Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 357 Small Accident Training a Baby Killer Whale

Chapter 357 Small Accident Training a Baby Killer Whale

Something happened to the winery workers, a shooting.

Huang Peishan was shocked when she heard about this. She knew how much the boss valued these people.

Whose workers came without asking for anything, and were allowed to freely choose whether they would like a farm, a pasture, or a vineyard, and they still spent several months half-working and half-holiday?

Huang Peishan has been to Dayan Village, so of course she knows the people there.

Nowadays, a few of the people who follow the boss come out to learn more and are curious about foreign countries. Of course, there are also a few who feel that the moon is full outside. They just come out together when they have the opportunity.

But most of them are people who simply think that following the boss will lead to success.

The boss said that factories thousands of miles away across the ocean needed workers, and these people started learning foreign languages ​​without saying a word. Many of them didn't even know many Chinese characters, so they struggled to learn them, and then packed their bags and headed overseas.

Good thing now, something happened!

But then, Huang Peishan couldn't laugh or cry.

There is something, but it's not big.

It was just a little injury on the buttocks. It wasn't serious. It wasn't a direct hit, it was a ricochet.

It's not bad luck, it's self-inflicted.

Australia is also a gun-free area, and shooting incidents are actually much less than in the beautiful country.

So after the workers stayed here for a while, they gradually lost the uneasiness and vigilance they felt when they first arrived in a foreign country.

That's what happened to this unfortunate worker.

The factory is not busy now. I usually spend my time in plantations or farms. I do a lot of things in my free time, including shopping.

This is a shopper. He was fine at first, but he heard the sound of firecrackers...

When I saw it again, it turned out that they were not firecrackers, but security officers chasing criminals. It was so exciting that they started fighting on the street.

This is so lively, you have to take a look at it more often. You can brag about it for half a year.

The locals didn't even have time to hide. This guy leaned forward with his butt raised and his head raised, and he hit the jackpot.

Huang Peishan thought for a long time before calling her boss and explaining the matter.

Yan Changqing was speechless after hearing this: "As long as everything is fine, let's report this incident to the whole factory. Everyone must know that this is not our home. Even if the local security is good, after all, we are not familiar with the environment. Be careful. By the way, what is the injured worker’s name?”

"My name is Zeng Haichao."

Yan Changqing thought for a moment: "One of the workers who came here is named Zeng Youcai. He is his second uncle. Please tell his second uncle to give him a beating first. Don't wait for the injury to heal. Beat him now." "

"Ah this?" Huang Peishan was stunned. "Is this appropriate?"

"Just say what I said." Yan Changqing said crisply. When he answered the phone just now and heard that someone had been shot, his heart jumped several times, for fear that something big would happen.

The bastard thing scared me so much that I can't get over it without a beating!
  Huang Peishan could only nod: "Okay, I'll have someone notify you right away."

Yan Changqing was still angry: "Tell him, if the beating is mild, I'll do it myself when I go there. Going out and running so far will make you lose your mind. This is..."

Huang Peishan didn't know how to answer the question, but the boss was always right. This person named Zeng Haichao really lacked some brains.

Seeing Yan Changqing hang up the phone, Quan Shui raised his head and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"It's no big deal!" Yan Changqing smiled. "There is a fool who did something unreliable. It's nothing. Let's continue..."

In recent days, the two of them have become more and more understanding, probably because the woman is in her thirties, but Yan Changqing's skill proficiency is constantly improving.

So Yan Changqing made up his mind again and again, and he hasn't left yet.

But he had to leave after all, and after a few days passed, he finally packed his bags and boarded the flight home.


When I got home, I found that Chen Youliang and many people in the market were not at home. They had held a trade fair in the provincial capital before the Chinese New Year, and they all went to join in the fun.

Open the website and take a look. The goods are becoming more and more abundant, and there are more and more things with clearly marked prices.

The local businesses in Taoshu Township are very happy now that they are close to the water. The goods produced by many small factories were originally shipped by the market. Now that the market has launched a website to sell goods, of course they are happy.

But what’s more popular is wine.

Nowadays, the price of a box of BBK moonshine is basically hovering around [-] yuan.

There are many rumors that the private wines sold by wineries are all medicinal wines and are made from palace recipes.

Many people even swore about its curative effects, whether it can beautify the skin, or nourish yin, nourish the kidneys and strengthen yang, etc., anyway, because without a reason, many people cannot accept such an expensive price.

