Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 351 Every day may change your life

Chapter 351 Every day can change your life
  The weather finally got hotter, and the river in Dayanzhuang started to get lively.

"Brother Qijin, the reservoir is such a good place. If you don't let people go into the water, you will be scolded!" Erwa followed behind Yan Changqing and persuaded him earnestly.

Yan Changqing was speechless: "I think you're the only one scolding me, right?"

"That's definitely not the case. I won't do that." Erwa denied it with good reasons. "I'm telling you right here, Brother Qijin, if you don't let go of the reservoir, there will be many people scolding you, including me."

"Really?" Yan Changqing sneered.

Erwa twisted his neck: "You think it's me who wants to play in the water? I am speaking on behalf of Dayanzhuang Etouwan Yatouwa Sanzhuang and other villagers, from young people who can just walk to as old as ninety-nine. They all think so. If you don’t believe me, just ask, who doesn’t want to go into the reservoir?”

"What about those who can't swim? What should we do?" Yan Changqing asked. "Even if there is water, who can guarantee safety? What if someone drowns?"

"Just find a few lifeguards." Erwa suggested. "Brother Qijin, I won't lie to you... Uncle Wan, tell me, would it be great if you could jump into the reservoir in this weather?"

Lao Wan smiled and said nothing.

Erwa insisted: "Really, if you don't believe me, ask Brother Qijin... Anyway, we won't have a holiday in a few days. You should think about it carefully these days!"


Yan Changqing asked his uncle while he was eating: "Uncle, what do you think if the reservoir is released?"

"It's a good thing or not." Li Xiujing thought for a while and said. "Everyone who knows how to swim wants to go into the river, but the water quality can be good or bad. The water in the reservoir is still a bit deep. If you really want people to go out and play, safety measures are a big trouble."

"Then do you want to go?" Yan Changqing asked.

"Me?" Li Xiujing thought for a while. "I don't care, but young people will definitely want to go."

Yan Changqing began to think deeply.

To be honest, the reservoir is so attractive. In the summer, at a glance, you can see a large area of ​​water with rippling blue waves. For people who live by the river and are used to jumping into the water in summer, that kind of temptation... is not life. People at the water’s edge don’t understand.

But the trouble is really troublesome.

This reservoir is newly dug, and there is a dam built on the side. The water on the side can flood people, unlike in the small river, where you can wade across the river by rolling up your trouser legs in some places.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn’t want to think too much and asked Lao Huang to discuss it.

Upon hearing this, Lao Huang said, "Let's arrange some lifeguards and give it a try."

It makes sense. Why think too much? Just give it a try.


Soon an area was designated next to the reservoir. When the dam was first built, there was a place with steps. We designated a rough area nearby and arranged a group of security personnel with good water skills to act as lifeguards.

After a few days of life-saving training, from how to save people to some simple first aid measures, even the hospital was ready for first aid, and then they started to inform us that we could swim in the reservoir.

Then a small shop was opened next to it, selling swimming suits, life preservers, mineral water drinks and so on.

For people nearby, the prices of these things are relatively transparent, and the money earned is just lazy money - you can buy cheap ones by taking a bus to Taoshu Township Market for a dime, but there are always people who are too lazy to go there, and it’s hot on a hot day. Our buses don't have air conditioning, so it's very difficult to travel long distances.

Now that the reservoir has been released, let’s do it thoroughly.

By the way, we also started a boat tour project. A few plastic boats cost only a few dollars, and people can row them for fun.

There is also a fishing gear shop, which is also a good project. If you have money, you must have leisure and entertainment, and fishing is quite good.

Mr. Yan's biggest advantage is that he does not shy away from relatives. Now that his uncle's cousin has become a restaurant owner and has a small stake in the new company 'Hotel Alliance', there is no need to worry about him, so these stores are Yan Changqing's relatives from her aunt's house opened it.

The main reason is that now there are hydropower stations, thermal power stations, wineries and so on, and the relatives who are close to me have long been gone.

These are all trivial matters, and Yan Changqing doesn't need to worry about them. In fact, he just told his uncle during dinner, and then he made arrangements.

Because you don’t need young people to open a store, old men and women can do it.

The main thing is safety. These are the responsibility of the security personnel of the reservoir. Veterans come back every year. Now there are more people in the security team, so it is nothing to worry about this matter.


