Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 343: All skills must be improved

Chapter 343: All skills must be improved
Peach Tree Township.

Mayor Yang took a look around the construction site of the new cinema, and then went straight to the small market between Dayanzhuang and Xiaoli Bay without stopping.

The small market is now open, and restaurants account for the majority. Lao Yang happened to meet Yan Dahai who came out to eat cold skin here, and the two chatted for a while.

As a result, before Lao Yang finished his portion of Liangpi, he received a call from the countryside urging him to go back.

I hurried back and found out that it was not a big deal - the head of the provincial tourism bureau went to the city for inspection and asked a director who was following him to stop by and ask Lao Yang if he could contact someone from Mr. Yan's side.

In the past, when someone came from the province, even if it was just an office errand, Lao Yang would have to entertain him attentively.

But now, even if he is a director, he is enthusiastic, but he really doesn’t have time to entertain: "Mr. Yan went out, and I couldn't find anyone. I just met Mr. Yan's father at noon, and he couldn't find his son. Where did it go?"

Director Sun's attitude was very friendly: "Instead of contacting Mr. Yan, we all know that Mr. Yan is busy now. Can you contact Assistant Zhou who is in charge of the hotel chain?"

"Assistant Zhou should be in the capital now, right? Or in Guangcheng?" Lao Yang pondered for a moment. "Aren't all the hotels in Shenzhen and Shanghai open now? According to my understanding of Mr. Yan, the next two places must be the other two places in the four major cities. Assistant Zhou rarely goes abroad now, so he must be in these two places. But contact us It’s really not possible, I have never had any dealings with that girl..."

"Then..." Director Sun hesitated. "Comrade Lao Yang, let me tell you the truth! Isn't this what we are talking about now about all-round development? Although we are a large agricultural province, we are actually quite rich in tourism resources. So I would like to consider asking the hotel chain Something about..."

Mayor Yang immediately understood: "I want Assistant Zhou to build a few hotels in the provincial capital next to make it convenient for people who come to visit us and increase our reputation, right? Just talk to Xiao Zhang about this matter. Xiao Zhang is Zhou Assistant’s assistant, Assistant Zhou is out now, and all local affairs are left to Xiao Zhang to take care of!”

After finishing speaking, Mayor Yang glanced at Director Sun's face and changed his mind: "Why don't you go to Mr. Chen... It seems that he went to the capital for a meeting, then go to Manager Niu or Manager Qian, who are usually in the market. , but these two used to be gangsters and were not easy to talk to..."

After thinking about it, he simply explained: "Assistant Zhou is usually responsible for some international business. Although Xiao Zhang is an assistant, he is actually a manager. Mr. Yan also acquired an instant noodle factory under his name, which is the one that became famous for its donations this year. , Xiao Zhang is in charge now..."

It's also helpless. People who have been in offices for a long time in the provincial capital pay attention to presentation. Lao Yang is used to speaking directly in the countryside, and he almost forgets that sometimes he has to speak in a formal way.

It would have been better if he had said that Xiao Zhang was a factory director at the beginning.

After all, Yunting brand instant noodles became very popular this year due to donations, and because Mr. Yan predicted the disaster in advance, it was featured in a CCTV advertisement.

Now the factory has several more production lines, and it has also spent its own money to advertise. Now, in just a few months, it has transformed from an inconspicuous small factory to a nationally renowned large factory.

Boss Zhao, who once led his whole family and factory workers to perform instant noodles eating on a local TV station, has now become the director of an instant noodle factory under the BBK Group. It is such a change in life that makes people feel inexplicable.

Director Zhao has to be managed by Xiao Zhang, because Mr. Yan is too lazy to take care of it, and Assistant Zhou is too busy to take care of it.

Outsiders don't know these things, but Lao Yang knows everything. He is most concerned about the changes in the BBK Group, otherwise he can even figure out where Assistant Zhou is.

It's just that he didn't explain this clearly just now. He made it seem like he couldn't find an assistant even if he came for him, and he had to meet the assistant's assistant. It sounded a bit disrespectful, but it was really not the case.

Xiao Zhang is now in charge of a hotel and a food factory, which are really not low-level.

Lao Yang carefully opened it and explained it, and then Director Sun's expression recovered.

But the explanation is the explanation. Lao Yang knew that the kid was difficult to deal with. For the sake of the development of Taoshu Township, he was not willing to offend anyone.

In fact, he was muttering to himself that judging from this person's attitude, he probably wouldn't be able to get it done today.


Sure enough, Zhang Xiaoli came over without any hesitation. The little girl first looked at the leaders, and then at Old Yang Mu's dumbfounded expression.

