Chapter 355
  At the end of another day's work, Yan Changqing returned to his residence. Before he entered the courtyard, he heard some subtle movements.

He took a few steps and saw Quan Shui sitting quietly under the corridor, enjoying the sunshine comfortably and seeming to have forgotten the book on his lap.

She was wearing a somewhat loose gray-blue sweater, a pair of jeans underneath, and a pair of white canvas shoes. Maybe the sun was too pleasant, so she was tapping her legs, and the foot in the air was still lightly Shaking.

The sun shines through her air bangs and shines on her fair face, as if her face also has light.

Hearing the footsteps of Yan Changqing coming in, she raised her head and showed a very happy smile: "It's time to get off work!"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Yes, the busy day is over."

"Thank you for your hard work!" Quan Shui replied.

"It's okay." In fact, there wasn't much going on at the winery. If she hadn't come here often, Yan Changqing would have left, but of course he wouldn't have said that. "Looking at you so happy, has your medical report come out?"

After talking about her medical treatment a few days ago, Yan Changqing suggested that she go for a physical examination.

After all, I say that I have good medical skills, but I am afraid that others will not believe me, so it is better to send them to the hospital.

"Yes!" Quan Shui laughed, with a bit of embarrassment on his face. "Thank you for reminding me. I did find a small problem, but it's not serious. It's not a big deal."

Yan Changqing smiled: "It's no big problem. It's worth celebrating. How about going out to eat?"

"Okay, I know a restaurant with delicious tempura rice bowls. To thank you for reminding me, I'm treating you today."

"no problem!"


Basically every household in Dayanzhuang can cook a certain dish.

Cut the pumpkin, eggplant, or other vegetables into shreds, then mix them with the top, then add more oil and fry in the pan - deep-frying is rarely done because oil was more expensive in the past.

Sometimes noodles are added and a few eggs are added to make it taste better.

Because the villagers are accustomed to calling pumpkins Pinggua Tuo, this dish is called Pinggua Tuo.

If it's made from eggplant, it's eggplant dumpling.

Of course, saying it is a flat melon dumpling and eggplant dumpling does not mean that it only contains pumpkin and eggplant. Other things will be added, such as green peppers. You can choose spicy or not spicy according to your taste.

It's not pumpkin pie, that's what it's for.

In the past, the village was poor and lacked oil and water. This dish requires a lot of oil and is more fragrant when fried, so it is very popular with everyone.

Of course, everyone is not short of oil. If I make this dish again, I will add a lot more things, and I will not be stingy with the oil. When I am lazy, I can just fry it - the fried food will stick to the pan, so you have to keep stirring. , fried ones save effort.

It’s just that many people don’t know that the deep-fried food they lazily make cannot be called flat melon dumpling in the island country. It’s too tacky and not classy enough at first glance. It must be called tempura!
  It sounds strange. First of all, it gives people a psychological feeling that it will be delicious.

Of course, Dayanzhuang’s flat melon and eggplant dumplings were made because we were poor and had nothing else to eat, so we made over and over again the dishes we had at home to make them delicious. As long as they tasted delicious enough, they could satisfy the family.

Since tempura has such a name, it cannot be too simple, and the method will be much more complicated.

Yan Changqing feels that the chefs here are not as good as him.

But after coming to the island country, he was too lazy to cook by himself, so the chef at his residence did all the cooking.


Tempura is one of the few dishes in island cuisine that is more in line with Yan Changqing's taste.

After all, he likes fried food.

As for fried food being unhealthy, he is already a superman. Even if arsenic is used as a seasoning, he may not be poisoned to death. How can he be afraid of this?
  Because they often eat together recently, Quan Shui knows Yan Changqing's appetite, so he orders many dishes, including tempura, and there are many kinds.

Yan Changqing enjoyed the meal very much.

Compared with him, Quan Shui ate much less. In order to wait for him, he deliberately slowed down to eat.

When eating in an island country, people here are accustomed to drinking some wine to go with the food.

Quan Shui found it a bit amusing, and while pouring him wine, he said: "Actually, not every hotel has the wine from your winery, but this one just has it. How do you feel about going out and drinking the wine you brewed?"

