Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 364 Overestimating one’s own capabilities

Chapter 364 Overestimating one’s own capabilities

The sun was like a naughty child playing in the sea. His head seemed to be exposed for a long time before he seemed to make up his mind and jumped out of the water.

Then there was a layer of halo on the sea, and the wandering water waves swayed with the light and shadow. Occasionally, there were fish jumping out of the sea, playing hide and seek with their lives with the birds that caught fish in the morning.

In a small villa by the sea, Quan Shui got up early, wore a yellow apron with a cute white kitten on it, and was busy in the kitchen.

Her cooking skills are not bad. She originally wanted to learn a few tricks while helping Yan Changqing cook after she came here. But every day when Yan Changqing went to cook, she was too tired to catch up on her sleep and never had a chance to cook. Chance.

Today she finally had the chance, and she carefully prepared a breakfast.

The traditional breakfast in the island country is a bit complicated. Fortunately, there are enough ingredients prepared so that she can show off her skills.

Miso soup, fresh milk waffles, slices of bread with an egg, this one is called bacon, cheese and egg toast, and grilled salmon.

Then I prepared a lot of bread, fruits, beef jerky, etc. as a match.

She knew that Yan Changqing ate a lot, and when he came back early this morning, he looked a little tired, so he would probably eat more.

To be honest, she was a little worried because she had never seen that man show signs of fatigue. It seemed that he would never be tired or tired, not just when he was working at ordinary times, but also at certain times. He was always so lively and energetic.

However, Yan Changqing didn't speak when she came back, so she couldn't ask what happened.

All she can do is get up early and prepare breakfast.


Yan Changqing didn't let the spring water wait for long. He got up smelling the scent of eggs and woke up as soon as breakfast was ready.

Normally, he sleeps two hours a day, but today he was particularly tired and slept a little longer.

Taking the "sea route" from Australia means walking directly in the sea, all the way to Boston, and back from there. The round trip is almost equivalent to circling the earth.

Very hard.

But the hard work was not in vain. Although the person he was looking for to hire someone to kidnap him was not found, the skill of "Overcoming Rivers and Seas" has increased a lot to the naked eye.

The range of water control directly increased from more than 100 meters to more than 120 meters, an increase of about 20 meters.

This is a very gratifying improvement. When he is fine, he rarely makes himself so tired. Even if he is more attentive to this skill, regular uninterrupted exercise is enough. He feels that there is no need to work too hard.

Until this time I got so angry that I ran around the earth in one night.

But looking at Quan Shui, who was wearing pink home clothes and eating a delicious breakfast, I lost all my anger.

Originally he did this impulsively, but now looking back, he feels that he was actually a bit reckless... Fortunately, his skills have increased, otherwise he would have been depressed for a while if he had come back with no gains at all.

While eating, he praised the deliciousness of the breakfast. Anyway, he had to keep saying good things. It wasn't until Quan Shui's face turned red when he praised it that he happily finished the breakfast. Then he looked at Quan Shui and put on his apron again and started to pack things.

Quan Shui was still happy to do this, because it made her feel more like a traditional family - although there were more people in the family now, both of them ignored the light bulb.


Taking advantage of the spring water to wash up in the kitchen, Yan Changqing told Huang Peishan: "Someone came to kidnap me. They were a small mercenary organization called Desert Chrysanthemum. I went to Boston..."

Huang Peishan was the one who called him to accompany Quanshui before he left.

This is the seaside, and it is no exaggeration to say it is deserted. Normally he doesn't care, as long as he is here, there is no need to worry about any problems.

But when he was going out, he definitely couldn't leave Quan Shui here alone, so he called Huang Peishan - she was usually accompanied by several bodyguards, especially here, in a sparsely populated place, safety was very important, including Zhou Jialing's usual bodyguards. There are also.

Huang Peishan has been puzzled for a day. When her boss explained the clues in detail, her mind was a little lost.

After waiting for a long time, he finally responded: "Boss, you mean, someone came to kidnap you, and then..."

"Well, I sent it to the sea." Yan Changqing looked at her silly look and explained again. "Anyway, there is still such a clue. I want to try to find the person or organization behind it. But it is too troublesome to run it by myself, so it is better to spend money. Do you have any connections in this area?"

