Chapter 344 Wealth takes over
Suddenly there was a light rain in the sky near the seaside farm.

The rain is not heavy, but the wind is not light.

Then the sea became spectacular. Standing on the seashore, I saw a white line suddenly rising in a distant place in the sea.

Then, as if in just an instant, the white line got closer and closer, and finally roared and rushed towards the beach.

Before the seawater rushing on the beach receded, another white line followed and collided with the returning seawater, causing a splash of several feet high on the beach.

Huang Peishan held an umbrella in her hand and stood quietly on a rock behind the beach. Her windbreaker was blown by the sea breeze, and even her tied hair was blown around by the wind.

However, she paid no attention to this and focused on staring at the sea.

When the waves come, there is always a moment of low tide. At that time, she can occasionally see a figure.

She didn't know how long she stood there, but finally, she saw the figure clearly, because this time it was not in the waves, but on top of them.

As the waves quickly rushed to the coast, the figure seemed to be controlling the waves, letting the waves carry him to the coast. A sea of ​​water surrounded him and came directly to Huang Peishan not far away.

Then the sea water dispersed with a splash, splashing on the beach, and the figure turned over in the air and came to her: "Why don't you wait at the farm? Why are you running here in the rain?"

Huang Peishan flipped the hair on her forehead and smiled: "Nothing. Do you want to play some more?"

"Let's go back. It's hard to keep you standing here waiting." Yan Changqing raised his head and looked at the sky. "I guess this rain won't stop for a while."

"Yeah!" Huang Peishan nodded and held up an umbrella to try to protect him from the rain.

"I don't need it. It's windy. Don't get your clothes wet. You'll have to rely on me if you get sick later." Yan Changqing waved his hand.

He had just come out of the sea and was not afraid of strong winds or waves. He was also afraid of a little rain.

In fact, he could survive in the rain without getting wet, but he just didn't want his assistant to look more surprised.


The farm still looks dilapidated, and the outside of a few wooden houses have only been briefly repaired, but the inside is different. There is no shortage of all kinds of daily necessities, and they are still the best.

The room seemed slightly smaller, but more cozy.

Yan Changqing entered the room and said smoothly: "You will sit down and rest for a while."

I originally wanted to point to the sofa set inside, but I remembered that before Serena left in the morning, she was learning to fly a plane with him on it, so she pointed to the small sofa behind the small coffee table at the door and found an excuse: "First Make some tea."

Huang Peishan guessed something and smiled.

She only came here after Serena left. Only she knew the specific whereabouts of her boss. Naturally, Serena didn't find her by herself. She found her and made up a lame excuse to come here with her permission.

Thinking of this, she was still a little curious. She saw Serena when she left. She felt that Serena was radiant and her waist was thinner, but she was more fruitful.

Could it be that that thing still has this effect?

But what she was more curious about was: "Why not let Serena stay here for a few more days? Let her leave after just over half a month?"

Yan Changqing changed his clothes and walked out with an upright look on his face: "Business matters."

Huang Peishan was speechless for a long time and took out the various reports she had brought: "These are the recent changes in the stock market and the company's financial statements. By the way, Xu Yibo called and he wanted to come over with his father. These two The sky will be here soon.”


Business really matters.

It's New Year's Day soon, and the new year is coming again.

In Yan Changqing's plan, this is a very important year. They must gradually withdraw funds from the stock market in advance and then make other plans.

The day the bubble burst in my memory was March of the year after next.

But now that he has a lot of money, he can't buy when he wants and sell when he wants, like he did when he was trading stocks in his previous life.

To withdraw money safely, you must also ensure profits, and the most important thing is not to cause too much stock market fluctuations.

If the bubble becomes funny just because it bursts, it won't make any sense to invest the little money you have earned so hard.

Over the past few years, the stocks I bought have multiplied at an alarming rate.

Take Microsoft's stock as an example. In just a few years, the initial capital he invested has increased thirty to forty times. This was because he bought it late. If he had bought it earlier, it would have increased nearly a hundred times.

But Microsoft is not the one with the highest increase at all. The most powerful one is Dell Computer.

