in panic and rushed into the sea to try to 'rescue' her boss, to now she moved a lounge chair, lay under the umbrella, drank a drink and watched her boss create a whirlpool in the water, her mental journey has changed from The surprise faded.

Of course, only she knows whether this calmness is true.

Anyway, that's what she told herself in her heart: The boss is just a little fairy, nothing he does is surprising.

Thinking about it this way, people should be calm... what the hell!

Thinking of this, she began to look at her boss seriously.

He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he is very handsome.

After all, she is now the general manager of a multinational company. Huang Peishan has met a lot of people, but after looking at her, she still thinks her boss is the most handsome.

She has a great figure. She is a typical figure who looks thin when wearing clothes but has flesh when taking off clothes. She is toned but does not show any muscles that make people feel obtrusive. The boss’s muscle lines have an indescribable sense of comfort. They are not those who deliberately A bodybuilder can't compare.

Maybe it was because she wore some filters, but she thought it looked pretty good anyway. It felt like the kind of body that not only makes people feel safe, but also makes people feel that it contains infinite power.

and also……

"Huang Peishan?"

The sudden shout interrupted Huang Peishan's thoughts. She was startled for a moment, and then she realized that the boss was looking at her strangely: "Why are you so dazed? Don't forget that you are the one who plans to prepare the bride price. Why are you staring at me?" What?"

Huang Peishan came back to her senses and smiled: "Preparing the betrothal gift will not affect my appreciation of beauty, hehehe..."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "We're ready to eat. Aren't you just sitting here for a long time without preparing anything?"

"It's been arranged." Huang Peishan said quickly. "I had it delivered to me. I can't cook, and I was too embarrassed to ask you, boss, to do it, so I had it delivered to me directly. It should be here soon."

Yan Changqing nodded and said while getting dressed: "Just ask someone to arrange the ingredients later. It will be more delicious if you make it yourself. I will write you a list later and you can arrange for it to be delivered."

"Okay boss." Huang Peishan suddenly became happy. The boss's cooking skills are very good, but she is just a little assistant. She can't just have the ingredients delivered and then arrange for the boss to cook.

How great it is now, the boss wants to do it himself, and he, a poor little assistant, only needs to follow the boss to eat what the boss can't finish...


In the following time, Yan Changqing occasionally visited several farms to see if the workers were used to staying here.

I have brought people out, and of course I hope everyone will be better.

The rest of the time, Yan Changqing basically soaked in the sea.

Relatively speaking, Yan Changqing still likes to practice skills in the sea at night.

Safer and less worried about someone seeing you.

Creating a vortex is just the simplest skill application. If you want to increase your proficiency quickly, a better way to practice is to control a ball of water and let it change into various shapes.

This is not difficult for Yan Changqing. He has the skill of carving. After practicing for a short period of time, he can control a water dragon.

It's like a dragon in a picture, with beards, horns, and scales all over its body.

But it is static. It is more difficult to make this dragon move.

Yan Changqing could only start simple, let the water turn into a fish first, and then control the movements of the fish to swim.

The difficulty is a bit high, but proficiency increases quickly.

This is the benefit of skills. Sometimes people find things too difficult and want to give up if they don’t make much progress. But if you have proficiency, then there will be no problem.

Just seeing proficiency grow is motivating.

What's more, Yan Changqing has a hang-up, and he can use sleep to speed up his skill growth.

Not long after, it was an evening filled with sunset, the sea was sparkling, and a layer of red clouds spread on the sea, making everything beautiful.

But these beautiful views were overshadowed by a camel pacing slowly on the water.

The camel made of water was also dyed a layer of color by the sunset. At this moment, the camel was walking slowly on the sea like a real camel, looking up and looking around from time to time...

Yan Changqing lay proudly on the water, looking at the camels beside him, feeling quite satisfied.

He is most familiar with the white camel at home, and since that guy hangs around in front of him all day long, it is easier to control the water to transform into something familiar. Now, isn't it possible?

Of course, the camel can only walk now and cannot run. The water will deform when it runs.

Now the skill control range has been expanded to ten meters from the five-meter range when the skill was first acquired.

Skill proficiency is still low now, but the future is promising!
Sooner or later, it will really turn the world upside down.

At that time, I will truly be able to become brothers in the world!

If you don't want to be my brother, then just wait to be poured back by the sea water!

Huang Peishan was still a little in disbelief when she drove to find her boss after working for a while.

Although she had always known that her boss was magical, the whirlpool on the sea that day still left a deep impression on her.

She actually tried it in her own swimming pool. The boss said that if you stir it under the water, you can create a whirlpool... Then, her mother laughed at her for a long time, saying that she was already a senior manager of an international company, and she was still thinking too wildly. , the older you get, the dumber you become!
Thinking about it now, her face is still a little red. Why did she believe the boss's lies? It must be the boss's magical power. Otherwise, there is no way the boss could have hidden a big thing in the water in advance. Blender?
Therefore, Huang Peishan has been a little absent-minded in her work during this period. Fortunately, the company does not need her to do anything now. The advantage of a large company is that it has a complete structure. Even if there is no commander-in-chief, the people below will not be able to work according to the original work plan. What's wrong.

She has been thinking about what kind of god the boss is. He should be from the East, right?After all, the boss is an Oriental.

