Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 347 There is plenty of business to do

Chapter 347 There is plenty of business to do

Unlike Mr. Xu and his son, Huang Peishan still needs to overcome her fear of giant creatures.

It's not that she is naturally bold, but that she has confidence in her boss - anyway, in her heart, she probably doesn't regard her boss as a human being.'s not just a killer whale, it's nothing.

Anyway, she had just arrived here, and she dared to hold the fish and hand it into the big mouth of the little killer whale, which shocked even the reckless Yan Changqing.

She was more confident than Yan Changqing herself. With her boss here, she teased the baby killer whale with fish, hugged the baby killer whale's head, and asked the boss to take some photos of her.

Fortunately, the little killer whale is still young and has been satisfied with the free food recently and has not done anything to take a sudden bite. Otherwise, Yan Changqing would be worried about whether this assistant who can make money for him would be able to survive. Go ashore.

But that's all.

Huang Peishan came here because she had something to do, so she couldn't stay here all the time.

Yan Changqing has stayed here long enough. After calculating the time, it was time for the folk festival at home during the Chinese New Year. There was also the Grammy Music Festival, but he ignored it and insisted on practicing his skills in the sea.

But we can no longer push the wine issue. After bringing so many people here and preparing for so long, the factory still has to open.


When the first batch of liquor, the Good Life series, was created, Yan Changqing spent all his time finding people to advertise and improve his reputation.

When the first vodka and sake came out, they wrote songs and advertised them all over the world.

He didn't have time to do anything about the wine he was making now, and countless people were helping him advertise it.

Just the local Australian media, there are countless media promoting him. Wine tycoon and great artist Yan Changqing's entry into the wine industry has become quite well-known news in the local area.

As for the rest of the world, with the bragging rights of music fans and so on, it doesn't matter.

Because the winery was first built, the output in the first year was not much at all.Although Australia currently has a small population, wine is an alcoholic beverage that is suitable for all ages. Local wine distributors cannot satisfy the order list, let alone selling it to other countries.

Huang Peishan originally made some backup publicity plans, but in the end nothing was used, the wine was not produced, and the orders were received.

It’s also that Yan Changqing has stayed in Australia for a long time, and has held two concerts here, and also made an album. He is quite popular locally, and the sellers are not worried about not selling his wine at all—— I don’t know what will happen in the future, but now, Yan Changqing’s music fans alone can probably absorb the winery’s output.

Huang Peishan still suggested: "It should be sold to the whole world, at least let people know how our wine tastes, so as not to increase the production in the future and lose sales in other regions."

Yan Changqing is not worried about this: "Don't worry, you will all like it if you drink it, let alone other people. It won't be too late to increase sales in the future."

There is no need to worry about this at all. With the amazing number of music fans, there is no need to worry about not selling this wine.


The wine production process was on track, and Yan Changqing did not leave.

The overwhelming skills can be practiced at any time. Now that he is making wine in the winery, it does not delay him from practicing skills at the same time. As for water control, as long as there is water.

The winery was built not far from his original small farm. He was busy making wine here during the day, and went back to the mountaintop villa at night, where he could practice whatever skills he wanted by himself.

However, there were several phone calls from home, and even my mother couldn't bear it anymore, scolding him for forgetting to come home after leaving the house.

After the wine was finished and Huang Peishan went to Beautiful Country to start selling stocks, he got on the flight home and went straight to Dayan Village.

As for the workers here, the area of ​​grape plantations is expanding now, and the workers cannot afford to be idle at this point, so they can just continue planting grapes.


When Yan Changqing returned to his hometown, the house immediately became lively.

Yan Shuixing and his gang have known the news for a long time. These people have been watching Yan Changqing's troubles. In the past, they could not interfere with anything in the former Sujian winery in the island country, but now that Yan Changqing has stayed in Australia for so long, they Everyone started to come to inquire about the news.

After Yan Shuixing and a few others arrived, they were still a little tentative: "Changqing, do you think the development there is quite promising?"

Yan Changqing was not polite to them: "Now, the big thing is that the website here is completed. Aren't you all working on this now? Why do you want to develop there again?"

Yan Shuixing chuckled: "Don't you think you are embarrassed? If we don't support you, wouldn't it be interesting? You can't even write two characters of Yan in one stroke!"

