Chapter 363 Twenty Thousand Miles in One Night

The sea under the stars is not quiet.

Waves came in waves, and in the only calm place, ten heads were floating up and down, as if they were playing hide and seek.

Yan Changqing doesn't know how to torture and extort confessions, so he can only let them dive. If anyone wants to say something, then dive for a while. If silence is golden, then go into the sea to fish for gold.

But in the end nothing came out.

These people are mercenaries, the kind who do dirty work for others.

Whether it's murder, arson or kidnapping for ransom, there is no need to talk about moral values, they just want to make money. If you are given a paid task, just go to work. It doesn’t matter who pays for it, as long as you are paid, you will do it.

Other than the contact person, I don’t know anything else.

After asking for a long time, I asked about the general situation of the contact person, but nothing else - I was told an address that is not fixed yet, who knows whether it is true or not.

No way.

We can only put them back into the car and send them to the broad arms of Mother Sea.

No one cares when these people go missing. Calling them war hyenas is an insult to hyenas. They are just a bunch of inhuman things.

As for pursuing family members, the ten people have different skin colors and come from all over the world. It is said that they came together when they were working as mercenaries in a certain war area because of the same stench. Their families are scattered across several continents.

The key is that their family members don’t know anything, so it’s useless to go there.


Back at the villa, Quan Shui still slept peacefully.

The sound of a few weapons at that time was wrapped in water and did not make much noise. The sound insulation of the villa was very good and did not affect her.

Yan Changqing sat on the sofa in the living room, thought for a while, and called Huang Peishan.

Then he changed his clothes directly and walked into the sea.



This is a very historical city, one of the oldest cities.

Of course, this is for this beautiful country. If it were moved to other places, hundreds of years of history would be nothing.

In an old building in the East District, a thin, blond, middle-aged man with a hooked nose was quickly packing his things.

He is an intermediary, an intermediary who does dirty work. This is just one of his several strongholds, and there are not many important things.

Quickly packing his things, he made a call and asked the hourly worker to do a deep cleaning of the house in two days.

Then he picked up the package without any hesitation, turned around and walked out.

If nothing happens, he will never come here again.

Maybe before long, a few homeless people will find this empty house and quietly move in.

I hope they act quickly, so that before long, the house will be unrecognizable, and there will be no trace left behind.

But just when he turned around, he suddenly discovered that a young man was standing behind him at some point.

The characteristics of an Oriental are obvious. Almost as soon as he saw the person, he instantly slipped a miniature pistol from his cuff, and then raised it without hesitation...

Then he felt a trance in front of his eyes, and then the hand holding the weapon clicked, the weapon fell off, and the hand changed into a strange shape.

As soon as he opened his mouth to cry out in pain, it was blocked by a ball of water.

The young man asked: "Owl?"

"Who are you?" The hook-nosed man asked in his mind. There was a ball of water in his mouth. It was strange. He opened his mouth very wide, but he couldn't swallow it and couldn't make a sound.

The young man saw the look in his eyes and confirmed the identity of this thin man with a hooked nose: "There is a mercenary group called Desert Chrysanthemum. Was it sent by you? They went on a mission to kidnap people in Australia. I'm here to ask about the release. Whose mission is it? You know, right?"

Carefully observing the expression of the man codenamed Owl, I found that this guy seemed to have facial paralysis. Although his expression changed slightly, it was not clear whether he knew.

Then, take it out and ask slowly!


Of course, the owl who was about to leave had a car, which was convenient for the young man to drive him away.

What a coincidence, he had just tidied up the room, and the young man also picked up his package.

Boston is a seaside city. After driving out of the city and walking along the road, we reached the seaside not far away.

Then we continued walking along the coastal road. When the traffic in front and behind became sparse, the car suddenly veered off and rushed towards the sea.

Owl didn't need to guess at all. He knew the origin of the young man based on the color of his skin.

