Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 349 Investing in Internet Home Delivery and Food Delivery

Chapter 349 Investing in Internet Home Delivery and Food Delivery
After spending an afternoon at Yan Erhe's research institute, Yan Changqing actually didn't do much.

However, Yan Erhe is satisfied. Anyway, his nephew can come over. He now understands the difference between domestic and foreign countries. Due to the difference in basic industry, the large helicopters that those researchers studied earlier cannot be built in China. Now they can only settle for the second best. Research some small helicopters.

Fortunately, Yan Changqing had a sample here. While his nephew was not at home, Yan Erhe had someone compare it with the helicopter to carry out the magic modification.

Yan Changqing found that these researchers were quite capable. Most of them had retired from advanced research institutes, and their skills were high. There were already several magically modified versions, but now they were just short of actual testing.

So I promised my second uncle to support him in conducting practical experiments.

Anyway, for him, most of the money earned by the winery now is planned to be spent at home, and with the money earned by the winery now, apart from building a hotel chain, there is no place for other big expenses.

And it really doesn’t cost much to build a hotel chain.


When Zhang Xiaoli heard that her boss was back, she ran over within two days, holding her own work plan, execution plan, and schedule to ask for support.

The first time she took charge of a big thing was the construction of a multi-million dollar hotel chain. It was a big deal for her. Because Zhou Jialing had completely delegated power, she was now trembling every day for fear of something going wrong.

Yan Changqing originally didn't want to worry too much, but since everyone was here, he still took a serious look.

Instead, he discovered that Zhang Xiaoli is a talent who can save costs - she is much more stingy than Zhou Jialing, and no one can compare with her in cost saving.

She negotiated the acquisition of the land for the hotel in advance, one by one, and then asked Lao Feng to find connections to go through the formalities. Then she hired the engineering team for the bidding, and she was stationed in Jiangcheng as a supervisor for a long time to supervise the construction site...

In order to save money, I basically do everything myself, and if it doesn't work, I just try to make connections. It's very 'frugal' anyway.

The advantage is that she really saves money than Zhou Jialing, but the disadvantage is that she wastes more time. As for the extra expenses on other entertainment, it is all to save money in other aspects.

In fact, her way of doing things is quite local. After all, as we all know, sometimes spending a small amount of money can save a lot of money.

It's hard to say whether Yan Changqing's treatment of her was good or bad. In fact, in his opinion, there was no need to save that little money.

But from a long-term perspective, before building the hotel, she had already laid some invisible and intangible foundations in the local area, and also attracted some potential customers, which is good and bad!

Considering that this was the little girl's first time doing something, Boss Yan was quite positive.

Zhang Xiaoli immediately became happy. She really worked hard and was encouraged by her boss, which made her little tail go up to the sky.

Then Zhang Xiaoli reported in person some of the projects she was responsible for in detail, such as how much profit the food factory had made recently, what areas the local hotel still needed to improve, etc.

Originally, these should be reported to Zhou Jialing, but she reported them directly when she was happy.

This is not a report beyond the level. Zhou Jialing supports her to find the boss and report directly, because if Zhou Jialing comes by herself, Mr. Yan will probably be too lazy to see or listen and then wave his hand: You are doing a good job, continue.

On the contrary, it was because Zhang Xiaoli was a newcomer and it was her first time to report. Yan Changqing probably had to be patient and take a look and listen to all this.

Yan Changqing didn't even know that Assistant Zhou had this little thought, and the assistant guessed it correctly. He really listened patiently, and even gave some suggestions to encourage the newcomer to work harder.

After all, Comrade Xiao Zhang worked so hard, and his face had become white and fat after working. Now, because he has been running to several construction sites for a long time, he has become tanned and lost weight in Jiangcheng.

In order to support Comrade Xiao Zhang, Yan Changqing even posted a rare advertisement for instant noodles on his personal homepage.


Apart from giving some advice to Yan Shuixing and others and giving more support to his second uncle this time, he didn't do much else. Because his life was regular and he had to go home to eat every day, Yan Changqing also had time to torment himself. 's personal homepage.

For example, I posted about the arrival of a family of three killer whales in my waters, and posted some photos that I had saved for a long time.

His personal homepage is quite famous. Although it does not contain much content, it has an amazing number of clicks.

There aren't many personal websites these days, and celebrities haven't started to rely on the Internet to attract traffic, and he is usually low-key enough. His personal homepage is the only way for music fans to understand his situation.