"There shouldn't be any problem. As long as you have money, there are very few things that can't be done." After Huang Peishan finished answering, she still couldn't help but want to ask. "So, after you called me, you went to Boston? And then came back from there? So you seemed a little tired when you got home in the early morning?"

"Aren't your ears hard to use at such a young age?" Yan Changqing glared at her. "Do you remember clearly what I just said?"

"Remember, I'll call right away and contact someone to take care of this matter." Huang Peishan nodded, moved on the sofa, and moved closer to the phone. After thinking about it for a while, she was ready to make a call.

After pressing two numbers, she still couldn't help but asked: "Boss, are you sure you didn't hire a plane to fly there, but swam there yourself?"

"That's right." Yan Changqing nodded, very sure.

Huang Peishan held the phone and was in a daze for five seconds. She recalled in her mind the magical skills of her boss that she had seen before, and felt that it was not a big deal.

Anyway, the boss is not a human being. As his assistant, I have to be calm.

Everything is like this. If you are not used to it once or twice, gradually, you will get used to everything.

Then she started making phone calls, briefly telling her boss about the last clues she had found, and then asked others to continue investigating the matter.

Then she sat down again and saw that the spring was still busy. She thought for a while: "Boss, um... there is a saying that the son of a rich man cannot sit down in the hall. I think this kind of thing..."

Yan Changqing continued: "You should just spend money to do it, right? I was a little angry at the time. I originally thought that if I found the target, I would send them to swim in the sea. I won't do it next time..."

There was no sincerity in this promise, and even Huang Peishan could see the perfunctory attitude, but she wisely said nothing more.

Just a reminder in a low voice: "Now there are hundreds of thousands and millions of people relying on you for a living. Although we are not very important, we have worked conscientiously for you for so long. Please think about it next time!"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Yeah!"

Huang Peishan thought for a while: "Then I won't disturb your two-person world. By the way, do you want to leave two bodyguards? Although you don't need them, Miss Quanshui is here."

"It's okay, we will never be separated." Yan Changqing said. "By the way, is there nothing wrong with Marina?"

"Reilly is taking her to rehearse, and she will be here in two days. Please arrange the time." Huang Peishan stood up as she spoke. "Then boss, be careful."


When Quan Shui came out after finishing his work, he asked casually: "Is Miss Huang gone?"

"She still has something to deal with." Yan Changqing explained, and then stretched out his hand. "Come and sit here."

Quan Shui sat over obediently: "If you have anything, you can tell me. Although I can't help much, I can at least be a listener."

"It's okay." Yan Changqing smiled. "There was a small problem at the winery, and I went over to take care of it. Normally, there is no need for me to go there, but I just happen to be here now."

"That's good." Quan Shui nodded and snuggled up gently. "Go to bed and rest for a while!" "I'm ready to rest." Yan Changqing smiled and started to act wildly with his hands. "If you don't believe me, try it."

"No... I just had dinner..." Quan Shui objected weakly.

This was her habit. Yan Changqing didn't take it seriously. She happened to be full and had nothing to do. It was good to move a little.

Yan Changqing also said: "I think you need to exercise more and exercise. The new song requires dancing, even if it is all accompanied by dancers, you should at least dance along with it, right?"

"But...I'm not very good at..." Quan Shui said with a red face.

"It's okay. Let's invite a teacher to come over later. Let's go to the villa on the top of the mountain. I may be busy for a few more days. You can practice there for a few days. There is a farm at the bottom of the mountain. You don't have to worry about being too far from the city to cook. Ingredients. Do you know any instructors?"

"...Well...Yes..." Quan Shui was a little unaccustomed to talking about things at this time.

"Actually, dancing is easy. You have a good figure. You only need to twist a few times and you will look good, like this..."


Just one day later, Huang Peishan called: "Desert Chrysanthemum appears to be an independent mercenary organization, but in fact it belongs to a company called Tumbleweed. When our people investigated this company, they said Desert Chrysanthemum is a solo mission."

"Based on your clues, we investigated an organization that specializes in doing shady tasks, called Poison Scorpion. However, we have not yet found out who is the person in charge of Poison Scorpion, and we are continuing to investigate."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Then check slowly and don't be afraid of spending money."