There are a lot of gods in the East, so it’s hard to guess!

If you're from the West, it's easy to guess. He likes to play in the sea and can create whirlpools. Isn't this inappropriate for the King of the Sea?

After thinking wildly all the way, when she arrived at the farm, Huang Peishan looked around but didn't see the boss. Seeing that there was something stewing on the stove in the kitchen, she walked directly towards the seaside.

After walking around a few small trees, her eyes widened immediately.

I saw a large whirlpool dozens of meters in diameter on the water, spinning crazily...

She remembered that when she first saw it, the whirlpool was only a dozen meters long, but now it seems that she can no longer estimate how big it is.

And her boss was lying on the water basking in the sun.

The water below the boss was extremely calm.

Huang Peishan whispered in a low voice, the boss is a god, the boss is a god...

After a few words, she calmed down and walked towards the beach again.


The vortex dissipated instantly.

Then Yan Changqing 'floated' along the sea water to the shore: "Why are you here again?"

When Huang Peishan heard what her boss said, she felt depressed. She was not a fairy, but she couldn't talk to people across a large beach. After walking dozens of meters on the beach, she said loudly: "Boss, I'm here to report on my work." of!"

Yan Changqing wiped his face and walked towards the shore: "Don't be so loud, I can hear you."

There is also the sound of waves. The beach is not a quiet riverside. If there is a slight breeze, the sound of wind and waves will sound loud.

Huang Peishan almost forgot about the work report she had planned, and quickly recalled: "People have been sent to take over the newly acquired vineyards, and several other original farms have been converted to grapes. There are also this month's financial reports The reports have been compiled and I brought them!"

"Then go back! Have you eaten? I happened to stew the mutton."


After finishing the meal and reading the financial statements, Yan Changqing continued to listen to Huang Peishan's report: "Miss Marina's album has been released, but the reviews..."

Huang Peishan took a careful look at the boss, and then continued: "...It's not very good. Her musical talent is not the best. Because it is your composition and lyrics, the album sold very well as soon as it came out, and then... Some people..."

"Are you jealous?" Yan Changqing smiled.

Huang Peishan was not at all curious about how this Marlena could get her boss to write an album for her.

No matter how simple the reason is, you don’t even need to think about it, even a fool can know it.

But this is the boss's private matter, and she has already seen it. That Marlena is still a little girl, not that complicated, and she has connections with Qian Su, so she won't cause any trouble to the boss.

The key boss has been at the beach since he arrived here. He didn't even have a phone with him. He must have not contacted that little girl.

This kind of scumbag-like behavior is what assistants want to see. Otherwise, the boss will fight to the death for love, or the company will not care about it, which will be a big headache.

If you're not addicted, then there's no problem.

So when she heard the boss's question, she nodded without hesitation and admitted what the boss said about someone being jealous.


More than just jealousy.

Serena's chest was about to explode.

She was the first singer to join Yan Changqing's entertainment company, but up to now, her only famous song is still being sung, and her other songs have only been popular for less than three or two days before falling silent.

I remember that in order to establish a relationship with Yan Changqing, she flew with a few people to a foreign country on the other side of the earth, and finally got lucky and signed into Mr. Yan's company.

But now, a little girl who has never been in the entertainment industry and has never sung any songs suddenly released an album...

Serena can only look at the online comments and find some comfort for herself now.

"Yan's artistic level is as good as ever. I listened to the song as soon as it came out. As soon as the beautiful melody started playing, I was addicted to it..."

"I like Yan, the songs he makes are so nice!"

"Why am I not so lucky to have Yan write a song for me? Even just one."

"Who is this Marina? I feel... Yan's level is very high, and the songs she writes are as close as possible to what ordinary people can sing, but her singing is not worthy of Yan's songs..."

"The song is very good, the melody is beautiful, and it is still so intoxicating. It's just that the singing is a bit mediocre!"


Serena feels happy every time she sees those comments that say the song is mediocre.

After all, it was because the big boss was willing to write songs for her. As a small employee of a subordinate company, Serena did not dare to comment online in person. She could only feel happy watching other people's comments.

Having been in the entertainment industry for a while, Serena now knows a lot about this industry.

She dared to say that in these comments, there must be many people who, like herself, were envious, jealous, and hateful.

Yes, many people have been in the music and entertainment industry for many years, and they dream of flying into the sky every day, but after all, they are only a minority.

In this circle, more people, like those who harbored the dream of Haolaiwu but ended up in the San Fernando Valley, went from being full of ideals to eventually sinking...

Serena felt that she was pretty lucky, at least with Yan's reputation, she could be considered a second-tier singer.

And she can also join in movies and TV shows as supporting roles from time to time. Because many film companies buy the boss's copyright and are willing to have a good relationship with the boss's company, there are many opportunities for artists like her who are owned by the boss.

But compared to that so-and-so Marina, why should she?
Serena's jealousy burned at the thought.

What did that little girl, whose name was only one sound different from her own, do to get the big boss to write a song for her?

Serena knew it without even thinking about it. The problem was that when she thought of this, she felt even more aggrieved. She was not bad at all, but she flew more than 1 miles to deliver it to her door. The boss didn't give her a chance?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Fortunately, this Marina is not from the company. Otherwise, wouldn't she never be able to get ahead?

No, we have to find a way!
(End of this chapter)

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