Chapter 348: Insisting on Denial
Yan Changqing didn't drive out of the winery, so he didn't plan to follow the road back to the chicken farm.

After walking a short distance, we crossed the original small bridge that was originally built, and then got onto a path along the river.

The small river below the reservoir is still the same as before. Although some willows have been planted along the river, there are no other major changes.

It is now mid-April, and the grass is growing and warblers are flying. On the yellow grassland along the river bank, and on the burnt dry grass here and there, countless greens have sprouted up.

Although there are more people and more buildings nearby, there are more birds along the river because there are more trees along the reservoir and along the river, and guns and hunting are prohibited.

However, there are no endless wheat fields anymore. There is less land. The remaining fields can only be used as vegetable gardens. Most of the crops grown are vegetables. Each household grows different ones, which is reflected in the vegetable garden, where there are all kinds of vegetables. Small pieces and small pieces are well-proportioned.

After taking a few steps, Yan Changqing's originally upright body relaxed. He put his hands in his pockets and began to walk leisurely.

Many things have changed, and many things have remained the same.

For example, next to the small dirt road at your feet, there is a burned withered meadow that has already grown green grass. On the other side, there is a fence beside the vegetable garden. Even if there is a fence, you can still see the traces of being harmed by naughty children - for example, it has not yet bloomed. The rapeseed ones near the roadside are a bit shorter, and there are signs of being discounted at the top.

When a group of naughty kids grow up and quit the world, naturally the next group of naughty kids will take over and continue to do those things of "beating their mother when she sees them".

It is common to burn dead grass along the river in winter. The rapeseed on the roadside cannot grow taller. Even if you plant a radish, it must be rarer than the ones inside. Let alone tomatoes and cucumbers. The few trees on the roadside are just that. Don’t even think about growing up with a long red...

But it does give people a leisurely feeling.

The river is still flowing slowly, and the places with beaches are still Feng Shui treasures. When the weather warms up in a few days, naughty children will be indispensable in these places.

Some of the poplar trees along the coast are from many years ago, and the thickest ones are almost as thick as a person can hug them. Most of the willow trees are from previous years, and are only as thick as a calf. The poplar trees at the same time are much thicker, as thick as a thigh. .

If someone takes care of them, there will be no disease or blight, and now they are all green.

Now there are only so-called country roads here by the river, and they are not very clean. You can hear the sound of cars on the road in the distance while walking here.

Not long after walking, the trees became denser, and then I saw a large field of wolfberry.

The small red fruits of this season haven’t grown yet, but the outer edges are still the same, with pits and pits, and the gray-brown soil in the newly dug areas is still damp. It seems that the villagers still have the old habit of digging bones and skins to make tea and drink them. look.

You can hear cocks crowing and dogs barking when you get here.

The size of the chicken farm has expanded again and again. There are small walls along the river bank. If someone who doesn't know the scale looks at the scale at first glance, they might think it is a very large chicken farm.

In fact, there are only tens of thousands of chickens now. They are free-range and take up too much space.

Moreover, chicken farms are quite arrogant. They are not afraid of high costs and basically do not feed much.

This kind of chicken farm would starve to death if opened elsewhere, because with the economic development in recent years, after the number of farmers has increased, the price of chicken and eggs is no longer that expensive compared to the previous prices, and not many people pay attention to it. 'Chai Chicken' and 'Chai Egg'.

However, it is enough for Yanhai Dahai's chicken farm to have such a big customer as the winery, not to mention that the nearby villages have become rich, and they no longer save their eggs to sell them for money, but they still come here to buy chickens and eggs when something happens.

Anyway, the chicken farm belongs to the surname Yan, and the cost is not something Yan Dahai needs to consider. He only needs to be willing to feed the chickens with sea cucumbers. Anyway, the winery, hydropower station, and thermal power station cover the bottom line, so no matter how high the cost is, it doesn't matter.


Yan Tiesheng and his wife are now working at the chicken farm. When they saw their grandson coming, they happily took out the watermelon they had prepared in advance, cut it in half with a skillful cut, and then handed it over with a spoon.

The watermelons we eat this season are grown in greenhouses, and there are many rich people nearby. Naturally, someone will make something based on the needs of these people that everyone is happy to spend money on.

Off-season vegetables, fruits and vegetables are no longer rare items. Although the price is still a little higher, the old couple usually has money to pay for their children, and they have nowhere to spend it, so they keep it all for their grandchildren!
It has nothing to do with how much money or fame the grandson has. The old man and the old lady are just two precious grandsons. No matter when they come back, they will be prepared in advance to buy something that they think is 'rare'.

Yan Changqing was not polite and started eating the watermelon spoon by spoon.

Next to me, Li Xiuni hasn't gone to work for a few days. When her son comes back, she stays at home every day. Although she doesn't cook, she still has to give instructions in the kitchen and make dumplings for her son.

Dayanzhuang's custom is that dumplings are the best. My son is away from home when he is away from home. When he comes back, he is accompanied by a meal of dumplings.