Desert Chrysanthemum is the most capable team under his command. It would be wrong to say they are capable. They may not be the best in terms of skills, but they are the most capable people in doing dirty work.

The main thing is to do dirty work, which requires not only professionalism but also inhumanity.

For this mission, Desert Chrysanthemum's team was sent. He thought it was foolproof. After all, the target was said to be a person who usually didn't even have a bodyguard. At most, it was bad luck that he happened to catch up with him and he was not alone.

But it’s not a big problem. Anyway, their clients only need to target one person, and they can clean up the others.

But unexpectedly, Desert Ju did not respond in time within the stipulated time, and he knew something was wrong with the mission.

So I immediately came to this stronghold known by Desert Chrysanthemum, packed my things, and prepared to give up here.

He originally thought that the people from Desert Chrysanthemum could delay some time. He originally thought that place was Australia, more than 10,000 kilometers away from here. He originally thought that even if an artist reacted, he would probably report it to the local magistrate first...

But he never expected that someone would come so quickly.

If I had known earlier, I should have brought a few more people with me... No, if I had known earlier, I shouldn't have come...


The owl was annoyed, then saw the car and rushed towards the sea.

Then the water parted and the car entered the sea.

In the brief moment before he even reacted, the speed of the car increased instantly - the speed was so fast that he couldn't even see the outside scene clearly, but the car had been moving just now, and now he suddenly felt a push on his back.

Is this driving under the sea?

The owl felt something was wrong.


What kind of ghost did he encounter?    …

However, the young man did not give the owl more time to think about it. After the car reached the water, he turned off the car.

Then a ball of water came over and wiped the owl's face hard again and again - it turned out that this action was not in vain, a ball of water wiped off his nose.

The hooked nose is gone!

Originally, Owl's whole person looked a little gloomy because of his aquiline nose, but now that the disguise on his face, including his nose, has been wiped off, his face has become much more honest.

Kind of like a movie star, Bruce Willis, without his bald head.

Then the young man, Yan Changqing, picked up his camera and took a few photos of the owl.

I took pictures from all angles, up, down, left, and right.

After taking the photo, he put down the camera and said: "Okay, no one will come here now, unless you are so lucky that you encounter a submarine. Now we can have a chat."

As he spoke, he tore off a piece of rag that had been put in the owl's mouth when loading the car.

"Who are you?" Owl asked.

Yan Changqing was not in a hurry to answer his question. He just pointed outside: "This is the bottom of the sea. You can still breathe now because there is air in the car. But you should also know that with the air inside, you I can't breathe for long."

"Don't look at me. Thank you for your concern. I don't need to breathe. So we don't have much time. Think about it carefully now! Should you tell me the answer honestly, or should you wait for me to take your photo and offer a reward of 10 million , or 100 million to find your family...I am Yan Changqing, I am rich."

The owl's eyes widened.

"Don't look at me. If you don't have family, or you are confident that you can protect them well and you are sure that I can't find them, then it doesn't matter. Anyway, I just try. You know, money is nothing to me. ."

"Don't take chances. Even if someone comes to rescue you in a submarine now, this is my home court in the water. You can see, yes, I have superpowers and can control the sea. Otherwise, why do you think I am like this? Come here from Australia to find you?"

"You don't want to get out alive. Now let's see what you can say to let me let your family go. It's your turn, tell me!"


Owl has lived for decades. He has been to several continents in the world, seen bullets and bullets, and seen countless things that moved the world or made people like him sick.

But I have never seen anyone with superpowers.

Maybe some people have some special abilities, but they are not out of the category of human beings, at least the category of the concept of "human" that he knows.

But I have never seen anyone who can control the sea.

No wonder those people from Desert Chrysanthemum fell down so quickly.

He thought that even if the mission failed, there would at least be a battle or something. Now it seems that the team was probably wiped out as soon as he was sent there.

No wonder they confessed so quickly. He thought those people could at least delay some time and give him time to arrange follow-up plans.

But meeting someone with superpowers...well, this world is really weird.

