Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 362: Be strong when speaking

Chapter 362: Speak with force

The red glow of the sunset covered the sea, and a small boat floated back and forth on the sea, ups and downs, and its beautiful singing floated gently with the sea breeze.

The little killer whale swam lazily around the boat, looking at the guy on the boat who brought him food every day.

Recently, it often has to swim far away to eat fish. It feels that its hunting skills have improved. The food that was originally brought to its mouth now tastes more tiring than hunting in the sea.

Fortunately, after eating, you can still play games for a while, otherwise it wouldn't want to eat ready-made food.

As the sunset became less and less, the sky gradually darkened, and the boat drifted toward the shore.

Back at the villa, Yan Changqing prepared dinner and lit candles.

It turns out that Marina is not the only one who likes candlelight dinners, so the candles were not wasted during the few days she was away, and they can still be used every day.

He woke up Quan Shui who was taking a nap on the sofa, and the two happily ate their dinner.

Quanshui's new song had been revised with the help of Yan Changqing a long time ago, and now Yan Changqing helped her write a new song called "Pure Land of Paradise".

Quan Shui liked this song very much, so he was in a very good mood. He was not so resistant to Yan Changqing's many whimsical ideas, so Yan Changqing's mood became quite good.

Dinner was tempura, authentic.

Needless to say, Yan Changqing's cooking skills are much better than those of the chefs in the restaurants they had eaten in Tokyo, and the ingredients here are definitely the best. The ones produced on his own farm and those he personally salvaged from the sea are definitely the best. The freshest.

As time passed, the spring water gradually changed into the shape of Yan Changqing, and he began to speak casually like him.

Just like now, Quan Shui was eating lazily and feeling a little worried: "I feel like I'm going to gain weight!"

Yan Changqing reassured her: "It's okay. Let's go for a walk after dinner. Just move more."

Quan Shui was startled: "You want more? I'm about to die..."

Yan Changqing smiled half-heartedly: "Isn't it okay to take a walk?"

Quan Shui blushed, glanced at him, and said nothing.

However, Yan Changqing was still very considerate. After dinner and watching the spring water, he didn't want to go out for a walk, so he didn't force her. Instead, he curled up on the sofa with her, chatting casually like the previous nights.

It wasn't until Quan Shui started chatting that his upper and lower eyelids started to fight that he carried her into the bedroom and put her on the bed.

Then he came to the living room and lay on the sofa.

Then the water in several fish tanks began to rise into the air, changing in the air.

After a while, one ball of water turned into two groups, and then turned into two people.

One water man holds a knife, the other a stick.

Then the crackling began.

Of course, because they move too fast, the two watermen often become nondescript, but they recover quickly and look quite a bit fantasy.

This is one of Yan Changqing's methods to practice his skills. Now the range of Qian Jiang Da Hai's skills has reached about 100 meters, and the level of fine control has also been greatly improved.

However, it is not possible to control two water figures at the same time to perform different actions and to perform fighting scenes.

The movements of the two water men slowed down, and then they turned into three water men, ready to start the Three Kingdoms War.

But before he could start, Yan Changqing suddenly heard some noise.

The three masses of water separated instantly and each returned to the fish tank.

There was only a little water left in the fish tank, and those poor little fish were almost suffocating. Suddenly, they found that their living environment had been greatly improved, and they immediately began to swim happily.

However, Yan Changqing didn't bother to look at them. Instead, he stood up and took a few steps towards the door.

Then those happy little fishes instantly discovered that the water they relied on for survival had once again become only a shallow layer at the bottom of the fish tank. This time, even the water left behind was almost exposed to their backs.


A few minutes ago, two black cars quietly drove from the beach not far from the villa.

Then a group of armed men got out of the car.

These people were silent as soon as they got out of the car, moved quickly, and quietly moved towards the villa.

Judging from their actions, they were quite professional. Someone was standing guard nearby, and several other people were covering each other as they gradually arrived around the villa.