If we had followed the original historical trajectory and bought $890 of Dell Computer stock in 800, we would have earned approximately $[-] million by the end of next year. In other words, in ten years, Dell's stock has increased more than [-] times.

Even if he bought it a little late, the increase was quite astonishing.

Of course, others are not so impressive. For example, Intel's increase is relatively low, only twenty times what he bought.

However, not everyone has such high returns. He made less money in the early stage, but later made more and more money. However, other people's stocks did not wait for him, and the overall increase was not that high.

Even so, the market value of the stocks he has accumulated now is quite staggering, and it is impossible to withdraw it all at once.

Those professionals must be allowed to take action slowly to avoid causing turmoil in the stock market.

It is estimated that his funds by then will be between US$200 billion and US$5000 billion. The reason why the range is so wide depends on the future situation of the stock market.

After all, the market value of the stock market is fictitious, and it depends on how much it can be sold.

Yan Changqing is a person who is easily satisfied. Besides, he doesn't care about these things now. Now that he has great skills, it doesn't matter whether he has money or not.

Besides, this amount of money is not that much. Regardless of the rankings of the richest people in the world, are the richest people really on that list?
Don’t those merchants who sell weapons in the beautiful country have any money?Don’t those old trust conglomerates have any money?Who has ever seen these people on the rich list?
Now Yan Changqing no longer cares about money. It doesn’t matter how much it is. Anyway, it’s whatever you sell!

After reading the financial statements and the latest stock market situation, Yan Changqing felt that there was no problem.

Now the stock market is still booming, technology stocks are still rising continuously, and countless people are waving their tickets, trying to get on board this giant ship that is about to sink.

As for my own company, all the money I earn now is used to buy plantations and land here, so I won’t throw it into the stock market.

Huang Peishan waited for Yan Changqing to finish reading the report, then asked: "Do you still follow the original plan?" Yan Changqing nodded: "Yes, that's it. By the way, we will arrange a concert after a while."

"Still here?" Huang Peishan asked.


Huang Peishan didn't ask any more questions. She couldn't understand the boss's decision now. Although she knew that the boss didn't make it casually, she really couldn't understand the intention behind it.

But there is one thing she knows better: "Selena will definitely release new songs as soon as possible when she returns. How many songs have you written for her?"

"I wrote three songs."

"Write so much?" Huang Peishan's eyes widened. "Just write any song. Your songs are not a big deal. If you continue like this, what will you do in the future? Does everyone write so many songs?"

Yan Changqing was speechless by what she said: "After all, I flew tens of thousands of miles here, so I can't just throw away a song. Besides, he is the first artist in our company, so you have to invest some resources."

Not only did it come from thousands of miles away, but it was also fully developed, which is quite memorable. What happened to writing three songs?
"I know." Huang Peishan said dullly. "You don't have to explain it, I'll definitely take more care of you in the future."

"Is there anything else?" Yan Changqing asked.

Huang Peishan thought for a while: "Selena will definitely record new songs when she goes back. What about other people from the company coming back?"

"I'm busy with business, how can I have so much time?" Yan Changqing said seriously.

Huang Peishan hesitated for a moment: "Okay, but... what if the Australian twins are coming?"

She was afraid that Yan Changqing would forget, so she reminded her by the way: "It's the same pair that they met on the Great Barrier Reef. The two sisters in black and white swimsuits are similar to the black and white pair..."

Yan Changqing actually remembered it without her reminding him, so he hesitated for a while.

Then Huang Peishan nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand. Let's talk about it after Mr. Xu and his son leave!"

Yan Changqing sighed inwardly, alas, no wonder people are easily corrupted. Look at these people. She 'knew it' without saying anything?

Mr. Xu and his son came to Australia to see the mines.

Mr. Xu started his career in the coal mining business at home. The father and son had a dispute before coming here over whether to increase investment here.

Mr. Xu’s reason was: “Now that Mr. Yan is planning to gradually buy property there, he must be more optimistic about it. Let’s go with the trend and buy some vineyards first, and then consider increasing investment in minerals after we are familiar with the situation. Why can’t it work?”