When dinner was served at noon, Yan Erhe came over on time without being polite. He called his parents, brother and sister-in-law and went into the kitchen by himself. When he came out, he brought out a big bowl with dumplings on the tip.

No one talks about him anymore.

In the past, Yan Tiesheng would probably glare at him when he saw him like this, but now he can do whatever he likes and is very comfortable.

He went to sit next to Yan Changqing, with a dark face, only eating and not talking.

Yan Changqing excused himself and took the initiative to laugh with him: "Second uncle is not busy anymore?"

"Well, I can't be busy." Yan Erhe ignored him and looked strange. "I don't know what to study. Now I say I want to conduct an experiment or something, but I don't know how to do it. What are you busy with?"

Yan Tiesheng couldn't bear it anymore: "Speak well, Changqing is busy with everything. You just came back from traveling abroad, so you can't speak well."

"It's nothing, nothing." Yan Changqing answered quickly. He was the one who was responsible for the loss and agreed to fly the plane. It was his fault to break trust.

In fact, he now has a proficiency level of 80.00% in aircraft research skills. Considering the knowledge required by aircraft, it is no problem to become a laboratory supervisor with this proficiency level.

Yan Tiesheng stopped talking when his grandson opened his mouth, but he still glared at Yan Erhe with an obvious threat.

Yan Erhe ate with his head down. Anyway, his attitude was expressed. He would wait and see how his nephew behaves, otherwise he would still be like this at the next meal.

As for what others say, it doesn’t matter. I have been saying it for more than 30 years since I was a child. Now I haven’t had anyone nagging me in my ears for a while. I’m really not used to it!
Yan Changqing consciously promised: "I will go to your place to have a look in the afternoon. If it doesn't work, I will buy a small aircraft manufacturing factory and let others try to build it. Anyway, I will not use it myself..."

Yan Dahai snorted: "He's so good at floating, you should take care of the winery first, and then go visit his stall when you have time..."

Yan Erhe was already satisfied with his nephew's words, and naturally he would not listen to anything else.

The dumplings are quite delicious, the stuffing with pork and green onions is just fragrant...


Seeing that the others had nothing serious to talk about, Li Xiuni began to ask tentatively: "I heard that you were in the former Soviet Union and wrote a lot of songs for a little girl. Is she your girlfriend? Why don't you take her back and take a look?"

Yan Changqing immediately looked at his second uncle.Yan Erhe was stunned for a moment: "I didn't say anything."

"Chunni said that." Li Xiuni saw the uncle and nephew's behavior and glared at them. "Your second uncle is thinking about you. He didn't say anything when he came back. Don't blame him wrongly!"

The strange smell of yin and yang shot up to the sky, and Yan Erhe could only continue to lower his head. The pork and green onion stuffing was so fragrant...

Yan Changqing chuckled: "What kind of girlfriend! I saw that the female singer was talented, so I wrote a few songs for her. I also have an entertainment company outside, and those singers are all from my company. I wrote the songs They all make money for their own companies.”

Li Xiuni stared: "I heard from the little girl in the company that this female singer's singing is just average."

"What do they know? They are not professionals. They are all amateurs." Yan Changqing said confidently.

Li Xiuni sneered: "What a coincidence, there really is a professional and a righteous family who graduated from the music major and was assigned to be a music teacher in our high school."

Yan Changqing insisted: "They are majoring in normal education, right? They mainly study educating people, and they only learn the basics of professional knowledge."

"Ha!" Li Xiuni sneered. "You're just talking about it, right? Are the teachers at the Normal College considered professionals? We also have a part-time employee in our company who likes to come here during winter and summer vacations and during regular holidays. People say so..."

Dayanzhuang housewife's fashion company is the only one in the neighborhood. Regardless of whether it does well or not, there are people who help it, and it is now somewhat famous.

Nowadays, it is no longer limited to only people from Dayanzhuang. There are still some 'outsiders' in the company who like this aspect of culture, and they are all relatively educated, and their majors are more complicated.

Yan Changqing was dissatisfied: "Mom, you have started to use 36 tactics when talking at home, right? Let's talk about an ordinary teacher first, and then a university teacher? Teachers are teachers after all, and they all teach students. Popular things are different, Marina Her voice is more suitable for being a pop singer..."

"Don't talk about professionalism or not." Li Xiuni was quite serious. "You have been a lot of playboys since you were a child, don't think we are all fools. You didn't say a word to Dahai, right?"

Yan Dahai didn't say anything yet. There were two "big fools" watching his grandson beside him. They didn't care what his grandson was doing outside. They only saw that his grandson had finished eating. He immediately stood up and said, "Seven pounds, I will serve you another bowl." "

Yan Changqing stood up consciously: "You sit down, I will fill it myself."

"You sit down and go to the sea." Li Xiuni said with a straight face. "I didn't say I wouldn't let you be friends, so what's wrong with that? It's not like foreigners are not allowed, we didn't say anything. Why do you feel so guilty?"

Yan Dahai felt like he was being pardoned and felt happy to be able to help his son with the meal. He put the chopsticks under his left hand holding the bowl, grabbed his son's bowl with his free hand and went out.

