Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 367 The End of Things TV Station

Chapter 367 The End of Things TV Station

It took more than half a month for Quan Shui to finally learn to dance. Although he was not very good at it, he could continue to practice while giving concerts in the future.

But learning to dance also means that she has to leave.

Although we are reluctant to say goodbye, parting is always the normal state of life.

Yan Changqing came back from the airport and returned to the villa on the top of the mountain. Facing the empty house, he felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.

To be honest, after these days, every time I come to the room there is a hostess, and the feeling is still different.

However, he doesn’t have time to be sad about the spring and autumn, so let’s say goodbye!

He got in the car and went to pick up Marina.

Marina's new script was released, and she couldn't wait for him to be her first reader. Of course, Yan Changqing would not be a spoiler. After receiving her, he started reading the script.

It was a bit hard to read to be honest.

In the new script, in addition to the element of rebirth and returning to the past, there are many other elements. The heroine is still a love-minded after rebirth. A group of powerful and wealthy young men flock to the heroine after rebirth, etc. These are all basic. After watching it for a long time, he almost didn't realize that it was a love affair.

Of course, the most important thing is that after the heroine was reborn, she transformed from a housewife to a god of war, and she learned many skills such as economic and legal management without a teacher.

If the script is slightly adapted and put into the future online novel world, it will be quite an explosive novel.

This is just the first part of the plot. Later on, many bloody drama elements are added, such as terminal illness, amnesia, etc.

It's really hard for her to find a screenwriter who can put so many messy things into one drama.

After Yan Changqing read it, he looked at Marina, who was looking forward to his review, and could only praise: "It's well written and eye-catching. It will definitely be very popular when it is filmed."

Of course he won't be able to watch this show, but it doesn't matter, it's not for him.

Dramas with female protagonists are definitely aimed at women, especially housewives.

Marina is quite happy, but a little regretful: "But I feel that this drama is not suitable for me to be the heroine, because the heroine is set to know too many things, and I know nothing..."

Yan Changqing appropriately lowered his bottom line and said sincerely: "Actually, it doesn't matter. It depends on how the photographer takes the pictures. In other TV dramas, those actors can't do everything, right? Could it be that in magic dramas, those people are just Can it really be magic?”

"But, I still feel like I'm not good enough." Marina was extremely confused. "And there are too many men in it. I don't want to film a TV series with so many people... You must not like it, right?"

Yan Changqing really wanted to lower the bottom line again, but this time he really couldn't say anything against his will. Nonsense, who would want his woman to film with a bunch of gentlemen!

Seeing that he was silent, Marina smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I won't shoot this time. Anyway, I am the boss, so I can find other dramas to shoot next time. I will wait until I have other roles in the future." It’s filmed.”

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Then you can consider filming some dramas like Magical Girls. In this way, you will have many more fans among children. In the future, when the fans grow up, they will still be fans of You. Childhood memories can be the most important thing in life. part of it, you can consider it.”

"Hey, this is good." Marina muttered and began to think deeply. "Do you want to make a children's drama? I think you can. But the most important thing now is to shoot my current script. We will talk about the future later. You can help me improve the script!"

This really doesn’t work!

Yan Changqing can tell the general story, but this is a drama for female audiences, and he is really not good at certain bloody plots.

He could only make one point: "Every episode, two episodes at most, it has to be another show-off. Do you understand?"

Marina thought deeply for a while: "I understand, this kind of interesting-looking plot must appear often, right? Otherwise, everyone will not like to watch it!"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Yes, it's like a popcorn movie. At the final climax, the protagonist must explode. But this is a TV series. There is no need to be so explosive, but there must be key points that make people feel happy. .”

Marina is still thinking.

"Give me an example." Yan Changqing continued to remind. "The simplest thing is that the heroine has just been reborn and won hundreds of millions in lottery tickets, and then she was going to go to a luxury store to make a big purchase. As a result, the people in the store saw that she was dressed in ordinary clothes and only entertained other customers. At this time, the heroine took Use the special card issued by the bank to slap others in the face..."

There were so many such routines that Yan Changqing didn't even need to think about them. Marina just cited a few examples and she felt refreshed.

Then he looked back and forth, turned the car to a side road and stopped, turned around and said with a smile: "Yan, you gave me another idea... Do you want to thank me?"


Marina was busy for the company and the script for more than half a month, and the two could only chat on the phone, not even meeting in person.

Now that we finally meet, of course we have to resolve our lovesickness.

By the time the two returned to the beach villa, it was already getting late.

Yan Changqing and Marina were preparing dinner together, but they didn't expect to be interrupted.

They were disturbed by Goncharov, who began with the good news: "It's done."

"So fast?" Yan Changqing couldn't help being surprised.

Goncharov smiled: "We were a little surprised too..."


There is a saying that if God wants to destroy something, it must first make it crazy.

The Coles family is not really a crazy family. Although it has a half-black and half-white family history, it naturally has its own unique survival philosophy that can continue the family to this day.

But all this is when facing equal competitors or partners.

If the opponent is just an Oriental who has mastered some special skills, then they don't need to be too restrained.

Even after the failure of the first operation, the Coles family was only slightly wary. Then when Yan Changqing asked Huang Peishan to spend money to buy information and created a 'reward' for clues, the Coles family was relieved at that time. .

Obviously, they believed that this just showed that the target they wanted to deal with this time was just a person with some artistic talent and some special skills.

To take a step back, at least this move proves one thing, that is, their goal does not have any gray or black channels at all.

Otherwise, you won’t have to spend money to buy news.

In this case, they began to prepare for the next step.

Of course, because of this failure, they know that the target will definitely take precautions in the short term. They are just preparing now and are not eager to act again.