After finishing the chores, Yan Changqing continued his normal life.

Chen Youliang came over again: "Changqing, don't mention it. You are doing this lottery and auction. Even though the method is simple, the number of clicks on our website has increased a lot."

Yan Changqing was very confident: "That's for sure. If you want to click more, you can also combine the auction with the lottery."

"How to combine?" Chen Youliang asked.

"Set a fixed price, and then let everyone who wants to buy place an order. Lucky people will be selected from the orders to be eligible to buy, and let them spend money to buy." Yan Changqing opened his mouth and came. This is what that certain wine did later. , now I mainly follow the path of others, leaving others with no way to go.

Chen Youliang pondered for a moment and slapped his thigh: "Yes, this method is quite good. It just prevents those auction prices from being too high. People are going crazy now. Last time, a box of wine was sold for more than [-] yuan..."

"Isn't it worth more than [-] yuan?" Yan Changqing asked with a smile.

Chen Youliang didn't even have to think about it: "It's really worth it when you think about it. This thing should be priceless and worth any amount of money."

"Then it doesn't matter. Whoever wants to speculate can speculate. We don't care if we can make money from it. Anyway, we just have this little stuff."

Chen Youdian nodded: "Well, it seems that the problem is not big now, let's take it slowly and step by step!"

At the beginning of the event, no one said that this wine had any benefits anyway. Some people bought it and invited a few friends to drink it. At most, it would make them feel comfortable while drinking it, and no further effects would be apparent.


After Chen Youliang left, Yan Changqing continued to update his personal homepage and posted a picture of the small factory area.

Caption: The aircraft manufacturing plant has started construction. I wish my aircraft will be built soon.

There were countless comments below, and the most popular ones were those with congratulations. Another popular one was: It’s our own, our own reservoir, our own sea, our own aircraft, our own manufacturer. Mr. Yan is so simple and unpretentious!
  In an instant, there were dozens of repeaters under this comment, just four words: simple and unpretentious!
  As expected, the habit of repeating machines exists wherever there are people, and Yan Changqing was very happy to see it.

After having fun, I left it alone, and then I saw a message under the post about BBK private brewing I posted last time: My destiny has changed! Haha, I won a big prize and got a box, which I sold for more than [-] yuan. With some extra money, I paid myself a down payment for a small house in the suburbs of Shanghai. Thanks to Mr. Yan, I wish Mr. Yan will become an evergreen tree in the art world, his business will become more and more prosperous, and he will become more and more handsome...    Yan Changqing showed a smile on his face, and made a little literary effort below: Maybe he didn’t do it at the time I feel there is something different about that day, but later I will find that on that ordinary day, that ordinary intersection is actually an intersection that changes the destiny of our lives! So, cherish every day!

Very interesting, Yan Changqing thinks so.

A small action of yours may change someone's life.

Quite magical!


Zhou Xiaoxing was sitting at his work station and suddenly burst into laughter: "Come and look, this is a message from BBK's boss, Mr. Yan, and the great artist Yan Changqing..."

The surrounding colleagues gathered in an instant, and then gathered around Zhou Xiaoxing and started a heated discussion. Zhou Xiaoxing instantly experienced the happiness of being a hot spot in the crowd again - you must know that before this, she was just a transparent person in the company. Woolen cloth!
  Now everyone knows that this little girl from a small place has had bad luck.

I usually know that she buys some cheap clothes, shoes and daily necessities on the shopping website. She claims that she is following the fashion and shopping online, but in fact she is stingy, because the things on the website are much cheaper than going to the store, and the quality is guaranteed.

Unexpectedly, she actually won a grand prize in the website event. A box of BBK private wine was later sold for more than [-] yuan, and she then added some money to choose a house in the suburbs and paid a down payment.

Although the loan will have to be repaid every month in the future, many people are still drooling with envy.

Who would have thought that a box of wine could have so much magic power and could be sold for more than [-] yuan?

Although many people regretted that the highest auction price of that box of wine on the website later exceeded 1688 yuan, Zhou Xiaoxing was already very satisfied. Now she has become a loyal customer of the [-] website and Yan Changqing's personal homepage, and goes to work every day Take some time to take a look.

Now, not to mention Zhou Xiaoxing, even her colleagues in the company have begun to look at the website, buy something occasionally, or pay attention to whether there are any activities.

