Chapter 356 Bubble in advance

Huang Peishan held a cup of coffee and stared at Times Square below through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

There was some panic here a few days ago. Because of the Y[-]K problem, many people were worried about whether stock market transactions would be affected.

But obviously, after a few days, except for some troubleshooting, everything went as usual. Everyone was relieved and continued their hurried pace during the day, busy work, and the night's revelry...

Thinking about the panic of the past few days, and then thinking about how busy she was now as before, Huang Peishan's mouth moved, thinking that she was not like this yet. Fortunately, she was about to take a vacation.

She doesn't want to travel. She has to fly for several days almost every month. She doesn't want to go anywhere. She just wants to find a place to lie on the sofa, follow TV dramas, watch fashion, eat junk food, and become corrupt in a few days. days...

Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it.

In fact, she is very leisurely now. According to the report from the 'informant' on the island country, the boss is now living together with a certain singer in the island country. They are living happily and don't even care about the company's affairs.

It just so happened that she was lazy. Anyway, part of the money from the stock market has been turned into Australian land, so she should relax a little!

With this thought in mind, she took a sip of coffee and prepared to wait for her boss to leave the island country and then give herself a vacation...

Drops and zeros...

The annoying phone ringing sounded again.

And she seemed to hear several phones ringing at the same time, including in the assistant's office outside the office.

There won't be anything urgent, right?
  She walked to her desk with her coffee, answered the phone, and heard the nervous voice of her assistant: "Mr. Huang, there are some bad signs in the stock market..."


It was a sunny day like any other.

At least for most people in Times Square, they have not yet realized what will happen today.

When the stock market opened today and saw the index falling, many people still thought that this was another ordinary low opening and high moving.

Because in the recent period, the popularity of the stock market has made people forget about the crisis lurking underneath. It goes up and up every day. All technology stocks are like crazy. No matter what the opening is, they will rise in the end.

Some people are also wondering whether something unexpected will happen with such a rapid rise.

However, when everyone is making money, those crazy rising numbers will make people subconsciously not think about it.

Most people easily lose themselves when they only focus on money.

While everyone else is making money, there are only a few people who are willing to give up the benefits they are about to gain and decisively exit the market.

But today seems to be an exception, a different exception from every day in the past period.

The decline in the index seems excessive!

It was indeed too much. Years later, when many people think of this day, they will call it a ‘nightmare day’.

Because starting from this day, everyone remembered a new term "Internet Bubble".

In fact, this term was proposed a long time ago, but no one would remember it before.


In fact, even if Huang Peishan received a call from her assistant, she was still a little unsure.

The boss predicted it in advance, but the boss said that it is estimated that this bubble will not burst until the beginning of this year.

She really didn't expect that this 'new year' would begin so quickly. It had just passed New Year's Day.

Because of the surge in Internet technology in the stock market some time ago, the entire financial market is now very busy. On New Year's Day, many people began to make plans for the new year when they discovered that the millennium bug was not a serious problem at all.

But on the next day, the index continued to fall, reminding Huang Peishan that obviously, the boss's prediction had come true again.

Speaking of which, there should be some factors of her own. After all, over the past year, she has successively withdrawn so much money from the stock market.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window again, Huang Peishan felt that the hurried footsteps below began to become more hurried...

In fact, many people are still obsessed with the myth that the stock market will continue to rise. Many people still feel, or are unwilling to believe, the existence of the Internet bubble. They are still looking forward to the falling numbers, as they have done in the past. Go up.

However, the fact is that the rate of decline in that number seems to be faster than the rate of increase in the past few days.

Just a few days later, there was already news about jumping from a building in the newspapers...


Huang Peishan was no longer in New York at this time. From the moment she felt that what her boss said would become reality, she had already arrived in Australia. Several of her boss's villas needed to be cleaned. It would be good if she worked harder and took people to do it herself.

When she woke up in the morning, ate breakfast and read the newspaper, Huang Peishan felt at ease.

As for the changes in the outside world, what does it have to do with her little assistant?

She is just a pitiful, weak and helpless little assistant. All her actions are based on the instructions of her boss and she has no opinions of her own.