After all, he posted it himself, otherwise he would have just watched the news.

The homepage, which had not been updated for a long time, suddenly had some new content, which attracted many music fans.

When they saw that it was a rare killer whale, many people couldn't resist the urge to leave messages, and it became very lively for a while.

Apart from those who left messages concerned about his recent music release, the rest were filled with envy of his life - no way, there are still very few aquariums these days, and even fewer people have seen killer whales with their own eyes.

I don’t know how it got started, but after countless random comments, the queue suddenly formed neatly.

The format is XXX visited a certain place or company - XXX means leaving your name directly.

Yan Changqing took a general look. Although many of them were just for fun, he got a lot of new information.

For example, there is a message: Mr. Ma from the International Business Electronic Center is here for a visit.

Mr. Ma from Tencent Computer Systems Company came here for a visit.

Next, general managers or bosses from NetEase, Sina, Sohu, etc. came to leave messages.

These websites are all newly opened. It is the time to gain popularity. Yan Changqing's personal homepage is currently much more famous than several websites. They are somewhat riding on the popularity.

Especially Tencent, which has just launched a chat software and is promoting it vigorously!

Yan Changqing watched it for a long time, and then he posted another piece of content.

These are dumplings that I have been eating a lot in the past few days. The picture is of course the big dumplings at home. The caption is, “The dumplings made by my mother are so delicious. Thank you for your love, mother!”

Then I wrote a sentence below, thanking everyone for supporting Mr. Yan. Everyone is welcome to leave comments, comments and chat on my personal homepage. Also: People are relatively free recently, and money is relatively free. I want to invest in high technology. Please leave a message if you need it.

The winery is getting money too fast, and a bunch of 'ambitious people' under them are now developing step by step, and there will be no new places to spend money for a while.The interest earned by putting the money in the bank was too high. Mr. Yan was a little embarrassed, so he decided to invest it.

As a result, as soon as his content was posted, the website was somewhat stuck. However, it cost a lot of money to build the website in the first place. Finally, the website that was not stuck directly could not be opened.

There is too much investment required at this stage. Mr. Ma in Beijing is considering going overseas, Mr. Ma in Shenzhen is promoting chat software, and other websites have just started, and none of them is short of money.

Lao Wan became depressed and ran over not long after: "Mr. Yan, are you saying that you are planning to invest in some other websites? The phone numbers of the winery are busy! The calls to the distribution points below to request goods cannot come in, so we can only Call my cell phone.”

Yan Changqing doesn't have a mobile phone of his own, and the winery only has the public phone number that everyone knows.Now everyone knows that he is at home. It was not easy to contact him directly before, but now he has said it himself. People have more money and money, so of course others will not be reluctant to pay for the phone call.

Yan Changqing thought for a while, and could only use the summoning skill to summon Zhou Jialing back - anyway, Manager Zhou has always been reliable in doing things, and she has more people, unlike Zhang Xiaoli who is like a lone warrior now, doing everything by herself superior.

However, the summoning skill failed. Zhou Jialing happened to be in Guangcheng. She said that she could talk to those who asked for investment in person.


So Yan Changqing immediately published a new content.

This time it was a bowl of instant noodles, and the packaging was placed next to it, along with the text: Stop calling all the time, just leave a message and someone will contact you for an interview.Otherwise, I would be too busy to eat dumplings and would have to eat home-produced instant noodles.

It’s an advertisement for his instant noodles, and it’s also his support for Zhang Xiaoli’s work!
Zhou Jialing first went to chat with Mr. Ma of Tencent in Shencheng.

Then he turned around and called his boss: "I think it's still early to invest now. Currently, similar network technology companies have no big profit points. If we invest now, it will only occupy our working capital and there will be no need to invest at all in the short term." No benefit is seen.”

Of course Yan Changqing knew her concerns, so he could only explain to her: "Just think of it as supporting the development and construction of network technology at home!"

Zhou Jialing said no more.

As a subordinate, she must report what she thinks and what she observes, but in the end she will do whatever the boss decides.

What's more, what the boss said makes sense. If you don't support it now, these people will have no choice but to find outside agencies later.

Nowadays, it is common that there is no profit point. It can be regarded as a long-term investment!
Fortunately, she understands her boss's situation. For the boss, this investment does not take up a lot of funds.

The investment in Yan Changqing this time is really purely to support development. As he said, people and money are relatively free now, so he would like to invest some support to make the development of these companies smoother.