Mr. Da Xu also has his own reasons: "Now that the top management has relaxed its policies related to coal mines, this is a big opportunity that has not been seen in several years. It is when I need a lot of funds here. If I invest the money now, I will dig out money every day." , do you know how to do business? If you think you need to give up other businesses, we will give up, but coal mines are our roots!"

Mr. Xu shook his head: "Opportunities come when they come, but they also leave when they want! Can't we take a safe path? I don't believe that Mr. Yan's vision will be bad. Since he is optimistic about the outside world, I think it must be right. . He has already opened a winery. If we buy a few vineyards, can we still lose money?"

"Those abandoned businesses were not proposed by me alone, and you don't think they are a long-term solution. When we were doing business in the former Soviet Union, our focus was not on coal mines, but now you have changed..."

Mr. Xu explained bitterly: "Didn't I also expect the changes from above?"

Mr. Xu continued to retort: ​​"Then it will definitely change in the future! Now we are crossing the river by feeling the stones. We can just make some money, but why should we earn some money? It's not like we can't make money? Do you believe it or not? I shamelessly went to Mr. Yan and told him that I wanted to be a singer and asked him to write two random songs so that we could make some quick money as a singer or something, but is that money interesting?"

The father and son are both good-tempered, and their arguments are arguments, but neither of them is impatient - of course, it may be because there is a woman watching TV next to them, who looks at them from time to time.

The two argued for a long time, and finally Mr. Xu turned around and said, "Mom, do you think what I said is right or what my dad said is right?"

The woman smiled and said, "Both of them make sense. What you and your son are talking about are big things. I don't understand them either, so I can't get involved."

Mr. Xiao Xu was not happy: "Mom, think about it, I'm talking about following Mr. Yan to do things. You always know Mr. Yan's reputation over the years, right? Could he go the wrong way? You are right to follow him. "

"Mom, think about it. We have bought tens of thousands of acres of farms, pastures and plantations in Australia. In the future, our whole family will move there. If you are fine, you can still drive around and see the blue sky, white clouds and kangaroos. Then It’s also close to the sea and the scenery is beautiful.”

"The air is good and the environment is good. When you get there, maybe it will be more healthy and your skin will get better! You will become younger and younger in the future..."

In order to win the alliance, this guy complimented his mother with free words. After a while, he persuaded his mother: "Is it really that good? Better than our home?"

Xu Yibo rolled his eyes: "Mom, you just don't like to go out. Look at the weather here now, it's not as good as in the big city of Shanghai."

This is true. Xu Yibo's mother has a temperament that stays home all year round and stays in her hometown all the time.

This is a coal mining area. These days, everyone knows what the air quality is like in coal mining areas, but even those who don’t understand don’t believe it.

In fact, even if Xu Yibo persuades his mother, it still means nothing to Mr. Xu.

However, he was a little moved by what his son said, so he decided to come and take a look.


When Yan Changqing received these two people, Xu Yibo told him about the dispute with his father.

Anyway, don’t treat Yan Changqing as an outsider.

Yan Changqing doesn't like to get involved in other people's family affairs, but he gave an example: "Mr. Mou has been struggling so far, maybe he won't be able to get out this time?"

He is deliberately being alarmist.

Mr. Mou's situation was different. He flew too high and his wings were not strong enough.

Mr. Xu's family is different. They entered the industry early and have always been in this industry. Even if the business in Qiansu is booming, they have never given up the business in the basic industry, only some insignificant businesses.

If this continues, the father and son will definitely be indispensable when coal bosses take over the economic tide in the future.

But having said that, there are always limits to development at home. The world will be obviously bigger after you step out. Yan Changqing hopes that these two people with whom he has a good relationship will also step out and develop outside.

After all, it’s better to earn money outside, right?
Mr. Da Xu didn't say much, but those words must have been heard in his heart.

Yan Changqing hoped that the father and son would come. They were professionals, although they were originally limited to coal mines.

However, Mr. Xu is still good in his major and should be good in other aspects as well. We can help each other when the time comes.

Including Mr. Wang and his son, maybe they will all turn here when the time comes.

Although they may not have much money, they are all old businessmen and they must have their own specialties.

Let’s help each other in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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