Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 350 Bubugao Private Brewing

Chapter 350 Bubugao Private Brewing

After hanging up the long-distance call from Huang Peishan, Yan Changqing was in a very happy mood.

The stock market is now booming and a bit scary. A small part of the stocks he holds have been quietly turned into cash, and then he started his Australian land acquisition plan.

Huang Peishan doesn't speak loudly on the phone now, and her words are more vague, as if she is afraid that if she speaks too clearly, others will know her plan.

It's good to be careful. This time the funds are a bit large. Even if it is turned into land, the area will not be small.

Yan Changqing didn't plan to buy more. He just wanted to buy a piece of land the size of Yudong Province first.

It won’t cost much anyway, so if you have the remaining money, you can continue to buy slowly.

Just to be comfortable, even if you plant trees on your own land and fly a helicopter to patrol your own mountains and forests every day, it feels good.

Or build a super large pasture, and when you ride your little white dog for a walk, you don’t have to worry about it not being able to let go of its legs and run as much as it wants.

No need or, it’s best to have them all.

Grape plantations, farms, pastures, grasslands, all...


Yan Changqing couldn't be idle when he was in a good mood and continued to update his personal homepage.

The picture shows a yellow and green wheat field.

Text: It’s the harvest season again, but unfortunately we have canceled the wheat holiday here, so we can’t take a holiday anymore!

In fact, it was none of Mai's business to be on vacation. Zhang Xiaoli saw it and called: "Boss, can you send us a picture of our new hotel? Please! It's my first time to preside over the construction of this hotel." The hotel needs your strong support!"

Yan Changqing despised her: "Is it Sister You Jialing's idea again?"

Zhang Xiaoli is a shameless person and resolutely refuses to admit it: "Sister Jialing said that I am fully responsible. She didn't ask me to ask the boss for support. I thought of it myself. Boss, for the sake of the hotel, I didn't even go home to harvest wheat. Please support me." ah!"

Huang Peishan used to be able to pester her boss to plead for mercy, but as she got older and had more things to do, she rarely did this.

Zhou Jialing knew it in her heart but couldn't use it, so she ordered her assistant to do it.

What makes Zhang Xiaoli what she is today, from working as a guide for a few foreigners with her broken foreign language to now independently presiding over the construction of a hotel, is because of her courage to move forward without fear of anything, and her own thick skin.

She comes from a bad background and will not give up when she seizes the opportunity. It doesn't matter if she asks her boss for something. She didn't have the opportunity to contact the big boss before, but now that she has the opportunity, it doesn't matter if she is shameless.

Anyway, I am making money for my boss. As long as I do a good job for the boss, I am the assistant of the assistant in front of the boss, so there is nothing bad to say.

There is no cute way to complain or plead for mercy that she dare not say: "...Boss, I do it for work! We all got married early in the mountains. You see, I'm already in my twenties and I don't even have time to find a boyfriend. You Support, support..."

She wouldn't dare to do this if she had another boss, and she wouldn't dare to do it in front of Zhou Jialing.

But just because she had been in Taoshu Township for a long time, she could still chat with Mayor Yang and other people who were familiar with Yan Changqing, and knew that the boss was actually not a bad-tempered person, at least not a bad-tempered person to the employees. Dare you do this.

Anyway, it’s okay to talk. If the boss doesn’t like it, forget it. What if the boss is in a good mood right now?
  Even if you are in a bad mood, it doesn't matter. It's just rejecting yourself. How can you be angry with a little assistant like yourself? Even if you are angry, you may have to hide away for a few days, and then you can just go back and continue working hard...

She was just lucky today, and her boss was in a better mood, so she agreed without saying a word: "Then please send me some photos of the hotel later!"

Zhang Xiaoli rushed over, fearing that her boss would regret it, so she took the logistics truck from Jiangcheng directly to the market just to be quick.


The next day Yan Changqing posted new content.

Pictured: Photos of the hotel.

Text: Several new hotel chains have opened in Jiangcheng. Your guidance is welcome!

Zhang Xiaoli achieved her goal and ran faster than when she came.

She knew that her boss was actually impatient with these things, and she especially didn't like being disturbed, but she didn't want to continue to be an eyesore in front of her boss.

Yan Changqing actually doesn't care. He just does things as he pleases. To put it bluntly, except for major aspects that require planning, everything else just happens wherever he thinks.

Just like now, he saw many people commenting below, asking about any promotions and the like, and on a whim he replied with a [-]% discount for the first month of opening.

Zhang Xiaoli was still on the logistics truck when she received a call from her boss, offering a [-]% discount for the first month of business. She didn't know whether to be depressed or happy.