Speaking of which, those who use the Internet now should be some people with relatively high knowledge and culture, but there are still various unreliable rumors.

Fortunately, it is only two thousand years ago, and there are not that many people online. The impact of these remarks is not great. At most, more people will know that there is a kind of wine that can buy a case of [-] yuan.

Yan Changqing felt that what they said was right, and those effects should have some effect.

Now my skill is to drink wine, which is to recuperate the body, or to enhance vitality. If the body is good, everything will be better.

So, let others continue talking!
  Anyway, no one else is interfering with this matter at the moment. After all, the winery still has a partner who can prove that the effect of the wine is indeed good.

If wine is said to be a tonic, then it is not expensive no matter how much it sells for.


In fact, there are quite a lot of things going on at home now.

The winery, power station and instant noodle factory, those people who were not at home were handling the situation very well. As soon as he came back, they all came to report on their work.

After two busy days, Zhu Changsheng came over again: "Changqing, you know what's going on with the economic bubble abroad now, right? By the way, I have to tell you about the money you gave me. , too many, inappropriate..."

Taking advantage of the economic crisis in Southeast Asia, Yan Changqing asked him to use his private money to help invest for him.

Later, Yan Changqing didn't give him any money, so he threw it into the stock market.

Now it has doubled several times, and as a result, Lao Zhu feels uneasy again.

Yan Changqing thought it didn't matter: "What's inappropriate? We weren't the only ones who knew when you took out this money. It's pure money, why is it inappropriate?"

Zhu Changsheng muttered: "I haven't done anything..."

"Yes, I didn't do anything, I just let others do it." Yan Changqing smiled and poured him a glass of wine. "Try my sake. I brought it back from the island country."

Zhu Changsheng took a sip: "It's very comfortable to drink. I can't say whether it's good or bad. I haven't drunk foreign wine a few times. So for this money..."

"Just leave it in the bank and see who can say anything?" Yan Changqing said helplessly. "Your little money means nothing if many people know about it. You haven't seen how much I sell a box of wine now. There are so many rich people, so what do you have to be afraid of?"

"I'm not just thinking about waiting until retirement to take another step forward." Zhu Changsheng felt a little embarrassed when he said this.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that when he took out this little money, not many people knew about it, but there were quite a few. It's definitely no problem to hold the money, but it's a bit sudden, it's much more than he thought, and he can't accept it for a while.

Yan Changqing smiled: "Then you should have money in your pocket, so that people know that you will not make mistakes in this regard."

To put it bluntly, even if he does nothing now, he will take a step further sooner or later. At the worst, he will give it a try before retiring.

So having some money is a good thing, not a bad thing.

It's just that he never had much money before, and suddenly he got an unexpected fortune, which made him feel uneasy.

After a few words, the two stopped talking about the matter and turned to the bubble incident.

Yan Changqing feels that this is not a bad thing. The country is currently in a period of rapid development and there is a bubble. The next step is an opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to develop.

He couldn't say anything specific, because now the bubble has been advanced, and if he were asked to predict something else, he might not be so accurate.


After Zhu Changsheng said goodbye, Yan Changqing still rode a white camel for a stroll every day and went home on time for dinner.

Then when his family felt relieved, he ran away to Australia.

Zeng Haichao's injuries were healed, but Yan Changqing still went to see him.

This guy's scar healed and he forgot about the pain. He said with a smile: "I was not careful, Mr. Yan, don't worry, I'm fine now. Look, I'm in great shape now!"

Yan Changqing chuckled and turned to ask his second uncle: "Have you been beaten?"

Zeng Youcai was an honest and honest man. Hearing this, he nodded honestly: "He's beaten. In front of everyone in the factory, I gave him twenty sticks."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Then I won't beat you."

In fact, he already knew it, Huang Peishan had reported it.

After the phone call, Huang Peishan sent word that Zeng Youcai took his nephew back from the hospital, took him to the factory, and whipped him twenty times with a cane.

If an ordinary parent spanks their child, there will be no injuries, it will just hurt for a while.

But it will definitely make people remember to be careful when going out in the future to avoid something like this happening again.

Zeng Haichao whispered: "Mr. Yan, I was injured at the time..."

"The fart hurts a lot, so it's nothing." Yan Changqing was not polite to him. "Have you ever cut off your feet while chopping corn stalks at home? Is it serious?"