Yan Changqing could only tell them slowly: "In the long run, our market development momentum is better now. Firstly, we have been doing this for almost ten years, and the road has become smooth. Secondly, after the website is built, this is a Emerging industries have great future development prospects.”

"Of course, the most important thing is to look at the overall environment. Now our family's development will get better and better. Think about it, a few years ago we went out to sell things, what was going on then? We just drove away at the beginning When the big car goes out, does it look very arrogant?"

"What about now? Are there more and more big trucks out there, and are trucks pulling more and more goods? Are the five-ton and eight-ton trucks that were the most powerful back then a bit outdated now?"

"This is development. In the past, it was rare to even have a TV in our village, but now? People buy computers whenever they want. Then look at other places around, have they changed a lot?"

"Sooner or later, the popularity of computers will be similar to the popularity of television in recent years. By then, every household will have a computer. Will our online business of selling things have to grow bigger and bigger?"

Yan Shuixing fell silent at that time.

Ten years ago, he couldn't even collect eggs. Who would have thought that one day he would drive a car and live in a villa?
At that time, all he thought about was that even if he lost money on the egg collection business, the worst he could do was keep the eggs at home for his own consumption, so he would not lose anyone even if he lost money.

Thinking about the changes over the years, sometimes he, a big boss, would feel like he was dreaming.There are even times when I feel uneasy, fearing that one day I will wake up and find that I am still lying in the leaky tile house that I used to have, and I still can't even afford a flashlight at home...

Yan Changqing continued: "I asked Mr. Xu and others to invest together in the past because they had money, and now the only business they can invest in is their coal mine. This business depends on the changes above. Anyway, I think it is not Any business that relies on one’s own abilities is not reliable.”

"Our business here is different. Who doesn't need basic necessities like food, clothing, housing and transportation? Even if things change again, the business we are doing in a down-to-earth manner will never become outdated, right?"

"Besides, didn't I suggest it? Let's do things in a down-to-earth manner. Whether we build logistics points or branch distribution points in major cities, we should buy land and houses ourselves..."

Yan Shuixing was excited: "Changqing, do you mean to say that the next hot spot is real estate?"

Yan Changqing was quite speechless. Although he supported everyone buying houses and land directly now, he didn't want everyone to invest in it.

Perhaps because he suffered losses in his previous life, he has always been a little averse to real estate.

The investment in buying land and houses is for the development of the company and for the future. It is not intended to make any money from it - the purchase is also for personal use. It is purely because if you don't buy it now, whether you rent or buy it in the future, the investment will be relatively large.

Otherwise, he can now buy houses and land in the four major cities regardless of investment. Even if he is not a real estate developer, he can still make a lot of money in the future.

He really doesn't want to earn this money, it's not that there's anything wrong with the money, it's probably... his resentment from being a worker all his life!
So after all, he has never suggested anything related to real estate to everyone.

Who knew that even Yan Shuixing, a rough old man, would become so shrewd now?


Seeing his speechless expression, Yan Shuixing still smiled so honestly: "Changqing, are you not happy to let us do the real estate business? In fact, we have already seen it. Look at the houses in Shanghai bought by the second son. It only cost a few bucks back then, but now one set has become several sets, and one set costs a lot more than it did back then.”

"There are also the logistics points you asked us to build. Several logistics points have to be relocated now. Those local leaders not only allocated a larger area for us outside, but also gave us a lot of money to make up for it."

"Not to mention anything else, just at our logistics point in Pudong New Area, if we want to change places, the people in Shanghai have to show us a map and let us choose a place. One acre of land can give us hundreds of thousands... "

"There are also those over in Shenzhen and Guangcheng. Our logistics point is now almost becoming a development center, haha! Everyone can see that there is no way to lose money in this business! If you hadn't said anything, we wouldn't have done it in a big way. Now some places have to consult with us when planning."

Yan Changqing thought for a long time and had nothing to say.

What Yan Shuixing said was not an exaggeration. The logistics points they chose back then were all close to the edge of the city and had the most convenient transportation.

