Chapter 354
  New York, in an office building near Times Square.

In a spacious office, Huang Peishan sat on a large boss chair, scratching her head and looking at the countless reports in front of her with a depressed expression.

"It's better to be the boss!"

After muttering something in her mouth, Huang Peishan grabbed a few reports and read them carefully.

After a while, she sighed, put down the report, then pulled her hair and sighed again.

My hair has split ends!

As Boss Yan's assistant, she is actually a multinational president.

Boss Yan has always been generous. He didn't even calculate her salary and gave her a small share. Although it didn't seem like much, the money she got every year was definitely much more than many people who were called big bosses. .

With so much money, apart from part of what she saved, she spent the rest on herself. She wanted the best skin care products, hair conditioners and the like.

What's more, she also has moonshine supplied by her boss. Although she has gained a bit more majesty over the years, she usually looks the same as when she went to interview Boss Yan many years ago. Her skin is even better than that time.

However, now her hair actually has split ends.

Over the past year, almost all of her thoughts have been spent on stocks. So much money needs to be quietly taken out of the stock market and then transferred to Australia to buy land.

Especially since this matter was planned by the boss very early on, in order to avoid greater impact, she has been doing it herself.

Quite tiring, to be honest.

Fortunately, the plan was implemented quite smoothly now, otherwise she suspected that if days like this continued, her hair would turn gray.

It's scary to think about!
  Then think about it again, the boss now has a beautiful woman in Qiansu, and he is so happy. But she, a poor migrant worker, has split ends due to fatigue, and she can’t even make a phone call to complain - the boss doesn’t like to carry a mobile phone, so she can How about it?
  So depressing!

She stretched without any image, then stood up, moved her neck and left the desk. After taking only two steps, she simply threw her high heels aside, stepped on the carpet with her socks on, and walked away from the wine cabinet next to the office. He took out a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass.

It tastes very good, and the boss seems to be quite nice. At least this kind of wine cannot be drunk by others.

Hope is ahead, think on the bright side.

After the boss buys so much land, there should be no such tiring things to do.

Taking a sip of wine and feeling the sweetness in her mouth, Huang Peishan couldn't help but sigh. She never dreamed that one day she would be tired and annoyed from counting money...

"Drip zero zero..."

Huang Peishan listened to the phone ringing and didn't bother to answer it.

But I walked over lazily and took a look.

After seeing this, she suddenly became energetic and grabbed the phone: "Boss, is it you? Have you finally remembered that you have a poor little assistant?"

Yan Changqing is in a better mood recently, regardless of the rudeness of the younger assistant: "How is the company's situation now?"

"The plan has been basically completed, boss, you don't have to worry." Huang Peishan was a little proud when she said this. It is not easy to command many companies and operate so much funds. Only her assistant Huang has such a big position. ability.

"That's good. If nothing happens, I will go to the island country again, and then go to Australia to have a look." Yan Changqing said.

"Ah?" Huang Peishan pretended to be surprised. "The business in Qiansu is so busy, can the boss take time off?"

Yan Changqing heard her deliberately emphasizing the key words and couldn't help complaining: "Assistant Huang, you are going too far now!"

Huang Peishan laughed and said: "How can I not? It is the assistant's duty to care about the boss. Don't worry, boss, you don't have to worry about the company's affairs. I will take care of it. Now a total of nearly three figures have basically landed safely. Just be happy." .”

"Then it'll be fine." After Yan Changqing finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone. It was close to [-] billion, which was still quite a lot, but it was just a number now.

The dissatisfied voice of the assistant came from the other end of the phone: "Boss, I've been so tired recently that my hair has split ends..."

"Okay!" Yan Changqing thought for a while, and it seemed that this matter was not that easy. Recently, Huang Peishan rarely called to disturb her vacation. It seemed that she was really busy. "I'll make you some health wine later. After this period of time, you can also find a place to have a good vacation."

It's almost there!
  Huang Peishan murmured in her heart. With the benefits, she would stop complaining: "Okay, boss, I will listen to you."

Although vacation is only in name, there are so many companies and so many things to do, how can it be possible to live a leisurely life without caring about anything? Even if you are on vacation, you still have to hold the phone and deal with various things, but after all, the boss said so. I feel like I know how hard I have worked.