So those bubbles and jumping off buildings actually have nothing to do with me. The boss has said that all of this is bound to happen.

Just like Zhou Jialing prepared so many supplies in advance last year, wouldn't they come in handy?
  After all, the development of many things does not depend on human will.

What she can do is to arrange for those who belong to her financial company so that they will not be unable to pay their mortgages and rent during this crisis...

This is the conscience of a young assistant. He cannot let the people below him think that the boss is a black-hearted capitalist.


Yan Changqing is also having breakfast.

His appetite is relatively large. As long as he wants to eat, he can eat it for a whole day without stopping.

Compared to him, Miss Quanshui's appetite is very small.

The two of them had dinner together last night. Miss Quanshui had tried her best to eat with him for a while, but she was still full after just a few bites. In order to appease him, Miss Quanshui said that she would eat better breakfast with him.

But obviously, Miss Quanshui made a mistake again.

She has often made gaffes in the past few days. Every time before a meal, she feels that she can eat very well. However, when she starts eating, she quickly holds her stomach and expresses that she cannot eat anymore.

Yan Changqing was still very considerate. He just skipped breakfast for a while and started planning where to go in the morning.

In fact, there is no need for any plans. The two of them have not had any plans at all in the past few days. Even if they are just walking hand in hand on the streets of Tokyo, they are in a happy mood.

So in the morning, under the warm winter sunshine, the two of them went for a walk in a nearby small park.

You don’t need to say too many words. Just walking will make you feel in a good mood. An occasional look at each other and a smile are worth a thousand words.

The scenery that has become familiar will not be ignored subconsciously because of familiarity, but because it is familiar, people will feel that the environment is more comfortable.

Quan Shui lowered her head and stepped on the path paved with stone slabs, stepping carefully on the stone slabs every step she took. However, it was obvious that she was in a good mood, because she was holding her hands behind her back and skipping a beat after taking two steps.

Every time she took off, her yellow windbreaker would flutter, and from time to time she would turn around and look at Yan Changqing who was following behind her.

Still wearing simple hair tied up, a yellow sweater, and a pair of sky blue jeans.

The jeans were a bit tight, and even though she didn't like to wear high heels, just a pair of flat shoes still made her legs look more slender.

Yan Changqing thought it looked like a painting.

So after the walk, when he returned to his residence, he started to draw the paintings he saw in the morning.

...   Quan Shui was a little surprised: "This painting... is so beautiful!"

"Of course, because you are so beautiful, the painting is beautiful!" Yan Changqing smiled, took a serious look, and slightly modified a few places in the painting that he felt were not perfect.

"Why didn't you say you could draw?" Quan Shui asked curiously.

"Actually, the level is very average, just like sculpting. I rarely do these two things recently."

"Although my level of appreciation is average, I feel that this is already the level of a master!" Quan Shui was a little dazed. He is such a magical man. It seems that there is nothing he can't do. "You painted me so beautifully. Am I that beautiful?"

"I don't think the painting captures your beauty, I just painted one thousandth of it!" Yan Changqing was very modest.

Quan Shui was a little embarrassed: "Don't praise me too much, I will be proud!"

After hesitating for a moment, she asked a question that she had been thinking about and felt very sensitive: "By the way, don't you think I'm much older than you?"

"You don't even think I'm too big." Yan Changqing said with a smile.

It took several days for the two of them to work together from a difficult situation in the beginning to getting into a better situation.

Quan Shui's face instantly turned red.

Yan Changqing suddenly became interested when he saw her blushing.

Unlike the brave Marina, she blushes easily and always looks shy at first.

But after all, she is much older than Marina, and a woman of her age is quite good. In recent days, the two have become more and more cooperative.

Although she would say no to this or that every time at the beginning, her opinions were easily ignored and even became encouragement.

Seeing Yan Changqing's expression, Quan Shui's face turned even redder: "No, it's daytime!"


After lunch, the two of them basked in the warm sunshine and looked at the courtyard outside.

The residence prepared by Tetsu Ueyama is quite good. It is a very nice courtyard-style residence. There are many evergreen plants in the yard. In addition, the winter here is not too cold, so people often forget about the seasons.