It's not that they didn't think about the other party's retaliation. Some people in the family raised it, and many people said they would take it seriously. But thinking about the reward, no one took it seriously. Under such circumstances, it is not too unexpected to be attacked and wiped out by someone at a family gathering.

As for the fish that slipped through the net, those are all insignificant people and will be liquidated slowly in the future. Because things went so smoothly, not much of the operation funds were used yet!

Then the Coles family, after being squeezed out of a lot of "oil and water", then began a long journey, from the wild North America to the beautiful Siberia.

There is ice and snow here, and there is an endless sea. On the blue sea, there are white ice floes floating back and forth, as if to welcome them.


In fact, the people on Goncharov's side were a little surprised. They had originally made several plans and even had several backup plans. They were also prepared to suffer losses in the people they sent out.

Because they have to catch them all in one go, they have to wait for a good opportunity, otherwise they will be in trouble if they catch a few of them off guard.

After all, the sponsor's father gave me too much money. If things don't go well, it will be difficult to account for the money.

Just when they were still making various plans, they happened to have such an opportunity.

Don’t think about plans or anything like that.

Time is a little hasty. If we act now, we may cause greater losses to our own side, but we must not miss the opportunity. In war, the enemy cannot wait until he is ready before starting a war.

I never expected that I would get it done without any loss at all.

It can only be said that the other party was too careless, and they were facing the elite of the elite. They rushed in and took the blame.

Goncharov finally concluded: "Maybe it was God's will, or luck? Luck? Mr. Yan was born with luck, so our actions were so smooth."

It could be seen that he was in a very good mood after the matter was completed, and there was a smile on his gloomy face. When he mentioned the word "luck", he specifically said it in Chinese.

Then he added: "As for their place of residence, please rest assured that it is a very safe place. When you go there, you can go and take a look if you are interested."

Yan Changqing is definitely not interested in watching it. If he has the time, it would be more interesting to just go see the polar bears.

But he was still very happy: "I will go there in a while, but not to see them, but to see the newly built winery."

Goncharov was even happier: "I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Next, he had no intention of chatting, mainly because he was too embarrassed to be a young light bulb, so he stood up and left.


Originally, wine associations from all over the country were negotiating at wineries about raising prices.

Negotiations have already been made in some areas, such as Australia, because Yan Changqing intends to develop locally, and people in related industries are happy to see this happen.

Obviously, Yan Changqing has used practical actions to prove that he can drive the vigorous development of the local tourism industry.

When tourists come, they naturally want to buy. This is not a matter of a certain industry, but is in the collective interest of everyone.

Therefore, Huang Peishan's small things like wanting to buy a few vineyards were readily agreed to.

As for raising prices, that's a trivial matter.

Because the local population is small, everyone exports a lot. Compared with the big market around the world, the locals are quite open-minded.

But there are also some areas where negotiations have been going on for a long time and have not ended yet.

For example, in some associations, in addition to raising prices, some people have also asked whether some of the wines that were auctioned online some time ago can be used for 'internal supply' - the so-called internal supply is naturally the exclusive internal supply of the association.

There are even other conditions, including sales restrictions.

This is what happens in business negotiations. If you ask for a high price, you have to pay back the money on the spot. As a result, it has been delayed until now.

In fact, Yan Changqing has always had a plan for those moonshine brews. He originally planned to sell part of them, but if he wants to supply them internally, he should take his time!

I want it to be simple, let’s all bid together, don’t talk about associations or not, fairness is the last word.


It should be said that there is no airtight wall in the world.

Yan Changqing's tit-for-tat was said to be a secret operation, but in fact the news spread.

Probably because the experience of the Coles family was too romantic, the next few key areas where negotiations were difficult suddenly sped up. Some unreasonable demands were no longer mentioned. Everyone was in harmony and talked calmly. There were several questions about the price increase, and it was quickly passed unanimously.

Obviously, not everyone is willing to go to the Arctic Ocean to grow potatoes.

When Huang Peishan came to report this matter, Yan Changqing was dumbfounded.

In fact, he doesn't pay much attention to what others call talks and what he considers negotiations.

Even if those people are arguing, it doesn't matter to him. Anyway, let's talk about it slowly. We are all idlers. Anyway, we are giving employees a holiday from the beginning.

Unexpectedly, I just moved a little bit, and the results came out.

Huang Peishan was a little unhappy: "Boss, you should have shown your hand to them a long time ago, otherwise they would have thought that we are soft persimmons easy to bully!"

"It's not necessary in normal times!" Yan Changqing laughed. "Besides, don't you know who I am? If someone hadn't messed with us, I wouldn't have bothered to do such a thing!"

"Yes, that's 300 million!" Huang Peishan had a distressed expression on her face. "Boss, you are too generous. In fact, you can't ask for so much money. Even if it's 100 million or tens of millions, someone can handle this matter."

"Is it that fast?" Yan Changqing asked. "It's only been a few days. What's revenge without overnight? This is it. It's nothing to spend more money. We just want to have fun."

"That's so satisfying!" Huang Peishan muttered. "Three hundred million, I feel bad just thinking about it. There's a lot of it there! Boss, you really don't use money as money. With so much money, why don't you do something else meaningful? I can even buy land. many……"

"Okay, that's it, do you have anything else to do?" Yan Changqing didn't want to talk about this. After all, money is spent when you earn it. You can spend it as long as you like it. What's the matter?

"Yes, I bought a small TV station." When it came to business, Huang Peishan stopped mumbling about money. "Didn't you ask Marina to open a film and television company? I'll buy a small TV station in advance. If no one buys the TV series she shoots in the future, we can buy it ourselves."

Yan Changqing was speechless for a while. You are really worried about your boss!

(End of this chapter)

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