There are also more ruthless ones. Every time there is an auction, they will be the first to bid a price slightly higher than the auction reserve price - try your luck, what if no one happens to grab it at this moment? If you buy it, you will earn it. It is a lie elsewhere, but here, it is called telling the truth.


Some people suddenly make extra money, which becomes corrupt when they change hands.

Some people will use it to change their destiny.

Yan Changqing suddenly felt that he had thought of another good marketing point, and then called Chen Youliang.

As soon as Chen Youliang sat down, he received a call: "I just ran to the house and sat down. What's the matter?"

Yan Changqing told the story of the lucky messager on his homepage, and then suggested: "You can ask the people at the logistics point over there to inquire. If this is an ordinary worker in a small company, you can ask Are you willing to work in our company?"

Chen Youliang understood instantly: "It's a way to promote it, right?"

Yan Changqing reminded: "It's not necessary to promote it specially, just that..."

"Understood." Chen Youliang answered quickly. "It's a soft advertisement! I'll just call and ask. It's very simple."

The Taoshu Township market is currently facing another opportunity for rapid development due to the development of the website.

This opportunity is not about how much money you make now, but about further expanding your influence and laying the foundation for making money in the future.

Because the funds are relatively strong, the treatment for employees is also relatively good. Of course, it is not as good as some companies. Relatively speaking, at least it is much higher than the wages given by those sweatshops.

The main reason is that everyone is consciously cultivating talents. Today's small employees may have to go to other cities in the future to shoulder the responsibility of opening branches alone. More wages are nothing to the bosses.

There is still a shortage of talent. Although many people are laid off, not everyone can successfully change careers.

But don’t worry, a good time is coming soon. Some college students are already exempt from the allocation, and there will be more in the future.

This was also one of the reasons why Yan Changqing did not resume his studies and went to work. In addition to his family being poor, it was also because there was no distribution.

It doesn't matter that he doesn't have money. He doesn't know what will happen when he goes to college. The key is that the year he graduated from high school, he encountered the reform of the college entrance examination. If he wanted to repeat the exam, he would have to face a new system. Almost all the disadvantages were concentrated together. It was better to go directly. Work and earn money.

Of course, it is still relatively short-sighted now. If you can really go to college, you might not have to work for the rest of your life.


Then came the call from Huang Peishan: "Mr. Yan, you should also set up a foreign personal homepage, promote it abroad, and show your face from time to time, so that you can stay popular!"

Yan Changqing was right, but he suddenly thought of a new question: "Has Tencent launched a chat software now? Is there a similar one abroad?"

He remembered that when he was surfing the Internet, many netizens said that Tencent started by plagiarizing and had a unique plagiarism strategy.

The Penguin chat software now launched is ‘borrowed’ from foreign software.

Huang Peishan immediately replied: "Do you want to buy that chat software company? That company called IQCQ is not that big."

Yan Changqing thought about it: "Isn't it worthwhile to buy it now?"

"It seems so, but if it develops in two years, I don't know what it would be like to buy it?" Huang Peishan thought for a while and said. "I'll ask someone from the company to do the calculation. If it's a good deal to buy now, buy it now. If it's a good deal to buy it in the future, wait."

"Well, it's only been half a year anyway, and the heat in the stock market should have almost cooled down." Yan Changqing expressed support. "We also have investment in the domestic one. If we win the foreign one, we can consider merging it in the future, which will bring a lot of benefits."

Of course Huang Peishan knows her company's investment projects: "Then I'll see if I can get someone to acquire some more minority shareholders' equity."

If the boss is optimistic about it, then it definitely has development potential.

In the past, if the boss didn't mean it, forget it. Now if the boss says it, then you should seize the opportunity.

In less than half a year, the money withdrawn from the stock market has exceeded [-] billion, which is a bit scary. Land in Australia is not easy to acquire with too much fanfare and must be acquired slowly. This has resulted in there being too much money outside and nowhere to spend it. It’s time to spend some money.

In fact, it is impossible to completely break away from the stock market. After all, it is better to put some money in the stock market than in the bank.

Banks will still fail. For Yan Changqing, who has foresight, the stock market is safer.

So after hanging up the phone from Huang Peishan, Yan Changqing really began to consider what his next step would be to do something else besides buying land.

After all, money in a bank is not safe, right?
  Think about it seriously, I just said not long ago that maybe every day can change your life!

(End of this chapter)

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