"I feel bad." Yan Changqing laughed. "Come here, let me tell you a little secret."

Quan Shui leaned forward very cooperatively, tilting her ears and preparing to hear his little secret.

A strand of hair fell on her fair cheek. Quan Shui was a little embarrassed and reached out to push her hair behind her ears, which seemed to be transparent.

Very perfect profile.

Yan Changqing took a look and then whispered: "Actually, the wine sold in the winery is the worst, because the workers can't reach my technical level, so I need to come once a year to provide guidance. If I don't come, The quality of the wine will continue to decline.”

"Then are there any brews made by you yourself?" Quan Shui asked curiously.

"Yes!" Yan Changqing nodded. "Every time I come here, I brew some first and put it in my own residence."

"Then why do you..." Quan Shui hesitated to speak.

"I thought you wouldn't like it. In our area, women rarely drink alcohol when eating, and at most drink some low-alcohol wine." Yan Changqing said directly. "Besides, if I bring out the wine, what if you misunderstand that I'm going to get you drunk and do something?"

"Ha..." Quan Shui smiled and poured himself a glass. "Then I'll drink this bad one first? I'll try a better one later. In fact, I think this one is already very good. I have several bottles at home."

Yan Changqing smiled: "I'll give you a few bottles of good wine later. By the way, do you like wine? I have a winery in Australia. I'll have someone send you a few bottles when I go there."

"Sorry to trouble you!" Quan Shui didn't refuse and expressed his gratitude directly.


After dinner, when he returned to his residence, Yan Changqing took out the sake he brewed: "Try it first. If you think it's still to your liking, bring a few bottles back later. Drink less every day. It can take care of your body. Don't lie. People, don’t forget that I am a Chinese medicine doctor.”

"Of course I believe you." Quan Shui said with a smile. "I'm going to ask you to help with a follow-up visit later!"

"No problem." Yan Changqing is very confident when it comes to his own skills. "Have you prescribed any medicine in the hospital? If not, I can prescribe some Chinese medicine to help you recover."

"No, I was still thinking about how to ask you for help... Then I'll trouble you!"

"You're welcome." Yan Changqing raised the bottle to her. "Come and taste it and see if it tastes better than what's sold."

Definitely much better.

After tasting the spring water briefly, he closed his eyes in a somewhat exaggerated manner. After a while, he opened his eyes and praised: "It's really... I don't know how to describe it, but it's really good, especially good... like I listened to a very good piece of music and felt very comfortable..."

Yan Changqing had a drink with her, smacked his lips discreetly, and then commented: "Actually, it can be improved a bit, if..."

It's purely a matter of skill itself. It really doesn't matter how high he demands of himself. Skill is just like this. As long as he experiences it with his heart and has new insights every day, he will always do better tomorrow than he did today. Yan Changqing said nothing more, but Yan Changqing said that the person opposite only knew how to drink wine, but did not know how to make wine.

Even those who understand may not understand what he says.

So he quickly changed the topic: "Let's try this one. The brewing methods are similar, but the raw materials are different, and the taste will be slightly different."



The alcohol content of sake is not high. For Yan Changqing, it is almost the same as white water. Given his physique, it will not have any negative effects on him at all.

However, Quan Shui's drinking capacity was not good enough. After a few glasses of wine and some drinking during meals, her face soon turned red.

But the problem is not big, she seems to be quite awake, at least she still remembers to ask Dr. Yan to help with follow-up consultation and prescribing medicine.

Yan Changqing picked up the pen and then thought of a question: "Are the names of the Chinese medicines here the same as those over there? Forget it, I'll just write the Chinese characters. Just find someone who understands when you take the medicine...I should do it tomorrow. Not too busy, if you agree, I can go with you..."

"Then please!" Quan Shui's eyes were a little confused. "I drank too much today. I'm so sorry. How can a guest drink so much at the host's house? Just don't get angry."

"It's nothing, it's all because the wine I brew is so delicious!" Yan Changqing made a joke and continued while writing. "Actually, it's okay without medicine. Tomorrow I'll have a few bottles of white wine brewed by me. If you drink some every day, you can still take care of your body. But I'm afraid you won't believe it..."

"I believe!"