Then they quickly dispersed and surrounded the villa on all sides.

There are people in the garage, front and back doors, windows, everywhere.

However, the two people who reached the front door suddenly stopped.

The door is open.

The light inside was very weak, which made them hesitate.

Soon, though, they were ready to move on.

The person who came to perform the task knew very well who lived here, a big musician and entrepreneur.

According to the information they learned, the owner of the villa didn't like hiring bodyguards at all, which meant that the place was completely undefended.

So leaving the door open can only prove that the owner of the villa has no awareness of safety precautions.

Moreover, insects have been chirping all around for a long time, and the observation post in the distance has not sent out a signal, proving that everything is normal.


Suddenly, the two people suddenly felt as if they had fallen into the water.

It’s not that I think it is.

How could there be water here? They were clearly at the door of the villa.

Nervously, they were about to use their weapons, but then they discovered that those weapons no longer obeyed the command...

I tried to open my mouth to send a signal, but when I opened my mouth, I only felt water pouring in from my mouth and nose...

They instantly realized how painful it felt to drown.

It was a kind of deep despair. Their well-trained bodies were completely unable to use their strength at this moment. Although they could still struggle, it was as if they were walking in space.

Then the two of them managed to calm down, only to realize that they had been wrapped in a ball of water and flew into the air at some point.

Not only them, but the two closest companions were also wrapped in a ball of water, quickly flew to them, and successfully merged with them.

It's a pity that these two are just like them, they can only struggle but can't do anything.

The puddle of water obviously didn't look like much, but it wrapped them tightly, leaving them struggling to death.

Then magical scenes kept appearing.

Their companions, wrapped in balls of water, were constantly being delivered to them. In the end, when they came, many of them, except for the people on the observation post in the distance, everyone successfully merged.


The observation post in the distance was cold.

He has never seen such a strange scene.

In his opinion, the operation went smoothly. Although his companions knew that they were facing an ordinary person who did not like to use bodyguards and had no sense of security, they still showed their due tactical literacy and every move was just like every previous operation. Same……

No, act more cautiously than in the past.

Because the pay for this mission is very high, because they know who the target is. If their action is successful, it will definitely cause an uproar around the world...

But after they earn enough pensions, they will soon be dispersed around the world and live a prosperous and leisurely retirement life.

The last mission must of course be completed perfectly.

Therefore, everyone performed far more professionally than any previous mission.

However, just when the observation post relaxed a little and saw that his companions had already approached the villa, and that the next step was to be thunderous and ready to 'invite' the target, his eyes behind the high-power telescope suddenly widened.

Because he suddenly saw an incredible scene.

The starlight was very good tonight. Although there was no light in the villa, he could see clearly that it was a water-like thing that suddenly gathered around his companions and then pounced on them.

Then his companions began to struggle. Some even managed to make a few dull sounds from their weapons, and some simply had no strength to struggle and began to struggle in the water-like thing.

Then, the entire nine companions were wrapped together like squeezed cans.


The sudden change made the observation post hesitate for a moment, but soon he discovered that the strange water-like thing surrounding his companions was flying towards him.

He had a weapon in his hand, but in front of him was a partner he had known for many years.

At this point, he didn't know whether to shoot.

After just a moment of hesitation, the group of 'things' joined him.

Then he felt what his companions were feeling.


Everything that happened actually only lasted a few seconds. From the time when the observation post saw those companions missing, to when he joined his companions, the time was so short that they had no time to react.

Then some of them who were facing a certain direction had seen that behind them, there was a person standing on a mass of water, looking at them quietly.

Although the starlight was not very bright, they could still see that it was their target.

At this moment they all understood something.

It turns out that the target this time is not someone who doesn't even need a bodyguard, but that he doesn't need a bodyguard at all.


Yan Changqing looked a little strange at this group of people.

Although the effects of the wine were gradually being discovered, he knew there would be trouble sooner or later.

However, he didn't expect it to be such a simple and crude 'trouble'.