Then Chen Youliang became dissatisfied: "Changqing, you have nothing to do to advertise for food factories and hotels. Hurry up and think of a new way to expand the influence of our website?"

"Then let's draw a lottery!" Yan Changqing came smoothly. "The prize should be rare. I'll get some good wine later, just the kind I usually give you. How about it?"

Chen Youliang was timid again at that time: "Isn't this not good? Let me think about the prize! If you take out that wine, you will easily get into trouble."

He knew the kind of wine he drank. Chen Youliang was not young now and was busy every day, but he knew his physical condition very well. Of course he knew the effects of the wine.

There might be trouble if he took it out, so he didn't dare to open his mouth like Yan Changqing.

Yan Changqing thought it didn't matter: "It's okay, it's not something that will be effective immediately, so why are you afraid? I plan to put some on the market for auction later!"

"Is it really going to be released?" Chen Youliang asked in surprise. "Don't decide yet, wait until I get there."

He got in the car and ran to the winery: "Think about it, this matter is not a joke. What we know now are all related to each other. Even if some rumors get out, it doesn't matter. If you just put it on the market , that would be different!”

Yan Changqing was a little overwhelmed, but not that excited. He thought very clearly. In addition to his overwhelming skills, he also thought a lot: "It doesn't matter if you let it out a little. It all depends on the person. It's not Everyone will believe it. Besides, with the size of our company, we are not afraid of some minor troubles."

Chen Youliang didn't reply. He held a cigarette and started to think about it with a frown on his face.

After thinking for a long time, he still didn't dare to decide directly: "Why don't you wait first? I always feel that this is not how this matter is done. You have sent out a lot now, but firstly, we are secretive, and secondly, everyone We all know what’s going on, so we can’t cause any big trouble.”

"If we put it directly on the market... I have to think about it again. No matter how big the company is, other factors have to be considered. Anyway, let's wait for now? I'll ask you later which school supplies the goods, and , please give me an idea of ​​how big your external company is now, so that I can have an idea..."

Yan Changqing didn't notice anyone else, and directly told him what Huang Peishan was doing now. Old Chen was speechless when he said it: "Is it so big? Being an artist is different. You can make money quickly... …”

Yan Changqing completely understands Chen Youliang's concerns. Good wine is like elixir. It's one thing to give it away privately, but it's another thing to take it out directly.

After all, Mr. Chen does not have the same extraordinary skills as Mr. Yan, so a normal person would definitely have many concerns.

Chen Youliang thought for a long time, and finally suggested: "It's not good to put it directly, but it is slightly better than the supply school, so I think it can be put out." The school is the school where Zhu Xiaobin goes to school, and Zhu Xiaobin's teacher The supply contract we signed.

Now they actually want the winery to increase supply, but the winery's output is so much, and market supply also needs to be considered - it's not that Mr. Yan wants to make more money, it's mainly because the winery itself is relevant now to the jobs of countless people.

Yan Changqing thought for a while and thought it would work, and nodded: "That's it. We'll get a batch of wine with new labels later, and draw a lottery first and then auction it."


In Shanghai, when Zhou Xiaoxing came home from get off work, she kicked off her high heels and lay down on the small sofa without moving. Every day when she went to work, she felt like visiting a grave. After get off work, she felt like she had just crawled out of the grave. She just wanted to lie down.

After lying there for a long time, she crawled up and moved to a worn-out small computer. Then she opened a shopping website, making comments in her mind while reading it. She also looked at her salary card from time to time - this could make her calmer. , so as not to have to call someone to deliver anything.

Although you can regret it if you don't want it, but once or twice is fine. If it happens too many times, you will feel embarrassed.

But it’s okay to take a look, imagine yourself wearing this one, that one, and this one over here... Thinking about it in your mind can also satisfy your dead heart...

After reading it for a long time, she refreshed the web page.

The internet speed was a bit slow, but she was used to it.

Waiting for the webpage to load, she saw a new announcement on the website: In order to give back to new and old customers, a lottery will be held this weekend in areas where online direct shopping is available. The grand prizes are as follows...

Zhou Xiaoxing was immediately interested, but when he saw the prize, his interest immediately stopped.

The reward is actually wine, can't you give me a bag or something?
  Is it useful to give a box of first prize and I don’t drink?

It seems to work. A box of BBK's good wine is now worth several thousand yuan on the market. This is still the price on the market. It is said that it is often unavailable. Some people are reselling this, and they can actually sell it for a higher price.