The logistics point itself has driven the development of the surrounding area, and with the rapid development of the city, won't the logistics point become the new center of the city?
Just like the most typical logistics point in Pudong New Area, it is now an important location in the new area. It goes without saying how much one acre of land costs.And when they bought it, it was still a 'remote area'.

Zhu Taichen, the director of the small office who allocated the land to them, once kindly suggested that he pointed out the areas one by one and told them that those lands were in remote places and were very cheap...

Now that person has become the top leader of the new district planning bureau. Looking at the logistics point in the center of the new district, I don't know whether I feel happy or regretful. I guess my mood will be very complicated.


After thinking about it for a long time, Yan Changqing said: "I don't like the real estate business myself. I just made suggestions to everyone before and didn't let everyone do it. It's my fault..."

Yan Shuixing and others waved their hands: "Changqing, it's boring to say that. Everyone knows that everyone is here today because of it. If you didn't say it, you must have your own ideas. Everyone is willing to listen to you. , we won’t do it if you don’t like it, it’s not an unprofitable business, right?”

Yan Changqing shook his head: "That's not what I mean. The main reason is that I think that if we can do other things, there is no need to rely on this. Besides... To be honest, the real estate industry has not yet reached its best development time. I think If you want to make quick money, wait a few years and there will be opportunities.”

"There are just a few of us at the moment, and I'm not afraid of you talking nonsense. In the next few years, the Internet will definitely be the best way. Haven't you already started to get involved in the computer industry? As I said, it will continue It will become a daily household appliance like a TV and a washing machine.”

"There is also the mobile phone communications industry. Now there are BB machines, and next there will be PHS. But in the end, it is all about mobile phones. In the future, this industry will be like computers, so popular that most people can use it."

"I told Mr. Zhu from the oil field before that the same goes for cars. In short, if you look at Western developed countries, we will have what they have in a few years. This is the trend. I told you, you can get involved if you want. Be bold and do it.”

"When these industries develop to a certain extent, which is estimated to be in another six or seven years, ordinary people will have money at home. In the future, many rural migrant workers will consider buying houses in the cities. That will be the opportunity for real estate development."

Anyway, Yan Changqing doesn't plan to do this now, just let these people work hard.

Besides, he also figured it out that he didn't want to get involved in real estate because he had suffered losses. Why did he suffer losses? Wasn't he cheated by some bastard and black-hearted developer?
However, if these people do it, they will rely on their own financial strength, not the routine of buying land first and then borrowing money and then collecting money in advance based on pure relationships. As long as it is not unfinished, they are good real estate developers. In fact, they are still doing it. Good thing.

He still remembers that when a friend bought a house and delayed handing over the house for several years, he finally went to file a complaint. They said they had to consider the business environment, so they would not support his complaint.

What I mean is, looking at the overall environment, everything else is in bad shape. You have finally handed over the apartment, but you are just a few years late. You are still suing for nothing, so you can go home and have fun!
Thinking about this, if Yan Shuixing and others use money to do it, at least hand over the house, isn't that a good thing?
Yan Changqing talked too much, but Yan Shuixing and the others were frightened: "Changqing, you don't plan to go out and never come back, right?"

Yan Changqing untied his knot and laughed when he heard this: "It took me several years to build the reservoir here, and the manor built over there is almost completed now. Why won't I come back?"

"The main reason is that I had some thoughts that I didn't think through before, so I didn't explain it clearly to everyone. Now that I've made it clear, you all know what to do next, right? Then go ahead and do it."

"By the way, there are other things, let me tell you all about them. Do you know about the door-to-door meal delivery service that my old cousin made? You guys think that people in big cities who all work in offices would do it if someone delivers food to their door. Will you be happy?"

Yan Qinggong laughed: "You think this will be a big business? I understand. Big cities have this, so if you can do this errands well, it will also be a big business?"

Yan Shuixing had not yet reacted: "Brother Qinggong, what big business are you talking about? Running errands?"

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "The fourth uncle is right, this is a big business, or a very big business. You can discuss it yourself later! If you don't understand, just go and have a look. Anyway, the family is developing very fast now. , there will be a lot of big business to do in the future. That’s it, I have to go back to eat with my mother. This trip will take a long time. If I don’t come home to eat for a day, I will be punished..."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't hold it back anymore, and they were all very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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