Yan Changqing looked up and saw her staring at him with confused eyes: "Do you believe that drinking can cure diseases?"

"Do you believe in telepathy?" Quan Shui looked at him and said.

"Why do you ask that?" Yan Changqing thought for a while. "I definitely believe it."

"Really?" Quan Shui smiled stupidly. "You know? I heard someone said you were here that day, and I had a telepathic feeling. I should come and see you..."

"In the end, I suggested you go to the hospital." Yan Changqing said jokingly.

"Yeah!" Quan Shui continued her silly smile. "I feel that if I don't come, I will miss something. Fortunately I came, otherwise maybe I will regret it later."

Before Yan Changqing could speak, she heard her continue: "You know what? When I am with you, I feel like you are my peer. Very comfortable, very comfortable..."

"Thank you also for reminding me. The doctor said that if my disease is discovered late, it may be serious. Thank you, you are really good... In fact, when I first met you, I felt that I should believe you. So, you don’t need to ask me whether I believe it or not, as long as you say it, I will believe it..."

"I don't believe that other wines can cure diseases, but I believe that the wine you brew can really cure diseases... Is it weird? I think it's telepathy... Just like now, you can feel that I'm here What are you thinking about..."

Yan Changqing felt that she drank a little too much. As he watched her talk and gradually move closer, he began to hesitate.

Then he hesitated and realized that he had already pulled the person into his arms, and the red lips smelling of wine were getting closer and closer to him...

Damn self-control!
  In fact, neither of them drank much, but some things just fell into place.


After dinner the next day, Yan Changqing was a little apologetic: "I originally wanted to accompany you to buy medicine, but... I'll be fine tomorrow!"

Quan Shui was still a little shy: "Thank you for taking care of me. I didn't expect to be so tired and overslept. And didn't you tell me? My illness is just a minor problem and I don't need to take medicine. I said, I believe you." of……"

"That's good!" Yan Changqing felt good about being trusted. "I've already called and the wine will be delivered tomorrow. The wine hasn't had much effect yet, but the white wine will definitely regulate the body, don't worry!"

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Quan Shui said.

"No trouble, it's just a phone call." Yan Changqing said with a smile. "Are you still tired? Let me press it for you!"


How polite!


Yan Changqing originally planned to stay in the island country for a few days, then go home for a few days, and then go to Australia.

Although it was a waste of air tickets, he didn't have anyone to rush him to do anything now, so he didn't have to worry.

But now, of course, plans have to change.

The scenery in Tokyo is actually pretty good. Although the weather is not that warm now, the winter here is much warmer than that in Yan Changqing's hometown, Dayanzhuang.

Time flies so fast, Yan Changqing originally planned to go back when it snows here.

But it’s been a mild winter in Tokyo this year, and it hasn’t snowed.

Two thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, there is something that may seem very fun in the future, but many people are worried about now.

Computer Y[-]K problem.

Even Quan Shui asked out of curiosity: "Is the millennium bug really scary?"

Yan Changqing couldn't help but want to laugh: "It's okay. There are so many people engaged in the Internet industry now, and some people are trying to find ways to solve it. And this is not a big problem in the first place, and it will be solved soon."

"Well, that's good. I'm worried that I won't be able to use a computer to handle things in the future!"




There is no Spring Festival in Tokyo. The locals celebrate New Year's Day as the New Year, which is equivalent to the Spring Festival in their hometown.

Their vacation was not long, only four days.

However, many people still have the custom of returning to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year.

But Quanshui has been very busy over the years, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't go back occasionally. For example, now, Yan Changqing asked thoughtfully, and Quanshui said that in fact, just make a phone call and go back to make up for it in a few days. also.

Yan Changqing understood it, and naturally it meant waiting for him to leave in a few days.

It sounds like it’s really time to leave, but let’s wait a few days!
  There is quite a lot of activity during New Year's Day, so it would be nice to stay here and experience an exotic festival.

It is said that there are also Chinatowns in some places here, which will hold some activities during the New Year, but Yan Changqing obviously cannot wait that long and can only celebrate New Year's Day.

Fortunately, the festival is quite fun if you have people with you.

As a song goes, doing happy things with a lover is really a beautiful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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