"That's not true." Zeng Haichao lowered his head. "But how old I am in front of so many people..."

"Haha!" Yan Changqing waved. "Can you remember it even if there are so many people? Can others remember it? I just use you as a typical example. Go to work. Be smarter in the future and don't act like a fool."

Seeing the uncle and nephew leaving, he added to add insult to injury: "Don't think this is a bad thing, this is a good thing. You reminded everyone in the factory to pay attention to safety when going out, and you saved your own life. If it hadn't been for this If you stick your head out to see next time, I'm sure the ricochet won't go to your butt..."


Although the boss asked his second uncle to beat his nephew, no one in the factory said anything.

In the final analysis, even though the winery is already well-known around the world, it still has strong characteristics of a township enterprise, and a large number of the workers inside are related households.

For these people, if you use discipline to restrain them, it will have an effect, but it really won't make people remember it clearly.

And they emphasize discipline all day long, or fines for violations, etc. If you do it too much, people will get annoyed.

It's better to be simple and crude and give a typical example - wait for a while to find an excuse and give this guy some level salary or something to compensate.

In the eyes of those in the factory who come from this village and neighboring villages, such simple and crude behavior is called "invisible", which shows that Mr. Yan has not yet regarded everyone as outsiders.

It took Huang Peishan a long time to understand this, so she felt that the boss's actions were a bit 'unexpected'.

In fact, the effect was very good. Those who were beaten would not really complain about the boss. They did not listen to what he said. They only complained that the injuries were not healed at that time and they still had to be beaten, in front of so many people.

In fact, he just felt that he really deserved to be beaten. After all, he himself knew that this was a bit too much for Sabi.


There was nothing going on in the factories here, and Yan Changqing was not in a hurry to visit the plantations. After handling some documents and other matters, he went straight to the seaside, wanting to see his family of killer whales first. .

I drove to the small farm. Now that the small villa has been built, it will be more comfortable to live there.

Moreover, the beach belongs to our own area, and we have built isolation fences and put up a sign: There are sharks in the sea, please do not go into the sea.

It was all arranged by Huang Peishan. If we talk about killer whales, I am afraid that people will think that killer whales do not eat humans.

But they are predators in nature after all. Who knows if they will take a bite out of someone if their brains are twitching?
  In fact, when Yan Changqing was away, Huang Peishan arranged for people to feed her, so she had someone change her boat to a larger one. At least in shallow waters, it would not be easily capsized by killer whales.

And there are strict requirements that only food can be thrown into the sea, and other people are prohibited from touching it.

So the life of this family of three is pretty good. Visible to the naked eye, the baby killer whale has grown a lot and looks plump and cuter.

Yan Changqing threw the fish down, then looked around, then controlled the water flow and sent himself to the little killer whale.

The little killer whale should still remember Yan Changqing. Yan Changqing stretched out his hand and took the initiative to reach the side of the boat with his head stretched out.

Now that Yan Changqing is in the water, it starts to come closer, its big head getting closer to Yan Changqing bit by bit.

Yan Changqing laughed happily, touched its head, then waved his hand, and then took the lead and swam away.

The little killer whale immediately followed him, probably understanding that he wanted to play with him.

When they reached deeper waters, Yan Changqing first demonstrated a fish leap and then turned his head.

Sure enough, the baby killer whale jumped out of the sea very skillfully - this is an action that killer whales often do.

Then Yan Changqing continued to dive, shouting every time.

He wanted to give it a try. If he could make the little killer whale remember it, he could directly signal the little one to pose for a photo in the future.

Don't think this is useless, he has a skill to tame animals, which depends on your proficiency.

Normally, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the cats or dogs at home... mainly dogs. Cats are not very good. Those guys are too wild. They are used to being free in the factory and don’t give much face to themselves as the boss.

It's better than a dog, it usually listens to commands.

Of course, the white camel is the most obedient. Yan Changqing can now command it to pick up the Frisbee, but it is not as good as a dog that can directly catch the Frisbee. It can only pick it up from the ground and bring it back.

Yan Changqing's plan is to first train the baby killer whale to be able to carry things back.

Of course, the main thing is that while training the little killer whale, he can continue to practice his ***** skills.

Although skills can be practiced as long as there is water, even in the desert, as long as he is given a basin of water, his proficiency will still increase.

However, he just likes water and feels more comfortable in the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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