Besides, aren't we negotiating now?

He has sent people to meetings held by industry associations in various places. Now the negotiations in several places have ended. The industry associations will give him something, either direct benefits or channels within the industry, in exchange for a few of his The price of wine has increased.

It seems that just a price increase cannot satisfy everyone!

Thinking like this, he had already 'floated' back to the villa.

Of course, there was a special operations team of ten people floating behind him.

These people couldn't see him clearly, but he could see them clearly.

They are all professional, with basic camouflage and other equipment, and their weapons are also very sophisticated, a bit like legendary mercenaries.

In fact, he doesn't have to worry about guessing, because he can just ask.


The ten people were all professionally trained. In just two minutes, it cannot be called drowning, it can only be called diving.

Some people even still have their weapons around, but they can't get them now.

After Yan Changqing packed up all the weapons around him, he thought for a moment at the door of the villa, and then went to the beach again - he originally wanted to go into the basement for an interrogation, but he thought that he had some wine in the basement, and he didn't want to let this happen. People soil their basements.

The beach is nice.

When they arrived at the beach, ten people went into the sea together, with only their heads above the water.

Then Yan Changqing spoke: "I want to ask a few questions. Can you guys say them? What are you here for?"

No one spoke.

These people are breathing heavily.

Although it was only for a short period of time, their fierce struggle and the shock of suddenly seeing a strange phenomenon made their physical strength exhausted much faster than ever.

But after all, they were all well-trained people, they seemed quite professional, and they calmed down quickly.

One of them asked: "Who are you?"

After saying that, the person entered the sea water.

The water surface bubbled for a while, and then the head emerged.

But this time his treatment was a little worse than others. Only his nose was above the water and his mouth was still underwater.

Fortunately, the water here was very calm, as calm as a mirror, otherwise he would have been suffocated by the waves.

Yan Changqing spoke again: "I ask, you tell."

After thinking about it, he said honestly: "You are definitely going to die here. Now you have all seen and experienced that I have some special abilities, so don't even think about leaving."

"But I do have a suggestion. You tell me honestly, and then I will let you go more smoothly. If you are honest enough, I promise that I will not pursue your family members."

Still no one spoke, so he continued: "You must know how much money I have before you come here. If you don't say anything, then I will definitely not be happy. So take out tens of millions, or even throw away one or two billion , it’s normal to put a reward on your family, right?”

"You can't do that!" A middle-aged man with slightly bald hair shouted instantly. "We're just here for the mission."

Yan Changqing couldn't help laughing: "Your mission is to break into my home with weapons. Prepare to kill, or prepare to kidnap, right? In that case, why can't I send a mission and let others do the same? Like you, breaking into your home with weapons?"

"Or do you think that I am just a person who only knows how to sing and make wine, so I should just suffer the loss of being dumb? Even if I let you go back now? Is there anything wrong with your brains?"

There is no such thing as being sick!

Soon another person spoke. He was also an older middle-aged man with yellow hair. He was relatively calm and said: "Mr. Yan, we just received a task and only know our contact person. I don't know." Who is the employer? The mission we received was to kidnap, not to kill."

"It makes no difference to me." Yan Changqing shook his head. "I guess you don't think that someone hired you to kidnap me just to treat me to dinner, right?"

Ten people with twenty eyes stared at Yan Changqing.

Yan Changqing continued: "You guys think of a way to make me less angry. And if I have a lot of adults, it won't bring trouble to my family. Otherwise, I will take all your photos later, and then Go release the mission.”

Twenty eyes suddenly widened again, with anger, worry, and begging for mercy...

However, Yan Changqing had no expression.

It's not that he is ruthless, but that he has a certain attitude towards everyone.

Respecting life is for those who also respect life.

Some people don't take others for granted, and still want others to do what they want. There is nothing they can do, they can only look at whose words are more "powerful".

There is no doubt who speaks most powerfully at the beach now.

(End of this chapter)

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