He declined very tactfully: "I can't make the final decision on this kind of important investment matter. I have to report it to Sister Zhou. Recently, my boss is not at home, and Sister Zhou has to take care of domestic affairs. She is too busy. I call……"

Old Yang wanted to laugh in his heart. This little girl spoke softly and weakly, and seemed a little timid. But when she said it, even a fool knew that it would not happen.

In fact, he was a bit gloating about his misfortune, because no matter what time, there are always people who can't put themselves in the right position.

Although I never show off, Taoshu Township sends more bills every year than most municipal-level areas.

Do you understand that the economy is in charge these days?

There is just an office director who hurriedly calls me back before people arrive, making me not even finish a bowl of cold skin...

After all, Zhang Xiaoli had been hanging out with Zhou Jialing for a long time, and she had long since lost her mountainous aura. She acted like she couldn't make the decision, just to save time.

In fact, she now has maps of Jiangcheng and the provincial capital in her office. What Zhou Jialing meant was to let her exercise. Let her choose one of these two places and build a few hotels to practice her skills first.

Xiao Zhang prefers Jiangcheng. There is Mr. Feng there, who has extensive local connections in Jiangcheng. She wants to try to get more favorable terms - at least invest. Although an investment of several million is not a lot, but now With the reputation of the chain, this investment is quite attractive.

As for the provincial capital, she had learned that Mr. Yan rarely went to the provincial capital. It was said that it was because he went to perform for the first time and sent someone to the hospital...

Time has passed, and the rumors have become a bit distorted. Zhang Xiaoli doesn't know if it is true. Anyway, she thinks that Mr. Yan will not be so stingy, but it seems that Mr. Yan does go to the provincial capital less often than abroad, so she has no intention of choosing. provincial capital.

After Director Sun left unsatisfied, Assistant Zhang timidly asked Lao Yang: "Mr. Yang, am I not doing something right..."

Lao Yang waved his hand: "You little girl, stop pretending to be a fool here!"

Xiao Zhang immediately smiled at Lao Yang: "Uncle Yang, how can you say that to me? I have always been looked after by the front desk of the hotel. Didn't I just say it because of your face? By the way, I want to go there in two days. Let’s go to Jiangcheng and have a look, won’t Mayor Yang give me a guide for a small investor like me?”

"How can I have that time?" Lao Yang was impatient with her. She was such an honest little girl back then, but now she has become such a naughty girl. She doesn't know how Assistant Zhou taught her that.

Zhang Xiaoli didn't mind Lao Yang's attitude at all: "Go ahead, Uncle Yang, just treat it as a trip. We, Mr. Yan, have asked people from the winery to travel. You have been working hard in the countryside all day long. If you don't want to go abroad, at least go out." Save yourself and run away!”

In fact, what Lao Yang said was wrong. They didn't know each other when Xiao Zhang was working at the front desk. They knew each other when they came to the training in advance because the hotel was not built yet.

And in recent years, no matter where they come from, they basically have to stay in a hotel when they arrive in Taoshu Township. Lao Yang usually runs back and forth, and the two of them are really familiar with each other.

That's why Lao Yang didn't follow her lead and walked away with a wave of his hand: "I'll go to the cinema construction site to have a look."

He took two steps and stopped: "You don't have to worry about what I think. If you want to invest, whether it's in Jiangcheng or the provincial capital, it's all about economic construction. It's the same to me... By the way, Mr. Yan Do you have any letter about when you will be back?" Zhang Xiaoli shook her head: "No, I guess it will take a long time for Mr. Yan to come back this time."

Lao Yang was startled at that time and turned around: "What's wrong? Is he planning to stay out for a long time?"

"That's not true, it's..." Zhang Xiaoli blushed. "Hey, I can't tell you. You can ask someone else."


Lao Yang didn't want to argue with a little girl, so he just waved his hand and let Zhang Xiaoli go without saying anything.

Then he took out a small notebook and started flipping through it. As he flipped through it, his eyes lit up. He took out his cell phone and dialed a number: "Erhe, are you busy? How are you doing with the plane?"

"Chief Yang!" Yan Erhe seemed to be whistling as he spoke. "Wait a moment, it's windy here, wait until I find a shelter from the wind..."

After more than a minute, I heard Yan Erhe speak again: "Mr. Yang, are you okay?"

"It's nothing." Old Yang said with a smile. "Where are you? Why is it so windy?"

"Fishing!" Yan Erhe said. "Aircraft research is a long-term job, so you can't rush it. Now the river has turned into a reservoir, and there are a lot of fish in it. I'll take the time to catch a few rods. Mayor Yang, if you have something to say, just tell us, and we won't be polite!"