Yan Changqing hung up the phone and stayed in Qiansu for a few more days.

There is no way, the scenery here is better, I live here very leisurely and comfortable, it really takes a lot of perseverance to get away.

Before going to the island country, Yan Changqing returned home first.

You can't go out all the time like before, stay at home for a few days, show your face, show your presence, and then go out again. This way it will appear that you are always at home, so as not to nag your mother.

Then I went to the island country, still lived in the winery, and continued my old business, making wine.

Nowadays, it is difficult to increase your winemaking proficiency. If you look at it frequently, you will hardly see any progress. You have to do it at intervals.

Yan Changqing didn't bother to look at it. There were new skills anyway, so he only looked at new skills that rose quickly, so that he could have a sense of accomplishment.

For example, the proficiency of happiness skills has improved by leaps and bounds during this period. Although it is still a bit far away from the first level, the prospects are promising.


After a busy few days, Tetsu Ueyama came to report on his work. After he finished, he said a little hesitantly: "Boss, there is a singer who is looking for someone to ask me for help. Would you like to meet with you?"

Yan Changqing laughed: "Who can actually ask you to deliver the message?"

"It's Miss Izumi," Toru Ueyama said. "She rarely goes out to socialize. I heard you are here, so..."

"Are you also a fan of hers?" Yan Changqing asked curiously. "Is that Miss Quanshui who sang the theme song of Little Master and Conan?"

Toru Ueyama nodded a little sheepishly: "Yes. Miss Izumi is different from those pop singers. She is usually very low-key, and her songs are very powerful, just like some of the songs you composed before, no matter what kind of Under difficult circumstances, just listening to your songs will make people feel full of energy..."

This guy is probably really a fan of Ms. Quan Shui, and he is full of energy when he talks about it.

Thinking about what happened to him in the early years, he really needs some encouragement, otherwise most people will really not be able to persevere.

Toru Ueyama is very capable at work, and his winery management is stricter than that of Sidorov's military-controlled winery.

It cannot be considered strict, but should be said to be more scientific and efficient.

So Yan Changqing just thought about it and said, "I have been at the winery these days. You can ask Miss Quanshui when she is free."

Toru Ueyama was overjoyed: "Okay, boss. If nothing happens, I'll leave first!" "Go!" Yan Changqing waved his hand.

Toru Ueyama bowed, turned around and walked out, his steps a little brisk.

Obviously, being able to serve as a contact person for his idol and boss makes it rare for him to show any emotion. He is usually very meticulous and rarely brings emotions outside of work into his work.

Yan Changqing remembered many actresses from the island country, such as Ozawa, Songdao, etc., but he didn't know many singers. Miss Quanshui was one of them.

In fact, when Yan Changqing started working in his previous life, he only knew how to make money and had little exposure to entertainment. By the time he got to know this singer, he had already passed away.

Yan Changqing remembered that he had read some comments. Many people had very good comments about Miss Quanshui. She happened to be not very busy right now, so it was nothing to meet her. He had to give his capable subordinates some encouragement beyond salary. .


On a sunny afternoon, Yan Changqing met the Quanshui lady who was currently quite popular in the island country.

When they first met, he was slightly surprised. She looked better in person than in the 'posthumous photos' he had seen before.

Although she is now a well-known singer in the island country, she does not dress up much and wears very simple clothes, a white shirt, jeans, and a light yellow jacket, which does not look fashionable.

The hairstyle is also very simple, just tied up.

She has a good temperament and is a pretty girl-next-door type of beauty. After all, anyone who can be an idol has good looks and temperament.

What surprised Yan Changqing was that according to his understanding, this woman should be thirty-two years old this year, but she still didn't look like a young woman at all.

At this moment, the afternoon sun shines through the treetops in the courtyard. Miss Quanshui stands quietly under the sun, with a smile on her face and a hint of restraint. She looks like a very refreshing and clean high school girl.

Very seductive.

After a tedious greeting, Quan Shui took the initiative to talk about Yan Changqing's music.

She sings more rock music, but she is actually quite quiet. I wonder if it is because she is afraid that Yan Changqing cannot understand the island dialect, so she speaks slowly and softly.

Yan Changqing actually has nothing to talk about his 'early' music creation. At that time, there was no elegant art in his heart, only vulgar money and his own skills.