"I know the boss." Huang Peishan promised on the phone. "I will report to you when there is news."

"it is good!"

Yan Changqing hung up the phone and looked at Quan Shui who was packing some clothes in the house: "Have you packed it?"

"I'm a little reluctant to leave here." Quan Shui smiled slightly, zipped up the bag, carried the things and walked to the living room, and took a closer look at the small villa. "I really hope I can stay here with you forever and forget a lot of annoying things."

"You can come again in the future." Yan Changqing stepped forward and took the bag. "Let's go. You can come anytime you want. Once I'm done with these two days, we can continue to live here."

"I want to release these songs as soon as I learn how to dance," Quan Shui said. “Come again next time!”

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing nodded. "I have to learn to dance anyway!"


In fact, the expressions on both of their faces as they were about to part ways were in vain.

Quan Shui thought dancing was easy and thought it would be enough in two days, but she probably overestimated her talent.

Yan Changqing was very enthusiastic about helping her choreograph the dance, which amazed the teacher Chikuko who came over and thought it was very suitable for spring water.

But seeing how easy Yan Changqing danced, Zhijiuzi tried it out and tentatively asked: "Mr. Yan, do you think you can make a few changes in a few places?"

Quan Shui objected: "I think it's already very good. He choreographed it himself. I hope I danced everything..."

Chikuko looked at her deeply and nodded: "As long as you have confidence."

Then, it took Quan Shui a day to realize that Chikuko wanted to change the dance, not because the dance was not good, but because she was afraid that she could not dance well.

In the morning, your eyes and brain tell yourself: It’s very simple, I can do it!

After a day, I was telling myself all over my body: It’s too difficult, it’s nothing!

Ming Ming felt that when Yan demonstrated, they were all very simple movements, just like the leg-shaking dance he did on the stage. Anyway, if you get excited about singing, you can just dance a few times at will.

But when it was his turn, his legs twisted and jumped, and he felt like his legs were almost twisted into knots.

Fortunately, Yan only watched for a long time and was busy with something else. Otherwise, he would have laughed to death when he saw how stupid he was.

Thinking of this, Quan Shui got up and bowed to Chihisuko: "Teacher, thank you for your hard work. I will practice for a while by myself in the evening. I will not waste your time too much."

Chikuko and she had known each other for a long time. He just shook his head when he heard this: "When you called, you said it would take at most a week, so I would be ready. I will prepare for this visit for half a month. If not, it will take a month." It’s okay, just learn it slowly!”

Quan Shui's face turned red. The facts of the day left her unable to think of any words to defend her, so she could only bow again: "Sorry to trouble you!"

"We don't have to be so polite." Chikuko waved her hand. "You practice first, and I'll go see if dinner is ready."

When she came, she signed a series of confidentiality agreements, promising not to tell anyone what she saw here.

However, there was no rule that she was not allowed to go down the mountain. She planned to watch the sunset if the meal was not ready, or go to the small farm at the foot of the mountain to relax.

There is no way, sometimes taking care of students is very tiring.


Yan Changqing walked around the winery and returned to the small seaside villa in the evening.

Marina has come back and went out for a run. She was very happy: "Yan, you are very popular here! Many people like it when I sing your songs."

"Well, if you have nothing to do, just stay for a few more days. After a while, I will go to the concert hall to hold a concert. Then you will still have a chance to sing."

"Ah?" Marina was pleasantly surprised. "real?"

"Of course." Yan Changqing nodded.

"You're so good!" Marina immediately pounced on him and threw him down on the sofa. "You are so kind, I love you, love you, love you..."

Yan Changqing likes to see different scenery. The one he just sent away was eager to refuse, and this one was passionate, which was really good.

But Marina is also a little curious: "Why do you only like to hold concerts here? Do you know that people in other places also want you to hold concerts?"

"Other places are too far away and I'm too lazy to go." Yan Changqing said casually.


"Stop it!" Yan Changqing smiled. "If I ever want to give a concert somewhere else, I'll let you go."

Marina was instantly satisfied, and she whispered: "You're so kind!"

Then she licked her lips and slowly backed away like a little tiger ready to prey: "I will definitely defeat you today!"

I just like your ability to overestimate your abilities!

(End of this chapter)

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