Lao Yang could only say bluntly: "It's not that your eldest nephew is not at home. I want to ask, when will he come back? Either I have something important to do, or I heard someone said that he will be here this time. Can’t you stay outside longer?”

Yan Erhe cheered first and then said: "It's really hard to say how long he can stay outside this time. As the old saying goes, magpies with long tails forget their mother when they marry a daughter-in-law..."

"What's wrong?" Lao Yang heard it. "Is he making friends outside?"

"I don't know if we want to talk about it, but there must be something going on." Yan Erhe said with certainty. "I won't hide it from you. Didn't he write a lot of songs for a foreign girl this time? There must be something wrong, otherwise he wouldn't be so diligent. He didn't even notice that I asked him to help research aircraft. Not in a hurry."

Lao Yang understood instantly and immediately became happy: "Haha, I run around in the countryside all day long, and I really don't know about this. I think it will be possible to make Mr. Yan a diligent little girl, right?" What do your brother and your sister-in-law think? Would they like a foreign daughter-in-law?"

"They don't know anything." Yan Erhe laughed. "One of them was busy raising chickens and the other was busy doing some ancient costumes. When I heard that my son had written a song, I said I would listen to it later. I didn't think about anything else. Haha, I haven't gotten to know him well yet. He is a typical person. If you show courtesy for nothing, you must have grown up and learned how to serve cabbage."

Yan Erhe can call him nephew whatever he wants, after all, he was the one who carried his nephew back and forth back then.

Lao Yang didn't want to talk nonsense, so he had to laugh and said: "As you grow up, things will happen sooner or later. You should do some work for his parents as soon as possible, so as not to bring back a blond foreign wife in the future. I don’t like it.”

Yan Erhe sneered: "Don't worry about that, we can talk about it later. If you need to talk to him later, Mayor Yang, if you have anything to do with him, please give me a call and I will contact him more conveniently."

"Okay, let's just say that." Lao Yang smiled and hung up the phone.

After hanging up, I thought about it, couldn't help laughing, and muttered: "Time flies so fast!"

Yan Erhe also hung up the phone. He also laughed, but still sneered, and muttered: "It's a shitty job. It's not too late to wait until the baby is brought back. I've been a messy person since I was a child. I don't know how much I'll be paid in a year in the future." People write songs..."

After muttering, he sighed again: "My plane! It's better to go fishing..."


Yan Changqing didn't know that his second uncle could see all the things he did, and he didn't know that his second uncle actually predicted that he would write many songs a year.

If he knew, he would probably say in admiration: "Second uncle, your guess is really accurate."

Mainly, after all, he was just a person who had been fighting all his life, mainly because of his low emotional intelligence.

The specific point is that you don't know how to reject people.

A singer named Serena from the company's entertainment company wanted to come and thank her boss on the pretext of going to the folk festival that year.

No one expected that she actually had evil intentions and came here with the intention of seducing her boss.

When I got here, I was flattering. First, I recalled the first time I met in Peach Tree Township, and praised the boss's grace on stage. Then I thanked the boss for his cultivation, and also wanted to go to the sea with the boss to test the water temperature...

The sea is full of water. Once you get into the water, everything will fall into place!

A few years ago, Serena was able to attract Yan Changqing's attention and ask him to step down and chat with her for a few words. There was no problem with her natural appearance.

She looks a bit like a blonde version of Angelina Jolie, with a more eye-catching figure.

These days, actresses with similar figures and eye-catching figures are popular in Europe and the United States, so she can often make guest appearances in various TV series and movies.

I really don’t blame Yan Changqing, the main reason is that this woman had bad intentions. She always wore swimsuits with cutouts in the water, and then she wore them too slowly. The result is self-evident.

A girl is as good as a girl, and a mature one is as good as a mature one.

Although Serena has grown a lot from the little girl she was back then, she joined the company early. Mr. Huang has always been strict with artists, and all his artists have relatively good lifestyles.

Besides, Yan Changqing also considered that he might have more than one wife in the future, but no matter how many he had, the people who followed him had to benefit from it.

So now, in addition to the skill of turning the world upside down, he also needs to practice the skill of happiness.

After this skill is improved, it will definitely be beneficial to both parties when doing certain things in the future.

Yan Changqing doesn't ask for too much, he just wants his future wives to stay young longer and be healthier.

In this case, he should seize the opportunity to practice more skills.

After all, new skills improve quickly, and it’s very satisfying to watch your proficiency increase rapidly!

(End of this chapter)

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