And most of that music was borrowed.

But he definitely wouldn't say that when talking about it. After a few casual conversations, they talked about Quan Shui's new album - in fact, Yan Changqing had never heard of it. Quan Shui's latest album was just released, and Yan Changqing was in the former Soviet Union. If you don't care about Shu, you won't care about this.

Fortunately, Ms. Quanshui was very considerate and wanted to ask for advice. Whether it was music or singing techniques, she felt that she needed to learn more from the great international artists in front of her, so she brought her own album.


What follows is Miss Quanmizu's shocking moment.

Her eyes widened as she listened to the comments of the artist in front of her, feeling that she was eye-opening.

She originally thought she was very satisfied with the album and had perfect songs. After he randomly pointed out a few places, she discovered that the original melodies could still be like this. With just slight changes, those melodies became more moving...

Sure enough, art is endless.

As for singing skills, Miss Quanshui feels that she has benefited a lot.

He is indeed a great artist who enjoys a high reputation internationally. He is simply amazing!
  Unconsciously, Quan Shui felt that she had become the little girl who had just walked into the recording studio, and the person in front of her was like the most omnipotent mentor...

"It's getting late, Miss Quanshui." Yan Changqing said with a smile.

"Ah?" Quan Shui was stunned for a moment. " it already so late? I'm so sorry, Mr. Yan, it's too presumptuous to disturb you today! And it's so late, delaying your dinner..."

Yan Changqing is still not used to being too polite, even though he knows this is the local habit.

He smiled and said: "It's okay. I have benefited a lot from being able to communicate with Miss Quanshui. I will stay here for a few days. If Miss Quanshui has time, we can communicate more."

"Really?" Quan Shui was stunned again, and then the smile on his face brightened. "Then, please give me more advice in the future."

"Learn from each other..." Yan Changqing said politely. "Miss Quanshui, dinner is ready, let's come together!"

"Ah, that's so sorry...for disturbing me..."


The job in the winery was already quite easy for Yan Changqing. Now, in his spare time, he has a big sister who likes music very much and seems to admire him very much to chat with him, which is quite nice.

The spring came several times in a row, and gradually the two of them became familiar with each other, and the issues they talked about were no longer limited to music.

For example, she also took the initiative to talk about how she was on the track and field team and participated in the guitar club. Now she still likes guitar, after all, she is a musician.

She also said she had been on a tennis team.

Of course, Yan Changqing didn't say nothing. He could say too much, but there was only one point: "Actually, I'm still a doctor! I have been studying medicine for several years, ever since I opened the first hospital near our home. I started studying medicine when I was working in a winery.”

"Ah, really?" Quan Shui's most common expression in the past few days was his eyes widening and his mouth slightly open, looking surprised.

"I have played Erhu since I was a child and learned martial arts." Yan Changqing said. "In our place, there is a saying that medicine and martial arts do not separate families. It means that those who study martial arts must know some medical skills."

"I don't understand much about this." Quan Shui said honestly. "I like sports, but I don't know martial arts. There are many places to learn martial arts here, but I have never had the chance to go."

"Yeah, I know." Yan Changqing nodded. "When you are running for life, you don't have time to learn many hobbies. When you no longer have to run for life, you still don't have time to learn many hobbies, right?"

"That's right." Quan Shui nodded, and then asked cautiously. "Mr. Yan, you said that you have been learning martial arts and medical skills for a long time. Are they as good as music now?"

Yan Changqing was very honest: "No, the best thing now is the level of winemaking, which is higher than the level of music. Because there are several wineries, I need to give guidance often. In addition to winemaking, it is music, and next is martial arts. Then comes the medical skills.”

Honesty does not mean that you need to be humble: "But with my medical skills, I can definitely be an attending doctor in any hospital. I just don't have the time. I started treating patients in our hospital a long time ago."

"That's amazing!" Quan Shui clasped his hands together and put them on his chin, his big eyes flickering, looking very adoring.

Although he didn't know if she did it on purpose, Yan Changqing still thought it was pretty good.

After all, admiration also depends on the person. After all, this is a well-known singer, and Yan Changqing has listened to other people's songs before.

Although Quanshui is very quiet, she is still quite cute when she occasionally shows such a little girl expression.

She's so cute that it's easy to forget her age.

(End of this chapter)

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