Yan Changqing held the chopsticks and thought for a moment: "Popular is different from other things. You used to listen to operas, right? Now children have a few favorites, so you think it's good, and we can't tell the difference." . The same goes for music, my voice is suitable for singing foreign pop songs..."

Li Xiuni stared at her son while eating, looking again and again, feeling that she couldn't deceive anything.

However, she knew her son well and still firmly believed: "Don't be so harsh. Tell the truth. Did you do something to this little girl?"

"That's not the case." Yan Changqing said firmly. "After all, I am a famous composer and an authority in pop music. I think she will be popular. It doesn't matter if she writes a few songs. Isn't she famous now? The whole world knows it."

"Then I haven't seen you writing with anyone else before?" After all, Li Xiuni had no evidence, so she could only rely on her words.

"I've written it! I've written songs for everyone else in the company, and recently I wrote three songs for a girl named Serena." Yan Changqing said frankly. "Selena has been to us before, during the second folk festival. At that time, I asked Huang Peishan to sign her into the company."

Li Xiuni insisted that she was right. After thinking about it, she turned her finger on Yan Erhe: "Erhe, do you believe what he said?"

Yan Erhe is busy eating dumplings. These dumplings stuffed with pork and green onions are so delicious!
"Erhe, what do you want me to ask you?" Li Xiuni was angry.

"Ah?" Yan Erhe looked up, with a confused look on his face. "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? These dumplings are really good. I never see you showing off your skills like this, sister-in-law. Now that Qijin is back, we can enjoy it too!"

"Do you believe what Qijin just said?" Li Xiuni persisted.

"What did you say?" Yan Erhe asked.

"I..." Li Xiuni glared. "You two wait for me, I will ask someone else to ask. Tell you Yan Changqing, if you do something to this girl, bring her back as soon as possible, and stop doing those things that you don't want to admit..."

"Mom, you just don't believe me." Yan Changqing looked aggrieved. "Dad, where are the dumplings you served me? Are they not enough? Did you make them now?"

Li Xiuni looked at Yan Erhe who was engrossed in eating, and then at the old man and woman next to him who were all eating dumplings and looking at their grandson. She was so angry that her liver ached...


After eating another big bowl of dumplings, I poured some dumpling soup, blew it and drank it slowly, it was very comfortable!
It would be more comfortable if there wasn't someone watching next to me.

The person staring at him couldn't help it: "Qijin, tell mom, are you attracted to this girl?"

It's too hard. Is this going to be soft?
Yan Changqing was unwavering: "I've already said it's nothing. I'm not in a hurry. Why are you so anxious? Are you anxious to have your grandson? It's still early. I'm not even old enough to get married."

"Stop talking about that to me." Li Xiuni was angry. "It sounds like you're following the rules. There are too many of us sixteen or seventy with children in our arms. If we are missing that certificate, we will make up for it later."

This is true. It is still very common in rural areas to get married early. Yan Changqing knows that some of his classmates from primary school are already married.

As for the marriage certificate, it is nothing in the village. Anyway, as long as a banquet is held and the marriage process is completed, it is generally recognized as a marriage.

However, Yan Changqing firmly refused to admit that he had done anything to turn his back and refuse to admit his guilt, and he had no intention of denying it: "Mom, after you finish eating, I will give you another bowl? I told you, don't think too much about it. According to what you say, where are the dozens of female singers in my company? How many women are there in the company? By the way, Huang Peishan is still a woman? You will never say that she has been working in my company for so long, and I Does it matter?"

"If Peishan is okay, I won't ask you anymore." Li Xiuni curled her lips. "I'm just asking you because I'm afraid that you're wandering around outside. By the way, Peishan is actually a pretty good girl. Has she been working with you for so long?"

Yan Changqing couldn't laugh or cry: "Mom, are you interested when she calls you sister? Ask her next time she comes and see if she dares to come again? If I hadn't been very busy, I should be with Erwa and the others right now. We went to high school together, do you think anyone at Erwa's family is urging them?"

Li Xiuni snorted: "Be careful anyway. If you like someone outside, that's fine. But you just can't be a playboy, you know?"

Yan Changqing promised: "Mom, don't worry, I am definitely not that kind of person. You see, there are no such people in our family, right? Look at my father, my mother, my father and you, my second uncle and second aunt, you all have lived well." It’s great to have so many role models, can I be like that?”

Yan Erhe finished a large bowl of dumpling soup and took the bowl to the kitchen - he listened for a whole afternoon without saying a single word of truth.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and said, "Qijin, have you finished the soup? Let's leave as soon as we finish."

"You haven't even finished a mouthful of seven kilograms of soup. Why are you so anxious? What else is more important than eating?" The old couple instantly became unhappy. If you can't control your daughter-in-law, you can't control you, right?
Yan Changqing stood up: "Grandma, I'll be back for dinner in the evening. Now I'm going to take a few steps to eat."

The expressions of the old couple changed instantly, and they waved their hands with smiles: "Go, go, walk slowly, or drive your dad's car... Dahai, your car keys..."

(End of this chapter)

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