However, the two people were not talking about the scenery. The spring was talking, or seemed to be muttering to itself: "It's so strange. Every time I talk to you, it always seems to come very quickly."

Yan Changqing explained: "It's probably because of telepathy! Because when lovers do happy things, they are truly happy."

"Yeah!" Quan Shui hummed in a low voice. "But you..."

"I'm fine, I will be fine in the future." Yan Changqing patted her gently and told her not to think too much.

In fact, it was already much better than at the beginning, and now she was almost catching up with the Emperor who had suffered many defeats.

But probably because of her physical condition, she was defeated faster.


Yan Changqing had already received Huang Peishan's call.

Although Huang Peishan didn't feel like a bubble was coming at first, she still called her boss.

So Yan Changqing often has a strange feeling in his heart these days, as if he has really changed a lot of things.

For example, the bubble burst this time several months earlier than he remembered.

Even Yan Changqing can't help but have a very illusory feeling.

At this time, only Miss Quanshui's tenderness could make him feel real.

So he has been thinking a lot recently, just because the spring water is passive and cannot be refused at all.

However, his abnormality was still discovered.

Quan Shui asked very carefully: "Have you had anything happen recently?"

"Actually, it's nothing." Yan Changqing thought for a while. “Well, you know that internet bubble that people are starting to talk about these days?”

"Yeah!" Quan Shui nodded. "What's wrong, are you still trading in stocks?"

"A little bit, but I sold my stocks last year." Yan Changqing said. "So I'm feeling a little emotional, but it's actually not a big deal. I'm going back in a few days, and I'll be staying in Australia for a while. If you have nothing to do, why don't you come with me?"

"Ah?" Quan Shui was stunned for a moment. "That's not good, is it?"

"It's nothing. It depends on your schedule. If nothing happens, you can go there and see the scenery."

She is a celebrity here, and the most important thing is that she is beautiful. Even if she wears a mask, her temperament and figure are all she looks attractive. Even though she is very low-key, she still worries about being recognized when she walks.

In fact, the same goes for Yan Changqing. Because the music he first released was in line with the tastes of the island people, his popularity in the island country has always been quite high.

However, Yan Changqing has changed a lot now. After all, he is still growing. He only comes here once a year, which is better than spring water.

But it's also quite eye-catching. He is now [-] meters tall and has a perfect figure.

Probably because of his skills, his appearance has become more and more perfect throughout his life. With such a tall height and attractive appearance, he is actually quite eye-catching when he walks.

And when the two of them walked together, this attractive attention not only doubled.

It would be great if I went to Australia. There are not many people there, so I don’t have to worry about being disturbed at all.


Quan Shui was a little hesitant, but she did not directly agree to Yan Changqing's invitation.

Yan Changqing had nothing to do. If it was the little girl Marina, he would not dare to invite her at all, because as long as he said so, she would definitely follow him, regardless of her studies or concerts.

It seems a bit scumbag, obviously with one person, but thinking about another person.

Yan Changqing retracted his thoughts: "Actually, I can also cook, because I haven't had time these days to show off my skills with you. Let me cook today and try the tempura I have tasted these days. I feel It will taste better than what’s cooked in a restaurant.”

"Really?" Quan Shui started to feel numb. He is always so powerful. Sure enough, he can do everything!

"Of course it's true." Yan Changqing stood up with a smile. "But it's just like painting, the level is average."

The general meaning is that there is only one level in skills.

Yan Changqing doesn't think those skills that have reached the first level are called good.

People, be humble.

Quan Shui was very happy: "Let me help! I'm looking forward to it, because I always think you will surprise me. Wait a moment, I will clean up here, and we will go together."

While cleaning up, he muttered: "I feel so disgusting, and I have to clean it up every time for a long time..."

Yan Changqing smiled: "Maybe it's because the name matches the person, hey! Let me help!"

The residence was originally provided with cleaning and cooking staff, but recently they were sent away, so I had to do it myself.

But when the two of them are together, whatever they do will become interesting, and they won't find housework cumbersome.

And if the two of them do it together, time will pass faster.

Sometimes I am tidying up, because I feel that I have to wash and dry it anyway, so it would be good to reuse the waste...

(End of this chapter)

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