Owl thought so and said: "When we accept tasks, we never ask the identity of the customer. Usually the person who gives us tasks will not be the real person behind the scenes. If you want to find the real person behind the scenes through me, ,That is impossible."

Yan Changqing sighed. In fact, he had already made a guess.

However, people are like this, and they will not give up even when they reach the Yellow River.

He obviously has the ability to find owls, but if you let him sleep at home, he can't sleep.

Now that people have found it, it turns out that all their efforts have been in vain.

But it's okay, at least I tried my best, and I can sleep again when I go back.

He sighed: "Okay, originally I wanted to save 10 million or 100 million, but it seems that I can't save it. Now you just wait here to die. I will issue a task and let people follow the photos. , looking for your family. By the way..."

He hesitated for a moment, then took out a knife and made a cut on the owl's body. Then he took out a piece of clothing from the owl's package and began to collect the blood. He explained: "I will get some of your blood and do a DNA test later. If I can't find your family in the future, I might be able to find someone who is related to you, so that I can send them to meet you more easily."

The owl has become less calm.

Although people are used to seeing life and death, they are seeing other people's life and death. Many people who think they are not afraid of life and death will find out before they die that they are really not so fearless.

What's more, this requires a DNA test!

"I really don't know, I'm sorry." The owl begged sincerely. "Really, I'm just an intermediary. If someone posts a task, as long as you pay me, I'll just pass it on..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Yan Changqing sighed. "Of course a family should be reunited. You are in this business, so you definitely don't care, right? Just wait!"

He opened the door and got out of the car.

It's as if this is not the bottom of the sea, but on the side of the road. Just open the door and get out of the car.

The seawater seemed to be afraid of him, and it quickly moved away when it saw what he was going to do, for fear of offending him.

Then he closed the car door and turned around and took a look: "I hope your family can have my skills. When a group of people like Desert Chrysanthemum find your home, they can send those people to the bottom of the sea. Goodbye!"

Owl looked at this scene stupidly, until he was about to leave, then he suddenly pressed his head against the car window like crazy and shouted: "A clue, I have a clue. This task was given to me by my superior, he He is the real intermediary, I am just the agent..."

Yan Changqing stopped: "It's really troublesome. Tell me!"

"Can you let me go?" the owl asked expectantly. "I don't know anything, I'm just the messenger..."

"It's impossible, you're dead." Yan Changqing shook his head. "You'd better tell me the truth, otherwise, the consequences... I can't think of any means of revenge, so I will only offer a reward and let others do it. The payment will be based on the method used to treat your family, the more cruel it is. , the more money you get.”

The owl's expression was startled, and then it became crazy: "No, you can't do that..."

Obviously, he has a richer imagination. Judging from how crazy he is, he probably thinks a little too much.

"Don't waste time, just say it!" Yan Changqing has said so much and really doesn't want to say it anymore.

The owl looked at him blankly, then slowly lowered his head: "I really don't know anything, but I am also organized. After this mission fails, the organization behind me will definitely send people to check..."

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will send you to death." Yan Changqing became impatient.

"No, no, no, I don't mean to threaten you." The owl said hurriedly. "I mean, my organization has a lot of energy. If you can find the person in power, they can definitely help you find out who issued the mission."

As he spoke, he begged again: "My family doesn't know anything. They just think that I am an ordinary white-collar worker. Really, please. My organization is specialized in doing dark work, and they are very capable in this regard." Yes, as long as you find them..."

"Are you afraid that your organization will take revenge on your family because of your disappearance?" Yan Changqing sneered.

"No, it's really not." Owl continued to explain. "My family doesn't know anything. I'm missing. Unless it is confirmed that I defected, the organization will not do anything to my family. Before confirming, they will at most send people to monitor..."

Yan Changqing thought for a moment: "Then what? I'll go find your organization, catch the people in power, threaten them to find out who issued the mission, and offend them completely? Or send them all back to the sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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