Although he doesn't drink, Zhou Xiaoxing still knows the name of Bubugao Liquor because it's valuable!
  Anyway, I often hear people in the company bragging that a certain big boss would bring out this kind of wine for any event that so-and-so participated in, which was very honorable.

Zhou Xiaoxing got excited when she thought that wine could be equated with money. If she won the prize, wouldn't she be able to buy a few bags or some nice clothes?

The weekend came soon. Zhou Xiaoxing took the shopping list she had glued and ran over happily to participate in the lottery - she had to work overtime, but she asked for leave. She felt that bags and clothes were worth a try.

As for the glued shopping list, because she bought all bargains, people require a shopping list of more than [-] yuan to be counted as a lucky draw opportunity, but multiple shopping lists can be glued together and it can also be counted as a lucky draw opportunity.

Thinking of this, she felt like she was taking advantage, because if the amount of the shopping list exceeded one hundred yuan, if there was only one item, it could only be counted once.

Therefore, those who spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on clothes and bags may not have more opportunities than themselves.

It's a bit sad at the same time. If you can afford expensive things, why bother with a shopping list?

The BBK direct sales store is quite spacious. Zhou Xiaoxing looks a little envious. This place is really big. There are only a few bottles of wine in it. It is such a big store. It is indeed a wealthy store.

Thinking about the small pigeon cage-like house I live in, it is really incomparable!
  It is said that the genius Mr. Yan bought this very early. When he bought it, the Pearl Tower had not yet been built, and the house and land prices were as if they were free. Now this is a development zone, the most popular area, with such a big front house, it would be great if I could have my own...

Zhou Xiaoxing wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, gave up his fantasy, and gave up his reserve at work, and rushed into the crowd: Face the reality and move forward bravely, girl!

The prizes were drawn on the spot. The shopping lists delivered before ten o'clock in the morning were all put into a big box, and then a random person came up, casually reached in and grabbed it, and the results came out.

Zhou Xiaoxing won the prize, won the big prize!
  She was holding a box of wine and standing stupidly.

To be honest, the packaging of this wine is a bit sloppy, and the box doesn't look particularly exquisite. The name is just Bubugao Private Brewing.

She had seen others win only one bottle, and the packaging inside was mediocre, not as good as BBK's wine!
  Can this box of wine be sold for several thousand yuan? Where are they sold to?

She didn't even think about keeping it for herself or relatives and friends. She came to work in a small place, and she didn't have such luxurious people at home, nor did she have such luxurious relatives.

Thousands of dollars!
  By the way, do they recycle in this hotel?

Just as I was about to turn around, I heard someone next to me ask: "Hello, do you want to sell this box of wine?"

"How much does it cost?" Zhou Xiaoxing asked subconsciously, and then took a look at the buyer. He was a handsome young man, quite eye-catching.

"This is a special prize wine. It's better than what's sold in the store. Generally, you can't even buy the wine in the store at the price. If you are willing to sell it, I can pay double the price in the store."

Zhou Xiaoxing heard this: "Isn't that just over [-]?"

More than [-] yuan is just my annual salary!

The handsome boy smiled sincerely: "Yes, I can add another thousand yuan. This is your good luck, and it can't be measured by money alone."

Well, that’s right, it’s my own good luck…

Zhou Xiaoxing thought about how many clothes he could buy with more than [-] yuan... No...

Zhou Xiaoxing suddenly became smart. She was not stupid to be able to work hard from a small place to Shanghai for so long. At that time, she looked around and found that, sure enough, some of the winners were also talking to each other...

Others are holding wine boxes like treasures, taking a taxi and leaving...

  Zhou Xiaoxing was suddenly excited: "Hello, can I consider it? Leave your contact information and I will contact you if I want to sell it later."

The handsome boy was stunned for a moment, then took out a business card with some reluctance, and his smile was a little forced: "Okay..."


Zhou Xiaoxing took a luxurious taxi and returned to the rental house with her box of wine.

I was so excited that I couldn't help it. I turned on my old little computer, surfed the Internet at a super slow speed, opened the website, and prepared to leave a message of thanks.

Then she saw a new announcement.

In order to give back to new and old customers, the website will launch new activities from now on. New wines will be auctioned on the website every week.

Zhou Xiaoxing didn't pay attention to anything else, but just stared at the starting price: [-] yuan!

She suddenly felt as if she had really won the jackpot!
  If the auction price in the future is unexpected, will I be able to buy a lot of clothes and bags?

That’s not right. If the price is really high enough, and with the money I saved before, I might be able to pay the down payment for a house in the suburbs, etc., then I don’t need to live in a rental house...

Zhou Xiaoxing started dreaming again!

(End of this chapter)

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