Besides, it’s not that there is really no profit point. Soon, many websites will have advertising links to the 1688 website.

Taoshu Township Market Direct Sales Network provides door-to-door delivery, whether it is clothes, shoes, or computers and air conditioners, all it takes is a phone call or a text message to deliver it to your door.

Electric power has developed rapidly in the past two years. Televisions have become more and more common, and air conditioners and refrigerators have gradually entered thousands of households.

The website offers door-to-door home appliance delivery, which is currently quite popular.

This is my first time doing it, and the after-sales service is supervised by the website. The feedback so far is pretty good.

And these manufacturers do not suffer at all. They rely on the logistics of Taoshu Township Market, and even directly rent the space of the logistics point, deliver the goods first, and then directly send people to set up a small after-sales service department in the local area, and the business can be opened directly.

By eliminating the need for middlemen to earn price differences and part of the shipping costs, you can earn much more than before.

Because the price of workers is relatively cheap these days, if you find someone to send the air conditioner to the place to install it, the factory will make money whether it is billed by the piece or paid to the workers on a monthly basis.

After the establishment of the key after-sales service department, this is a long-term problem, and in the long run it is only a profit but not a loss.

Gradually, everyone began to be no longer satisfied with doing this only in the four major cities, and began to gradually expand to other provincial capital cities.

Now that the model has been established, everyone is familiar with the process, and the expansion is quite rapid.


Yan Shuixing and a few others were squatting at the Shanghai logistics point. Looking at more and more high-rise buildings around them, a group of people began to discuss the issue of door-to-door meals.

In addition to them, there are a few more young people, such as Yan Wenhai and the newly joined small restaurant owner Li Quanlang.

Li Quanlang started delivering food to the door in Taoshu Township and made his restaurant popular. Now he is very confident: "People in big cities are richer than us..."

The first sentence was rebutted by Yan Wenhai: "That's not necessarily true. Look at how many people ride electric bikes on the street. Do you still ride a bike?"

Li Quanlang twisted his head: "Aren't you arguing? Then why don't you see if the cars in our village can compare with others here? How many cars do they have here?"

Yan Shuixing slapped his hand: "Stop talking nonsense and talk about business. Wenhai, please calm down and Quan Lang continue."

Li Quanlang chuckled: "It's simple, there's nothing to say. It's too tiring to open a restaurant by ourselves. Let's just find other people's restaurants and ask them if they are willing to give us their takeout business. Find a few first, as long as they have business Once you are able to do it, others will look for us from now on.”

"Then let's get started and find a few people to run around and take a look." After Yan Shuixing finished speaking, he looked around. "Fourth brother, what do you think?"

"There's nothing to see. Let's talk about it after we get started. If there are problems, we'll solve them later."

This was a group of people with relatively strong mobility, and they started taking action at that time.

Yan Wenhai was in charge of printing and distributing flyers, and Li Quanlang was in charge of pricing - he worked in a restaurant. After getting to know the local prices and wage levels, he had an idea of ​​how much money a restaurant could make. He was mainly responsible for determining the price of a meal. How much shipping fee is appropriate.

If this business is only launched in one area, it is actually very simple.

Within a few days, all major office buildings nearby knew that a new small company was engaged in door-to-door meal delivery business. Now if you don’t want to go out at noon, you can just call and ask for the meal date.

Li Quanlang used to make meal numbers at home, but now there are just more numbers. In the past, he only had to number the meals he prepared at home, but now he numbers the meals of restaurants in nearby areas that are willing to cooperate with them.

In addition, there are more people who need to answer the phone. Their website can afford this, and just temporarily transfer a few staff to come over. It is not a big problem.

Business is still booming.

Because in the beginning, they were all doing big business, and now they don’t value small profits. They didn’t plan to make much money at the beginning. They just wanted not to lose money and let those who ran errands earn enough wages.

The hotel is also willing to do this. It would be troublesome for them to have someone deliver it themselves. They have to answer the phone and ask the waiter to deliver it themselves. Sometimes they are too busy and it is too late.

And in the past, only old customers, those who had eaten here regularly, would call the store to place an order.

Now that someone is promoting it for them, more people are ordering food. Although the price needs to be lowered because they let others do the errands, it doesn't matter. Small profits but quick turnover is also a good thing.

Gradually, the company named 'Hotel Alliance' became more and more famous.

The name of the company is easy to understand. It's a hotel alliance. Everyone comes to eat and order whatever they want!
(End of this chapter)

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